Output Message Detail

DSECTs defining data structures known to the outside start with the characters 'URB'.

The data structures are shown in the form of an abridged assembly listing output to better fit into the documentation format. The columns have the following meaning.

Column Meaning
Offset The hexadecimal displacement from the beginning of the structure.
Num2 The optional hexadecimal value of literal definitions (EQU) – rightmost 2 bytes.
Num3 The optional hexadecimal size of the structure (DSECT).
Source The assembler source line in the format:
label instruction parameters comments 

Each item is separated by space. For a detailed account of the Assembler Language please consult the HLASM Manual. For example:

Offset Num2 Num3  Source
00018             URBCDSNR DS    F              Current data sequence number for record

This document provides details for the URB DSECTs.


                           URBC     ,                Replication buffer - Continuation
00000 00000 00030 URBC     DSECT
                  *        URBC -- Continuation element                                 *
                  *                                                                     *
                  *        DSECT URBC is used by the Adabas Replication Facility.       *
                  *                                                                     *
                  *        DSECT URBC contains information related to a transaction     *
                  *        that is continued in the current message.                    *
                  *                                                                     *
00000             URBCEYE  DS    CL4            URBC eye-catcher 'URBC'
00004             URBCLEN  DS    F              Length of URBC
00008             URBCSNAM DS    CL8            Subscription name
00010             URBCTSNR DS    F              Current transaction sequence number
                  *                              within subscription/destination
00014             URBCRSNR DS    F              Current record sequence number
                  *                              within transaction
00018             URBCDSNR DS    F              Current data sequence number for record
0001C             URBCCONT DS    C              Indicator for transaction continuation:
      00E8        URBCCONY EQU   C'Y'            More data to follow in the next message
                  *                               for the same transaction
0001D                      DS    XL19           Reserved area
00030                      DS    0D
      0030        URBCL    EQU   *-URBC         DSECT length


                           URBD     ,                Replication buffer - Data
00000 00000 00020 URBD     DSECT
                  *        URBD -- Data element                                         *
                  *                                                                     *
                  *        DSECT URBD is used by the Event Replicator for Adabas.       *
                  *                                                                     *
                  *        DSECT URBD contains data related to a before or after        *
                  *        image associated with one record.                            *
                  *                                                                     *
00000             URBDEYE  DS    CL4            URBD eye-catcher 'URBD'
00004             URBDLEN  DS    F              Length of URBD + related data + filler
00008             URBDLENH DS    F              Length of URBD
0000C             URBDLEND DS    F              Length of related data (at URBDDATA)
00010             URBDDSNR DS    F              Data sequence number for record
00014             URBDTYP  DS    C              Type of data:
      00C1        URBDTYPA EQU   C'A'            After  image of data storage
      00C2        URBDTYPB EQU   C'B'            Before image of data storage
      00D2        URBDTYPK EQU   C'K'            Before image of primary key
00015                      DS    XL11           Reserved area
00020             URBDDATA DS    0D             Payload data (before or after image)
      0020        URBDL    EQU   *-URBD         DSECT length


                           URBE     ,                Replication buffer - End
00000 00000 00020 URBE     DSECT
                  *        URBE -- End-of-transaction element                           *
                  *                                                                     *
                  *        DSECT URBE is used by the Adabas Replication Facility.       *
                  *                                                                     *
                  *        DSECT URBE indicates the end of the transaction related      *
                  *        to the preceding record and data elements.                   *
                  *                                                                     *
00000             URBEEYE  DS    CL4            URBE eye-catcher 'URBE'
00004             URBELEN  DS    F              Length of URBE
00008             URBESNAM DS    CL8            Subscription name
00010             URBETSNR DS    F              Transaction sequence number within
                  *                              subscription/destination
00014                      DS    XL12           Reserved area
00020                      DS    0D
      0020        URBEL    EQU   *-URBE         DSECT length


                           URBH     ,                Replication buffer - Header
00000 00000 00040 URBH     DSECT
                  *        URBH -- Message header                                       *
                  *                                                                     *
                  *        DSECT URBH is used by the Event Replicator for Adabas.       *
                  *                                                                     *
                  *        DSECT URBH contains information related to one message       *
                  *        sent to a replication target via a messaging system          *
                  *        (e.g., MQSeries or Entire Broker).                           *
                  *                                                                     *
                  *        DSECT URBH is put at the start of each buffer sent to        *
                  *        the messaging system.                                        *
                  *                                                                     *
00000             URBHEYE  DS    CL4            URBH eye-catcher 'URBH' (in EBCDIC)
00004             URBHLEN  DS    F              Length of URBH
00008             URBHVERS DS    CL2            Version indicator for URB* DSECTs:
      F0F1        URBHVER1 EQU   C'01'           First version
                  *                             Future releases may allow a new layout of
                  *                             the URB* DSECTs. In this case URBHVERS
                  *                             will be set to a different value.
0000A             URBHBORD DS    H              Constant 1 to indicate the byte order:
      0001        URBHBORH EQU   X'0001'         Big-endian (high-order byte first)
      0100        URBHBORL EQU   X'0100'         Little-endian (low-order byte first)
0000C             URBHLENT DS    F              Total message length (including URBH)
00010             URBHMSNR DS    F              Message sequence number per destination
00014             URBHTIME DS    XL8            Time (STCK) when message was sent
0001C             URBHRPID DS    H              Target ID of originating Reptor
0001E             URBHRPNI DS    H              Nucleus ID of originating Reptor
00020             URBHNAME DS    CL8            Sender name ('REPTOR' if sent by Reptor)
00028             URBHRES1 DS    XL24           Reserved area
00040                      DS    0D
      0040        URBHL    EQU   *-URBH         DSECT length
      F0F1        URBHVERC EQU   URBHVER1              Current version - Initial release


                           URBI     ,                Replication buffer - Input
00000 00000 00060 URBI     DSECT
                  *        URBI -- Input element                                        *
                  *                                                                     *
                  *        DSECT URBI is used by the Adabas Replication Facility.       *
                  *                                                                     *
                  *        DSECT URBI contains input data for a request from a          *
                  *        target application to the Reptor.                            *
                  *                                                                     *
                  *  For all types of request, fill in:
                  *     *  The eye-catcher (URBIEYE).
                  *     *  The length of all data belonging to this URBI, comprising
                  *        the URBI proper, any selection data, and any filler added
                  *        for alignment or other purposes (URBILEN).
                  *     *  The length of the URBI proper (URBILENH).
                  *     *  The length of the selection data proper (URBILEND);
                  *        zero, if there is no selection data.
                  *     *  An arbitrary token associated with the request (URBIRTOK).
                  *        The token has no meaning to the Reptor. The Reptor returns
                  *        it in all responses to the request. The token may be used
                  *        by the requestor to associate the response(s) with the
                  *        original request.
                  *     *  The destination to which the response(s) is/are to be sent
                  *        (URBIRNAM). Responses are sent to all destinations that
                  *        are associated with the request. If URBIRNAM is filled in,
                  *        the response(s) will additionally be sent to the specified
                  *        destination.
                  *     *  The request type (URBIRT).
                  *  Set unused fields to binary zeros or, for character fields, blanks.
                  *  Character data may be specified in either EBCDIC or ASCII. The
                  *  value provided in the eye-catcher in the URBH (URBHEYE) signals
                  *  the way character data are provided in the entire message.
                  *  Binary numbers may be specified in either big-endian (high-order
                  *  byte first) or little-endian (low-order byte first) byte order.
                  *  The value provided in the byte-order field in the URBH (URBHBORD)
                  *  signals the way binary numbers are provided in the entire message.
00000             URBIEYE  DS    CL4            URBI eye-catcher 'URBI'
00004             URBILEN  DS    F              Length of URBI + selection data + filler
00008             URBILENH DS    F              Length of URBI proper (>= URBIL)
0000C             URBILEND DS    F              Length of selection data (may be zero)
00010             URBIRTOK DS    XL8            Request ID token (returned in response)
00018             URBIRNAM DS    CL8            Destination name for response
00020             URBIRT   DS    CL4            Request type:
      C1E3        URBIRTST EQU   C'STAT'         Inquire subscription/destination status
      E2E3        URBIRTIS EQU   C'INST'         Commence initial-state processing
      C1D5        URBIRTTA EQU   C'TRAN'         Retrieve data for prior transaction
      D5C4        URBIRTOD EQU   C'OPND'         Open a destination
      E2C4        URBIRTCD EQU   C'CLSD'         Close a destination
                  *  For an initial-state request (INST), specify:
                  *     *  The initial-state name (URBIINAM).
                  *     *  The database ID (URBIDBID) and file number (URBIFNR).
                  *     *  If an ISN list or selection criterion has been defined
                  *        for the initial-state process, the selection data
                  *        (starting at URBI + URBILENH), which is either a list
                  *        of ISNs or a value buffer.
                  *  If the initial-state definition involves multiple files,
                  *  provide one URBI for each file in one message (URBH) and
                  *  specify the same request ID token, response destination,
                  *  and initial-state name for each one.
00024             URBIDBID DS    H              Database ID (INST request)
00026             URBIFNR  DS    H              File number (INST request)
00028             URBIINAM DS    CL8            Initial-state name (INST request)
                  *  For a status request (STAT), specify:
                  *     *  The subscription name or blanks (URBISNAM).
                  *     *  The destination name or blanks (URBIDNAM).
                  *  At least one of them must be given.
                  *  If both a subscription name and destination name are given, the
                  *  status of the last transaction processed for the subscription
                  *  will be sent to the destination in a URBS element.
                  *  If only a subscription name is given, the status of the last
                  *  transaction processed for the subscription will be sent in URBS
                  *  elements to every destination defined for the subscription.
                  *  If only a destination name is given, the status of the last
                  *  transaction processed for every subscription defined for the
                  *  destination will be sent in URBS elements to that destination.
                  *  For a prior-transaction request (TRAN), specify:
                  *     *  The subscription name (URBISNAM).
                  *     *  The destination name (URBIDNAM).
                  *     *  The transaction sequence number within the
                  *        subscription/destination (URBITSNR).
                  *  The replication data from the transaction identified by the
                  *  subscription and destination names and the sequence number
                  *  will be sent to the specified destination.
                  *  If the requested data is no longer available, a URBS with
                  *  related error information will be sent to the response
                  *  destination (URBIRNAM).
00030             URBISNAM DS    CL8            Subscription name or blank (STAT/TRAN)
00038             URBIDNAM DS    CL8            Destination name or blank (STAT/TRAN req)
                  *  The following three fields should be set if the selection data
                  *  (URBIDATA) has a different encoding or architecture than the
                  *  database. The usage is like the ACODE/WCODE and ARC parameters
                  *  in the record buffer for the Adabas OP command.
                  *  These fields may be used only if the Reptor is UES enabled.
                  *  They may be used for an initial-state request with selection
                  *  criterion and must be zero for all other requests.
00040             URBIACOD DS    F              Alpha field encoding in selection data
00044             URBIWCOD DS    F              Wide field encoding in selection data
00048             URBIARC  DS    X              Architecture flags for selection data
00049             URBIRES1 DS    XL3            Reserved area 1
0004C             URBITSNR DS    F              Transaction sequence number within
                  *                              subscription/destination (TRAN request)
00050             URBIRES2 DS    XL16           Reserved area 2
00060             URBIDATA DS    0D             Optional selection data (INST request):
                  *                              Value buffer or ISN list
      0060        URBIL    EQU   *-URBI         DSECT length


                           URBL     ,                Replication buffer - TLOG record
00000 00000 00040 URBL     DSECT ,              TLOG base record
                  *        URBL - Reptor Transaction Log Record Definition              *
                  *                                                                     *
                  *        URBL is used by the Adabas Replication Facility.             *
                  *                                                                     *
                  *        The URBL contains the base information for one TLOG record.  *
                  *        If URBLPTYP is nonzero, additional data follows this record  *
                  *        and is mapped by the DSECT indicated by the equate value.    *
                  *                                                                     *
00000             URBLEYE  DS    CL4            URBL eye-catcher 'URBL'
00004             URBLLEN  DS    F              Length of URBL
00008             URBLTLEN DS    F              Total TLOG record length including URBL
0000C             URBLVER  DS    CL2            Version of URBL structure:
      F0F1        URBLVER1 EQU   C'01'           First version
0000E             URBLTYPE DS    CL2            Type of TLOG Record:
                  *        Reptor processing events:
      C1C1        URBLTPRL EQU   C'AA'           Lowest processing event
      C1C1        URBLTTAQ EQU   C'AA'           Transaction on assignment queue
      C1C2        URBLTNSM EQU   C'AB'           No subscription match
      C1C3        URBLTSUI EQU   C'AC'           Input to subscription processing
      C1C4        URBLTFIL EQU   C'AD'           Data record filtered
      C1C5        URBLTSUO EQU   C'AE'           Output from subscription processing
      C1C6        URBLTADS EQU   C'AF'           Assigned to destination
      C1C7        URBLTSLW EQU   C'AG'           Transaction written to SLOG
      C1C8        URBLTSLR EQU   C'AH'           Transaction read from SLOG
      C1C9        URBLTOUC EQU   C'AI'           Output completion - Message sent
      C1D1        URBLTTCQ EQU   C'AJ'           Transaction on completion queue
      C1D2        URBLTTXC EQU   C'AK'           Transaction completed - Adabas informed
      C1D3        URBLTRQR EQU   C'AL'           Request received (from application)
      C1D4        URBLTRQT EQU   C'AM'           Request translated
      C1D5        URBLTRQJ EQU   C'AN'           Request rejected (undecipherable)
      C1D6        URBLTRQE EQU   C'AO'           Request error (execution failed)
      C1D7        URBLTSTA EQU   C'AP'           Response to status request
      C1D8        URBLTRET EQU   C'AQ'           Response to retransmit request
      C1D9        URBLTISS EQU   C'AR'           Initial-state request started
      C1E2        URBLTISC EQU   C'AS'           Initial-state request completed
      C1E3        URBLTDOD EQU   C'AT'           Destination output data
      C1E4        URBLTFMA EQU   C'AU'           Filter condition matched
      C1E5        URBLTFNM EQU   C'AV'           Filter condition not matched
      C1E6        URBLTFIG EQU   C'AW'           Filter condition ignored
      C1E7        URBLTADE EQU   C'AX'           ADABAS destination error
      C2E9        URBLTPRH EQU   C'BZ'           Highest processing event
                  *        Reptor state-change events:
      D4C1        URBLTSCL EQU   C'MA'           Lowest state-change event
      D4C1        URBLTRPI EQU   C'MA'           Reptor initialized
      D4C2        URBLTRPT EQU   C'MB'           Reptor terminated (normally)
      D4C3        URBLTSBA EQU   C'MC'           Subscription activated
      D4C4        URBLTSBD EQU   C'MD'           Subscription deactivated
      D4C5        URBLTDSA EQU   C'ME'           Destination activated
      D4C6        URBLTDSD EQU   C'MF'           Destination deactivated
      D4C7        URBLTDSO EQU   C'MG'           Destination opened
      D4C8        URBLTDSC EQU   C'MH'           Destination closed
      D4C9        URBLTDSU EQU   C'MI'           Destination unavailable
      D4D1        URBLTDSE EQU   C'MJ'           Destination error
      D4D2        URBLTDSF EQU   C'MK'           Destination full
      D4D3        URBLTFLA EQU   C'ML'           File activated
      D4D4        URBLTFLD EQU   C'MM'           File deactivated
      D4D5        URBLTIQO EQU   C'MN'           Input queue opened
      D4D6        URBLTIQC EQU   C'MO'           Input queue closed
      D4D7        URBLTRPO EQU   C'MP'           Replication pool overflow in Reptor
      D4D8        URBLTRDL EQU   C'MQ'           Replication data lost
      D4D9        URBLTSUS EQU   C'MR'           TLOGing suspended
      D4E2        URBLTTSF EQU   C'MS'           TLOG Space Allocation Failure
      D4E3        URBLTRFR EQU   C'MT'           Refresh requested
      D4E4        URBLTRFF EQU   C'MU'           Refresh failed
      D4E5        URBLTRFE EQU   C'MV'           Resource refreshed
      D4E6        URBLTRFC EQU   C'MW'           Refresh completed
      D4E7        URBLTRFX EQU   C'MX'           Refresh timed out
      D4E8        URBLTRFA EQU   C'MY'           Refresh aborted by user
      D4E9        URBLTRFN EQU   C'MZ'           Refresh not done (resource not changed)
      D4F0        URBLTDSR EQU   C'M0'           Retry open of destination attempted
      D4F1        URBLTIQR EQU   C'M1'           Retry open of input queue attempted
      D5E9        URBLTSCH EQU   C'NZ'           Highest state-change event
                  *        End of URBL types
00010             URBLTIME DS    XL8            Date/time (STCK) when event occurred
00018             URBLDNAM DS    CL8            Destination associated with event
00020             URBLSNAM DS    CL8            Subscription associated with event
00028             URBLPTYP DS    H              Type of TLOG data (at URBLDATA):
                  *        The URBT, URBR, URBI, and URBS structures are available in
                  *        separate macros. All other structures are mapped using the
                  *        DSECTs below.
      0000        URBLPNOD EQU   0               No additional data
      0001        URBLPUBT EQU   1               Output transaction               (URBT)
      0002        URBLPUBR EQU   2               Output record                    (URBLR)
      0003        URBLPULD EQU   3               Output record image              (URBLD)
      0004        URBLPULT EQU   4               Input transaction                (URBLT)
      0005        URBLPULR EQU   5               Input record                     (URBLQ)
      0006        URBLPULB EQU   6               Input record image               (URBLB)
      0007        URBLPRPI EQU   7               Reptor status change   (URBLS->URBLSRPN)
      0008        URBLPFIL EQU   8               File status change     (URBLS->URBLSDBI)
      0009        URBLPIQN EQU   9               Input Q status change  (URBLS->URBLSIQN)
      000A        URBLPUBI EQU   10              User request input data          (URBI)
      000B        URBLPUBS EQU   11              Status/response output data      (URBS)
      000C        URBLPULI EQU   12              User request input buffer        (URBLI)
      000D        URBLPCNT EQU   13              Event count            (URBLS->URBLSCNT)
      000E        URBLPFLT EQU   14              Filter event data                (URBLF)
      000F        URBLPEUS EQU   15              Extended status/response output  (URBLE)
      0010        URBLPRFR EQU   16              Refresh resource info  (URBLS->URBLSRRQ)
      0011        URBLPFCI EQU   17              Filter condition info            (URBLC)
      0012        URBLPADA EQU   18              ADABAS error info                (URBLA)
0002A                      DS    XL22           Reserved
00040             URBLDATA DS    0D             Data related to event follows
      0040        URBLL    EQU   *-URBL         Length of TLOG base record
                  *                                                                     *
                  *        DSECT to map an ADABAS error record written to the TLOG      *
                  *                                                                     *
00000 00000 00020 URBLA    DSECT ,              Output record image prefix
00000             URBLAEYE DS    CL6            URBLA eye-catcher 'URBLA '
00006             URBLASDB DS    H              Source database ID
00008             URBLASFN DS    H              Source file number
0000A             URBLATDB DS    H              Target database ID
0000C             URBLATFN DS    H              Target file number
0000E             URBLARSP DS    H              Response code
00010             URBLAREA DS    F              Reason code
00014             URBLAISN DS    F              ISN
00018             URBLACMD DS    CL2            Command  code
0001A                      DS    XL6            Reserved
      0020        URBLAL   EQU   *-URBLA        Length of ADABAS error record
                  *                                                                     *
                  *        DSECT to map an input record image                           *
                  *        (before subscription processing)                             *
                  *                                                                     *
00000 00000 00030 URBLB    DSECT ,              Input record image prefix
00000             URBLBEYE DS    CL6            URBLB eye-catcher 'URBLB '
00006             URBLBTYP DS    C              Type of image:
      00C1        URBLBTYA EQU   C'A'            Compressed after image of data storage
      00C2        URBLBTYB EQU   C'B'            Compressed before image of data storage
      00D2        URBLBTYK EQU   C'K'            Compressed before image of primary key
      00C4        URBLBTYD EQU   C'D'            Special type FDT
      00C6        URBLBTYF EQU   C'F'            Special type FCB
00007                      DS    X              Reserved
00008             URBLBTTM DS    XL8            Transaction timestamp (commit time)
00010             URBLBRSN DS    F              Record sequence number in transaction
00014             URBLBISQ DS    F              Sequence number of image
00018             URBLBPAO DS    F              Offset into payload represented by
                  *                              this record
0001C             URBLBPAL DS    F              Payload length in this record
00020                      DS    XL16           Reserved
00030             URBLBPAY DS    0D             Payload follows - Compressed record
      0030        URBLBL   EQU   *-URBLB        Length of input record image prefix
                  *                                                                     *
                  *        DSECT to map the filter condition information written for    *
                  *        a filter match, nomatch, or ignore TLOG event.               *
                  *                                                                     *
00000 00000 00050 URBLC    DSECT ,              Filter condition match/nomatch/ignore
00000             URBLCEYE DS    CL6            URBLC eye-catcher 'URBLC '
00006             URBLCFNM DS    CL8            Filter name
0000E             URBLCGRP DS    H              Filter group number
00010             URBLCNUM DS    H              Filter condition number
00012             URBLCCIN DS    C              Condition indicator:
      00C9        URBLCCIG EQU   C'I'            Condition ignored
      00D4        URBLCCMA EQU   C'M'            Condition matched
      00D5        URBLCCNM EQU   C'N'            Condition not matched
00013             URBLCUPT DS    C              Update type:
      00C4        URBLCUPD EQU   C'D'            Delete
      00C9        URBLCUPI EQU   C'I'            Insert
      00D9        URBLCUPR EQU   C'R'            Initial-state (refresh)
      00E4        URBLCUPU EQU   C'U'            Update
00014             URBLCISN DS    F              ISN
00018             URBLCPAL DS    F              Payload length in this record
                  *        The following describes the source field of the condition.
0001C             URBLCSFN DS    CL2            Source field name
0001E             URBLCSPE DS    H              Source PE number
00020             URBLCSMU DS    H              Source MU number
00022             URBLCSLN DS    H              Source field length
                  *                              0 if data not included in payload
00024             URBLCDBI DS    H              Database ID
00026             URBLCNUC DS    H              Nucleus ID in cluster
00028             URBLCFNR DS    H              File number
0002A             URBLCSIM DS    C              Source image:
      00C1        URBLCSAI EQU   C'A'            After  image of data storage
      00C2        URBLCSBI EQU   C'B'            Before image of data storage
      00D2        URBLCSKY EQU   C'K'            Before image of primary key
0002B             URBLCSTY DS    C              Source type:
      00C1        URBLCSTA EQU   C'A'            Alpha
      00C2        URBLCSTB EQU   C'B'            Binary
      00C6        URBLCSTF EQU   C'F'            Fixed point
      00C7        URBLCSTG EQU   C'G'            Floating point
      00D7        URBLCSTP EQU   C'P'            Packed
      00E4        URBLCSTU EQU   C'U'            Unpacked
      00E6        URBLCSTW EQU   C'W'            Wide character
0002C             URBLCCND DS    CL2            Condition
0002E             URBLCCLK DS    XL8            Transaction commit timestamp (STCK)
00036             URBLCRUT DS    XL8            Record updated timestamp (STCK)
0003E             URBLCSBG DS    XL2            Begin byte in source field
                  *        The following fields are filled out only if the target
                  *        of the condition is a field.
00040             URBLCTFN DS    CL2            Target field name
00042             URBLCTPE DS    H              Target PE number
00044             URBLCTMU DS    H              Target MU number
00046             URBLCTLN DS    H              Target field length
                  *                              0 if data not included in payload
                  *                                or no target field specified
00048             URBLCTIM DS    C              Target image:
      00C1        URBLCTAI EQU   C'A'            After  image of data storage
      00C2        URBLCTBI EQU   C'B'            Before image of data storage
      00D2        URBLCTKY EQU   C'K'            Before image of primary key
00049             URBLCTTY DS    C              Target type:
      00C1        URBLCTTA EQU   C'A'            Alpha
      00C2        URBLCTTB EQU   C'B'            Binary
      00C6        URBLCTTF EQU   C'F'            Fixed point
      00C7        URBLCTTG EQU   C'G'            Floating point
      00D7        URBLCTTP EQU   C'P'            Packed
      00E4        URBLCTTU EQU   C'U'            Unpacked
      00E6        URBLCTTW EQU   C'W'            Wide character
0004A             URBLCTBG DS    XL2            Begin byte in target field
0004C                      DS    XL4            Reserved
00050             URBLCPAY DS    0D             Payload follows - Source/target value(s)
      0050        URBLCL   EQU   *-URBLC        Length of filter condition prefix
                  *                                                                     *
                  *        DSECT to map an output record image                          *
                  *        (after subscription processing)                              *
                  *                                                                     *
00000 00000 00030 URBLD    DSECT ,              Output record image prefix
00000             URBLDEYE DS    CL6            URBLD eye-catcher 'URBLD '
00006                      DS    XL2            Reserved
00008             URBLDTTM DS    XL8            Transaction timestamp (commit time)
00010             URBLDRSN DS    F              Record sequence number in transaction
00014             URBLDISQ DS    F              Sequence number of image
00018             URBLDPAO DS    F              Offset into payload represented by
                  *                              this record
0001C             URBLDPAL DS    F              Payload length in this record
00020                      DS    XL16           Reserved
00030             URBLDPAY DS    0D             Payload follows - URBD
      0030        URBLDL   EQU   *-URBLD        Length of output record image prefix
                  *                                                                     *
                  *        DSECT to map the extended Status/Response event. This        *
                  *        is written when the URBS data must be written over           *
                  *        multiple TLOG records.                                       *
                  *                                                                     *
00000 00000 00030 URBLE    DSECT ,              Extended Status/response prefix
00000             URBLEEYE DS    CL6            URBLE eye-catcher 'URBLE '
00006                      DS    XL2            Reserved
00008             URBLETIM DS    XL8            Time from field URBSTIME
00010             URBLETOT DS    F              Total length of input buffer (URBS+data)
00014             URBLEPAO DS    F              Offset into URBS+data represented by
                  *                              this record
00018             URBLEPAL DS    F              Payload length in this record
0001C                      DS    XL20           Reserved
00030             URBLEPAY DS    0D             Payload follows - URBS+data
      0030        URBLEL   EQU   *-URBLE        Length of extended status/response prefix
                  *                                                                     *
                  *        DSECT to map the data written for a filter event             *
                  *                                                                     *
00000 00000 00020 URBLF    DSECT ,              Filter event data
00000             URBLFEYE DS    CL6            URBLF eye-catcher 'URBLF '
00006             URBLFREA DS    C              Reason for exclusion:
      00C5        URBLFREQ EQU   C'E'            SFREPLICATENOTCHANGED specified and
                  *                               AI=BI
      00D4        URBLFRFF EQU   C'M'            Matched an exclude filter
      00D5        URBLFRNI EQU   C'N'            Did not match any include filter
      00E7        URBLFRUX EQU   C'X'            Subscription user exit
00007                      DS    X              Reserved
00008             URBLFFNM DS    CL8            Name of filter (if any)
00010             URBLFGID DS    H              Filter group ID (if any)
00012                      DS    XL14           Reserved
      0020        URBLFL   EQU   *-URBLF        Length of filter event data
                  *                                                                     *
                  *        DSECT to map the input buffer received from a user,          *
                  *        written for request received and request rejected events     *
                  *        (before and after conversion)                                *
                  *                                                                     *
00000 00000 00020 URBLI    DSECT ,              User input buffer prefix
00000             URBLIEYE DS    CL6            URBLI eye-catcher 'URBLI '
00006                      DS    XL2            Reserved
00008             URBLIRSP DS    F              Zero for 'request received' event
                  *                             Reason code for 'request rejected'
0000C             URBLITOT DS    F              Total length of input buffer
00010             URBLIPAL DS    F              Length of this portion
00014             URBLIPAO DS    F              Offset this portion represents
00018                      DS    XL8            Reserved
00020             URBLIPAY DS    0D             Payload follows - URBH, URBI
      0020        URBLIL   EQU   *-URBLI        Length of user input buffer prefix
                  *                                                                     *
                  *        DSECT to map an input record                                 *
                  *                                                                     *
00000 00000 00040 URBLQ    DSECT ,              Input record prefix
00000             URBLQEYE DS    CL6            URBLQ eye-catcher 'URBLQ '
00006             URBLQIMT DS    C              Type of before image:
      0040        URBLQIMA EQU   C' '            No before image
      00C2        URBLQIMB EQU   C'B'            Compressed data storage before image
      00C6        URBLQIMF EQU   C'F'            FCB (within pseudo-transaction)
      00D2        URBLQIMK EQU   C'K'            Compressed primary key value
                  *                              If initial-state process:
      00C5        URBLQIME EQU   C'E'             End of file reached
      00D9        URBLQIMR EQU   C'R'             Process stopped due to
                  *                                response code (in URBLQRSP/SUB)
      00E2        URBLQIMS EQU   C'S'             Process stopped on request (HALT/STOP)
00007             URBLQUPT DS    C              Type of update:
      00C4        URBLQUPD EQU   C'D'            Record deleted
      00C9        URBLQUPI EQU   C'I'            Record inserted
      00E4        URBLQUPU EQU   C'U'            Record updated
                  *                              Within pseudo-transactions:
      00C6        URBLQUPF EQU   C'F'             FCB and FDT
      00D3        URBLQUPL EQU   C'L'             Report of replication data loss
      00D9        URBLQUPR EQU   C'R'             Record from initial-state process
      00E8        URBLQUPY EQU   C'Y'             File replication reactivated
      00E9        URBLQUPZ EQU   C'Z'             File replication deactivated
00008                      DS    XL2            Reserved
0000A             URBLQFNR DS    H              File number
0000C             URBLQISN DS    F              ISN
00010             URBLQTTM DS    XL8            Transaction timestamp (commit time)
00018             URBLQRSN DS    F              Record sequence number in transaction
0001C             URBLQRSP DS    H              Response code
0001E             URBLQSUB DS    XL2            Response subcode
00020             URBLQFMT DS    XL8            STCK of 1st modification of same FNR/ISN
00028             URBLQLMT DS    XL8            STCK of last modification of same FNR/ISN
00030             URBLQBFZ DS    F              Adabas command counter
00034                      DS    XL12           Reserved
      0040        URBLQL   EQU   *-URBLQ        Length of input record prefix
                  *                                                                     *
                  *        DSECT to map an output record                                *
                  *                                                                     *
00000 00000 00020 URBLR    DSECT ,              Output record prefix
00000             URBLREYE DS    CL6            URBLR eye-catcher 'URBLR '
00006                      DS    XL2            Reserved
00008             URBLRTTM DS    XL8            Transaction timestamp (commit time)
00010                      DS    XL16           Reserved
00020             URBLRPAY DS    0D             Payload follows - URBR
      0020        URBLRL   EQU   *-URBLR        Length of output record prefix
                  *                                                                     *
                  *        DSECT to map records written for state change events         *
                  *                                                                     *
00000 00000 00020 URBLS    DSECT ,              State change event data
00000             URBLSEYE DS    CL6            URBLS eye-catcher 'URBLS '
00006                      DS    XL2            Reserved
00008             URBLSESD DS    0C             Event specific data follows here
                  *                                                                     *
                  *        Data written for a Reptor-related state change event         *
                  *                                                                     *
00008 00008 00008          ORG   URBLSESD
00008             URBLSRPN DS    CL8            Reptor address space name
00010             URBLSRPS DS    C              Start indicator:
      00D9        URBLSRPR EQU   C'R'            Restart after abnormal shutdown
      00E2        URBLSRPI EQU   C'S'            Start after normal shutdown
00011                      DS    XL15           Reserved
      0020        URBLSRPL EQU   *-URBLS
                  *                                                                     *
                  *        Data written for a file-related state change event           *
                  *                                                                     *
00020 00020 00008          ORG   URBLSESD
00008             URBLSDBI DS    H              Database ID
0000A             URBLSFNR DS    H              File number
0000C                      DS    XL20           Reserved
      0020        URBLSDFL EQU   *-URBLS
                  *                                                                     *
                  *        Data written for an input queue-related state change event   *
                  *                                                                     *
00020 00020 00008          ORG   URBLSESD
00008             URBLSIQN DS    CL8            Input queue name
00010                      DS    XL16           Reserved
      0020        URBLSIQL EQU   *-URBLS
                  *                                                                     *
                  *        Data written for state change events requiring counters      *
                  *                                                                     *
00020 00020 00008          ORG   URBLSESD
00008             URBLSCNT DS    F              Count of events
0000C                      DS    XL20           Reserved
      0020        URBLSCNL EQU   *-URBLS
                  *                                                                     *
                  *        Data written for a refresh of a specific resource            *
                  *                                                                     *
00020 00020 00008          ORG   URBLSESD
00008             URBLSRRQ DS    C              Refresh request:
      00C1        URBLSRRA EQU   C'A'            Add a resource
      00C4        URBLSRRD EQU   C'D'            Delete a resource
      00D4        URBLSRRM EQU   C'M'            Modify a resource
00009             URBLSRTY DS    C              Type of resource:
      00C1        URBLSRTA EQU   C'A'            Initial state
      00C4        URBLSRTD EQU   C'D'            Destination
      00C6        URBLSRTF EQU   C'F'            Full refresh
      00C7        URBLSRTG EQU   C'G'            Globals
      00C9        URBLSRTI EQU   C'I'            Input queue
      00D9        URBLSRTR EQU   C'R'            Resend buffer
      00E2        URBLSRTS EQU   C'S'            Subscription
0000A             URBLSRNM DS    CL8            Resource name
00012                      DS    XL14           Reserved
      0020        URBLSRFL EQU   *-URBLS
                  *                                                                     *
                  *        End of state change record                                   *
                  *                                                                     *
00020 00020 00020          ORG   ,
      0020        URBLSL   EQU   *-URBLS        Maximum length of state change event data
                  *                                                                     *
                  *        DSECT to map an input transaction                            *
                  *                                                                     *
00000 00000 00060 URBLT    DSECT ,              Input transaction data
00000             URBLTEYE DS    CL6            URBLT eye-catcher 'URBLT '
00006                      DS    XL2            Reserved
00008             URBLTDBI DS    H              Originating Adabas database ID
0000A             URBLTNUI DS    H              Originating Adabas nucleus ID
0000C             URBLTGUI DS    XL28           Originating 28-byte user ID
00028             URBLTTBT DS    XL8            STCK at transaction begin
                  *                              (time of first replicated update)
00030             URBLTTTM DS    XL8            STCK at transaction end (commit time)
00038             URBLTTRI DS    F              Transaction ID (by nucleus)
0003C             URBLTTUT DS    F              Transaction ID (by user)
00040             URBLTREC DS    F              Number of records in transaction
00044             URBLTINS DS    F              Initial-state request relative number
00048             URBLTRSI DS    C              Indicator for possible double delivery:
      00E8        URBLTRSY EQU   C'Y'            Data for the same transaction
                  *                               may have been sent previously
00049             URBLTPTI DS    C              Pseudo-transaction indicator:
      00C3        URBLTSC5 EQU   C'C'            C5 user data pseudo-transaction
      00C4        URBLTSDA EQU   C'D'            File deactivation pseudo-transaction
      00C6        URBLTSEU EQU   C'F'            FCB/FDT pseudo-transaction
      00C9        URBLTSIS EQU   C'I'            Initial-state pseudo-transaction
      00D3        URBLTSLO EQU   C'L'            Lost replication data pseudo-transaction
0004A             URBLTSRT DS    C              Indicates whether or not the transaction
                  *                              records have been sorted by file, ISN,
                  *                              and relative number:
      00E8        URBLTSRY EQU   C'Y'            Transaction has been sorted
      00D5        URBLTSRN EQU   C'N'            Transaction has not been sorted
0004B                      DS    X              Reserved
0004C             URBLTSID DS    CL8            Security system user ID
00054                      DS    XL12           Reserved
      0060        URBLTL   EQU   *-URBLT        Length of input transaction data
      F0F1        URBLVERC EQU   URBLVER1              Current version - Initial release


                           URBP     ,                Replication buffer - Parm Subs. Exit
00000 00000 00014 URBP     DSECT
                  *        URBP -- Subscription user exit parameter list                *
                  *                                                                     *
                  *        DSECT URBP is used by the Event Replicator for Adabas.       *
                  *                                                                     *
                  *        DSECT URBP describes the parameter address list passed       *
                  *        to the Reptor subscription user exit.                        *
                  *                                                                     *
                  *        During Reptor session start, the user exit is called once    *
                  *        with the Initialize function.                                *
                  *                                                                     *
                  *        While the Reptor is running, the exit is called with the     *
                  *        Process-record function for every record that is being       *
                  *        replicated. The exit may filter the record (suppress its     *
                  *        shipment to the destination(s)) or modify its contents.      *
                  *                                                                     *
                  *        During Reptor shutdown (normal termination only), the exit   *
                  *        is called once with the Terminate function.                  *
                  *                                                                     *
                  *                                                                     *
                  *        The subscription user exit is called using a                 *
                  *        standard BALR 14,15 interface, as follows:                   *
                  *                                                                     *
                  *        On entry,                                                    *
                  *           R1  -> URBP parameter address list                        *
                  *           R13 -> Standard 72-byte register save area                *
                  *           R14 -> Return point                                       *
                  *           R15 -> User exit entry point                              *
                  *                                                                     *
                  *        On exit,                                                     *
                  *           information may be returned in the first parameter        *
                  *                                                                     *
00000             URBPURBX DS    A              Addr of URBX parameter block
                  *  Only for the Process-record function (URBXFUNC=URBXFREC):
00004             URBPURBT DS    A              Addr of URBT
00008             URBPURBR DS    A              Addr of URBR
0000C             URBPABI  DS    A              Addr of URBD of before image
                  *                              Zero if no before image
00010             URBPAAI  DS    A              Addr of URBD of after image
                  *                              Zero if no after image
                  *  The user exit may change the before/after image record contents
                  *  at URBD.URBDDATA and may decrease their lengths at URBD.URBDLEND.
                  *  However, it must not increase the record data lengths. If the
                  *  exit sets a length to zero, the corresponding record image will
                  *  not be shipped to the destination(s).
                  *  The last supplied address in the URBP parameter address list is
                  *  marked with the high bit set.
      0014        URBPL    EQU   *-URBP         DSECT length


000000 00000 00008  URBQ     DSECT                                                          
                    *        URBQ -- User Exit Program Parameter Block                    * 
                    *                                                                     * 
                    *        DSECT URBQ is used by the Adabas Replication Extract         * 
                    *        utility (ADARPE).                                            * 
                    *                                                                     * 
                    *        DSECT URBQ describes the parameter address list passed       * 
                    *        from the extract utility to a user exit program.             * 
                    *                                                                     * 
                    *        The user exit is called using a standard BALR 14,15          * 
                    *        interface, as follows:                                       * 
                    *                                                                     * 
                    *        On entry,                                                    * 
                    *           R1  -> URBQ parameter address list                        * 
                    *           R13 -> Standard 72-byte register save area                * 
                    *           R14 -> Return point                                       * 
                    *           R15 -> User exit entry point                              * 
                    *                                                                     * 
                    *        On exit,                                                     * 
                    *           information may be returned in the first parameter        * 
                    *                                                                     * 
000000              URBQURBZ DS    A              Address of URBZ parameter block          
000004              URBQABUF DS    A              Address of output buffer for record      
                    *  The last supplied address in the URBQ parameter address list is     
                    *  marked with the high bit set.                                       
       00008        URBQL    EQU   *-URBQ         DSECT length                             


                           URBR     ,                Replication buffer - Record
00000 00000 00040 URBR     DSECT
                  *        URBR -- Record element                                       *
                  *                                                                     *
                  *        DSECT URBR is used by the Adabas Replication Facility.       *
                  *                                                                     *
                  *        DSECT URBR contains information related to one record.       *
                  *                                                                     *
00000             URBREYE  DS    CL4            URBR eye-catcher 'URBR'
00004             URBRLEN  DS    F              Length of URBR
00008             URBRRSNR DS    F              Record sequence number within transaction
0000C             URBRDCNT DS    H              Count of data elements (URBDs)
                  *                              for this record
0000E             URBRFNR  DS    H              Original Adabas file number
00010             URBRISN  DS    F              Original Adabas ISN
00014             URBRTIME DS    XL8            Time (STCK) of last modification
0001C             URBRTYP  DS    C              Type of update:
      00C4        URBRTYPD EQU   C'D'            Delete
      00C9        URBRTYPI EQU   C'I'            Insert
      00D9        URBRTYPR EQU   C'R'            Initial State (refresh)
      00E4        URBRTYPU EQU   C'U'            Update
0001D             URBRRSND DS    C              Indicator for possible double delivery:
      00E8        URBRRSNY EQU   C'Y'            Data for same record may have been
                  *                               sent previously
0001E             URBRRSP  DS    H              Response code
00020             URBRSUBC DS    XL4            Subcode information
00024             URBRERRC DS    CL8            Other error code information
                  *                              No record data (URBD) is shipped if the
                  *                              record incurred a nonzero response code
                  *                              (URBRRSP) or non-blank other error code
                  *                              (URBRERRC) during replication
                  *                              processing.
0002C             URBRDCU  DS    C              Indicator for possible delete conversion:
      00E8        URBRDCUY EQU   C'Y'            Delete converted to update
0002D             URBRUC   DS    C              Indicator for possible update conversion:
      00C4        URBRUCD  EQU   C'D'            Update converted to delete
      00C9        URBRUCI  EQU   C'I'            Update converted to insert
0002E                      DS    XL18           Reserved area
00040                      DS    0D
      0040        URBRL    EQU   *-URBR         DSECT length


                           URBS     ,                Replication buffer - Status/response
00000 00000 00140 URBS     DSECT                                                         
                  *        URBS -- Reptor status/response element                       *
                  *                                                                     *
                  *        DSECT URBS is used by the Adabas Replication Facility.       *
                  *                                                                     *
                  *        DSECT URBS contains status/response information sent         *
                  *        from the Reptor to a Target Application.                     *
                  *                                                                     *
00000             URBSEYE  DS    CL4            URBS eye-catcher 'URBS'                  
00004             URBSLEN  DS    F              Length of URBS + related data + filler   
00008             URBSRTOK DS    XL8            Request ID token (from original request),
                  *                              zero if unsolicited Reptor message      
00010             URBSRT   DS    CL4            Request type (blank if no request):      
      C1E3        URBSRTST EQU   C'STAT'         Subscription status information         
      E2E3        URBSRTIS EQU   C'INST'         Initial-state processing information    
      C1D5        URBSRTTA EQU   C'TRAN'         Prior-transaction processing information
      D5C4        URBSRTOD EQU   C'OPND'         Open a destination                      
      E2C4        URBSRTCD EQU   C'CLSD'         Close a destination                     
00014             URBSST   DS    CL4            Reptor status/response information:      
      C9E3        URBSSTIN EQU   C'INIT'         Initial-state processing commenced      
      D9D6        URBSSTER EQU   C'ERRO'         Initial-state erroneous request rejected
      D7D3        URBSSTCM EQU   C'CMPL'         Initial-state processing completed      
      C2E2        URBSSTSU EQU   C'SUBS'         Subscription status information         
      D9E3        URBSSTUP EQU   C'STRT'         Normal Reptor session start             
      E2E3        URBSSTAR EQU   C'REST'         Reptor restart after abnormal end       
      D9D4        URBSSTDN EQU   C'TERM'         Normal Reptor session termination       
      C1C3        URBSSTDA EQU   C'DEAC'         Replication deactivated                 
      C1C3        URBSSTRA EQU   C'REAC'         Replication reactivated                 
      E2D7        URBSSTTR EQU   C'TRSP'         Response to prior-transaction request   
      E2E3        URBSSTLO EQU   C'LOST'         Possibly lost replication data          
      C4C1        URBSSTC5 EQU   C'C5DA'         Replication user data from C5 command   
      C4E2        URBSSTLS EQU   C'LODS'         ADALOD LOAD started                     
      C4C5        URBSSTLE EQU   C'LODE'         ADALOD LOAD ended                       
      D3E2        URBSSTRS EQU   C'RPLS'         Replay process (ADARPL) started         
      D3C5        URBSSTRE EQU   C'RPLE'         Replay process (ADARPL) ended           
      C6D9        URBSSTRF EQU   C'REFR'         Resource refreshed                      
      E5E2        URBSSTSS EQU   C'SAVS'         ADASAV RESTORE started                  
      E5C5        URBSSTSE EQU   C'SAVE'         ADASAV RESTORE ended                    
      E2E2        URBSSTGS EQU   C'RESS'         ADARES REGENERATE/BACKOUT started       
      E2C5        URBSSTGE EQU   C'RESE'         ADARES REGENERATE/BACKOUT ended         
      C4E2        URBSSTUS EQU   C'UPDS'         ADALOD UPDATE started                   
      C4C5        URBSSTUE EQU   C'UPDE'         ADALOD UPDATE ended                     
      E3C9        URBSSTAU EQU   C'AUTI'         Adabas utility service replication      
      D6E2        URBSSTCL EQU   C'CLOS'         Destination closed                      
      C5D5        URBSSTOP EQU   C'OPEN'         Destination opened                      
      C5C3        URBSSTAS EQU   C'ASEC'         Adabas security replication             
      D6D5        URBSSTSN EQU   C'SLON'         SLOG turned on for destination          
      D6C6        URBSSTSF EQU   C'SLOF'         SLOG turned off for destination         
      C4D6        URBSSTDO EQU   C'SLDO'         SLOG for DB-related input turned on     
      C4C6        URBSSTDF EQU   C'SLDF'         SLOG for DB-related input turned off    
      C4E2        URBSSTDS EQU   C'SLDS'         SLOG for DB-related input suspended     
      C4D9        URBSSTDR EQU   C'SLDR'         SLOG for DB-related input resumed       
      C4C4        URBSSTDD EQU   C'SLDD'         SLOG for DB-related input disabled      
      E4D3        URBSSTFL EQU   C'DFUL'         Destination full                        
      D9D9        URBSSTDE EQU   C'DERR'         Destination error                       
      C3D6        URBSSTCO EQU   C'DBCO'         Database connected                      
      C4C9        URBSSTDI EQU   C'DBDI'         Database disconnected                   
      D5D7        URBSSTNP EQU   C'DBNP'         Database not present                    
      D4D7        URBSSTDC EQU   C'DCMP'         Decompression error: AI, BI, FAI, FBI,  
                  *                               or KEY                                 
      C6C7        URBSSTRG EQU   C'REFG'         Refresh Globals                         
      D6D7        URBSSTQO EQU   C'IQOP'         Input Queue opened                      
      C3D3        URBSSTQC EQU   C'IQCL'         Input Queue closed                      
00018             URBSTIME DS    XL8            Time (STCK) when this URBS was created   
00020             URBSRSP  DS    F              Response code for request                
00024             URBSSUBC DS    F              Subcode for request                      
00028             URBSERRI DS    CL8            Other pertinent error information        
00030             URBSINAM DS    CL8            Initial-state name (CMPL/ERRO/INIT       
                  *                              message)                                
00038             URBSSNAM DS    CL8            Subscription name (ASEC/C5DA/DCMP/DEAC/  
                  *                              LOST/REAC/REFR/RPLE/RPLS/SUBS/TRSP      
                  *                              message)                                
00040             URBSDNAM DS    CL8            Destination name (DEAC/DERR/FULL/REAC/   
                  *                              REFR/SLOF/SLON message)                 
00048             URBSPTIM DS    XL8            Time (STCK) when last transaction was    
                  *                              processed for the subscription          
                  *                              (SUBS message)                          
00050             URBSTTIM DS    XL8            Time (STCK) of transaction commit        
                  *                              (ASEC/AUTI/C5DA/SUBS message)           
00058             URBSTSNR DS    F              Transaction sequence number within       
                  *                              subscription/destination (SUBS/TRSP msg)
0005C             URBSDBFN DS    0F             DBID and FNR (ASEC/CMPL/DCMP/DEAC/ERRO/  
                  *                              INIT/LODS/LODE/LOST/REAC/SAVS/SAVE/     
                  *                              UPDS/UPDE message)                      
0005C             URBSDBID DS     H              Database ID (DBCO/DBDI/DBNP/RPLS/RPLE   
                  *                               messages)                              
0005E             URBSFNR  DS     H              File number                             
00060             URBSLENH DS    F              Length of URBS                           
00064             URBSLEND DS    F              Length of related data (at URBSDATA)     
00068             URBSUTOK DS    H              Utility token (CMPL/ERRO/INIT/LODS/LODE/ 
                  *                              RPLS/RPLE/SAVS/SAVE/UPDS/UPDE message)  
0006A             URBSORIG DS    C              Origin of status (ASEC/C5DA message):    
      00C1        URBSORIA EQU   C'A'            Coming from Adabas nucleus              
      00D9        URBSORIR EQU   C'R'            Coming from ADARPL REPLAY               
0006B                      DS    XL5            Reserved area                            
00070             URBSIQNM DS    CL8            Input Queue name (IQCL/IQOP/REFR message)
00078                      DS    XL8            Reserved area                             
00080             URBSDATA DS    0D             Payload data (ASEC/C5DA/RPLE/RPLS         
                  *                              message)                                 
                  *                              Note: For the RPLS/RPLE message,         
                  *                              URBSDATA contains a list of 2-byte file  
                  *                              numbers of the file(s) associated with   
                  *                              the replay process for the subscription  
                  *                              given in URBSSNAM                        
      0080        URBSL    EQU   *-URBS         DSECT length                               


                           URBT     ,                Replication buffer - Transaction
00000 00000 00080 URBT     DSECT
                  *        URBT -- Transaction element                                  *
                  *                                                                     *
                  *        DSECT URBT is used by the Adabas Replication Facility.       *
                  *                                                                     *
                  *        DSECT URBT contains information related to one transaction.  *
                  *                                                                     *
00000             URBTEYE  DS    CL4            URBT eye-catcher 'URBT'
00004             URBTLEN  DS    F              Length of URBT
00008             URBTSNAM DS    CL8            Subscription name
00010             URBTTSNR DS    F              Transaction sequence number within
                  *                              subscription/destination
00014             URBTRCNT DS    F              Count of records (URBRs) in transaction
00018             URBTTTIM DS    XL8            Time (STCK) at transaction commit
00020             URBTPTIM DS    XL8            Time (STCK) at end of subscription
                  *                              processing
00028             URBTDBID DS    H              Originating Adabas database ID
0002A             URBTNUCI DS    H              Originating Adabas nucleus ID
0002C             URBTGUID DS    XL28           Originating 28-byte user ID
00048             URBTRPID DS    H              Reptor target ID (DBID parameter)
0004A             URBTRPNI DS    H              Reptor nucleus ID (not yet used) => zero
0004C             URBTUSRV DS    CL2            User subscription version indicator,
                  *                              set from parameter SVERSION in the
                  *                              subscription definition
0004E             URBTRSND DS    C              Indicator for possible double delivery:
      00E8        URBTRSNY EQU   C'Y'            Data for same transaction may have
                  *                               been sent previously
0004F             URBTINST DS    C              Indicator for initial state:
      00E8        URBTINSY EQU   C'Y'            Data sent by initial-state process
00050             URBTRTOK DS    XL8            Request ID token (if response to request
                  *                              from target application => URBIRTOK)
00058             URBTCONT DS    C              Indicator for transaction continuation:
      00E8        URBTCONY EQU   C'Y'            More data to follow in the next message
                  *                               for the same transaction
                  *  The fields URBTARC, URBTACOD and URBTWCOD contain the subscription
                  *  parameters SARC, SACODE and SWCODE, respectively.
00059             URBTARC  DS    X              Architecture of transaction data
0005A             URBTPTRN DS    C              Indicator for prior-transaction request:
      00E8        URBTPTRY EQU   C'Y'            Resending data from prior transaction
0005B             URBTSORT DS    C              Indicates whether or not the transaction
                  *                              records have been sorted by file, ISN,
                  *                              and relative number:
      00E8        URBTSORY EQU   C'Y'            Transaction has been sorted
      00D5        URBTSORN EQU   C'N'            Transaction has not been sorted
0005C             URBTACOD DS    F              Encoding of alpha fields
00060             URBTWCOD DS    F              Encoding of wide fields
00064             URBTUTOK DS    H              Utility token, if transaction comes from
                  *                              ADARPL REPLAY or ADALOD LOAD/UPDATE
00066             URBTORIG DS    C              Origin of transaction:
      00C1        URBTORIA EQU   C'A'            Coming from Adabas nucleus
      00C7        URBTORGG EQU   C'G'            Coming from ADARES
      00D3        URBTORIL EQU   C'L'            Coming from ADALOD LOAD
      00D9        URBTORIR EQU   C'R'            Coming from ADARPL REPLAY
      00E2        URBTORIS EQU   C'S'            Coming from ADASAV
      00E4        URBTORIU EQU   C'U'            Coming from ADALOD UPDATE
00067                      DS    X              Reserved area
00068             URBTSUID DS    CL8            Security system user ID
00070                      DS    XL16           Reserved area
00080                      DS    0D
      0080        URBTL    EQU   *-URBT         DSECT length


000000 00000 00050  URBU     DSECT                                                         
                    *        URBU -- ADARPE Extract Header User Element                   *
                    *                                                                     *
                    *        DSECT URBU is used by the Adabas Replication Facility.       *
                    *                                                                     *
                    *        DSECT URBU contains data describing the extract created      *
                    *        from ADARPE.  It is written as the first record of the       *
                    *        output file of ADARPE when HEADER=YES is specified.          *
                    *                                                                     *
000000              URBUEYE  DS    CL4            URBU eye-catcher 'URBU'                  
000004              URBULEN  DS    F              Length of URBU                           
000008              URBUVERS DS    CL2            URBU version indicator:                  
       0F0F1        URBUVER1 EQU   C'01'           First version                           
                    *                             Future releases may allow a new layout   
                    *                             of the ADARPE output file. In this case  
                    *                             URBUVERS will be set to a different      
                    *                             value.                                   
00000A              URBUNAME DS    CL8            Extract name (ADARPE NAME parameter)     
000012              URBUTIME DS    XL8            Time of execution (STCK)               
00001A              URBUDIST DS    CL22           Local time (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.hh)    
000030              DS    XL32           Reserved area                          
000050              DS    0D                                                    
       00050        URBUL    EQU   *-URBU         DSECT length                           


                           URBX     ,                Replication buffer - Par1 Subs. Exit
00000 00000 00060 URBX     DSECT
                  *        URBX -- Subscription user exit parameter block               *
                  *                                                                     *
                  *        DSECT URBX is used by the Adabas Replication Facility.       *
                  *                                                                     *
                  *        DSECT URBX describes the first parameter passed to the       *
                  *        Reptor subscription user exit.                               *
00000             URBXEYE  DS    CL4      (in)  URBX eye-catcher 'URBX'
00004             URBXLEN  DS    F        (in)  Length of URBX
00008             URBXVERS DS    CL2      (in)  Version indicator for exit parameters:
      F0F1        URBXVER1 EQU   C'01'           First version
                  *                             Future releases may allow a new layout
                  *                             of the subscription user exit parameters
                  *                             (URBP and URBX DSECTs). In this case
                  *                             URBXVERS will be set to a different
                  *                             value.
0000A             URBXVERH DS    CL2      (in)  Version indicator for URB* DSECTs,
                  *                              corresponding to URBHVERS
0000C             URBXUSER DS    A    (in/out)  Word for use by user exit:
                  *                              Initially (Initialize function), zero
                  *                              Then, value set by exit in previous call
00010             URBXFUNC DS    X        (in)  Function code:
      0001        URBXFINI EQU   X'01'           Initialize
      0002        URBXFTRM EQU   X'02'           Terminate
      0003        URBXFREC EQU   X'03'           Process record
00011             URBXRETC DS    X       (out)  Return code:
      0000        URBXRSHP EQU   X'00'           Ship record (default setting)
      0001        URBXRFLT EQU   X'01'           Filter record (other nonzero
                  *                               values cause filtering, too)
00012             URBXJNAM DS    CL8      (in)  Reptor job name
0001A             URBXERRC DS    CL8     (out)  Other error code information:
                  *                              Passed to destination in URBR.URBRERRC
                  *                              (default setting is blanks)
00022             URBXRETD DS    X       (out)  Return indicator for delete processing:
      0000        URBXRDEL EQU   X'00'           Process as delete (default setting)
      0001        URBXRUPD EQU   X'01'           Convert delete to update
00023             URBXRETU DS    X       (out)  Return indicator for update processing:
      0001        URBXRUTI EQU   X'01'           Convert update to insert
      0002        URBXRUTD EQU   X'02'           Convert update to delete
00024                      DS    XL58           Reserved area
00060                      DS    0D
      0060        URBXL    EQU   *-URBX         DSECT length


000000 00000 00040  URBZ     DSECT                                                          
                    *        URBZ -- User Exit Program Parameter Block                    * 
                    *                                                                     * 
                    *        DSECT URBZ is used by the Adabas Replication Extract         * 
                    *        utility (ADARPE).                                            * 
                    *                                                                     * 
                    *        DSECT URBZ describes the first parameter passed to the       * 
                    *        extract utility user exit.                                   * 
                    *                                                                     * 
000000              URBZEYE  DS    CL4      (in)  URBZ eye-catcher 'URBZ'                   
000004              URBZLEN  DS    F        (in)  Length of URBZ                            
000008              URBZVERS DS    CL2      (in)  Version indicator for exit parameters:    
       0F0F1        URBZVER1 EQU   C'01'           First version                            
                    *                             Future releases may allow a new layout    
                    *                             of the extract user exit parameters.      
                    *                             In this case URBZVERS will be set to a    
                    *                             different value.                          
00000A              URBZVERH DS    CL2      (in)  Version indicator for URB* DSECTs,        
                    *                              corresponding to URBHVERS                
00000C              URBZUSER DS    A    (in/out)  Word for use by user exit:               
                    *                              Initially (Initialize function), zero   
                    *                              Then, value set by exit in previous call
000010              URBZDDN  DS    CL8      (in)  Output DD/DLBL name                      
000018              URBZDDML DS    F        (in)  Maximum record length of output file     
00001C              URBZDDWL DS    F    (in/out)  Length to write, modifiable by user exit 
000020              URBZDTYP DS    X        (in)  Type of data provided in buffer:         
       00001        URBZTYPL EQU   1               URBL                                    
       00002        URBZTYPT EQU   2               URBT                                    
       00003        URBZTYPR EQU   3               URBLR/URBR                              
       00004        URBZTYPD EQU   4               URBLD/URBD                              
       00005        URBZTYPS EQU   5               URBS                                    
       00006        URBZTYPE EQU   6               URBLE/URBS                              
       00007        URBZTYPP EQU   7               Raw payload                             
000021              URBZFUNC DS    X        (in)  User exit function code:                 
       00001        URBZFINI EQU   X'01'           Initialize user exit                    
       00002        URBZFTRM EQU   X'02'           Terminate user exit                     
       00003        URBZFOUT EQU   X'03'           Process output data                     
000022              URBZRETC DS    X       (out)  User exit return code:                   
                    *                              Initialize/Terminate functions:         
       00000        URBZITOK EQU   X'00'            Success                                
       00001        URBZITER EQU   X'01'            Error - will result in ADARPE Error-127
                    *                              Process function:                       
       00000        URBZRWRT EQU   X'00'            Write record (default setting)         
       00001        URBZRSKP EQU   X'01'            Skip record                            
       00002        URBZRERR EQU   X'02'            Error - will result in ADARPE Error-127
000023              URBZERRC DS    CL8     (out)  Other error code information -           
                    *                              will be printed in Error-127 message as 
                    *                              "User Exit error code=xxxxxxxx"         
00002B                       DS    XL21           Reserved area                            
       00040        URBZL    EQU   *-URBZ         DSECT length