To open CONNX InfoNaut Queries and SQL Script files

Any queries saved as CONNX InfoNaut Queries or CONNX InfoNaut SQL Scripts with the file name suffix .ciq or .cis can be opened within InfoNaut.  The difference between a .ciq file and a .cis file is that a .ciq file uses the connection information stored in it to open a new connection when used, a .cis file does not open a new connection, it uses the connection that is already open.

1.  Click the File button, and then click Open SQL.



2.   The Open a Query file dialog box appears.




3.   Select a query to load from the file list box, and then click Open.

4.   If it is a .ciq file, the current open connection is closed. A new connection is made with the information provided in the .ciq file. The SQL statement appears in the query text box.
