Initialisation File

The installation generates an Initialisation File that is used to store some base parameters.

On Unix platforms the Initialisation File is /opt/softwareag/avi/vXXXX/cfg/avi.cfg (where XXXX is the installed version of Adabas Vista).

On Windows platforms the Initialisation File is C:\Program Files\Software AG\Adabas Vista\cfg\avi.cfg.

Unix Sample


Windows Sample



This parameter determines whether Adabas Vista is critical. The parameter is optional and defaults to NO. If Adabas Vista fails to initialise and CRITICAL is set to YES, the application will receive a response 249 with an appropriate subcode. If CRITICAL is set to NO, Adabas Vista will be disabled and the application will behave as though Adabas Vista is not installed.


This parameter determines the trace level. This parameter is optional and defaults to 0x00000000 (i.e. off). If the trace level is non-zero, trace information will be written to files named aviXXXXX.log (where XXXX is a rolling-digit) in the directory determined by the LOGS parameter.

Tracing has significant impact on performance and should only be enabled for diagnostic purposes.


This parameter determines the directory to which trace files will be written. This parameter is optional. On Unix platforms it defaults to /tmp, and on Windows platforms it defaults to the directory indicated by the %TEMP% environment variable.

If this directory is inaccessible, trace output will be written to stdout.