Installation Procedures


To install the CONNX components on the target z/OS system

  1. Select a computer on which the CONNX Administrator component is installed. Click the Start button, and then point to All Programs. Point to CONNX Driver and then click CONNX Server Setup.  The CONNX Server Component Installation dialog box appears.


  2. Select the OS/390 / z/OS tab in the CONNX Server Component Installation dialog box. Select the ADABAS option in the Product area. Select the Started Task option in the Server Type area.

  3. In the Login Information area, type the TCP/IP symbolic host name or dotted numeric address for your OS/390 / z/OS server  in the Server  text box, a TSO user ID in the User ID text box and its password in the Password text boxes.

  4. In the CONNX Server Data Set area, enter the data set name of the CONNX server component location (where the Adabas SQL Gateway will be installed on the mainframe) in the CONNX DSN HQL  text box, its VOLSER in the VOLSER text box,  and its DASD device type in the UNIT text box. If SMS is installed on the CONNX server system, select the SMS check box.

  5. In the Load Library Parameters area, enter the dataset name of the link step output files in the Load Library DSN  text box, its VOLSER in the VOLSER text box,  and its DASD device type in the UNIT text box. Enter the dataset name of the Adabas Nuclear load library in the Adabas Load Library text box.

NOTE: The Load Library DSN name is automatically generated when you enter the data set name of the CONNX server component location in the CONNX Server Data Set area.

  1. In the TCP/IP area, enter the dataset name of the TCP/IP stack in the HLQ text box and the TCP/IP library name in the Library text box.

  2. In the RMODE area, checking Using RMODE=SPLIT will generate JCL that specifies RMODE=SPLIT during the lnkedit.  This options allows most of the SAS/C runtime to run above the 16MB line reducing the amount of below the line storage consumed by the data server.  

    To use RMODE=SPLIT, the CONNX load library must be a PDSE.  The installer can determine whether or not the load library is a PDSE on zOS 1.10, zOS 1.11 and zOS 1.12 if the PTF for PM19545 has been applied or any version of zOS above 1.12.

    If the installer is able to determine that an existing CONNX load library is a PDS rather than a PDSE, it will ask for permission to rename the existing load library and then create a new one as a PDSE.  If you do not want the installer to rename the existing load library, you will need to either uncheck RMODE=SPLIT or convert your existing load library to a PDSE.

    If the installer is unable to determine the type of library, you will be prompted to either rename, continue (because you have verified that it is a PDSE on our own) or go back to remove the RMODE=SPLIT option.

    If you are installing into a load library that is not in the DSN specified by the CONNX DSN HLQ, the installer will not provide the option of doing a rename.  In this case, the installer must be able to either verify that the load library is a PDSE and if it cannot, you will need to verify it before RMODE=SPLIT will be allowed.

    Note: If RMODE=SPLIT is used and the load library is not a PDSE, the install JCL will fail.

  3. Click the Install button. This action starts an FTP session to copy the selected components from the client PC to the target host. It may take several minutes for the file transfer process to complete.

  4. Click Close.

Required and Optional Entry Fields for  Mainframe TCP/IP Server Setup

Group Box




Adabas server

A symbolic or dotted numeric TCP/IP address, for example: MVS or

User ID

Your 1-8 character TSO logon ID. All characters convert from lowercase to uppercase.


Your 1-8 character TSO password. All characters convert from lowercase to uppercase.

Operating System

OS/390 | z/OS

Server Type

Started Task

CONNX Server Data Set


A one- or multi-part high-level qualifier which is used to create the CONNX installation sequential and partitioned data sets on the target host. In the current example, the installation prefix is CONNX.CICS.


The DASD volume serial on which the CONNX.Adabas sequential and partitioned data sets are created. Optional: The DASD volume serial on which the CONNX.ADABAS sequential and partitioned data sets are created.


The DASD device type (3380, 3390, etc.) of the above VOLSER. Optional: The DASD divide type (3380, 3390, etc.) of the above VOLSER. Omit if the VOLSER field is blank.

Load Library Parameters

Load Library DSN



The DASD device type (3380, 3390, etc.) of the above VOLSER. Optional.


The DASD device type (3380, 3390, etc.) of the above VOLSER. Optional: The DASD divide type (3380, 3390, etc.) of the above VOLSER. Omit if the VOLSER field is blank.



Specifies whether or not the SAS/C runtime will be loaded above the 16MB line

CICS Parameters

Target RDO File


Adabas Parameters

Adabas Load  Library

The fully qualified dataset name of the Adabas Nucleus load library.


See Code Page Support on the Adabas SQL Gateway in the CONNX User Reference Guide for more information. The default SBCCSID used during installation is 37.


DSN Prefix Datasets

Data Set



Installation JCL and control records partitioned data set.


CONNX load library partitioned data set for Started Task TCP/IP listener/server program.


CONNX object code PDS default dataset name.