Daemon Parameters

Daemon parameters are used to define the environment and operational requirements for Adabas System Coordinator daemons. Daemon Group parameters apply to all daemons in that group. Daemon Group Member parameters apply to individual daemons and may differ from one daemon to another in the group.

Daemon Group Parameters

Daemon group parameters are used to define the Adabas System Coordinator daemon environment.

Daemon Group Parameters
Daemon Group Name
Daemon SVC
System Type
Full crash recovery disk file
Messages - database
Messages – daemon

Daemon Parameters Descriptions

This section describes the daemon parameters.

Daemon Group Name (Daemon Group Parameter)

Parameter Type Use Default
Daemon Group

The identifier for a daemon group.

In a sysplex environment, this is the XCF group name.


Daemon SVC

Parameter Type Use Default
Daemon Group

The router (SVC) number that is used for communicating with the group. This must be the same in all parts of a cluster.


System Type

Parameter Type Use Possible Values Default
Daemon Group

Type of coordination to be performed by the daemon group

Possible values are:

  • Single:

    A single system is to be coordinated.

  • Multi - XCF:

    Multiple systems are to be coordinated with no dynamic transaction routing support across the systems. XCF is used for cross-system communications.

  • Multi - Net-Work:

    Multiple systems are to be coordinated with no dynamic transaction routing support across the systems. Entire Net-Work is used for cross-system communications.



Full Crash Recovery Disk File

Parameter Type Use Possible Values Default
Daemon Group

Indicates whether a common daemon latency file is to be used to store session-related information when sessions are at rest.

For more information, refer to Multi-system Dynamic Transaction Routing in the Adabas System Coordinator Operations and Programming Guide.

Y | N N

Messages – database

Parameter Type Use Possible Values Default
Daemon Group

Indicates where messages are written for databases.

The DDMSG file should be defined as fixed records of length 133, with an appropriate blocksize. It is possible that operating system factors (such as blocking, caching) may cause messages not to be seen until the database terminates.

Console message job log

Local DDMSG file in the database job


Messages – daemon

Parameter Type Use Possible Values Default
Daemon Group

Indicates where messages are written for daemons.

The DDMSG file should be defined as fixed records of length 133, with an appropriate blocksize. It is possible that operating system factors (such as blocking, caching) may cause messages not to be seen until the database terminates.

Console message job log

Local DDMSG file in the daemon job


Daemon Group Member Parameters

Daemon Group Member Parameters
Daemon job name
Node id
Daemon latency/pulse services
Unified trace settings
Debug settings
Pool settings for BS2000

Daemon Job Name

Parameter Type Use Default
Daemon Group Member

The job name under which this daemon executes.

This is the name of the job or started task as known to the operating system.


Node id

Parameter Type Use Default
Daemon Group Member

Daemons sign on as targets to the Adabas router. Specify the node id to be used by the daemon. This node id must be unique across all your systems.



Parameter Type Use Possible Values Default
Daemon Group Member

Setting Continuous Operation to "Y" causes the daemon to intercept failures, react by automatically terminating and restarting the appropriate component(s) and then continuing.

Setting Continuous Operation to "N" causes the daemon to react to a failure by terminating.

You are recommended always to set Continuous Operation to "Y".

Y | N N

Daemon latency/pulse services

Parameter Type Use Possible Values Default
Daemon Group Member

Defines the shared memory limits for holding at-rest session-related information and also activity information for jobs defined to use activity pulsing.

Shared memory is mandatory if you want to use activity pulsing (see Client Runtime control Activity pulse) and is recommended for dynamic transaction routing (DTR) systems (eg. CICS/MRO, CICS/PLEX, IMS and/or UTM) that require daemon latency for performance and resilience (see Client Runtime control Latency controls).

The required shared memory area size depends on the number of sessions, the installed product mix and configuration, and the nature of the application workload and also on how extensively you use activity pulsing.

If the shared memory area is not large enough, the daemon will transparently use its own local memory for DTR systems latency. You should monitor the shared memory area usage with the DRES daemon operator command which shows the maximum, current and highwater-mark allocations for Shared Memory.

This shared memory may optionally be allocated within a dataspace of the specified name.

For BS2000, this shared memory is taken from the daemon shared memory pool as defined by the daemon parameter Pool settings for BS2000.

For more information on shared memory requirements, refer to Considerations and Configuration for using a Daemon in the Adabas System Coordinator Operations and Programming Guide.

0 – 2097151

Valid dataspace name.


Unified trace settings

Parameter Type Use Possible Values Default
Daemon Define unified trace settings. For more information, refer to the section Using the Unified Trace in the Adabas System Coordinator Operations and Programming Guide.

Refer to The Daemon Unified Trace in the Adabas System Coordinator Operations and Programming Guide.


Debug settings

Parameter Type Use Possible Values Default
Daemon CORDUMP for transient situations…Some internal communications (for example) may suffer intermittent, transient failure. System Coordinator automatically tolerates and recovers from these issues without problem. However, sometimes Software AG may ask that diagnostics are taken when investigating a problem by requiring this setting to be Y. N | Y N
Number of outputs…when diagnostics are being taken it is possible (and wise) to limit the number of times diagnostics are taken using this number. 0-65535 0

Pool settings for BS2000

Parameter Type Use Possible Values Default

Specify the name, virtual address and size of the daemon shared memory pool. Required on BS2000.

This shared memory pool is used to hold latent session-related information for UTM services and also activity information for jobs defined to use activity pulsing as well as internal daemon control information.

You must also set the "Shared memory area size (k)" in the Daemon Group parameter Daemon latency/pulse services.

Name :

The name of the daemon shared memory pool.

16 character pool name None


The virtual start address of the daemon shared memory pool. The start address (and size) must be valid for the daemon, all UTM services managed by the daemon, and any jobs defined to use activity pulsing.

Hexadecimal address None


The size (in megabytes) of the daemon shared memory pool.

This shared memory pool size must be large enough to contain the "Shared memory area size" defined within the Daemon Group parameter Daemon latency/pulse services plus 1 megabyte for control information.

Pool size in megabytes None

Daemon Runtime Parameters

For detailed information refer to Daemon Runtime Parameters in the Adabas System Coordinator Operations and Programming Guide.