To edit the JDBC server startup procedure in UNIX

  1. Log on or use telnet to connect to your UNIX based JDBC server and start a terminal session.

  2. Use your favorite UNIX editor (Emacs, for example) to create a shell script from the following text:

 # begin CONNX startup script

CNXDIR=<path to CONNX JDBC server>

PATH=<basic system path for shell programs>


case "$1" in


   su <connx user> -c "$CNXDIR/jdbcserver START";;


   su <connx user> -c "$CNXDIR/jdbcserver STOP";;


   su <connx user> -c "$CNXDIR/jdbcserver START";;


exit 0

#end CONNX startup script


  1. Supply the correct values for <path to CONNX JDBC server>, <basic system path for shell programs> and <connx user>. The value for <path to CONNX JDBC server> will be the path to the CONNX installation directory. The value for <basic system path for shell programs> should contain the path for basic shell utilities such as cd and ls. The value for <connx user> will be the user that has been designated to start the CONNX processes. It is not recommended that any of the CONNX server processes be started with the root account.

  2. Save the document in the appropriate UNIX flavor. The following table contains some example of file names:

UNIX Flavor

File Name














If you do not have rc#.d directories, where # is the run level number and generally 2 for multi-user, then you can put the following lines toward the bottom of the /etc/rc script. For example:

CNXDIR=path to CONNX JDBC server

export CNXDIR

sh$CNXDIR/connxserver START [port number]



If an example of the file name to use for your UNIX flavor does not appear in the above table, contact CONNX Technical Support for details.  

The CONNX JDBC server automatically starts when you restart the system. To verify that it has started, type the following UNIX command after a command prompt in your UNIX system:

  $CNXDIR/jdbcserver STATUS

  1. Check the log file in the CNXDIR directory to verify the start procedure.

Note: Since the startup procedures vary between operating systems as well as UNIX flavors, the above examples should be used as a rough guide. Consult your operating system's system administration guide for the exact location of startup scripts and directories. You should be logged in as root to complete the script configuration and set the proper permissions on the script.