Summary of the CONNX for Adabas-VSE Installation Procedure

For CICS/VSE 2.4 and above installations:


Steps 1-4: Execute the linkage editor against object code for the following CONNX programs:



Configuration + TCP/IP Listener start/stop program


TCP/IP Listener


TCP/IP Server


Automated shutdown program for CNXRUN


The four link-edit steps must end in return codes <= 4.

Step 5: Executes the IBM batch CICS RDO update utility program DFHCSDUP to define CONNX files, transactions, and programs to the target CICS partition RDO cluster. The first execution returns warnings for the unconditional DELETES of CONNX objects from the undefined RDO Group CNXVVRR. Such warnings can be safely ignored. After all CONNX RDO objects are defined, a list of the objects created in RDO group is generated.

Step 6: Executes the IBM Access Methods Services utility program IDCAMS to DELETE/DEFINE the configuration file (CNXCFG) and the sample KSDS and RRDS files.

Step 7: Executes the IBM Access Methods Services utility program IDCAMS to copy (REPRO) the sample data from the temporary ESDS files created by the initial FTP step to the corresponding KSDS and RRDS files. After the REPRO steps, the temporary ESDS files are deleted, reallocated, and loaded with data from the corresponding KSDS files. This step saves space. Finally, two alternate indexes each for the sample KSDS equipment and order files are defined and built. The return code from this step should be <= 4.

Step 8: To submit the CONNX for VSE batch installation job to the VSE POWER reader queue:

  1. Change the job name, class, and PDEST/LDEST keywords to match installation standards.

  2. For this example, all CONNX for VSE modules are defined in the CNXVVRR library which resides in Adabas dataset CONNX.LIBRARY in user catalog CNXCAT2.

  3. The // LIBDEF OBJ search list points to the default lib.sublib for the CONNX for VSE/Adabas object code (CNXVVRR.OBJLIB); the PRD2.TCPIP library is the default target for the TCP/IP for VSE modules from Connectivity Systems, Inc. Change these entries as necessary to match your VSE installation standards.

Save the changes to CNXINST0.JCL; then enter submit on the DITTO command line to copy the JCL to the VSE POWER reader queue.
