Daemon Operator Commands

The following operator commands are available through the z/OS Modify (F) command, VSE/ESA operator command, or BS2000 commands.

Command Description

Terminates the daemon in an orderly manner.

In order to avoid potential delays during the termination process, the following sequence of events is recommended:

  1. Shut down all active daemon-managed client jobs. This will result in the disconnection of these client jobs from the daemon.

  2. Issue ADAEND to the daemon (/f taskname,ADAEND). This requests that the daemon shuts down in an orderly manner and in order to satisfy the request, the daemon will notify (if present) the daemon product components of Adabas Fastpath, Adabas SAF Security and Adabas Transaction Manager. Normally, these product components will immediately agree to the shutdown request however there may be circumstances which the product components identify which may result in a delay in the daemon shutdown. These are described below:

    If Adabas Transaction Manager is present, incomplete distributed transactions will delay the shutdown process until all such transactions are complete (either through normal transaction completion or through completion due to the expiry of the Transaction Manager’s Distributed Transaction Timeout). An ATM103 message will indicate the presence of any incomplete transactions. If necessary, the use of ATM HALT (/f taskname,ATM HALT) will override this behaviour enabling the daemon shutdown process to continue. The incomplete transactions will remain in an incomplete status until such time as they can be completed (eg. when the daemon is restarted).

    If Adabas Fastpath is present, client jobs which are still active and connected will delay the shutdown process until all such jobs have disconnected. Disconnection requires Adabas command activity within the client job or for the client job to be shutdown. However, for z/OS and z/VSE, after a suitable period of time has passed (a matter of minutes - to allow any in-flight commands to complete), Adabas Fastpath will override this behaviour enabling the daemon shutdown process to continue.


Displays message count information for cross-daemon XCF messages. The following counts are displayed in response messages CAS021I, CAS022I;

  • Msg-out: Total number of XCF messages sent by this daemon

  • Msg-in: Total number of XCF messages received by this daemon

  • Msg-rsp: Total number of message responses received

  • Msg-segs: Total number of message segments

  • Cq-Num: Number of queue elements in the Sysplex command queue. This will be equal to the command queue size specified, or defaulted, in the NXC parameter.

  • Cq-Hwm: Peak usage of the command queue. If this value is approaching the Cq-Num value it is advisable to increase the NXC value.

  • Cq-Full: Number of times a command queue full condition occurred. If greater than zero, increase the NXC value.

  • Cq-Post: Number of messages posted

  • RspPost: Number of responses posted

This command is not required during normal daemon operations, but its use may be requested by Software AG personnel for diagnostic purposes.

XCF message counts will only be displayed if the daemon is running in "standard multi-system" or "parallel sysplex" mode.

CAS DXCF RESET Displays message count information, as above, then resets all accumulated counters to zero.
DPARM Displays the runtime parameters for this execution of the daemon.

Displays the allocated size, current usage and high-water mark for the following daemon resources:

  • attached buffers

    • Size is controlled by the NABS DDCARD parameter

    • Current usage is not applicable

  • command queue

    • Size is controlled by the NC DDCARD parameter

  • XCF command queue

    • Only applicable to z/OS daemons running in multi-systems XCF groups

    • Size is controlled by the NXC DDCARD parameter

  • Daemon threads

    • Current usage and high-water mark are not applicable

  • Shared memory

    • Size is controlled by the daemon "Shared memory area size (k)" parameter

    • Only applicable if the daemon "Shared memory area size (k)" parameter is not 0

  • Shared threads

    • Only applicable for UTM and IMS services

    • For UTM, size is controlled by the UTM services "size (MB)" runtime control

    • For IMS, size is not applicable

  • CF cache

    • Only applicable for daemon groups defined with a System Type of IBM Parallel Sysplex.

The information is also written to the daemon’s output listing at daemon termination.


Displays statistical information relating to the daemon.

DSTAT displays the following:

  • Number of threads

  • Thread size

  • Connected Jobs

    • The number of connected jobs defined to use daemon managed latency and/or activity pulsing.

  • Connected Services (single)

    • The number of connected single-system dynamic transaction routing services.

  • Connected Services (multi)

    • The number of connected multi-system dynamic transaction routing services.

DSTAT,DISK displays read and write statistics when the daemon is defined to use the Crash Recovery Disk File.

DSTAT,SERVICES lists the names of all connected dynamic transaction services along with statistics describing the number of times client sessions have been routed between the involved jobs (System Moves) and the relative number of Single(-system) and Multi(-system) moves.


This operator command is valid for z/OS operating environments only.

Use the DZSTAT command to a Daemon that was started with the Daemon parameter ZIIP=YES to display statistics about the execution of the Daemon in TCB mode and SRB mode and about the CPU time consumed on System z Integrated Information Processors (zIIP) and general processors (GP).

The statistics displayed by DZSTAT correspond and are equivalent to the zIIP-related statistics at the end of the Daemon session statistics.

  • current execution mode: "SRB" (execution on zIIP enabled) or "TCB" (execution on zIIP disabled)

  • general processors (GP) and System z Integrated Information Processors (zIIP) in the system

  • CPU time consumed by the Daemon enclave on GPs and zIIPs

  • TCB/SRB mode switches and parallel requests to the TCB

If DZSTAT,ALL is specified, the following additional statistics will be displayed:

  • "Extended statistics" about internal pause and release operations

  • "Scheduling by type of work" statistics about reasons for switching modes or issuing parallel requests

Refer to Monitoring zIIP Usage in the Adabas System Coordinator for zIIP documentation for detailed information about the various statistical figures.


The HALT operator command is only appropriate after

  • normal termination has already been requested via ADAEND.

  • normal termination is stalled.

HALT causes the forced termination of the daemon by making it ignore the orderly shutdown of the daemon components (Fastpath, Transaction Manager, Coordinator, etc). This forced termination will result in all of the resources allocated by the daemon being unilaterally freed, including any and all memory shared between the daemon and client jobs. Any further ADABAS activity by connected client job(s) will result in unpredictable results due to the freeing of these resources.

Software AG recommends HALT is only used in emergency situations when advised by Software AG because the results for clients that remain active will be unpredictable if they issue an ADABAS call subsequent to daemon termination.


This operator command is valid for z/OS operating environments only.

Use the LICREFRESH command to:

  • Reload the license module or reread the license file from the library identified by the DDLAZPAD JCL statement in the startup job for the Daemon.

  • Display and check the current license.

The LICREFRESH operator command may only be used in a Daemon started with the Daemon parameter ZIIP=YES.


This operator command is valid for z/OS operating environments only.

Use the ZIIP operator command to turn on or off the use of System z Integrated Information Processors (zIIP) in the Daemon.

Issuing ZIIP=YES will tell the Daemon to run in SRB mode when possible and enable the use of zIIPs.

Issuing ZIIP=NO will tell the Daemon to stay in TCB mode and disable the use of zIIPs.

The ZIIP operator command may only be used in a Daemon started with the Daemon parameter ZIIP=YES.