Initialization Parameters

This documentation provides detailed information on the initialization parameters needed for an Adabas Parallel Services environment.

ADARUN parameters are used to customize the Adabas environment. For Adabas Parallel Services environments, two types of initialization parameters must be specified, based on the setting of the ADARUN PROGRAM parameter:

  • To run an Adabas nucleus, the name must be ADANUC.

  • To set up an ADACOM task, the name must be ADACOM (no other ADARUN parameters are recognized for the ADACOM program run).

The document is organized in the following parts:

ADACOM Initialization Parameters Describes the ADACOM initialization parameters required by Adabas Parallel Services.
About ADARUN Parameters for Cluster Nuclei Describes the Adabas nucleus (ADANUC) initialization parameters required by Adabas Parallel Services.
Useful ADARUN Parameters Provides a reference for all of the ADARUN parameters useful to Adabas Parallel Services processing.