To create a one-parameter query

  1. Select the One-parameter Query option in the Query Type group box, and then enter the query information in the One-parameter Query group box.



Select * from orders_rms where productid > 22

    • Table Name: The name of the table to be queried (orders_rms in the example).

    • Selected Columns: The names of the columns in the result set, separated by commas. Enter an asterisk (*) to retrieve all columns from the table.

    • Parameter Column: The name of the column that contains the parameter (productid in the example).

    • Parameter Value: The parameter that limits the data set (22 in the example).

    • Parameter Data Type (optional): The desired data type for the retrieved parameter column (may be different from its native data type). If a Parameter Data Type is not selected, the returned data defaults to String.

  1. Click the Query button in the One-parameter Query group box. The result set from the query appears in the Data Grid.