Examples of Evaluations

This section presents examples of the evaluations which can be performed using the standard Evaluation Profiles delivered by Software AG as part of the ASF product.

For each of the available Evaluation Types 1-10, a summary is provided showing the following information:

  • The purpose of the Evaluation Type,

  • the name of all standard Evaluation Profiles which use the Evaluation Type,

  • a symbolic representation of the output produced, and

  • an example of the output of the evaluation as it appears on a terminal screen.

The examples of screen output which are presented on the following pages in this section are summarized in the following table. When the output of the evaluation is routed to a printer or downloaded to a PC-File with the "Full" (F) format, the layout is the same as the screen output. In this case, the third dimension is added page by page to the bottom of the printout or download.

Evaluation Type Purpose
1 Development of a database over a period of time.
2 Overview of several databases accumulated within a time frame.
3 Overview of several databases at a point in time.
4 Overview of an ASF data field in several databases over a period of time.
5 Development of a file over a period of time.
6 Overview of several files accumulated within a time frame.
7 Overview of several files at a point in time.
8 Overview of an ASF data field in several files over a period of time.
9 Shows the current critical fields.
10 Shows the fields predicted to become critical.

When the output of the evaluation is downloaded to a PC-File with the standard (X) or CSV (C) format, the layout is a two-dimensional table which looks the same for all evaluations of type 1 to 8. Examples of downloads are presented at the end of this section.

Evaluation Type Purpose
1 - 4 Download database related data.
5 - 8 Download file related data.
9 Download current critical fields.
10 Download fields predicted to become critical.

This document covers the following topics:

Example of Evaluation Type 1


This shows the development of a database over a period of time.

Standard Evaluation Profiles with Evaluation Type 1:


Standard Predefined Evaluations using Evaluation Type 1:

6, 10, 12, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31


Figure 1-1: Symbolic Representation of Output for Evaluation Type 1

14:08:58        *** A D A B A S  Statistics Facility ***            2008-02-04
USERID        DBID:   16    DB-NAME:   DB016-ALSBACH   1/1          MEV15001  
 STORE-DATE       ! UNIT!  1992-03-09 !  1992-03-16 !  1992-03-23 !  1992-03-30
 STORE-TIME       !     !       17:34 !       23:00 !       23:00 !       22:00
 DB-NAME          !     ! DB016-ALSBA ! DB016-ALSBA ! DB016-ALSBA ! DB016-ALSBA
 DATE NUC-START   !     !  1992-03-09 !  1992-03-16 !  1992-03-23 !  1992-03-30
 TIME NUC-START   !     !       02:32 !       02:41 !       02:43 !       02:38
 ASSO DEFINED     ! CYL !         530 !         530 !         530 !         530
 ASSO USED        ! CYL !         268 !         227 !         215 !         225
 DATA DEFINED     ! CYL !       1,164 !       1,164 !       1,164 !       1,164
 DATA USED        ! CYL !       1,138 !       1,073 !       1,068 !       1,070
 WORK DEFINED     ! CYL !          75 !          75 !          75 !          75
                  !     !             !             !             !            
                  !     !             !             !             !            
                  !     !             !             !             !            
                  !     !             !             !             !            
                  !     !             !             !             !            
                  !     !             !             !             !            
     Direct command ==> _______________________________________________________
      Help  More  Term  Prof  prev  next  -     +     Cumul <     >     Menu

Figure 1-2: Sample screen output using Evaluation Type 1

The sample screen output was generated by running the Predefined Evaluation 6.

Example of Evaluation Type 2


This gives an overview of several databases (accumulated values only) within a time frame.

Standard Evaluation Profiles with Evaluation Type 2:


Standard Predefined Evaluations using Evaluation Type 2:



Figure 1-3: Evaluation Report Format for Evaluation Type 2

14:09:39        *** A D A B A S  Statistics Facility  ***           2008-02-04
USERID     < from  1992-04-01 00:00  to  1993-04-30 23:59 >    1/1  MEV26001  
 DBID             !UNIT ACC !         16 !         17 !         26 !         27
 DB-NAME          !         !DB016-ALSBA !DB017-ANWEN ! SPL-MIRROR !DB027-ALSBA
 #COUNTER         !         !         15 !         15 !         15 !         15
 ASSO DEFINED     ! CYL MIN !        530 !        884 !        400 !        530
 ASSO DEFINED     ! CYL MAX !        530 !        884 !        400 !        530
 ASSO USED        ! CYL MIN !        231 !        449 !        225 !         45
 ASSO USED        ! CYL MAX !        236 !        458 !        311 !         45
 DATA DEFINED     ! CYL MIN !      1,164 !      3,538 !        884 !      1,164
 DATA DEFINED     ! CYL MAX !      1,164 !      3,538 !        884 !      1,164
 DATA USED        ! CYL MIN !      1,073 !      3,498 !        732 !        266
 DATA USED        ! CYL MAX !      1,118 !      3,535 !        861 !        266
 WORK DEFINED     ! CYL MIN !         75 !         75 !         75 !         75
 WORK DEFINED     ! CYL MAX !         75 !         75 !         75 !         75
                  !         !            !            !            !           
                  !         !            !            !            !           
                  !         !            !            !            !           
     Direct command ==> _______________________________________________________
      Help  More  Term                    -     +           <     >     Menu

Figure 1-4: Sample screen output using Evaluation Type 2

The sample screen output was generated by running the Predefined Evaluation 16.

Example of Evaluation Type 3


This gives an overview of several databases at a point in time.

Standard Evaluation Profiles with Evaluation Type 3:


Standard Predefined Evaluations using Evaluation Type 3:

7, 11, 13, 32


Figure 1-5: Evaluation Report Format for Evaluation Type 3

14:11:24        *** A D A B A S  Statistics Facility  ***           2008-02-04
USERID     Evaluation point of time: 1992-03-09 , 17:34      1/1    MEV37001  
 DBID             ! UNIT!          16 !          17 !          26 !          27
 DB-NAME          !     ! DB016-ALSBA ! DB017-ANWEN !  SPL-MIRROR ! DB027-ALSBA
 DB-NAME          !     ! DB016-ALSBA ! DB017-ANWEN !  SPL-MIRROR ! DB027-ALSBA
 DATE NUC-START   !     !  1992-03-09 !  1992-03-09 !  1992-03-09 !  1992-03-09
 TIME NUC-START   !     !       02:32 !       07:06 !       07:07 !       02:32
 ASSO DEFINED     ! CYL !         530 !         884 !         400 !         530
 ASSO USED        ! CYL !         268 !         450 !         150 !           5
 DATA DEFINED     ! CYL !       1,164 !       3,538 !         884 !       1,164
 DATA USED        ! CYL !       1,138 !       3,439 !         538 !           2
 WORK DEFINED     ! CYL !          75 !          75 !          75 !          75
                  !     !             !             !             !            
                  !     !             !             !             !            
                  !     !             !             !             !            
                  !     !             !             !             !            
                  !     !             !             !             !            
                  !     !             !             !             !            
     Direct command ==> _______________________________________________________
      Help  More  Term  Times prev  next  -     +     Cumul <     >     Menu

Figure 1-6: Sample screen output using Evaluation Type 3

The sample screen output was generated by running the Predefined Evaluation 7.

Example of Evaluation Type 4


This shows how a data field in several databases behaves within a time frame.

Standard Evaluation Profiles with Evaluation Type 4:


Standard Predefined Evaluations using Evaluation Type 4:

14, 33


Figure 1-7: Evaluation Report Format for Evaluation Type 4

14:12:01        *** A D A B A S  Statistics Facility  ***           2008-02-04
USERID     Evaluation for field: BUFF. EFFICIENCY            1/1    MEV48001  
 DBID             ! UNIT!          16 !          17 !          26 !          27
 1992-03-26/23:00 !     !        29.7 !        13.5 !        14.0 !         0.0
 1992-03-27/23:00 !     !        81.1 !        16.3 !        19.5 !         0.2
 1992-03-30/22:00 !     !        34.1 !        13.3 !        14.3 !         0.2
 1992-03-31/22:00 !     !        37.1 !        18.1 !         8.4 !         0.0
 1992-04-01/22:05 !     !        18.9 !        19.8 !        80.4 !         0.9
 1992-04-02/22:05 !     !        44.8 !        19.6 !        29.3 !         0.5
 1992-04-03/22:05 !     !       117.3 !        14.4 !        53.5 !         0.5
 1992-04-06/22:05 !     !        26.2 !        13.4 !        26.5 !         0.7
 1992-04-07/22:05 !     !        20.5 !        14.7 !        51.5 !         1.0
 1992-04-08/23:05 !     !        23.4 !        15.9 !        17.9 !         0.8
 1992-04-09/23:05 !     !        27.8 !        13.6 !        38.5 !         1.0
 1992-04-10/23:05 !     !        46.5 !        15.8 !       460.2 !         0.5
 1992-04-13/23:05 !     !        37.8 !        15.5 !       124.5 !         0.5
 1992-04-14/23:05 !     !        32.0 !        14.4 !        36.8 !         0.5
                  !     !             !             !             !            
     Direct command ==> _______________________________________________________
      Help  More  Term  Field prev  next  -     +     Cumul <     >     Menu

Figure 1-8: Sample screen output using Evaluation Type 4

The sample screen output was generated by running the Predefined Evaluation 14.

Example of Evaluation Type 5


This gives an overview of the growth of a particular file.

Standard Evaluation Profiles with Evaluation Type 5:


Standard Predefined Evaluations using Evaluation Type 5:



Figure 1-9: Evaluation Report Format for Evaluation Type 5

14:12:28        *** A D A B A S  Statistics Facility ***            2008-02-04
USERID   DB:   16   DB016-ALSBACH  FILE:   221   PRO_LOGBAT_U1   1/ MEV15001  
 STORE-DATE       ! UNIT!  1992-03-09 !  1992-03-16 !  1992-03-23 !  1992-03-30
 STORE-TIME       !     !       17:34 !       23:00 !       23:00 !       22:00
 NI DEFINED       ! BL  !          20 !          20 !          20 !          20
 NI USED          ! BL  !           9 !           9 !           9 !          10
 NI USED          ! PC  !        45.0 !        45.0 !        45.0 !        50.0
 NI EXTENTS       !     !           1 !           1 !           1 !           1
 UI DEFINED       ! BL  !          10 !          10 !          10 !          10
 UI USED          ! BL  !          10 !          10 !          10 !          10
 UI USED          ! PC  !       100.0 !       100.0 !       100.0 !       100.0
 UI EXTENTS       !     !           1 !           1 !           1 !           1
 DS DEFINED       ! BL  !         100 !         100 !         100 !         100
 DS USED          ! BL  !           3 !           7 !           8 !           9
 DS USED          ! PC  !         3.0 !         7.0 !         8.0 !         9.0
 DS EXTENTS       !     !           1 !           1 !           1 !           1
 AC DEFINED       ! BL  !           2 !           2 !           2 !           2
 AC EXTENTS       !     !           1 !           1 !           1 !           1
     Direct command ==> _______________________________________________________
      Help  More  Term  Prof  prev  next  -     +     Cumul <     >     Menu

Figure 1-10: Sample screen output using Evaluation Type 5

The sample screen output was generated by running the Predefined Evaluation 8

Example of Evaluation Type 6


This gives an overview of several files (accumulated values only) within a time frame.

Standard Evaluation Profiles with Evaluation Type 6:


Standard Predefined Evaluations using Evaluation Type 6:



Figure 1-11: Evaluation Report Format for Evaluation Type 6

14:13:03        *** A D A B A S  Statistics Facility  ***           2008-02-04
USERID     < from  1992-04-01 00:00  to  1992-04-30 23:59 >    1/1  MEV26001  
 DBID             !UNIT ACC !         26 !         26 !         26 !         26
 FILE-ID          !         !         44 !         45 !        185 !        193
 #COUNTER         !         !         15 !         15 !         15 !         15
 NI USED          ! BL  MIN !      2,500 !         18 !      3,398 !         20
 NI USED          ! BL  MAX !      3,064 !         18 !      5,295 !         28
 UI USED          ! BL  MIN !         40 !          9 !         47 !         11
 UI USED          ! BL  MAX !         49 !          9 !         94 !         11
 DS USED          ! BL  MIN !      2,457 !         29 !      2,644 !         36
 DS USED          ! BL  MAX !      2,457 !         29 !      3,942 !         48
 AC DEFINED       ! BL  MIN !         96 !          2 !         94 !          6
 AC DEFINED       ! BL  MAX !        120 !          2 !        118 !          6
                  !         !            !            !            !           
                  !         !            !            !            !           
                  !         !            !            !            !           
                  !         !            !            !            !           
     Direct command ==> _______________________________________________________
      Help  More  Term                    -     +           <     >     Menu

Figure 1-12: Sample screen output using Evaluation Type 6

The sample screen output was generated by running the Predefined Evaluation 17.

Example of Evaluation Type 7


This gives an overview of several files at a point in time.

Standard Evaluation Profiles with Evaluation Type 7:


Standard Predefined Evaluations using Evaluation Type 7:



Figure 1-13: Evaluation Report Format for Evaluation Type 7

14:13:56        *** A D A B A S  Statistics Facility  ***           2008-02-04
USERID     Evaluation point of time: 1992-04-06 , 22:12      1/1    MEV37001  
 DBID             ! UNIT!          16 !          16 !          16 !          16
 FILE-ID          !     !         221 !         235 !         227 !         118
 NI DEFINED       ! BL  !          20 !          60 !         317 !          36
 NI USED          ! BL  !          11 !          45 !         210 !           9
 NI USED          ! PC  !        55.0 !        75.0 !        66.2 !        25.0
 NI EXTENTS       !     !           1 !           2 !           2 !           1
 UI DEFINED       ! BL  !          10 !          28 !          17 !          16
 UI USED          ! BL  !          10 !          19 !          14 !          10
 UI USED          ! PC  !       100.0 !        67.8 !        82.3 !        62.5
 UI EXTENTS       !     !           1 !           2 !           1 !           1
 DS DEFINED       ! BL  !         100 !         100 !         200 !         100
 DS USED          ! BL  !          10 !          21 !          48 !           3
 DS USED          ! PC  !        10.0 !        21.0 !        24.0 !         3.0
 DS EXTENTS       !     !           1 !           1 !           1 !           1
 AC DEFINED       ! BL  !           2 !           2 !           8 !           2
     Direct command ==> _______________________________________________________
      Help  More  Term  Times prev  next  -     +     Cumul <     >     Menu

Figure 1-14: Sample screen output using Evaluation Type 7

The sample screen output was generated by running the Predefined Evaluation 9.

Example of Evaluation Type 8


This gives how a data field in several files behaves within a time frame.

Standard Evaluation Profiles with Evaluation Type 8:


Standard Predefined Evaluations using Evaluation Type 8:

15, 35


Figure 1-15: Evaluation Report Format for Evaluation Type 8

14:19:04        *** A D A B A S  Statistics Facility  ***           2008-02-04
USERID     Evaluation for field: NR OF COMMANDS              1/1    MEV48001  
 DBID             ! UNIT!          16 !          16 !          16 !          16
 FILE-ID          !     !         118 !         122 !         125 !         221
 1992-04-01/22:05 !     !       2,342 !         175 !       1,005 !      19,721
 1992-04-02/22:05 !     !       5,601 !      33,327 !       5,522 !      11,565
 1992-04-03/22:05 !     !       2,896 !      18,611 !           0 !       7,643
 1992-04-06/22:05 !     !       3,385 !      21,951 !         191 !       1,227
 1992-04-07/22:05 !     !       1,393 !         803 !          17 !       1,445
 1992-04-08/23:05 !     !       1,847 !       1,883 !           0 !       1,717
 1992-04-09/23:05 !     !         269 !       4,184 !           0 !       1,717
 1992-04-10/23:05 !     !          28 !           0 !           0 !       9,978
 1992-04-13/23:05 !     !         177 !       1,654 !           0 !      16,532
 1992-04-14/23:05 !     !          10 !         360 !         238 !       8,710
 1992-04-15/23:05 !     !           0 !           0 !           0 !       3,091
 1992-04-16/23:05 !     !          19 !           0 !           0 !       2,844
 1992-04-17/23:05 !     !           0 !           0 !           0 !           0
 1992-04-20/23:05 !     !           0 !           0 !           0 !           0
     Direct command ==> _______________________________________________________
      Help  More  Term  Field prev  next  -     +     Cumul <     >     Menu

Figure 1-16: Sample screen output using Evaluation Type 8

The sample screen output was generated by running the Predefined Evaluation 15 (press PF6 until this screen is reached).

Example of Evaluation Type 9


This gives the current critical fields.

Standard Evaluation Profiles with Evaluation Type 9:


Standard Predefined Evaluations using Evaluation Type 9:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 18, 19, 34


Figure 1-17: Evaluation Report Format for Evaluation Type 9

14:21:26           ***  A D A B A S  STATISTICS FACILITY ***        2008-02-04
USERID             Critical report based on: 1992-04-13 23:12       MACR0001  
    Evaluation profile: PROD-LIMIT-RED Store profile: TEST-DB-ALL Type: WE     
                                                                        < ALL >
    DB !  File ! Field            !       Value !Unit!Parm!       Limit !Unit  
    17 !       ! DATA USED        !        99.7 ! PC ! GE !          95 ! PC   
    26 !       ! DATA USED        !        97.3 ! PC ! GE !          95 ! PC   
       !   185 ! NI EXTENTS       !           5 !    ! GE !           4 !      
       !       ! DS EXTENTS       !           4 !    ! GE !           4 !      
       !       !                  !             !    !    !             !      
       !       !                  !             !    !    !             !      
       !       !                  !             !    !    !             !      
       !       !                  !             !    !    !             !      
       !       !                  !             !    !    !             !      
       !       !                  !             !    !    !             !      
       !       !                  !             !    !    !             !      
       !       !                  !             !    !    !             !      
       !       !                  !             !    !    !             !      
       !       !                  !             !    !    !             !      
     Direct command ==> _______________________________________________________
      Help        Term  Time              -     +                       Menu

Figure 1-18: Sample screen output using Evaluation Type 9

The sample screen output was generated by running the Predefined Evaluation 1.

Example of Evaluation Type 10


This predicts fields which will become critical within a given time frame.

Standard Evaluation Profiles with Evaluation Type 10:


Standard Predefined Evaluations using Evaluation Type 10:



Figure 1-19: Evaluation Report Format for Evaluation Type 10

14:24:11           ***  A D A B A S  STATISTICS FACILITY ***        2008-02-04
USERID   Crit-trend-base: 1992-03-01 - 1992-04-15 limit: 1992-09-30 MACT0001  
   Evaluation profil: PROD-LIMIT-TREND Store profil: TEST-DB-ALL Type: WE wee  
                                                                        < ALL >
    DB !  File ! Field            !       Limit !Unit!Parm! Date       ! Accur.
    16 !   122 ! NI EXTENTS       !           5 !    ! GE ! 1992-04-14 ! n/a   
       !       ! AC EXTENTS       !           5 !    ! GE ! 1992-04-15 ! n/a   
    17 !       ! DATA USED        !          99 ! PC ! GE ! 1992-04-13 ! reache
    26 !       ! ASSO USED        !          99 ! PC ! GE ! 1992-04-29 ! 91    
       !       ! DATA USED        !          99 ! PC ! GE ! 1992-04-12 ! 87    
    27 !       ! DATA USED        !          99 ! PC ! GE ! 1992-09-16 ! 43    
       !       !                  !             !    !    !            !       
       !       !                  !             !    !    !            !       
       !       !                  !             !    !    !            !       
       !       !                  !             !    !    !            !       
       !       !                  !             !    !    !            !       
       !       !                  !             !    !    !            !       
       !       !                  !             !    !    !            !       
       !       !                  !             !    !    !            !       
     Direct command ==> _______________________________________________________
      Help        Term                    -     +                 Graph Menu

Figure 1-20: Sample screen output using Evaluation Type 10

The sample screen output was generated by using the Evaluation PROD-LIMIT-TREND.

Example Download for Evaluation Type 1 - 4


This downloads database related data when using the standard or CSV format.


Figure 1-21: Standard and CSV Download Format for Evaluation Type 1-4

1992-03-09/17:34 16 DB016-ALSBA 1992-03-09 02:32 530 268
1992-03-09/17:34 17 DB017-ANWEN 1992-03-09 07:06 884 450
1992-03-09/17:34 26 SPL-MIRROR 1992-03-09 07:07 400 150
1992-03-09/17:34 27 DB027-ALSBA 1992-03-09 02:32 530 5
1992-03-09/17:34 36 DB036-ALSBA 1992-03-09 02:32 560 401
1992-03-09/17:34 37 ENTIRE-ALSB 1992-03-09 02:49 635 504
1992-03-16/23:00 16 DB016-ALSBA 1992-03-16 02:41 530 227
1992-03-16/23:00 17 DB017-ANWEN 1992-03-16 02:47 884 452
1992-03-16/23:00 26 SPL-MIRROR 1992-03-16 09:08 400 150
1992-03-16/23:00 27 DB027-ALSBA 1992-03-16 02:30 530 46
1992-03-16/23:00 36 DB036-ALSBA 1992-03-16 02:41 560 401
1992-03-16/23:00 37 ENTIRE-ALSB 1992-03-16 02:48 635 507

Figure 1-22: Sample Download using Standard or CSV Format for Evaluation Type 1-4

For the sample download, the Predefined Evaluation 6 was modified to download the data in CSV format (PC-File marked with "C"). The data shown here is only a part of the downloaded data. More fields follow on the right and more points in time at the bottom.

The downloaded data can be edited and represented graphically. For the graphic below it was sorted by DBID/Time.


Figure 1-23: Graphical representation of downloaded data for Evaluation Type 1-4

Example Download for Evaluation Type 5 - 8


This downloads file related data when using the standard or CSV format.


Figure 1-24: Standard and CSV Download Format for Evaluation Type 5-8

1992-03-09/17:34 16 221 20 9 45.0 1
1992-03-09/17:34 16 235 36 21 58.3 1
1992-03-09/17:34 16 227 231 228 98.7 4
1992-03-09/17:34 16 118 36 10 27.7 1
1992-03-09/17:34 16 125 36 6 16.6 1
1992-03-09/17:34 16 122 36 15 41.6 1
1992-03-09/17:34 17 39 4363 4283 98.1 1
1992-03-09/17:34 17 71 1653 1527 92.3 1
1992-03-09/17:34 17 55 2112 1774 83.9 1
1992-03-09/17:34 36 22 2565 1012 39.4 1
1992-03-09/17:34 36 58 1992 730 36.6 1
1992-03-09/17:34 37 14 37852 13784 36.4 1
1992-03-09/17:34 37 15 3643 1452 39.8 1
1992-03-09/17:34 37 104 4700 3293 70.0 1
1992-03-09/17:34 37 105 1000 343 34.3 1
1992-03-16/23:00 16 221 20 9 45.0 1
1992-03-16/23:00 16 235 59 49 83.0 2
1992-03-16/23:00 16 227 150 114 76.0 1

Figure 1-25: Sample Download using Standard or CSV Format for Evaluation Type 5-8

For the sample download, the Predefined Evaluation 8 was modified to download the data in CSV format (PC-File marked with "C"). The data shown here is only a part of the downloaded data. More fields follow on the right and more points in time at the bottom.

The downloaded data can be edited and represented graphically.


Figure 1-26: Graphical representation of downloaded data for Evaluation Type 5-8

Example Download for Evaluation Type 9


This downloads the current critical fields.


Figure 1-27: Download Format for Evaluation Type 9

DB File Field Value Unit Parm Limit L-Unit
17 0 DATA USED 99.7 PC GE 95 PC
26 0 DATA USED 97.3 PC GE 95 PC
26 185 NI EXTENTS 5   GE 4  
26 185 DS EXTENTS 4   GE 4  

Figure 1-28: Sample Download using Standard or CSV Format for Evaluation Type 9

For the sample download, the Predefined Evaluation 1 was modified to download the data in CSV format (PC-File marked with "C").

Example Download for Evaluation Type 10


This downloads fields which will become critical within a given time frame.


Figure 1-29: Download Format for Evaluation Type 10

DB File Field Limit Unit Parm Date Accuracy Last Base
16 122 NI EXTENTS 5   GE 1992-04-14 n/a 3
16 122 AC EXTENTS 5   GE 1992-04-15 n/a 2
17 0 DATA USED 99 PC GE 1992-04-13 reached 99
26 0 ASSO USED 99 PC GE 1992-04-29 91 77
26 0 DATA USED 99 PC GE 1992-04-12 87 97
27 0 DATA USED 99 PC GE 1992-09-16 43 22

Figure 1-30: Sample Download using Standard or CSV Format for Evaluation Type 10

For the sample download, the Critical Trend report described below downloaded the data in CSV format (PC-File marked with "C"). Additionally to the information presented on the screen, the column "Last Base" shows the value of the last record in the trend base time period.

Trend based on: 1992-03-01 , 00:00
to: 1992-04-15 , 23:59
limited to: 1992-09-30 , 23:59
Eval. profile: PROD-LIMIT-TREND
Store profile: TEST-DB-ALL
Store type: WE weekly storage