
The DESCRIBE statement makes information about a prepared statement available to the application program.  


Embedded Mode P

Dynamic Mode  

Interactive Mode  






A valid identifier denoting the prepared statement of which the information is to be retrieved.


A valid single host variable identifier. It must have been defined in the application program according to the host language rules. The value of the host variable must be the value returned by the PREPARE statement and thus identifying the prepared statement.  


The definition of the SQL descriptor area used to describe the expected output of the identified statement.  


The definition of the SQL descriptor area used to describe the expected input of the identified statement.  


A valid single host variable identifier and must have been defined in the application program according to the host- language-dependent rules. The value of the host variable must be the address of an SQL descriptor area (SQLDA).  



The DESCRIBE statement places information about the prepared statement identified by statement identifier or host variable identifier in one or two SQL descriptor areas.

The keyword OUTPUT is relevant only if the prepared statement is a SELECT statement. In this case, the SQL descriptor area indicated by host variable identifier 2 is filled with information concerning the elements in the derived column list of the SELECT statement. For each element in the derived column list, an element in the SQL descriptor area is filled. The elements in the derived column list are processed from left to right and the descriptive elements in the SQL descriptor area are filled in the that order.

The keyword INPUT is relevant only if the prepared statement contains host variable markers, i.e., "?". In this case, the SQL descriptor area indicated by host variable identifier 2 is filled with information concerning the host variable markers used in the prepared statement. For each host variable marker, an element in the SQL descriptor area is filled. The host variable markers are processed in the order that they appear in the prepared statements. The descriptive elements in the SQL descriptor area are filled in that order.

If the prepared statement is a SELECT statement where host variable markers have been used, the usage of not only the OUTPUT clause but also the INPUT clause is recommended.


The statement indicated by statement identifier or host variable identifier 1 must be a successfully prepared statement.

If not enough elements have been provided in the SQL descriptor area to cater for the total number of elements that need to be described, all the elements that can be catered for are described, the rest of the information is ignored. The actual number of elements required is returned in field SQLN in the SQLDA.

ANSI Specifics


Adabas SQL Gateway Embedded SQL Specifics

This statement may be mixed with any other DML, DDL and/or DCL statements in the same transaction.



DESCRIBE statement_identifier INTO

    OUTPUT :sqlda_address ;