RPULD and RPLOD Utilities

The RPULD (unload) and RPLOD (load) utilities can be used to unload and load Replicator system file definitions to and from Natural workfile 1.

  • The RPULD utility can be used to unload Replicator system file definitions to Natural workfile 1.

    The resulting file can be read in as DDKARTE statements in an Event Replicator Server startup job. There are two situations in which this will not work. If the value of either the SFBAI or SFBBI parameters in an SFILE definition are longer than 40 bytes, you cannot read the RPULD utility output as DDKARTE input to an Event Replicator Server startup job. To resolve this, you must define a global format buffer, using either the SGFORMATAI or SGFORMATBI parameters, to replace the corresponding SFBAI or SFBBI parameters.

  • The RPLOD utility can be used to load definitions in Natural workfile 1 to a Replicator system file.

    The input definitions are a replacement of the definitions defined on the file, and it is not a "merge" process. For example, if you specify a subscription name, you should specify all the sub-parameters necessary to define it, or if you specify any of the global values as input to your RPLOD, you should specify all of them, as any missing global values will have "default values" assigned to them, which may not be your desired settings.

These utilities share a common syntax, with the exception of a couple of parameters. In addition, both utilities can be run as batch jobs or using the Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem.

This document provides instructions for the batch method of running these utilities. For information on running them using the Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem, read Identifying, Loading, and Unloading the Replicator System File.

JCL Requirements

The RPULD and RPLOD utilities can run as Natural batch jobs using Natural workfile 1. The following JCL requirements must be met by the Natural batch job:

  • Specifications for Natural workfile 1 must be included in the JCL for the job. The DD name for Natural workfile 1 is CMWKF01, with a record format of F or FB and a record length of 80. The BS2000/OSD link name is W01.

  • The SAG editor is used internally by the RPLOD and RPULD utilities. Consequently, the EDPSIZE parameter must be specified in the JCL. For complete information about the EDPSIZE parameter, refer to your Natural documentation.

Sample JCL for the RPULD and RPLOD utilities is provided in sample members RPLOD and RPULD of the MVSJOBS data set. You will need to modify these jobs for your use.


The syntax of the RPULD and RPLOD utilities is almost identical, with the exception of the RELATED and REPLACE parameters. The RELATED parameter is only available when running the RPULD parameter; the REPLACE parameter is only available when running the RPLOD utility.

The following diagram depicts the syntax of the RPULD and RPLOD utilities:

RPULD and RPLOD utilities

When specifying parameters for RPLOD or RPULD, be sure you use the Natural input delimiter character identified in Natural's ID parameter to separate the parameters specified for the RPLOD or RPULD run. The default Natural input delimiter character is a comma, but if this has been overridden at your site using the ID parameter, you will need to use the one specified in the ID parameter. For more information, refer to your Natural documentation.

Parameters are described in the next section. You can specify them using their keywords or as positional parameters. If you elect to specify them as positional parameters, they must be specified in the order shown above. Examples are provided in Examples.


The following table describes each of the RPULD and RPLOD utility parameters in alphabetic order.

Parameter Description Required? Default
CIPHER The cipher code necessary to access the Replicator system file identified by the DBID and FNR parameters. No No cipher code is used to access the Replicator system file.
DBID The database ID of the database to which the Replicator system file applies.

When running the RPULD utility, this is the DBID of the database with the Replicator system file containing definitions you want to unload to Natural workfile 1.

When running the RPLOD utility, this is the DBID of the database with the Replicator system file to which you definitions loaded from Natural workfile 1.

Yes No default.
ENTITY Identifies a specific definition type to load or unload. Valid values are:
  • blank: all definitions are selected

  • "*": all definitions are selected

  • "DE": destination definitions are selected

  • "GF": global format buffer definitions are selected

  • "IQ": input queue definitions are selected

  • "IS": initial-state definitions are selected

  • "RB": resend buffer definitions are selected

  • "RP": Replicator parameters / global values are selected

  • "SB": subscription definitions and their associated SFILE definitions are selected

  • "TF": transaction filter definitions are selected

No All definitions with names that match the NAME parameter specifications are selected for utility processing.
FNR The file number of the Replicator system file with the database identified by the DBID parameter.

When running the RPULD utility, this is the file number of the Replicator system file from which definitions should be unloaded to Natural workfile 1.

When running the RPLOD utility, this is the file number of the Replicator system file to which definitions should be loaded from Natural workfile 1.

Yes No default.

The name of the definitions to select. Caution should be exercised before using any special characters as part of the name of the definition, as there are the wildcards "*", ">", and "<" that can be used to limit selections.

For example, AB4* selects all definitions with names starting with the letters "AB4". As another example, AB4> selects all definitions with names that sort (alphanumerically) after and including names starting with the letters "AB4".

If you have specified entries containing the wildcard characters ("*", ">", "<"), and you are trying to use the wildcards for selection, or to select an exact named definition, your results may not be as expected. This may also occur with the "," (comma), or "’" (single quote) characters.

For example, A>B* would not return all definitions with names starting with "A>B", but everything beginning with A and greater. And if a name of the definition has a "’" (single quote) at both the beginning and end of the name, then it will require doubling those single quote entries at the beginning and end of the name to properly work with RPULD and RPLOD.

For example, AB’C works, it will be accepted as "AB’C", however ‘ABC’ would have to be entered as ‘‘ABC’’ (2 single quotes at beginning and end) for it to be accepted and loaded as "‘ABC’".

No All definitions of the types specified by the ENTITY parameter are selected for utility processing.
PASSWORD The password necessary to access the Replicator system file identified by the DBID and FNR parameters. No No password is used to access the Replicator system file.
RELATED Whether or not related definitions called by a selected definition should also be unloaded. This parameter is available only for RPULD runs.

Valid values are "Y" (all related definitions should also be unloaded) or "N" (all related definitions should not be unloaded unless they are selected directly through other RPULD parameter settings).

No Y
REPLACE Whether or not existing definitions should be replaced with the newly loaded definitions. This parameter is available only for RPLOD runs.

Valid values are "Y" (existing definitions should be replaced) or "N" (existing definitions should not be replaced).

No N
STATUS The version of the selected definitions that should be loaded or unloaded. Valid values are "C" (current versions) or "S" (scheduled versions). No All versions are selected for utility processing.


The following examples are shown using both parameter keywords and positional parameters. If you elect to use positional parameters, they must be specified in the order shown in the syntax diagram.

The examples in this section use a comma to delimit the RPULD and RPLOD parameters. This is the Natural default input delimiter character. If your site has overridden this default using Natural's ID parameter, you will need to use the delimiter character specified by the ID parameter instead of a comma. For more information, refer to your Natural documentation.

RPULD Example

The following RPULD example will unload all definitions from the specified Replicator system file with names starting with the characters "ABC". Definitions will be unloaded from Replicator system file (file "3") on database "18013". Definitions related to the selected definitions (those with names starting with "ABC") will also be unloaded. No password or cipher code are necessary when accessing the Replicator system file .

Using Parameter Keywords


Using Positional Parameters

RPULD ,ABC*,18013,3,,,Y,

The RPULD utility specifications given in this sample are diagramed below:

RPULD utility specifications

RPLOD Example

The following RPLOD example will load all definitions with names starting with the characters "ABC". The selected definitions will be loaded into the Replicator system file (file "3") on database "18013", replacing existing records in the file, if necessary. No password or cipher code are necessary when accessing the Replicator system file.

Using Parameter Keywords


Using Positional Parameters

RPLOD ,ABC*,18013,3,,,Y,

The RPLOD utility specifications given in this sample are diagramed below:

RPULD utility specifications

Sample Natural Batch Jobs

The following are sample Natural batch jobs that run the RPLOD and RPULD utilities. They are provided in members RPLOD and RPULD of the MVSJOBS data set. You will need to modify these jobs for your use.

RPLOD Sample

//RPLOD   JOB                                                          
//* LOAD DEFINITIONS FROM WORK FILE 1                                  
//* INTO REPTOR SYSTEM FILE                                            
//NATBAT   EXEC PGM=NATvrsBA,                                          
// PARM=('IM=D,ID='','',MADIO=0,MAXCL=0,MT=0,',                        
//       'EDPSIZE=64,INTENS=1')                                        
//DDPRINT   DD SYSOUT=*                                                
//SYSUDUMP  DD SYSOUT=*                                                
//DDCARD    DD *                                                       
ADARUN DB=YYYYY,DE=3390,SVC=XXX,MODE=MULTI                             
//CMPRINT   DD SYSOUT=*                                                
//CMWKF01   DD DSN=EXAMPLE.REPTOR.PARMS,                               
//             DISP=SHR                                                
//CMSYNIN  DD *                                                        
LOGON SYSRPTR                                                          
RPLOD NAME=*,DBID=YYYYY,FNR=FFFFF,REPLACE=Y                            

RPULD Sample

//RPULD   JOB                                                        
//* TO WORK FILE 1                                                   
//NATBAT   EXEC PGM=NATvrsBA,                                        
// PARM=('IM=D,ID='','',MADIO=0,MAXCL=0,MT=0,',                      
//       'EDPSIZE=64,INTENS=1')                                      
//DDPRINT   DD SYSOUT=*                                              
//SYSUDUMP  DD SYSOUT=*                                              
//DDCARD    DD *                                                     
ADARUN DB=YYYYY,SVC=XXX,MODE=MULTI                                   
//CMPRINT   DD SYSOUT=*                                              
//CMWKF01   DD DSN=EXAMPLE.REPTOR.PARMS,                             
//             DCB=(RECFM=FB,LRECL=80),                              
//             DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE),                              
//             UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(TRK,(1,1),RLSE)                     
//CMSYNIN  DD *                                                      
LOGON SYSRPTR                                                        
RPULD NAME=*,DBID=YYYYY,FNR=FFFFF,RELATED=Y                          