CONNX JDBC General Information

If you are just getting started with CONNX JDBC, the first step you must take is to install or verify the installation of a current Java Development Kit (JDK).

To verify the previous installation of a JDK, type java on the command line of your application (Windows, Macintosh, Unix, Linux). If you receive no response or an error message, you either do not have a JDK installed or the JDK you have is installed incorrectly. You must download a JDK compatible with your platform. See JDBC Resources for a list of resources describing JDK downloads.

After installing or verifying the installation of a JDK, there are a few steps you need to take to complete the installation procedure, depending on your system, as follows:

For further explanation of the options available to users of CONNX JDBC, refer to the section on the CONNX JDBC Driver in the CONNX User Reference Guide.

Important: Before starting to use CONNX JDBC you must have Data Source Names (DSN) set up for each of the databases you intend to use. See the CONNX JDBC Driver section in the CONNX User Reference Guide for information on how to set up a JDBC DSN.


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image\CHICLET.gif JDBC Resources

image\CHICLET.gif Connecting to CONNX JDBC Server