Adabas System Coordinator for Open SystemsMessages and Codes

During Adabas System Coordinator for Open Systems operation, the following response codes may be received:

Response Code Issued By Message Format Description
101 Adabas System Coordinator Error: COR Subcode: nnnnnnnnnnn See Section Response Code 101.
Other Response Codes Adabas Error: nnn Subcode: nnnnnnnnnnn See the Adabas Messages and Codes documentation.

Response Code 101

The responses and subcodes that may be generated by Adabas System Coordinator during command processing are described below. Subcodes are returned in big-endian byte order in the right-most two bytes of the ADDITIONS 2 field in the Adabas Control Block.

Subcode Meaning
1 (0x0001) The standard Adabas or Entire Net-Work ADALNKX library could not be loaded.

Action: Check that the ADALNKX parameter in the Initialisation File (cor.cfg) is set correctly and that the library exists.

2 (0x0002) The standard Adabas or Entire Net-Work ADALNKX library could not be loaded.

Action: Contact your Software AG technical support representative.

3 (0x0003) The standard Adabas or Entire Net-Work ADALNKX library does not export all expected functions.

Action: Check that the ADALNKX parameter in the Initialisation File refers to an ADALNKX library and not an ADALNK or ADALNK32 library.

4 (0x0004) Adabas did not return the database architecture information in the ISN lower limit field when an OP command was issued to the Configuration File.

Action: Contact your Software AG technical support representative.

5 (0x0005) The path to the Initialisation File (cor.cfg) could not be determined.

Action: Check the HKLM\SOFTWARE\Software AG\Adabas System Coordinator registry key and ensure the Path value is set correctly (Windows).

Check that the $CORDIR and $CORVERS environment variables are set correctly (Unix).

6 (0x0006) The ADALNKX parameter could not be read from the Initialization File (cor.cfg).

Action: Check that the Initialization File exists and that the ADALNKX parameter is set correctly.

7 (0x0007) The LFILE parameter could not be read from the Initialization File.

Action: Check that the Initialization File (cor.cfg) exists and that the LFILE parameter is set correctly.

8 (0x0008) An incompatible version of an Adabas add-on product is installed.

Action: Contact your Software AG technical support representative.

9 (0x0009) An incompatible version of an Adabas add-on product is installed.

Action: Contact your Software AG technical support representative.

10 (0x000A) The library for an Adabas add-on product could not be loaded.

Action: Check that the Adabas add-on product is installed correctly.

11 (0x000B) The library for an Adabas add-on product could not be unloaded.

Action: Contact your Software AG technical support representative.

12 (0x000C) The address or length of the format, record, search, value or ISN buffer appears to be invalid.

Action: Check the buffer addresses passed to the adabas() function and the lengths specified for the buffers in the Adabas control block.

13 (0x000D) The CORADC load module could not be fetched (Mainframe).

Action: A problem has occurred relating to the Adabas System Coordinator configuration performed as part of the installation of a sibling product (such as Data Archiving for Adabas).

Perform the following steps to identify the possible cause of the problem:

  • Check the result of the activation by referring to the most recent activation log located in <install_directory>\cor\vvrs\INSTALL.

  • Check that the $STEPLIB environment variable refers to the correct dataset created as part of the sibling product’s installation.

  • Check that the CORADC load module exists in the $STEPLIB dataset.

  • Check that the account under which Adabas System Coordinator is running has sufficient permissions to access the $STEPLIB dataset.

14 (0x000E) Port range exhausted (there are not enough allocated to this computer).

Action: Configure a larger port range for the Adabas System Coordinator Computer using System Management Hub.

15 (0x000F) Port conflict (the allocated port is in use by another application).

Action: Assign a different port to the Adabas System Coordinator daemon or change the port range for the Adabas System Coordinator computer using System Management Hub.

16 (0x0010) Computer name could not be generated.

Action: The Adabas System Coordinator Launch Control could not generate a unique computer name for the machine. Create an Adabas System Coordinator computer for this machine manually using System Management Hub.

17 (0x0011) The FDT of the Configuration File is not compatible with Adabas System Coordinator.

Action: Check that the database and file numbers are correct.

18 (0x0012) The version of Adabas is not compatible with Adabas System Coordinator.

Action: Contact your Software AG technical support representative.

19 (0x0013) The SAGABS library could not be loaded.

Action: Check that the SAGABS library is installed.

20 (0x0014) The SAGABS library could not be unloaded.

Action: Contact your Software AG technical support representative.

21 (0x0015) The SAGABS library is not compatible with Adabas System Coordinator.

Action: Contact your Software AG technical support representative.

22 (0x0016) Port conflict (the allocated port is in use by another Adabas System Coordinator Group).

Action: Assign a different Group Services port to the Adabas System Coordinator Computer using System Management Hub.

23 (0x0017) Unable to spawn process (the command line parameters specified for the process are invalid).

Action: Contact your Software AG technical support representative.

24 (0x0018) Length of compressed record buffer length exceeds limit.

Action: Contact your Software AG technical support representative.

25 (0x0019) Length of compressed record buffer could not be determined.

Action: Contact your Software AG technical support representative.

26 (0x001A) Product not installed or not configured correctly.

Action: Check that the Adabas add-on product is installed correctly.

27 (0x001B) Configuration file version does not match the running version.

Action: Contact your Software AG technical support representative.

28 (0x001C) Configuration file layout is not as expected for a configuration file.

Action: Contact your Software AG technical support representative.

29 (0x001D) The installed Adabas version does not correctly process LF 'S' commands (Adabas 6.1.9 or earlier).

Action: Contact your Software AG technical support representative.

30 (0x001E) The installed Adabas version does not support LF 'I' commands (unzapped Adabas 8.2.2 or earlier).

Action: Contact your Software AG technical support representative.

31 (0x001F) Migration of the Configuration File was unsuccessful.

Action: Check the output of the migration process for errors. If the reason for the unsuccessful migration cannot be determined, contact your Software AG technical support representative.

52 (0x0034) Exception reading/writing pointer.

Action: Contact your Software AG technical support representative.

0000A001-FFFFA001 A TCP/IP error occurred.

Action: The left-hand side of the subcode contains the operating system error code.

0000A002-FFFFA002 A DNS error occurred.

Action: The left-hand side of the subcode contains the operating system error code.