Special Services

Special Services Menu

Start of instruction setTo display the Special Services menu

Runtime Information

Start of instruction setTo display runtime information

  • Select option 0 from Special Services menu.

    13:16:55     ***** A D A B A S   SYSTEM COORDINATOR 8.3.1 *****     2016-04-14
                              -  Runtime Information  -                  C13002M1  
     Run-mode: Local plus (node 1660)                                              
     Job Name  : DA2FCI23   Job Number  : C43489     Job Type: CICS                
     Group Name: n/a        Service Name: n/a                                      
     Configuration File     Database      File         Router                      
              Primary:           640      190          254                         
                            Response code.....: 0         Subcode: 0               
                            Retry setting.....: 1000      Current: 0               
                            SF148.............: Continue                           
     Critical Products:                                                            
     Active Products  :     ATM   AFP   AVI                                        
     Command ==>                                                                   
          Help        Exit  Refr                                            Menu

    The screen shows:

    • Information about the current job and whether it is running in daemon mode.

    • The primary and alternate configuration files in use. If the configuration file has not yet been accessed successfully and SF148 is set to "Continue", PF11 is named Retry and can be used to force another attempt to access the configuration file (for example, after the database has been started).

    • Which products are defined as critical for this client job.

    • Which products are currently active in this client job.

Verify Adabas System Coordinator Client Installation

This function can be used to verify the successful installation of an Adabas System Coordinator client.

Verify Adabas System Coordinator Daemon Installation

This function can be used to verify the successful installation of an Adabas System Coordinator daemon.

Fix Display

Start of instruction setTo display the applied fixes

  • Select option 3 from Special Services menu.

    08:36:03     ***** A D A B A S   SYSTEM COORDINATOR 8.3.1 *****     2016-04-23
                  -  Fix Display: COR 8.3.1 Patch: 0000 02/21/09  -      U1FIX0M1  
                    Local client job running this current session                  
      C  Patch Reference Type Description                                          
      _  0000  MI821001  EXE  For example only                                                                                   
     Mark with any character for detail                                            
     Command ==>                                                                   
                      Exit  Other                                     Prods Menu

    Initially the screen will list all fixes applied to the Adabas System Coordinator kernel in the local client environment.

    You can select other display perspectives (e.g. Coordinator daemon or Adabas database) by using PF4. You can also directly list the applied fixes for Adabas Fastpath, Adabas Vista, and Adabas Transaction Manager by using PF11 to first select the appropriate product.