POP* - Adabas System Coordinator Server Component Messages

POPnnn messages are issued from the Adabas System Coordinator Adabas server component.

Overview of Messages

POP000I | POP001S | POP002S | POP003E | POP004E | POP005E | POP006S | POP007S | POP008E | POP009I | POP010E | POP011E

POP000I Adapop V##### initialised, EP=######## CIB=########

The database interface to the Adabas System Coordinator has been initialized successfully.


None. This message is for information only.

POP001S Adapop cannot initialise, getmain error

ADAPOP cannot initialise because of a memory shortage.


Increase the region specification for the database job.

POP002S Adapop initialisation failed, kernel load error

ADAPOP failed to locate or load the runtime kernel module CORKRN.


Ensure that the load library containing the kernel module is available to the database job.

POP003E Database proxy module ######## for product ### is invalid (bad eyecatcher)

The database component for the indicated product is invalid.


Check and correct the installation.

POP004E Database proxy module ######## for product ### is not supported

The database component for the indicated product is not supported by this version of the Adabas System Coordinator Adabas server component.


The affected product is disabled for this Adabas nucleus. Ensure that you use the correct product versions.

POP005E Memory shortage alert-no memory for COR threads, add-ons are deactivated

An Adabas option command cannot be completed because of a memory shortage.


The affected commands will receive RSP101/24.

There is a possibility that some critical command-related processing was not able to be performed in the case where this message appears. The most critical situation is where Adabas Fastpath is in full operation for the database (beyond a simple AFPLOOK sample). In this case Fastpath will attempt to automatically switch off optimization for the database to ensure there is no risk to the coherence between cache and database content. The administrator should check to make sure this has happened and if there is any doubt, manually stop the optimization for the database - or shut the entire Fastpath caching down. More memory needs to be made available to the System Coordinator within the database job. This may be achieved by making more memory available to the job (increasing REGION size etc.) or if there is no more memory available for the job then reducing LBP (or similar) by 1 megabyte should alleviate the problem when the database is next recycled.

POP006S Append of product v-con list failed

This is an internal error.


Contact your Software AG technical support representative.

POP007S ADAPOV load error

The anchor module ADAPOV cannot be loaded. This module is distributed with the main Adabas libraries and should always be present. Failure to load this module could cause problems with the initialization of the Adabas System Coordinator component.


Ensure that the load library containing ADAPOV is available to the job.

POP008E IOR failure - function: ## error ##

An internal error occurred during the processing of an operating system dependent function.


Contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance.

POP009I Adapop running in DEMO mode

Adapop is running in DEMO mode because Adabas System Coordinator is not available to this job.

This message normally indicates that this Adabas nucleus is running with ADARUN FASTPATH=YES and/or ADARUN VISTA=YES for the purpose of using the AFPLOOK and/or AVILOOK command samplers which are supplied with the Adabas distribution library.


The presence of this POP009I message when any of the products below are in use indicates that the product(s) may not be operating as intended. For example, if Adabas Fastpath is in use, this nucleus will not be eligible for command optimization:

  • Adabas Fastpath

  • Adabas Vista

  • Adabas Transaction Manager

  • Adabas SAF Security

For successful product operation, the database process must be correctly enabled by the availability of the Adabas System Coordinator load library. If necessary, refer to the relevant product’s installation guide.


If you have Adabas System Coordinator installed at your site then make it available to this job. Otherwise this message is for information only.

POP010E Incompatible version of SAFADA detected

A security check has been requested but the database proxy module SAFADA for product Adabas SAF Security is not at the required maintenance level.


Apply all available Adabas SAF Security maintenance from Empower.

POP011E Database proxy module SAFADA for product AAF is not available

The database is configured to require the mandatory presence of Adabas SAF Security’s database proxy module SAFADA


Ensure Adabas SAF Security’s database proxy module SAFADA is available to the database.