These are the messages produced by Event Replicator for Adabas processing.
Some of the ADAF* messages are preceded by the Adabas or Event
Replicator Server database ID. These database IDs are not shown in the message
texts in this documentation.
ADAF01 | Replication GETMAIN failed |
Explanation |
Getmain for Replication area failed or there was insufficient storage available. |
Action |
Rectify the Getmain problem and rerun the job. |
ADAF02 | READONLY=YES not allowed |
Explanation |
READONLY=YES is not allowed for an Event Replicator Server. |
Action |
Supply correct parameters and rerun the job. |
ADAF03 | DTP=TM not allowed |
Explanation |
DTP=TM is not allowed for an Event Replicator Server. |
Action |
Supply correct parameters and rerun the job. |
ADAF04 | LRPL specification too low |
Explanation |
The LRPL must be at least 20,000. |
Action |
Supply correct parameters and rerun the job. |
ADAF05 | MODE=SINGLE not allowed |
Explanation |
MODE=SINGLE is not allowed for an Event Replicator Server. |
Action |
Supply correct parameters and rerun the job. |
ADAF06 | Program module could not be loaded |
Explanation |
An Event Replicator Server module could not be loaded. |
Action |
Ensure that the module listed in the message is in the Adabas load library concatenation and retry the job. Ensure the versions of Adabas and Event Replicator for Adabas are compatible. |
ADAF07 | STP=YES not allowed |
Explanation |
STP=YES not allowed for an Event Replicator Server. |
Action |
Supply correct parameters and rerun the job. |
ADAF08 | REPLICATION=YES not allowed |
Explanation |
Conflicting parameters - REPLICATION=YES not allowed for this Event Replicator Server database. |
Action |
Supply correct parameters and rerun the job. |
ADAF09 | parm specification too low [,explanation | . explanation] |
Explanation |
This message can have multiple texts, as listed below:
In all cases, the value specified for the named parameter is too low. In some cases the minimum value is given in the message. |
Action |
Increase the value of the named parameter and rerun the job. |
ADAF10 | Load of module failed. |
Explanation |
An attempt to load the module listed in the message failed. |
Action |
Ensure that the module is in the Adabas load library concatenation and retry the job. |
ADAF11 | Error opening DDKARTE |
Explanation |
The cause is probably a misspelled keyword. |
Action |
Check the JCL; correct the error and rerun the job. |
ADAF12 | I/O error reading DDKARTE |
Explanation |
The cause is probably a misspelled keyword. |
Action |
Check the JCL; correct the error and rerun the job. |
ADAF13 | Parameter error, name not ADARPD |
Explanation |
The cause is probably a misspelled keyword. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and rerun the job. |
ADAF14 | Parameter error, missing separator |
Explanation |
The cause is probably incorrect parameter input. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and rerun the job. |
ADAF15 | Parameter error, invalid syntax |
Explanation |
The cause is probably incorrect parameter input. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and rerun the job. |
ADAF16 | Parameter error, keyword not unique |
Explanation |
The cause is probably incorrect parameter input. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, supply the correct keyword in full length, and rerun the job. |
ADAF17 | Parameter error, unknown parameter |
Explanation |
The cause is probably a misspelled keyword. |
Action |
Check the JCL; correct the error and rerun the job. |
ADAF18 | cc cmd to DBID ddddd FNR fffff RSP rrr Subcode sssss |
Explanation |
A command (cc) to the target DBID/FNR (ddddd and fffff) identified in the message failed. The response code (rrr) with subcode (sssss) are also given in the message. If the command is not an S4 command, the text "ISN iiiiiiiii" is appended to this message text, listing the ISN number. |
Action |
Investigate the reason for the response code and subcode on the target database and correct the problem. The command did not complete on the target database. |
ADAF19 | Parameter error, too many values in list |
Explanation |
The cause is probably incorrect parameter input. |
Action |
Check the parameter input. Supply no more than the maximum number of parameter values permitted, and rerun the job. |
ADAF1A | Terminating with replication data outstanding for the following: Reptor dbid File filenumber PLOG INFORMATION |
Explanation |
The nucleus has terminated with replication data outstanding for the Event Replicator Servers and files listed in the message. This message is issued when a HALT command is issued for an Adabas nucleus for which replication is active (REPLICATION=YES). If an Event Replicator Server is available, outstanding replication data for this nucleus has been sent to the Event Replicator Server. More than one Event Replicator Server may appear in the message if the Adabas nucleus sends data to more than one Event Replicator Server; likewise, more than one file may appear in the message if replication data for more than one file is outstanding at the time of the HALT. And finally, PLOG information appears after the file message lines if one or more replication pseudo transactions exist with PLOG information. |
Action |
Check for message ADAF1Q to verify the Event Replicator Server successfully processes all previously sent replication data for this database. If an Event Replicator Server was not available at the time of the HALT, an initial-state request may be used to synchronize a file. |
ADAF1B | Event Replicator Server dbid has disconnected |
Explanation |
The Event Replicator Server listed in the message has disconnected from the nucleus. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAF1C | Connected to local Event Replicator Server dbid |
Explanation |
The nucleus has connected to the Event Replicator Server listed in the message. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAF1D | Reconnected to local Event Replicator Server dbid |
Explanation |
The nucleus has reconnected to the Event Replicator Server listed in the message. This may happen if the Event Replicator Server was terminated but the nucleus remained active, and then the Event Replicator Server restarted. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAF1E | Waiting for replication data to be processed by Event Replicator Server dbid |
Explanation |
The nucleus is waiting for the Event Replicator Server listed in the message to finish processing data. When the Event Replicator Server has completed the work, the nucleus will terminate. |
Action |
Start the Event Replicator Server if it is not currently active. |
ADAF1F | Disconnected from Event Replicator Server dbid |
Explanation |
The nucleus has disconnected from the Event Replicator Server listed in the message. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAF1G | Crosscheck for database dbid failed with response code rrr/sss |
Explanation |
The Event Replicator Server attempted to do a crosscheck for the database listed in the message, but received the response and subcode (rrr/sss) listed in the message during the attempt. |
Action |
Investigate the response code and subcode to identify and correct the problem. |
ADAF1H | Event Replicator Server dbid shutting down |
Explanation |
The Event Replicator Server listed in the message is shutting down. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAF1I | Event Replicator Server dbid not present |
Explanation |
The nucleus tried to communicate with the Event Replicator Server listed in the message, but the Event Replicator Server is not available. |
Action |
Start the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF1J | Crosscheck aborted. Unable to obtain 48,000 bytes from LWP Increase LWP to allow crosscheck to execute |
Explanation |
The Event Replicator Server requires 48,000 bytes of storage from the Adabas work pool to run the crosscheck function. |
Action |
Increase the LWP parameter setting for Adabas and retry. For more information, read about the ADARUN statement and its LWP parameter in your Adabas operations documentation. |
ADAF1K | Replication deactivated for file file due to reason |
Explanation |
Replication has been deactivated by the Adabas nucleus for the identified file. The reason will be one of the following:
Action |
If the deactivation reason is "replication pool overflow", consider increasing the value of the LRPL parameter. For other reasons, this message is for information only. |
ADAF1L | replication pool usage {increased|decreased} to {more|less} than number % |
Explanation |
These messages begin when replication pool usage first exceeds the value of ADARUN parameter RPWARNPERCENT. Further messages appear at usage intervals specified by ADARUN parameter RPWARNINCREMENT. |
Action |
If the usage is not anticipated, you may want to adjust ADARUN parameter LRPL to increase the size of the replication pool. Adjust ADARUN parameters RPWARNPERCENT and RPWARNINCREMENT to control when warning messages are issued. |
ADAF1M | Starting replication pool warning suppression number replication pool warnings suppressed |
Explanation |
A number of ADAF1L messages warning of a replication pool shortage have been issued. In order to avoid flooding the console, additional messages are suppressed for a period after a threshold is reached. When the suppression period has expired, the Event Replicator Server will display the number of suppressed message lines and then start printing replication pool usage warning messages again. The number of messages issued before suppression is specified by ADARUN parameter RPWARNMESSAGELIMIT. The suppression interval is specified by ADARUN parameter RPWARNINTERVAL. |
Action |
No action is required for these informational messages. If needed, adjust the ADARUN parameters RPWARNMESSAGELIMIT and RPWARNINTERVAL to control message traffic. |
ADAF1N | Invalid Input Message: <message block> |
Explanation |
The Event Replicator Server received a message from an input queue but could not process it because some data structure was not correctly interpreted. <message block> gives additional information:
Action |
For the memory shortage check if the LRPL needs to be increased. If the input message is truncated, increase the size of the input queue buffer parameter, IQBUFLEN. In the other cases make sure that the input requests are set up correctly. |
ADAF1O | invalid destination message' | ||||||
Explanation |
This message may appear with multiple texts, all relating to an invalid destination setting, as described in the following table:
Action |
Make sure that the input request sets up the correct destination for response. |
ADAF1P | One or more File destinations are defined but CLOG is not active |
Explanation |
One or more File destination definitions are being used, but the CLOG to which the replication TLOG URBLTDOD records will be routed is not identified in the Event Replicator Server startup JCL. The File destinations are set to "Unavailable" and processing continues. |
Action |
Identify the CLOG in the Event Replicator Server startup JCL and try again. |
ADAF1Q | All in-flight transactions from terminated nuclei have been fully processed |
Explanation |
The Event Replicator Server has finished processing in-flight transactions for nuclei terminated previously via HALT. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAF1R | Request to database dbid to terminate initial-state processes failed with response rrrrr / sssss Request to database dbid / nucid to terminate initial-state processes failed with response rrrrr / sssss |
Explanation |
The Event Replicator Server has been terminated by a halt request. During termination processing, one or more initial-state requests were found to be active on the database or database and nucleus listed in the message. The request to the nucleus to terminate the initial-state processes failed with Adabas response code and subcode (rrrr/ssss) given in the message. |
Action |
Investigate the response code and subcode to identify and correct the problem. |
ADAF1S | Starting input request error message suppression number input request message lines suppressed |
Explanation |
Errors were detected in messages from a target application on an Event Replicator Server input queue. In order to avoid flooding the console, the Event Replicator Server starts suppressing messages for approximately one minute after a threshold is reached. When the suppression period has expired, the Event Replicator Server will display the number of suppressed message lines and then start printing input transaction error messages again. This message can have multiple texts, all relating to error message suppression:
ADAF1T | Adabas could not inform Reptor about deactivation of replication for file file. |
Explanation |
Replication for a file was being deactivated by the Adabas nucleus. Adabas was unable to acquire sufficient resources to notify the associated Event Replicator Server. |
Action |
Execution continues. This is often the result of a shortage in the replication pool. Increasing the value of the LRPL parameter may alleviate the shortage. |
ADAF1U | Adabas replication pool overflow Failed to allocate size bytes for use. |
Explanation |
There was not enough free storage in the replication pool to satisfy the request. |
Action |
Execution continues. Increasing the value of the LRPL parameter may alleviate the shortage. |
ADAF1V | Input request type: error URBIRTOK: token URBIRNAM:destination URBIDNAM:destination URBISNAM:subscription URBITSNR:number |
Explanation |
A replication status or prior-transaction request has an error, and a response code and subcode could not be sent via a URBS status message. The type appearing in the message identifies the request type and will be either "STAT" (replication status) or "TRAN" (prior-transaction). The destination, subscription and number are taken from the URBI for the request. The number will appear only for "TRAN" requests. The following errors can appear in the message if the request type is either "STAT" or "TRAN":
URBIARC/ACOD/WCOD not zero The following errors can appear in the message only if the request type is "STAT":
Storage shortage in RPL pool The following errors can appear in the message only if the request type is "TRAN":
RSP0 but URBIRNAM not active |
Action |
If the error indicates an RPL storage pool shortage, consider increasing the value of the LRPL parameter. If the error indicates that an invalid transaction exists in the resend buffer, an internal error has been detected. Notify your Software AG support representative. If the error indicates that there are no active destinations, this message is for information only. For all other errors, correct the status request or resend the prior-transaction request. |
ADAF1W | Connect to Reptor dbid failed with response rrrr/ssss |
Explanation |
The Event Replicator Server listed in the message is active, but the nucleus received the response code and subcode (rrrr/ssss) listed in the message. |
Action |
Investigate the response code and subcode to identify and correct the problem. For response code 22 (ADARSP022), subcode 26, ensure that you are trying to connect to another Adabas nucleus and not an Event Replicator Server and try again. |
ADAF1X | Sending data to Reptor dbid failed with response code rrrr/ssss |
Explanation |
An attempt to send data to the Event Replicator Server listed in the message failed with the response code and subcode (rrrr/ssss) listed in the message. |
Action |
Investigate the response code and subcode to identify and correct the problem. |
ADAF1Y | Disconnecting from Reptor dbid failed with response code rrr/sss |
Explanation |
When the nucleus attempted to disconnect from the Event Replicator Server listed in the message, the response code and subcode (rrr/sss) listed in the message were received. |
Action |
Investigate the response code and subcode to identify and correct the problem. |
ADAF1Z | TLOG event logging requested by CLOG is not active |
Explanation |
TLOG logging has been requested, however the CLOG to which TLOG records are written is not active. |
Action |
Activate the CLOG using the relevant ADARUN parameters in the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF20 | statistics |
Explanation |
This message is displayed in response to the operator command DRPLSTAT. It shows the replication-related statistics for a database. |
Action |
No action necessary for this informational message. |
ADAF21 | JJJJ.MM.TT HH.MM.SS Input record not replicated: Destination dddddddd DBID xxxxx FNR fffff
Action ISN iiiiiiiiii Rsp rrrrr Subcode sssss |
Explanation |
A record with ISN iiiiiiiiii for destination dddddddd DBID xxxxx FNR fffff with the action (Update, Insert, Delete, or Replace (for Initial State) received Rsp rrrrr Subcode sssss |
Action |
Investigate the reason for the error and correct. The command did not complete on the target. |
ADAF22 | Valid range for MAXOUTPUTSIZE is 32,768 to 2,147,483,647 |
Explanation |
The parameter MAXOUTPUTSIZE has an incorrect value specified. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
Explanation |
When specifying a DESTINATION NAME parameter, the DASUBSCRIPTION keyword is only valid for DTYPE=ADABAS. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF24 | Multiple function keywords - only one executed |
Explanation |
The parameter input has multiple function keywords within a statement, and only one is executed. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and rerun the job. |
ADAF25 | Close error for DDKARTE |
Explanation |
After reading the parameter input, there has been a close error for DDKARTE. |
Action |
Investigate the cause of the error; correct it, and rerun the job. |
ADAF26 | GETMAIN error - not enough memory |
Explanation |
A GETMAIN has failed to acquire memory that the Event Replicator Server requires. |
Action |
Check the JCL or Job; correct the error and rerun the job. |
ADAF27 | NAME is a required parameter |
Explanation |
The NAME parameter is missing from the Event Replicator Server definition being processed. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
Explanation |
When specifying a DESTINATION parameter, there must be a DTYPE equal to ADABAS, ETBROKER, FILE, MQSERIES, or NULL. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF29 | DAIFILE parameters only valid for DTYPE=ADABAS |
Explanation |
The parameter input has DAIFILE specified, and the DTYPE is not equal to ADABAS. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF2A | Local|Remote ADAvrm/ARFvrm database dbid has connected Local database dbid/nucid has connected |
Explanation |
The nucleus has connected to the Event Replicator Server. The DBID or DBID-nucleus ID (dbid/nucid) combination as well as the Adabas and Event Replicator for Adabas versions (ADAvrm/ARFvrm) are shown in the message. In addition, the database is identified as a local or a remote database in the message. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAF2B | Database dbid has disconnected Database dbid/nucid has disconnected |
Explanation |
The nucleus has disconnected from the Event Replicator Server. The DBID or DBID-nucleus ID combination is shown in the message. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAF2C | reptor-id Handshake from Database dbid/nucid rejected due to RPLPARMS=NONE |
Explanation |
An Event Replicator Server (the ID is given in the message) has RPLPARMS set to NONE, which will reject any communication from other Adabas nuclei. The DBID or DBID-nucleus ID combination is shown in the message. This message is output only as an informational message in the Event Replicator Server syslog. |
Action |
If the Event Replicator Server should be communicating with other Adabas nuclei, correct the RPLPARMS parameter and recycle the Event Replicator Server. Otherwise, no action is required for this informational message. |
ADAF2E | Disconnecting from database dbid |
Explanation |
The Event Replicator Server is in the process of disconnecting from the database or nucleus listed in the message. The first instance of this message occurs when the Event Replicator Server is disconnecting from a noncluster Adabas nucleus. The second instance of this message occurs when the Event Replicator Server is disconnecting from an Adabas cluster nucleus (for example, an Adabas Cluster Services or an Adabas Parallel Services nucleus). In this second instance, the Adabas cluster itself ensures that all nuclei in the cluster are informed about the Event Replicator Server disconnecting. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAF2F | Disconnected from database dbid |
Explanation |
The Event Replicator Server has disconnected from the database or nucleus listed in the message. This message normally follows message ADAF2E and indicates that all replication data for the database has been processed when the Event Replicator Server was terminated by ADAEND. If the Event Replicator Server has been terminated via a HALT request, there is no guarantee that all data has been processed. The first instance of this message occurs when the Event Replicator Server has disconnected from a noncluster Adabas nucleus. The second instance of this message occurs when the Event Replicator Server has disconnected from an Adabas cluster nucleus (for example, an Adabas Cluster Services or an Adabas Parallel Services nucleus). |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAF2H | Discarding data in input queue for database dbid |
Explanation |
The Event Replicator Server is handling a full replication buffer by removing unprocessed data from the input queue to free storage |
Action |
Execution continues. The indicated database ID (dbid) will attempt to resend the discarded data. Increasing the value of the LRPL parameter may alleviate the shortage. |
ADAF2I | Database dbid not present |
Explanation |
The nucleus listed in the message is not currently active. |
Action |
Start the database. |
ADAF2J | Database dbid objected to count invalid completion reports |
Explanation |
An Adabas nucleus for the database identified in the message did not recognize some replicated transactions that the Event Replicator Server reported as successfully completed. The number of replicated transactions is also listed in the message. Generally, once the Event Replicator for Adabas has completed the successful processing of a replicated transaction, it reports the completion to Adabas so that Adabas can release the resources (space in its replication pool) associated with the transaction. In this case, Adabas could not identify the transactions specified by the Event Replicator for Adabas and ignored them. |
Action |
Take note of any unusual events surrounding the message, keep the job protocols of Adabas database and the Event Replicator Server, and contact your Software AG technical support representative. |
ADAF2K | Reptor could not inform destination destination about destination {deactivation | reactivation | refresh} about subscription subscription {deactivation | reactivation | refresh} about initialstate isname refresh about DBID/File dbid/file {deactivation | activation} about reptor termination |
Explanation |
A resource was being deactivated, reactivated, or refreshed by the Event Replicator Server. The Event Replicator Server was unable to acquire sufficient resources to notify the affected destination. |
Action |
Execution continues. This is often the result of a shortage in the replication pool. Increasing the value of the LRPL parameter may alleviate the shortage. |
ADAF2L | Replication {deactivated | activated} for DBID/File DBID/file due to reason |
Explanation |
The replication status for the identified file has changed on Event Replicator Server. The deactivation reason will be one of the following:
The reactivation reason will be one of the following:
Action |
If the deactivation reason is "replication pool overflow", consider increasing the value of the LRPL parameter. For other reasons, this message is for information only. If the deactivation reason is "not set up for ciphered source", this indicates that the source file was found to be ciphered and that the Event Replicator could not obtain the cipher code required to process records from the security system. Evaluate previous messages for additional information. |
ADAF2M | Subscription subscription {deactivated | reactivated} due to reason |
Explanation |
The replication status for the identified subscription has changed on the Event Replicator Server. See the reason descriptions described for message ADAF2L. |
Action |
If the deactivation reason is "replication pool overflow", consider increasing the value of the LRPL parameter. For other reasons this message is for information only. |
ADAF2N | Destination destination {deactivated | reactivated} due to reason |
Explanation |
The replication status for the identified destination has changed on the Event Replicator Server. See the reason descriptions described for message ADAF2L. |
Action |
If the deactivation reason is "replication pool overflow", consider increasing the value of the LRPL parameter. For other reasons this message is for information only. |
ADAF2O | Replication activated for file file due to reason |
Explanation |
Replication has been reactivated by the Adabas nucleus for the identified file. The reason will be one of the following:
Action |
No action is required. This message is for information only. |
ADAF2P | Database DBID {deactivated | reactivated} due to reason |
Explanation |
The replication status for the identified database has changed on the Event Replicator Server. See the reason descriptions described for message ADAF2L. |
Action |
If the deactivation reason is "replication pool overflow", consider increasing the value of the LRPL parameter. For other reasons, this message is for information only. |
ADAF2Q | Database dbid terminated Database dbid nucleus nucid terminated with transactions in flight for the following files: File file |
Explanation |
The database has terminated, but the Event Replicator Server still has active transactions for the database. Execution continues. |
Action |
Check for the Event Replicator Server message ADAF1Q to verify that the Event Replicator Server successfully processes all replication data received from this database. |
ADAF2R | Database dbid Database dbid Nucleus nucid Waiting for pending replication data to complete |
Explanation |
ADAEND has been issued to the Event Replicator Server with transactions still in progress. |
Action |
The Event Replicator Server will terminate only after all the transactions that are still in progress have completed. |
ADAF2S | The following files in database dbid have replication turned on for this Reptor but are not referenced in a subscription: File fn |
Explanation |
The files listed in the message have replication turned on, but there are no matching subscriptions in the Event Replicator Server. |
Action |
Either add a subscription for the file in the Event Replicator Server or turn off replication for the files. |
ADAF2T | Unexpected response code rc when reading Replicator file with command cc |
Explanation |
An error occurred while attempting to read the Replicator system file. The Event Replicator Server ID, response code (rc), and command code (cc) are given in the message. |
Action |
Review the response code to determine why the Replicator system file could not be read. Then take appropriate actions to correct the error. If the problem persists, contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance. |
ADAF2U | The following files in database dbid are defined in a subscription but do not have replication turned on for this Reptor: File fn... |
Explanation |
The files listed in the message have a subscription in the Event Replicator Server, but replication is not turned on for the files. |
Action |
Either turn replication on for the files or remove the subscriptions from the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF2V | Sending {deactivation | reactivation} to database DBID failed with response code rsp/subcode |
Explanation |
A resource was being deactivated or reactivated. The Event Replicator Server attempted to notify the Adabas nucleus. The command received the unexpected response code and subcode. |
Action |
If the reason for the response code is not clear, contact your DBA, system support personnel, or Software AG technical support. |
ADAF2W | Connect to database dbid failed with response code rrr/sss |
Explanation |
The Event Replicator Server attempted to connect to the database listed in the message, but received the response code and subcode (rrr/sss) listed in the message during the attempt. |
Action |
Investigate the response code and subcode to identify and correct the problem. |
ADAF2X | Sending completion to dbid failed with response code rrrr/ssss |
Explanation |
An attempt to send information about completed transactions from the Event Replicator Server to the Adabas listed in the message (dbid) failed with the response code and subcode (rrrr/ssss) listed in the message. |
Action |
Investigate the response code and subcode to identify and correct the problem. |
ADAF2Y | Disconnect failed with response rrr/sss from database dbid |
Explanation |
The Event Replicator Server attempted to disconnect from the database listed in the message, but received the response code and subcode (rrr/sss) listed in the message during the attempt. |
Action |
Investigate the response code and subcode to identify and correct the problem. |
ADAF2Z | YYYY.MM.DD HH.MM.SS event-name must be between 0 and n |
Explanation |
An operator command to dynamically alter the level of transaction logging was entered incorrectly. This error is produced because the name of the transaction logging event or the transaction logging level specified in the command were not valid. The event name specified is listed in the message. |
Action |
Review and correct the command specifications and then rerun it. Valid transaction logging event names and levels are described in TLOG Command. |
ADAF30 | DTYPE=Adabas requires at least one DAIFILE |
Explanation |
The DAIFILE is required when DTYPE=ADABAS is specified. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF31 | DAIDBID, DATDBID, and DATFILE are required for DAIFILE |
Explanation |
The DAIFILE parameter requires the DAIDBID, DATDBID, and DATFILE parameters be specified as well. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
Explanation |
When specifying a DESTINATION, with DTYPE=ETBBROKER, then DETBBROKERID or ETBBROKERID is required. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
Explanation |
When specifying a DESTINATION, with DTYPE=MQSERIES, then DMQQMGRNAME or MQQMGRNAME is required. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF34 | GFB is mandatory for GFORMAT |
Explanation |
When specifying a GFORMAT NAME, the GFB parameter is required. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF35 | Invalid IQTYPE: must be ETBROKER or MQSERIES |
Explanation |
When specifying IQUEUE NAME, then IQTYPE must be ETBROKER or MQSERIES. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
Explanation |
When specifying IQUEUE NAME, and IQTYPE=MQSERIES, then IQMQQMGRNAME or MQQMGRNAME is required. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
Explanation |
When specifying IQUEUE NAME, and IQTYPE=ETBROKER, then IQETBBROKERID or ETBBROKERID is required. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF38 | Reptor must be UES enabled for: ‘SACODE/SARC/SWCODE |
Explanation |
The Event Replicator Server is not running with UES option, and it is required for certain parameters, i.e., SARC. |
Action |
Examine and correct the parameter input or the Event Replicator Server. |
Explanation |
When specifying SUBSCRIPTION, then SDESTINATION or SIDESTINATION is required. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF3A | The version of module ADARPD is incompatible with this Reptor |
Explanation |
A check was performed on the version of module ADARPD. The version of module ADARPD is incompatible with this Event Replicator Server. |
Action |
Ensure that all recent updates have been applied and that the load module versions in use are as delivered by Software AG. If the problem persists, contact your Software AG support representative for assistance. |
ADAF3B | ‘parameter keyword’ must be less than or equal to 65535 |
Explanation |
The DBID value specified for the given ‘parameter keyword’ exceeds the maximum of 65535. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF3C | Invalid options specified for destination dest in subscription sub. |
Explanation |
The system file contains invalid data for destination dest in subscription sub. Only "Y" or "N" are permitted. |
Action |
Correct the input and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF3D | FCOND must be EQ, NE, GT, LT, LE or GE |
Explanation |
The value entered for the FCOND parameter as part of a filter definition is incorrect. Valid values are listed in the message. |
Action |
Correct the FCOND parameter value. |
ADAF3E | MU/PE must be in the range 1 – 191 |
Explanation |
The value entered for either the MU or PE value of a filter definition is incorrect. Valid values must range from "1" through "191". |
Action |
Correct the MU or PE parameter value. |
Explanation |
The value entered for either the FSIMAGE or FTIMAGE parameters of a filter definition are incorrect. Valid values are "AI" or "BI". |
Action |
Correct the FSIMAGE or FTIMAGE parameter value. Descriptions of these parameters are provided in FILTER Settings. |
Explanation |
The value entered for the FRECORDS parameter of a filter definition is incorrect. Valid values are "INCLUDE" or "EXCLUDE". |
Action |
Correct the FRECORDS parameter value. A description of this parameters is provided in FILTER Settings. |
ADAF3H | TLMAX and/or TLRESTART values are invalid and/or inconsistent |
Explanation |
The values specified for the TLMAX and TLRESTART parameters are either invalid or are not consistent with each other. Valid values for TLMAX range from 1 through 100, while the TLRESTART setting must be less than the TLMAX setting. |
Action |
Correct the TLMAX and TLRESTART parameter values so they are valid and consistent. Descriptions of these parameters are provided in Transaction Log (TLOG) Settings. |
ADAF3I | event-name must be 0, 1, or n |
Explanation |
A parameter that sets the level of transaction logging for a transaction logging event was entered incorrectly. The name of the transaction logging event with the invalid value is listed in the message. |
Action |
Correct the value specified for the transaction logging event. Valid transaction logging event names and values are described in Transaction Log (TLOG) Settings. |
ADAF3J | Parameter FTIMAGE|FTPE|FTMU|FTBEGIN|FTLENGTH may not be specified without FTARGET |
Explanation |
The FTIMAGE, FTPE, FTBEGIN, FTLENGTH, or FTMU parameter was specified without an associated FTARGET parameter in a filter definition. |
Action |
Provide an FTARGET parameter value. Descriptions of these parameters are provided in FILTER Settings. |
ADAF3K | FILTER requires either FTARGET or FLIST |
Explanation |
A FILTER parameter was specified, but without either the FTARGET or FLIST parameters. Either FTARGET or FLIST is required, but both may not be specified. |
Action |
Provide either an FTARGET parameter value or an FLIST parameter value. Descriptions of these parameters are provided in FILTER Settings. |
ADAF3L | FFIELD may only be specified as part of FILTER |
Explanation |
An attempt was made to specify the FFIELD parameter separately from a FILTER parameter. FFIELD parameters are not valid outside of FILTER parameters. |
Action |
Correct the syntax. Descriptions of these parameters are provided in FILTER Settings. |
ADAF3M | A FILTER must specify at least one FFIELD |
Explanation |
A filter definition (FILTER parameter) was specified, but without at least one filter condition (FFIELD parameter). |
Action |
Add an FFIELD parameter to the filter definition. Descriptions of these parameters are provided in FILTER Settings. |
ADAF3N | MAXFFIELDS must be a positive integer |
Explanation |
An incorrect value was specified for the MAXFFIELDS parameter. Valid values are positive integers. |
Action |
Correct the MAXFFIELDS parameter setting. Read MAXFFIELDS (Maximum Number of FFIELDs) Setting for more information. |
ADAF3O | MAXFLISTSIZE must be in the range 1 - 32k bytes |
Explanation |
An incorrect value was specified for the MAXFLISTSIZE parameter. Valid values range from "1" through "32K". |
Action |
Correct the MAXFLISTSIZE parameter setting. Read MAXFLISTSIZE (Maximum FLIST Size) Setting for more information. |
ADAF3P | SFFILTER filter-name not defined as a FILTER |
Explanation |
The transaction filter definition named in the message is specified to be used by an SFILE definition, but no filter definition exists by that name. |
Action |
Specify the name of a defined filter definition in SFFILTER parameter of the SFILE definition. SFILE definition parameters are described in SUBSCRIPTION Settings and filter definition parameters are described in FILTER Settings. |
ADAF3Q | Subscription subs-name event-name must be 0, 1 or n |
Explanation |
The data in the Replicator system file indicates that the value associated with the event named in the message for the subscription named in the message is invalid. It must be in the range indicated. This error is caused by invalid data on the Replicator system file. |
Action |
Contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance. |
ADAF3R | Destination dest-name event-name must be 0, 1 or n |
Explanation |
The data in the Replicator system file indicates that the value associated with event named in the message for the destination named in the message is invalid. It must be in the range indicated. This error is caused by invalid data on the Replicator system file. |
Action |
Contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance. |
ADAF3S | DMQCCSID is valid only for a MQ Series destination when DCLASS(DEXIT) is non-blank |
Explanation |
The DMQCCSID destination parameter is specified for a WebSphere MQ destination definition and no DCLASS or DEXIT parameter has been specified for that destination. |
Action |
Either add a DCLASS or DEXIT parameter to the WebSphere MQ destination definition or change the DMQCCSID parameter setting to zero. |
ADAF3T | SFREPLICATENOTCHANGED specified for subscription subs-name, DBID dbid, file fn, but BI and AI format buffers are not identical |
Explanation |
The keyword SFREPLICATENOTCHANGED was specified for the subscription, database, and file named in the message, but the BI and AI format buffers provided are not identical. |
Action |
Correct the definition so that the BI and AI format buffers are identical. SFILE definition parameters are described in SUBSCRIPTION Settings. |
ADAF3U | Filter filter-name field name field-name Invalid value ''mmmm '' /X''nnnnnnnn'' for keyword word |
Explanation |
Invalid data was found in the Replicator system file associated with the filter and field named in the message. This error is caused by invalid data in the Replicator system file. |
Action |
Contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance. |
ADAF3V | Multiple global settings records on the Replicator system file |
Explanation |
There are invalid multiple global setting records in the Replicator system file. |
Action |
Contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance. |
ADAF3W | DRETRYINTERVAL|DRETRYCOUNT is only valid for an Adabas, ETBROKER, or MQSeries destination |
Explanation |
An attempt was made to specify a retry interval or retry count in a File or Null destination. The DRETRYINTERVAL and DRETRYCOUNT parameters are only valid Adabas, webMethods EntireX, or WebSphere MQ destination definitions. |
Action |
Remove the DRETRYINTERVAL or DRETRYCOUNT parameters from the File or Null destination definitions. |
ADAF3X | message text | |||||||||
Explanation |
One of two basic message texts may appear for this message ID:
Action |
See the table above for the appropriate action to take, based on the message text that appears with this message ID. |
ADAF3Y | message text | |||||||||
Explanation |
One of two basic message texts may appear for this message ID:
Action |
See the table above for the appropriate action to take, based on the message text that appears with this message ID. |
ADAF3Z | YYYY.MM.DD HH.MM.SS resource name not found |
Explanation |
An operator command to dynamically alter the level of transaction logging was entered incorrectly. This error is produced because a resource name specified in the command was not valid. The invalid resource type (resource) and its name (name) are given in the message. |
Action |
Review and correct the command specifications and then rerun it. Valid transaction logging event names and levels are described in TLOG Command. |
ADAF40 | SUBSCRIPTION requires either SFDBID or DBID |
Explanation |
When specifying SUBSCRIPTION, then sub-parameters SFDBID or DBID are required. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF41 | SUBSCRIPTION requires at least one SFILE |
Explanation |
When specifying SUBSCRIPTION, then at least one sub-parameters SFILE is required. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF42 | Subscription sname dbid id file num SFBAI and SGFORMATAI are mutually exclusive |
Explanation |
When specifying SUBSCRIPTION, then sub-parameters SFBAI and SGFORMATAI are mutually exclusive. The subscription name, DBID, and file number are given in the message. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF43 | Subscription sname dbid id file num SFBBI and SGFORMATBI are mutually exclusive |
Explanation |
When specifying SUBSCRIPTION, then sub-parameters SFBBI and SGFORMATBI are mutually exclusive. The subscription name, DBID, and file number are given in the message. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF44 | Subscription sname dbid id file num SFBKEY and SGFORMATKEY are mutually exclusive |
Explanation |
When specifying SUBSCRIPTION, then sub-parameters SFBKEY and SGFORMATKEY are mutually exclusive. The subscription name, DBID, and file number are given in the message. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF45 | SUBTASKS exceeds maximum of 15 |
Explanation |
When specifying SUBTASKS, the maximum value is 15. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF46 | Parameter not allowed: ‘parameter keyword’ |
Explanation |
When specifying a parameter, a keyword has been improperly specified and is invalid. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF47 | Subscription sname dbid id file num requires SFBAI or SGFORMATAI |
Explanation |
When specifying SUBSCRIPTION, then sub-parameters SFBAI or SGFORMATAI are required. The subscription name, DBID, and file number are given in the message. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF48 | Only YES, NO, or blank are valid for: ‘parameter keyword’ |
Explanation |
The parameter keyword listed in the message only supports YES, NO, or blank, and the input is not matching that. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF49 | SFILE parameters only valid for SUBSCRIPTION |
Explanation |
The parameter SFILE is positioned incorrectly, and not associated with a SUBSCRIPTION. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF4A | dbid Recovering replication data |
Explanation |
While performing the session autorestart procedure to recover from the abnormal end of an Adabas nucleus, Adabas found replication data on its Work data set. Adabas is now going to try to recover any replication data that may need to be sent or resent to the Event Replicator Server(s). This message and action occurs only if the ADARUN parameter REPLICATION=YES was specified for both the Adabas nucleus that failed and the nucleus that is performing the session autorestart. Note that replication data from initial-state processes that were active at the time of the failure is not recovered automatically. |
Action |
If initial-state processes were active at the time of the failure, check whether any of them need to be rerun. If so, restart them. |
ADAF4B | dbid Recovery statistics for Reptor rptid dbid Replicated transactions recovered = count1 dbid Immediately confirmed by Reptor = count2 dbid Already fully received by Reptor = count3 dbid To be sent (or resent) to Reptor = count4 |
Explanation |
During session autorestart. Adabas recovered replication data from the Work data set. After connecting to the Event Replicator Server, Adabas reports:
If files in the database are replicated via multiple Event Replicator Servers, Adabas prints one set of these messages for each Event Replicator Server. |
Action |
No action is necessary for this informational message. |
ADAF4C | dbid Replication data overwritten on Work dbid Reptor ID = rptid dbid Affected files = fnr-list |
Explanation |
During session autorestart, Adabas detected that one or more Event Replicator Servers had not confirmed the complete processing of one or more older transactions that had already been overwritten on the Work data set in the previous session. It reports which Event Replicator Servers and which replicated files are involved. Note: |
Action |
Do not take action to recover from the loss of replication data based on this message alone. The final outcome is reported subsequently in messages ADAF4D or ADAF4E. If there was no backup of replication data being processed by the Event Replicator Servers at the time of the Adabas failure, consider increasing the value of the ADARUN LP parameter, so that replication data can be held longer on the Work data set. |
ADAF4D | dbid *** Replication data probably lost *** dbid Reptor ID = rptid dbid Affected files = fnr-list dbid From time… timestamp1 dbid To time….. timestamp2 |
Explanation |
Replication data that was overwritten on the Work data set, as reported in an earlier ADAF4C message, has not been processed by the Event Replicator Server nor is it still available on the Event Replicator Server side. Adabas and the Event Replicator Server are unable to recover this replication data. The message indicates which Event Replicator Server and files may be affected, as well as the time period of the missing replication data. If files in the database are replicated via multiple Event Replicator Servers, Adabas prints one set of these messages for each Event Replicator Server that is implicated in the probable loss of replication data. |
Action |
Take actions to bring the original data and its replicas back in sync. The extent to which this is necessary depends on the requirements of the application using the replication system. |
ADAF4E | dbid Replication data recovered; not lost dbid Reptor ID = rptid dbid Affected files = fnr-list |
Explanation |
Replication data that was overwritten on the Work data set, as reported in an earlier ADAF4C message, was still available on the Event Replicator Server side and has been successfully processed by the Event Replicator Server. If the database contains files being replicated via multiple Event Replicator Servers, Adabas prints one set of these messages for each Event Replicator Server that is not implicated in the loss of replication data. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. The original data and its replicas are in sync even though not all of the replication data could be recovered from the Work data set. |
ADAF4F | dbid No replication data to be recovered |
Explanation |
During session autorestart, Adabas found that all replicated transactions from the previous session had already been successfully processed by the Event Replicator Server before the previous session terminated abnormally. There was no replication data that needed to be recovered. |
Action |
No action required for this informational message. The original data and its replicas are in sync. |
ADAF4G | TLOG suspended due to TLMAX exceeded |
Explanation |
TLOG logging processing has used more of the replication pool than the percentage assigned it by the TLMAX. |
Action |
Determine why TLOG activity is exceeding replication pool limits. Consider adjusting the size of the replication pool or adjusting the TLMAX, as appropriate. |
ADAF4H | TLOGing resumed as RPL usage below TLRESTART value |
Explanation |
TLOG records have been removed from the replication pool because the replication pool percentage defined by the TLMAX was exceeded. TLOG usage has now fallen below the percentage specified in the TLRESTART and so TLOG processing has resumed. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAF4I | number TLOG records discarded |
Explanation |
TLOG records have been deleted from the replication pool, due to a replication pool full condition. The number of records that have been deleted is given in the message. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAF4K | ADARPL for DBID dbid connected, token number |
Explanation |
An instance of the ADARPL utility has established a session with the Event Replicator Server for the database identified in the message. The token number it has been assigned is also listed in the message and can be used to track the session. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAF4L | ADARPL for DBID dbid disconnected, token number Total number of transactions processed: nnnnnnnnn |
Explanation |
An instance of the ADARPL utility has terminated its session with the Event Replicator Server for the database identified in the message. The token number listed in the message identifies the terminating session. The total number of transactions processed by the ADARPL utility is also given in the message. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAF4M | dbid count record images suppressed for file fnr |
Explanation |
After an Adabas failure and session autorestart, replication data was recovered for which a matching FDT was no longer available. The FDT had been changed or deleted by a utility operation. Adabas suppressed the record images of the replicated records, because without a matching FDT, the Event Replicator Server could not process them. This message displays how many record images were suppressed for which files. For each suppressed record image, the Event Replicator Server delivers the replicated record with response code 131 (ADARSP131), subcode 60 in fields URBRRSP and URBRSUBC of the URBR. Unless these images had already been delivered earlier to the target application, they are lost. |
Action |
Use application-specific means to determine whether updates to replicated records have been lost and to get the related original data and their replicas back in sync. |
ADAF4N | RPLCLEANUP unable to find any active Tokens
Requested Token for RPLCLEANUP was not found |
Explanation |
One of the following occurred:
Action |
Supply a token for a replay operation that is in progress or start some ADARPL replay operations. The operator command DRPLSTAT can be used to identify active ADARPL replay tokens. |
ADAF4O | RPLREFRESH requested, but refresh is already active. |
Explanation |
A new RPLREFRESH request has been issued but a previous RPLREFRESH command is still being processed. |
Action |
Wait for the previous RPLREFRESH command to be processed and reenter the command. |
ADAF4P | RPLREFRESH ,ABORT requested, refresh not active |
Explanation |
A RPLREFRESH,ABORT command has been issued but no refresh is in progress. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAF4Q | ABORT request has been scheduled
ABORT is already scheduled |
Explanation |
An RPLREFRESH,ABORT command has been issued and has been either accepted or rejected (when another RPLREFRESH,ABORT is already scheduled). |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAF4R | Replication data received for unknown subscription sname from Reptor dbid on input queue iqueue |
Explanation |
A replicated transaction was received from an Event Replicator Server instance dbid for subscription sub on input queue iqueue, but no subscription definition was found. When unsolicited replication data is received on an input queue, the Event Replicator Server closes the input queue for further processing and message ADAF8G is produced. |
Action |
Add appropriate subscription, SFILE, and, if necessary, destination definitions to specify how the replication data should be processed. When appropriate definitions have been specified, try again. |
ADAF4S | Message received with unexpected sequence number on input queue iqueue, from Reptor dbid Expected: value1 Received: value2 |
Explanation |
An out-of-sequence replicated transaction was received on the input queue iqueue. When this error occurs, the Event Replicator Server closes the input queue for further processing. Message ADAF8G will follow this message to indicate this action. |
Action |
The exact cause of the error should be determined and appropriate actions should be taken before you try again. Once you have resolved the problem, resume replication processing on the input queue by restarting the Event Replicator Server session from the failing point, using an initial-state definition if required. |
ADAF4T | Input Queue: iqueue Truncated message received |
Explanation |
A truncated replicated transaction was received on the input queue iqueue. When this error occurs, the Event Replicator Server closes the input queue for further processing. Message ADAF8G will follow this message to indicate this action |
Action |
Either the IQBUFLEN parameter on the local Event Replicator Server node or the MAXOUTPUTSIZE parameter on the remote Event Replicator Server node needs to be increased and replication processing restarted. |
ADAF4U | Closing input queue qname due to replication pool overflow |
Explanation |
When a request to allocate memory on behalf of an input queue fails because the replication pool is full, the input queue will be closed. The message indicates which input queue has been closed as a result of the over flow. If the replication pool has been allocated with a large enough size, problems like this can happen if there is data backing up in the Event Replicator Server address space. |
Action |
Investigate why the replication pool has filled up and take appropriate action to avoid this happening into the future. |
ADAF4V | Closing input queue qname due to unexpected input data - bad-input-data |
Explanation |
Unexpected or bad data was received on an input queue so the input queue is closed as the Event Replicator Server is not in a position to deal with the data. The bad-input-data listed in the message can be any of the following:
To review the Event Replicator for Adabas DSECTs and the definitions of the DSECT fields listed in thebad-input-data above, read Event Replicator for Adabas Programmer's Reference. This message is normally the result of a payload being received on an input queue that is not from another Event Replicator Server. It may be another application sending spurious data to a queue which is then picked up by the Event Replicator Server. |
Action |
To determine what the payload looks like, turn on transaction logging (TLOGing) for "request received" processing using the TLREQRECV system parameter. This will cause the message text to be written to the TLOG. The TLOG information can subsequently be printed using the ADARPP utility. Use the message contents to determine where the spurious data originated. If not, use webMethods EntireX tracing or WebSphere MQ facilities to determine what application is sending these messages to the Event Replicator Server. For more information about activating transaction logging for the Event Replicator Server, read TLREQRECV Parameter. For information about the ADARPP utility, read ADARPP Utility: Print TLOG Records . |
ADAF4W | A failure occurred while notifying the file activation driver nucleus ID nucid File num may not have been fully reactivated |
Explanation |
A cluster peer nucleus encountered an error when it attempted to notify the driver nucleus of an "activate file" request. |
Action |
Reissue the file activation request. |
ADAF4Z | Unexpected response code rsp/ subcode from Reptor dbid |
Explanation |
A V1 command to the Event Replicator Server identified in the message (dbid) returned the response code (rsp) and subcode (subcode) given in the message. |
Action |
Investigate the response code and subcode to identify and correct the problem. |
ADAF50 | GFORMAT NAME must be seven bytes or less |
Explanation |
The parameter GFORMAT NAME=ggggggg exceeds a 7 byte length restriction. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF51 | Destination definition not found for Destination dest-name in Subscription subs-name |
Explanation |
When specifying additional parameter input for the subscription named in the message, a destination is referenced which has not been defined in the Replicator system file or in a DESTINATION initialization parameter. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF52 | For Subscription ssssssss Global format ggggggg not found in Global format definitions |
Explanation |
When specifying additional parameter input for SUBSCRIPTION NAME=ssssssss, a global format is referenced which does not have a corresponding GFORMAT NAME=ggggggg parameter. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF53 | Subscription ssssssss dbid ddddd file fffff has a filter format buffer specified without a filter definition |
Explanation |
A filter format buffer is defined at the subscription file level when no filter is defined for that subscription file. The subscription name, database ID, and file number are given in the message. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF54 | message-text | ||||||||
Explanation |
This message number is associated with several possible message texts. The following table describes all of the possibilities.
Action |
See accompanying messages in DDPRINT for more information. |
ADAF55 | Subscription subsname database dbid file nn after|before image uses global format buffer gfb This global format buffer is also used elsewhere for a key image |
Explanation |
When specifying additional parameter input for the subscription (subsname), database (dbid), and file (nn) listed in the message, a global format buffer (gfb) is referenced in which the format buffer is for KEY, and is incorrect. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF57 | For Subscription subsname database dbid file nn key image uses global format buffer gfb This global format buffer is also used elsewhere for a DS image |
Explanation |
When specifying additional parameter input for the subscription (subsname), database (dbid), and file (nn) listed in the message, a global format buffer (gfb) is referenced in which the format buffer is not for KEY, and is incorrect. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF58 | Loading exit eeeeeeee failed; IOR response code rc Reason code code |
Explanation |
A load was issued for the exit program named in parameter SFSEXIT=eeeeeeee, and it was unsuccessful. |
Action |
Investigate the cause of the error; correct it and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF59 | Adabas destination dest-name is specified in more than one subscription |
Explanation |
An Adabas destination is used by more than one subscription. Only one subscription may send data to an Adabas destination. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF5A | A request sent to Adabas to {activate | deactivate} DBID/File dbid/file failed: |
Explanation |
The Event Replicator Server requested the database listed in the message activate or deactivate the file listed in the message. This request failed due to one of the following reasons:
The response code and subcode (rrrrr / sssss) are given in the message. |
Action |
Check if the file is correctly defined for replication to this Event Replicator Server. If "invalid file" is indicated, check if the Event Replicator Server subscription references a file number beyond MAXFILES for the database. If a response code is given, investigate the response code and subcode to identify and correct the problem. |
ADAF5H | Reptor rpid has successfully processed all replicated transactions from this Adabas nucleus that ended before |
Explanation |
The Event Replicator Server successfully processed all replicated transactions. |
Action |
No action is necessary for this informational message. |
ADAF5P | The Reptor has no information about transactions from database dbid for [file fnr | subscription sname | destination dname | replay process token] |
Explanation |
Following an event that may cause the loss of replication data (for example, the deactivation of a destination), this message indicates that the Event Replicator Server has been unable to track which replicated transactions were processed successfully before the event. This may happen, for example, if the Event Replicator Server has not had contact with Adabas between the start of the Event Replicator Server and the mentioned event. |
Action |
If replication data was lost due to the event for which this message was issued, replay the records from the PLOG data sets. During replay processing, be careful to specify a FROMDATE and FROMTIME that covers all replicated transactions that were lost. |
ADAF5Q | All transactions from database dbid
that ended before date time have been processed for [file fnr | subscription sname | destination dname | replay process token] |
Explanation |
Following an event that may cause the loss of replication data (for example, the deactivation of a destination), this message reports the latest known time for which replicated data was processed successfully; in other words any replicated transaction that ended before this time was not lost due to this event. There may or may not be replicated transactions that ended at or after this time which have been lost. |
Action |
If replication data was lost due to the event for which this message was issued and the lost data is to be replayed from the PLOG data sets, you could use the date and time listed in this message for the FROMDATE and FROMTIME of the replay process. |
ADAF5R | Replay process started, token ttttt |
Explanation |
A replay process was started with the token shown in the message. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAF5S | dbid Replay process ended successfully |
Explanation |
The replay process referred to in the preceding ADAF4L message ended successfully. The Event Replicator Server returns response code 0 (ADARSP000) to the disconnecting ADARPL |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAF5T | Transactions from Adabas could not be held during replay |
Explanation |
While the replay process referred to in the previous ADAF4L message was running (in synchronized mode), Adabas sent more replication data than the Event Replicator Server was able to hold in its replication pool until the replay process is finished. The Event Replicator Server dropped the new replication data from Adabas and the replay process (ADARPL) proceeded (in replay-only mode). |
Action |
Run a new replay process for the same subscriptions and destinations to replay the lost replication data that Adabas produced during the first replay process. |
ADAF5U | Replay process ended with response code rrr, subcode sss |
Explanation |
The replay process referred to in the preceding ADAF4L message has encountered an error. The response code and subcode shown in the message is returned by the Event Replicator Server to ADARPL. |
Action |
Investigate the cause of the error, correct it, and run a new replay job. |
ADAF5V | Starting de-logging of held transactions from Adabas Replay token = ttttt |
Explanation |
When the replay process (in synchronized mode) whose token is shown in the message ended, the Event Replicator Server started delogging and processing the replication data that was sent by Adabas but suspended by the Event Replicator Server while the replay process was running. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAF5W | De-logging of held transactions from Adabas completed Replay token = ttttt |
Explanation |
The Event Replicator Server completed delogging and processing the transactions from the Event Replicator Server that it had suspended while a synchronized replay completed. The token for the completed replay process is listed in the message. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAF5X | Waiting for the completion of update transactions, referencing file fnr |
Explanation |
This informational message indicates that processing is waiting for the completion of all updates to the file referenced in the message. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAF5Y | All update transactions active at the time file fnr was activated, have completed - Notifying nucleus nucid |
Explanation |
All update transactions active have completed successfully when the file referenced in the message was activated. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAF5Z | Building pseudo transaction to inform Reptor rpid that file fnr has been activated |
Explanation |
This is an internal message that occurs as a result of activating the file named in the message. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
is required for INITIALSTATE name |
Explanation |
The initial-state definition named in the message has no associated subscriptions, destinations or files. |
Action |
Correct the initial-state definition and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF61 | DAIFILE f####, DAIDBID d#### in Destination dddddddd does not have a matching DBID/FILE in Subscription ssssssss |
Explanation |
For DESTINATION NAME=dddddddd, the specified DAIFILE=f#### and DAIDBID=d#### parameters do not have a corresponding SFILE and SFDBID combination in the specified DASUBSCRIPTION=ssssssss. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF62 | FILTER name filter-name is not unique |
Explanation |
An attempt was made to define a filter with the name specified in the message more than once. The specified name is not unique. |
Action |
Change one of the duplicate filter definition names to a different, unique, name. |
ADAF63 | Delete failure for Exit eeeeeeee |
Explanation |
When a non-zero return code occurs in the execution of ADARPD, then any exits loaded during this execution will be deleted. There was a failure in deleting the exit program eeeeeeee. |
Action |
Investigate the cause of the error; correct it and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF64 | Invalid Resendbuffer Name name |
Explanation |
The resend buffer definition name shown in the message is not valid. The name must:
Action |
Correct the name and try again. |
ADAF65 | GFORMAT name ggggggg is not unique |
Explanation |
Duplicate names for global format definitions have been found. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF66 | IQueue name name is not unique |
Explanation |
There have been duplicate IQUEUE NAME=name statements found. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF67 | Destination name dddddddd is not unique |
Explanation |
There have been duplicate DESTINATION NAME=dddddddd found. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF68 | Input DBID d####, FILE f#### not unique in Adabas Destination dddddddd |
Explanation |
In DESTINATION NAME=dddddddd, there are duplicate DAIFILE=f#### and DAIDBID=d#### found.. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF69 | Subscription name ssssssss is not unique |
Explanation |
There have been duplicate SUBSCRIPTION NAME=ssssssss found. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF6A | ResendBuffer resendbuffer-name not found for Subscription subscription-name |
Explanation |
The resend buffer name specified in the SRESENDBUFFER parameter has not been defined. |
Action |
Either correct the SRESENDBUFFER parameter specification or create a corresponding RESENDBUFFER definition for the resend buffer. Then restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF6B | Input Queue queue has invalid data |
Explanation |
An error occurred when reading the Replicator system file for the input queue named in the message. |
Action |
The Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem can be used to delete and correct the information. If necessary, notify support with the information contained in the message. A copy of the Replicator system file may be needed for diagnosis. |
ADAF6C | Destination dest has invalid data in a subsequent record |
Explanation |
An error occurred when reading the Replicator system file for the Adabas destination named in the message. |
Action |
The Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem can be used to delete and correct the information. If necessary, notify support with the information contained in the message. A copy of the Replicator system file may be needed for diagnosis. |
ADAF6D | Destination dest has invalid data |
Explanation |
An error occurred when reading the Replicator system file for the destination named in the message. |
Action |
The Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem can be used to delete and correct the information. If necessary, notify support with the information contained in the message. A copy of the Replicator system file may be needed for diagnosis. |
ADAF6E | Initial state is-name has invalid sequence data |
Explanation |
An error occurred when reading the Replicator system file for the initial-state definition named in the message. |
Action |
The Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem can be used to delete and correct the information. If necessary, notify support with the information contained in the message. A copy of the Replicator system file may be needed for diagnosis. |
ADAF6F | Subscription subscription has an invalid fmtbuffertype |
Explanation |
An error occurred when reading the Replicator system file for the subscription named in the message. The format buffer for this subscription had an incorrect length. The format buffer item is substituted in the message for fmtbuffertype. Possible values are:
Action |
The Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem can be used to delete and correct the information. If necessary, notify support with the information contained in the message. A copy of the Replicator system file may be needed for diagnosis. |
ADAF6G | Subscription subscription has invalid data (subtype n) |
Explanation |
An error occurred when reading the Replicator system file for the subscription named in the message. An internal structure was found to be invalid. |
Action |
The Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem can be used to delete and correct the information. If necessary, notify support with the information contained in the message. A copy of the Replicator system file may be needed for diagnosis. |
ADAF6H | Initial State is-name has an invalid length for the selection criteria |
Explanation |
An error occurred when reading the Replicator system file for the initial-state definition named in the message. The selection criteria has an invalid length. |
Action |
The Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem can be used to delete and correct the information. If necessary, notify support with the information contained in the message. A copy of the Replicator system file may be needed for diagnosis. |
ADAF6I | Global Format name has an invalid length |
Explanation |
An error occurred when reading the Replicator system file for the global format definition named in the message. The global format buffer has not been correctly generated. |
Action |
Regenerate the global format buffer using the Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem. If the problem persists, contact your Software AG customer support representative with the information contained in the message. A copy of the Replicator system file may be needed for diagnosis. |
ADAF6J | Subscription subscription has invalid data |
Explanation |
An error occurred when reading the Replicator system file for the subscription named in the message |
Action |
The Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem can be used to delete and correct the information. If necessary, notify support with the information contained in the message. A copy of the Replicator system file may be needed for diagnosis. |
ADAF6L | ADARUN RPLPARMS=parm is specified but the Replicator file does not exist |
Explanation |
An Event Replicator Server has ADARUN RPLPARMS=FILE or ADARUN RPLPARMS=BOTH specified but the Replicator file does not exist. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF6M | DACTIVE must be YES or NO |
Explanation |
The value of the DACTIVE subparameter must be either "YES" or "NO". DACTIVE is a parameter of the DESTINATION initialization parameter. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, supply a valid value, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF6N | SACTIVE must be YES or NO |
Explanation |
The value of the SACTIVE subparameter must be either "YES" or "NO". SACTIVE is a parameter of the SUBSCRIPTION initialization parameter. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, supply a valid value, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF6O | Valid range for IRMSGLIMIT is 3 to 2,147,483,647 |
Explanation |
The value of the IRMSGLIMIT initialization parameter must be between 3 and 2, 147,483,647. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, supply a valid value, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF6P | Valid range for IRMSGINTERVAL is 1 to 2,147,483,647 |
Explanation |
Valid values for the IRMSGINTERVAL parameter must be between 1 and 2,147,483,647. |
Action |
Check the parameter input; supply a correct value, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
Explanation |
Valid values for the SINCREMENTIS parameter are "YES" or "NO". |
Action |
Check the parameter input; supply a correct value, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF6R | Valid range for IMAXREQ is 1 to 2,147,483,647 |
Explanation |
Valid values for the IMAXREQ parameter must be between 1 and 2,147,483,647 |
Action |
Check the parameter input; supply a correct value, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF6S | DLOG must be YES or NO |
Explanation |
An invalid value was specified for the DLOG subparameter of the DESTINATION NAME parameter. Valid values are "YES" or "NO". |
Action |
Check the parameter input; supply a correct value, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
Explanation |
An invalid value was specified for the VERIFYMODE parameter in the DDKARTE statements of the Event Replicator Server startup job or for the Verify Mode global value setting in the Replicator system file. Valid values for the VERIFYMODE parameter are YES or NO, with a default of NO. Valid values for the Verify Mode global value setting are Y or N, with a default of N. |
Action |
Correct the VERIFYMODE parameter setting or the Verify Mode global value setting, as appropriate for your Event Replicator for Adabas implementation, and try again. |
Format buffer validation must be N for NONE, W for WARN, D for DEAC, or A for ABORT |
Explanation |
An invalid value has been specified for the FBVALIDATION parameter or in the Format Buffer Validation field. |
Action |
Correct the input value and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF6V | DATABASE DBCONNECT parameter must be YES or NO |
Explanation |
An invalid value was specified for the DBCONNECT parameter. |
Action |
Specify either "YES" or "NO" as a value for the DBCONNECT parameter or allow DBCONNECT to take the default value of "YES". |
ADAF6W | DATABASE requires both DBCONNECT and ID parameters |
Explanation |
You must specify values for both the DATABASE DBCONNECT and ID parameters. |
Action |
Correct the input values and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF6X | Duplicate entry for database dbid invalid |
Explanation |
Database dbid has been specified more than once either in the DDKARTE input or via one of the online applications in the Replicator system file. |
Action |
Remove all but one of the definitions for the database and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF6Y | Global Format gfb error |
Explanation |
An error occurred when reading the Replicator system file for the global format buffer definition named in the message (gfb). The global format buffer has not been correctly generated. Possible errors (error) listed in the message are:
Action |
Regenerate the global format buffer using the Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem. If the problem persists, contact your Software AG customer support representative with the information contained in the message. A copy of the Replicator system file may be needed for diagnosis. |
ADAF6Z | Status/response rsp received from Reptor rpid on input queue qname TIME = date time RSP = rc, SUBC = sc, EXRRI = err INAM = initial-state-name SNAM = subscription-name DNAM = destination-name DBID = dbid, FNR = fnr UTOK = tokenIQNM = iqueue-name |
Explanation |
This informational message lists information returned from the Event Replicator Server. |
Action |
No action is necessary for this informational message. Review other associated messages to see if an error occurred. |
ADAF70 | SFDBID d####, SFILE f#### not unique in Subscription ssssssss |
Explanation |
In SUBSCRIPTION NAME=ssssssss, there are duplicate SFDBID=d#### and SFILE=f#### found. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF71 | Value NONE invalid in SDESTINATION for Subscription ssssssss |
Explanation |
In SUBSCRIPTION NAME=ssssssss, there is an SDESTINATION='NONE'. "NONE" is a reserved keyword for SIDESTINATION. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF72 | SDESTINATION sdsdsdsd is not unique within Subscription ssssssss |
Explanation |
In SUBSCRIPTION NAME=ssssssss, there is an SDESTINATION specifying duplicate destinations of sdsdsdsd. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF73 | SIDESTINATION sisisisi is not unique within Subscription ssssssss |
Explanation |
In SUBSCRIPTION NAME=ssssssss, there is an SIDESTINATION specifying duplicate destinations of sisisisi. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF74 | Input DBID/File may not equal Target DBID/File in Destination dddddddd |
Explanation |
In DESTINATION NAME=dddddddd, the DBID/FILE is matching between Input DBID/FILE and Target DBID/FILE. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF75 | SARC must be a value between 0 and 11 |
Explanation |
The parameter SARC has a value not between 0 and 11. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF76 | SIDESTINATION is invalid. Either specify NONE or specify the destination names |
Explanation |
The parameter SIDESTINATION has both NONE and destination names specified. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
Explanation |
The list of subscriptions specified in ISUBSCRIPTION parameter or list of destination specified in IDESTINATION parameter is not unique. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF78 | IFILE parameters only valid for INITIALSTATE |
Explanation |
IFILE parameter specified without INITIALSTATE keyword. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF79 | ISNLIST and SELCRIT are mutually exclusive |
Explanation |
Both ISNLIST and SELCRIT parameters specified. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF7A | Initial-state status Reptor-ID= reptid, FNR= fnr, Initial-state ID = X'is-id’ Response= rc, Subcode= sc Read sequence is: sequencetype Nr of records processed = num Adabas could not inform Reptor about end of initial-state process replication is inactive |
Explanation |
These messages provide information on the status of an initial state. Possible values for status are "has started", "has ended", "terminated", "was stopped", or "error". Possible values for sequencetype are "ISN sequence", "Selection by ISN ", "Selection criterion (read logical)", or "Selection criterion (search command)". |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAF7B | ADAF7B ISNLIST, SELCRIT or IDBID specified without IFILE parameter |
Explanation |
The ISNLIST, SELCRIT and IDBID parameters can be specified only with IFILE parameters. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF7C | Illegal SELCRIT expression. |
Explanation |
The SELCRIT parameter expression is illegal. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF7D | ResendBuffer name resendbuffer-name is not unique |
Explanation |
The resend buffer name provided in the RESENDBUFFER parameter has been defined previously. The names must be unique. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF7E | Destination dest-name has been changed to type NULL |
Explanation |
Event Replicator for Adabas is running in verify mode, so all destinations are changed to null-type destinations. This message is generated for every destination that is changed to DTYPE=NULL when VERIFYMODE=YES is specified. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAF7F | AI|BI|FAI|FBI|KEY decompression response rc-code subcode rc-subcode subscription name DBID id FNR file-num ISN isn |
Explanation |
A decompression failure occurred during the subscription phase of Event Replicator for Adabas processing. This failure is due to faulty format buffer or key data specified in a subscription definition. The specific Event Replicator for Adabas buffer is identified in the message by one of the following codes:
Action |
Correct the format buffer or key data and try again. |
ADAF7G | Successful AI|BI|FAI|FBI|KEY decompression for subscription name DBID id FNR file-num ISN isn |
Explanation |
Decompression during the subscription phase of Event Replicator for Adabas processing was successful; there were no errors. This message is generated when Event Replicator for Adabas is running in verify mode and decompression is successful in the subscription phase. The specific Event Replicator for Adabas buffer is identified in the message by one of the following codes:
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAF7H | Misuse of A() or X() notation: value |
Explanation |
The value listed in the message does not obey the rules and restrictions governing the use of A() or X() notation as part of FLIST data. For more information, please read Rules for Writing Filter Conditions. |
Action |
Check the FLIST input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF7I | Misuse of commas in FLIST: list |
Explanation |
The list given in the message does not obey the rules and restrictions governing the use of comma characters as part of FLIST data. For more information, please read Rules for Writing Filter Conditions. |
Action |
Check the FLIST input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF7J | Misuse of wildcharacter in value: value |
Explanation |
The value listed in the message does not obey the rules and restrictions governing the use of wildcard characters as part of FLIST data. For more information, please read Rules for Writing Filter Conditions. |
Action |
Check the FLIST input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF7K | Invalid hexadecimal input for X() notation: value |
Explanation |
The value listed in the message expects to use X() notation but the data between the parentheses does not represent valid hexadecimal data. |
Action |
Check the FLIST input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF7L | Filter filter, Group group, Condition condition inconsistent with value list. |
Explanation |
The filter identified by the filter, group and condition listed in the message specifies FLIST data which cannot be evaluated against the FCOND operation specified. For the correct usage, please read Rules for Writing Filter Conditions. |
Action |
Modify the FLIST input or the FCOND parameter to correct the error. Then restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF7M | When specified, SELCRIT must be nonblank |
Explanation |
The parameter SELCRIT contains only blanks. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
Explanation |
An invalid value was specified for the SDEACTIVATE parameter. |
Action |
Correct the value and try again. |
ADAF7O | Subscription subsname database dbid file nn before|after|key image uses global format buffer gfb This global format buffer contains field table information. It may not be used by more than one combination of database and file |
Explanation |
A global format buffer (GFB) definition contains a field table and is used for more than one combination of database ID and file number. This is not allowed. |
Action |
Correct the subscription so that the GFB field table is used for a single combination of database ID and file number. |
ADAF7P | Subscription subsname database dbid file nn before|after|key image uses global format buffer gfb This global format buffer is also used by subscription subsname database dbid file nn A global format buffer may not be used for the same file number on different databases |
Explanation |
A global format buffer (GFB) definition is used by a subscription for the same file number on different databases. This is not allowed. |
Action |
Correct the subscription so that the GFB is used properly. |
ADAF7Q | IDBID idbid, IFILE fn not unique in initial-state |
Explanation |
The initial-state database ID and file number are not unique for the initial-state definition, although they must be. |
Action |
Correct the initial-state definition so that is includes unique database ID and file number combinations. |
Explanation |
An attempt was made to turn on utility replication for a file (DAREPLICATEUTI) in an Adabas destination, without also turning on utility replication for the Adabas destination in general. |
Action |
Correct the parameter input and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
Explanation |
An invalid value was specified for the DREPLICATEUTI parameter. Valid values are "YES" or "NO". |
Action |
Correct the parameter input and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF80 | Invalid INITIALSTATE definition NAME=is-name Destination dname in subparameter IDESTINATION undefined |
Explanation |
The initial-state definition named in the message is invalid because the destination specified in the IDESTINATION parameter is not defined in the Replication system file or by a DESTINATION initialization parameter. The destination name is also given in the message. |
Action |
Correct the destination that is referenced by the IDESTINATION parameter of the initial-state definition or add an appropriate destination definition to the Replicator system file or Event Replicator Server startup job, if necessary. You can add and modify replication definitions using initialization parameters or the Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem. Once the definitions and parameters are correctly specified, restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF81 | Invalid INITIALSTATE definition NAME=is-name Wrong IFILE supplied |
Explanation |
The IFILE parameter of the initial-state definition is incorrect. Either IFILE=0 is specified or the IFILE parameter is omitted. |
Action |
Correct the initial-state parameter specifications. Once the definitions and parameters are correctly specified, restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF82 | Invalid INITIALSTATE definition NAME=is-name Subscription sname in subparameter ISUBSCRIPTION undefined |
Explanation |
The initial-state definition named in the message is invalid because the subscription specified in the ISUBSCRIPTION parameter is not defined in the Replication system file or by a SUBSCRIPTION initialization parameter. The subscription name is also given in the message. One or more subscriptions specified in ISUBSCRIPTION parameter are not defined in SUBSCRIPTION settings. |
Action |
Correct the subscription that is referenced by the ISUBSCRIPTION parameter of the initial-state definition or add an appropriate subscription definition to the Replicator system file or Event Replicator Server startup job, if necessary. You can add and modify replication definitions using initialization parameters or the Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem. Once the definitions and parameters are correctly specified, restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF83 | Invalid INITIALSTATE definition NAME=is-name None of the specified destinations receive data from subscription sname |
Explanation |
The initial-state definition named in the message is invalid because none of the destinations receive data from the subscription specified in the ISUBSCRIPTION parameter. |
Action |
Correct the ISUBSCRIPTION parameter to identify the correct subscription or update the associated subscription definition so it sends data to one of the destinations specified in the initial-state definition. You can add and modify replication definitions using initialization parameters or the Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem. Once the definitions and parameters are correctly specified, restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF84 | Invalid INITIALSTATE definition NAME=is-name None of the specified or implied destinations receive data from database dbid / file fnr |
Explanation |
The initial-state definition named in the message is invalid because none of the destinations listed in the initial-state definition receive data from the database and file listed in the message. |
Action |
Correct one or more of the following, as necessary:
You can add and modify replication definitions using initialization parameters or the Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem. Once the definitions and parameters are correctly specified, restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF85 | DARC must be a value between 0 and 3 |
Explanation |
The parameter DARC has a value that is not between 0 and 3. |
Action |
Check the parameter value, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF86 | Invalid INITIALSTATE definition NAME=is-name INITIALSTATE with IFILE requires either IDBID or DBID |
Explanation |
Neither IDBID nor DBID specified for IFILE parameter. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF87 | AMI R=request Q=details RC=nnn/nnn/xxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxx |
Explanation |
This message is issued when an error is encountered while communicating with the Adabas Messaging interface. When the error occurs as a result of a configuration or other expected error, a preceding message will have been issued to give more detailed information as to what the problem may be. If the error is not expected, you will need to use the information in this message along with the documentation from your messaging system to determine what caused the error. R = Identifies the request that was issued. Q = Gives 8 bytes of detail about the resource where the problem occurred. In some cases, such as the broker ID or the MQ Manager, only the first 8 bytes are given to indicate what was involved. RC = Provides the Adabas Messaging Interface return and reason code and the underlying messaging subsystem return and reason codes respectively to help with error diagnosis. |
Action |
If the message is preceded by another message indicating what the problem was, proceed based on that message. If the error was unexpected, try to determine from the messaging system response and reason codes what the problem was. If this fails, contact your Software AG technical support representative. |
ADAF88 | load failed for mmmmmmmm |
Explanation |
The load of the ADAETB/ADAMQS module has failed. The module name is given as mmmmmmmm. |
Action |
Ensure the given module is available to the Event Replicator Server. Contact your DBA, system support personnel, or Software AG technical support if further assistance is needed. |
ADAF89 | Internal error in output subtask nnn Internal error at aaaaaaaa = mmmmmmmm+oooooo reg0 reg1 reg2 reg3 (R0-R3) reg4 reg5 reg6 reg7 (R4-R7) reg8 reg9 reg10 reg11 (R8-RB) reg12 reg13 reg14 reg15 (RC-RF) |
Explanation |
Subtask number nnn has encountered an internal error at address 'aaaaaaaa'. If available, a module name mmmmmmmm and offset oooooo are provided. The register contents at the time of the error are also printed. |
Action |
The subtask is terminated. Contact Software AG technical support for further assistance. |
ADAF8A | Destination: destination Open failed: reason-code |
Explanation |
This message indicates that the attempt to open the indicated destination failed. The reason code indicates why the open attempt failed. This will normally occur if the DESTINATION has not been properly defined. |
Action |
Determine the reason for the failure based on the supplied reason code and correct the condition. If the reason for the failure is "Unexpected reason code", refer to the codes returned in the subsequent ADAF87 message. |
ADAF8B | Connect failed: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx |
Explanation |
This message is issued when an error is encountered while communicating with the Adabas messaging interface. xx.xxxx is the name of the queue manager. zz.zzzz is the reason for the failure. The following reasons can occur due to configuration or resource issues while running the Event Replicator Server. If any other reason appears, please contact your local support center.
Action |
See listings of failure reasons above. |
ADAF8C | ddddd request for resource failed: reason |
Explanation |
This message is issued when an error occurs during Event Replicator Server processing of resources associated with the messaging system being used. The request value in the message is the request that was issued (e.g. INIT, SEND, RECEIVE etc.) The resource listed in the message is the resource on which the request failed. For example, when a SEND fails to a specific destination, resource will be the name of the destination where the failure occurred. The reason listed in the message is the reason for the failure. The following reasons can occur due to configuration or resource issues while running the Event Replicator Server. If any other reason appears, please contact your local support center.
Action |
See listings of failure reasons above. |
ADAF8D | delete failed for yyyyyyyy |
Explanation |
An attempt to delete the module yyyyyyyy from storage failed. This should not occur and should be reported to your local support center. |
Action |
Contact your local support center. |
ADAF8E | Open or Close already in progress for queue-name |
Explanation |
A request has been received to open or close a queue which is already in the process of being opened or closed. |
Action |
Retry the request after the outstanding open or close request has completed. |
ADAF8F | Input queue queue-name already opened |
Explanation |
A request to open the input queue listed in the message failed because the queue was already open. |
Action |
Verify that you have specified the correct queue in the request and try again. |
ADAF8G | Close for input queue queue-name successful |
Explanation |
The input queue close request completed successfully. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAF8H | Open for input queue queue-name status |
Explanation |
The input queue open request either completed successfully or failed, as specified in the message (status). The name of the input queue is given in the message. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAF8I | Warning: one or more destinations defined with DLOG=YES but SLOG file is not loaded |
Explanation |
You have specified DLOG=YES on the definition of one or more destinations, but an SLOG file has not been defined to the Event Replicator for Adabas. |
Action |
Determine if DLOG=YES is required and, if so, define an SLOG file to the Event Replicator Server. For more information, read Setting Up Subscription Logging in Event Replicator for Adabas Administration and Operations Guide. |
ADAF8J | SLOG cleanup process starting |
Explanation |
The SLOG cleanup process has started. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAF8K | xx,xxx,xxx,xxx items deleted for {destination destname}|{replay instance that started at date time} |
Explanation |
One of the following occurred:
The number of transactions deleted from the SLOG file is given in the message. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAF8L | SLOG cleanup process {aborted|completed|halted} |
Explanation |
The SLOG cleanup process has finished. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAF8M | Unexpected error xxx encountered while referencing DATA storage RABN xx,xxx,xxx,xxx |
Explanation |
An unexpected error occurred related to the data storage RABN listed in the message. |
Action |
Identify and fix the problem from the response code and data storage RABN listed in the message or contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance. |
ADAF8N | Open|Close request name for destination destname |
Explanation |
An open or close request was received or rejected for the destination named in the message. This may occur if a previous open or close request is still in progress for the destination. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAF8O | Subscription subs-name DBID dbid file fn filter filter-name group group-name condition nnnnn field xx error: error-desc |
Explanation |
An error occurred with the field, filter, and subscription named in the message. A description of the error, the database ID, file number, and condition are also listed in the message. Possible error descriptions are:
Action |
Correct the problem indicated by the error description. |
ADAF8P | Data read in SLOG for destination destname which now has DLOG=NO set |
Explanation |
SLOG data has been found for the destination listed in the message, which now has DLOG=NO set. This implies that at some point in the past, DLOG=YES was set and was subsequently changed. Be aware that this message indicates that previously logged data is now lost. |
Action |
If logging should not be active for the destination, this can be ignored. However, if it should be active, determine why the configuration was changed. |
ADAF8Q | Data read in SLOG for destination destname which is not configured |
Explanation |
SLOG initialization processing has encountered data on the SLOG system file for the destination listed in the message. However, the destination is not defined in the current configuration. All SLOG data related to the destination will be deleted. |
Action |
If the destination should be defined, determine why it was omitted from the configuration. |
ADAF8R | Reptor initialization terminated at the request of destination
output user exit exit-name for destination dest-name |
Explanation |
A destination output user exit requested that the Event Replicator Server terminate. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAF8S | SLOG init completed successfully |
Explanation |
SLOG initialization processing completed successfully. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAF8T | An unexpected error occurred in SLOG related processing message-text-varies response code respcode / reason code reascode |
Explanation |
An unexpected error occurred during SLOG processing. The details of the error are provided in the second line of the message, as described in the following table. The response code and reason code are also provided in the message.
Action |
Investigate the response and reason codes to determine the cause of the problem and correct it. If you get the "Workpool storage request failed for CQE" message text, verify that sufficient storage is available for Event Replicator Server initialization. |
ADAF8U | Destination destname open failed Destination destname opened on some tasks Destination destname opened on all tasks |
Explanation |
This is an informational message that indicates the result of an open request for the destination listed in the message. |
Action |
If the open request failed, review associated messages to determine why it failed; then correct the problem. Otherwise, no action is required for this informational message. |
ADAF8V | Destination destname already open |
Explanation |
A request to open the destination listed in the message failed because the destination was already open. |
Action |
Verify that you have specified the correct destination in the request and try again. |
ADAF8W | Destination destname close failed Destination destname closed on some tasks Destination destname closed on all tasks |
Explanation |
This is an informational message that indicates the result of a close request for the destination listed in the message. |
Action |
If the close request failed, review associated messages to determine it failed; then correct the problem. Otherwise, no action is required for this informational message. |
ADAF8X | Destination destname already closed |
Explanation |
A request to close the destination listed in the message failed because the destination was already closed. |
Action |
Verify that you have specified the correct destination in the request and try again. |
ADAF8Y | message-text | ||||||||||
Explanation |
Action |
No action is required for these informational messages. Once the Event Replicator Server is restarted, this data will be cleared from the SLOG file. |
ADAF8Z | Statistics |
Explanation |
This message is displayed in response to the operator command DRPLPARM. It shows the replication-related parameters. |
Action |
No action is required for these informational messages. |
ADAF90 | nnn output subtasks to be attached |
Explanation |
The Event Replicator Server is preparing to attach output subtasks. |
Action |
None required. This message is for information only. |
ADAF91 | subtask nnn attach error nnn occurred |
Explanation |
An error occurred while an Event Replicator Server output subtask was being attached. |
Action |
Contact your DBA, system support personnel, or Software AG technical support. |
ADAF92 | type subtasks have been initialized |
Explanation |
All of the Event Replicator Server subtasks of the specified type (input or output) have been successfully attached. |
Action |
None required. This message is for information only. |
ADAF93 | nnn input subtasks to be attached |
Explanation |
This message indicates the number nnn of subtasks that will be attached. |
Action |
None required. This message is for information only. |
ADAF94 | nnn [input] subtasks have been detached |
Explanation |
The Event Replicator Server input or output subtask termination process has completed. The total number of subtasks that have been terminated is given in the message (nnn) Note: |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAF95 | All type subtasks could not be initialized |
Explanation |
One or more Event Replicator Server subtasks of the specified type (input or output) could not be started successfully. One possible reason for this might be that the default subtask wait time (or the time specified by the SUBTASKWAIT parameter) is insufficient for your system. For more information about the SUBTASKWAIT parameter, read SUBTASKWAIT (Subtask Wait Time) Parameter, in the Event Replicator for Adabas Reference Manual |
Action |
Evaluate the setting of the SUBTASKWAIT parameter for your Event Replicator Server and consider increasing it (or setting it if it has not been set). If you still need assistance or the problem persists, contact your DBA, system support personnel, or Software AG technical support. |
ADAF96 | [input] subtask nnn detach error eee occurred |
Explanation |
An error occurred while an Event Replicator Server input or output subtask was being detached. The subtask number (nnn) and the error number (eee) are given in the message. Note: |
Action |
Adabas termination continues. Contact your DBA, system support personnel, or Software AG technical support for assistance. |
ADAF97 | waiting for the termination of Reptor [input] subtasks |
Explanation |
The termination of Event Replicator Server input or output subtasks is in progress. Note: |
Action |
None required. This message is for information only. |
ADAF98 | Error encountered while attempting to <action> input queue iiiiiiii <additional information> |
Explanation |
This message has multiple texts, as described in the following table.
Action |
Determine the reason for the failure based on the supplied reason code and correct the condition. Contact your DBA, system support personnel, or Software AG technical support if further assistance is needed. |
ADAF99 | <item> is unavailable | ||||||
Explanation |
This message has multiple message texts, as described in the following table.
Action |
Ensure the destination or input queue is correctly defined and assigned. |
ADAF9A | yyyyyyyyyyy error in output subtask nnn |
Explanation |
An error has occurred during the processing of output subtask number nnn. The yyyyyyyyyyy in the message indicates whether the error occurred during initialization, processing or termination logic on the output subtask. This message is always preceded by a message with more information about where the problem lies. When this occurs during initialization processing, the subtask will not initialize and Event Replicator Server initialization processing will terminate. When this occurs during termination processing of a subtask, termination processing will continue but one or more resources may be left in an invalid state. |
Action |
This message will have been preceded by an error messaging indicating the error. Correct the problem based on this preceding error message. |
ADAF9B | xxxxxxxxxxxxxx error in input subtask nnn |
Explanation |
This indicates that an error has occurred during the processing of input subtask number 'nnn'. 'yyyyyyyyyyy' indicates whether the error occurred during initialization, processing or termination logic on the input subtask. This message is always preceded by a message with more information about where the problem lies. When this occurs during initialization processing, the subtask will not initialize and Event Replicator Server initialization processing will terminate. When this occurs during termination processing of a subtask, termination processing will continue but one or more resources may be left in an invalid state. |
Action |
This message will have been preceded by an error messaging indicating the error. Correct the problem based on this preceding error message. |
ADAF9C | Input Queue: xxxxxxxx Open failed: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx |
Explanation |
This message indicates that the attempt to open the indicated Input Queue failed. The reason code indicates why the open attempt failed. This will normally occur if the input queue has not been properly defined to the messaging system or there are insufficient resources to open the queue. |
Action |
Determine the reason for the failure based on the supplied reason code and correct the condition. This will normally occur because the IQUEUE definition is invalid or the appropriate WebSphere MQ or webMethods EntireX resources have not been defined for the queue. In rare circumstances, this may occur due to a shortage of storage; in this case, increase the region size and rerun the job. |
ADAF9D | date time {Initial-state|ADARPL/ADALOD} process is running |
Explanation |
The initial-state, replay, or database load process is running. |
Action |
No action is necessary for this informational message. |
ADAF9E | Invalid output returned from Destination user exit exit-name error-text |
Explanation |
The destination output user exit named in the message returned invalid data. Additional error text in the message further describes error. Possible error texts are:
Action |
Investigate the causes of the user exit failure and fix them. |
ADAF9F | Unable to acquire a UQE, response code rc, subcode sc Format buffer validation will not be done for Subscription name |
Explanation |
Format buffer validation, initiated because the FBVALIDATION parameter was turned on, could not be performed because a user queue element, which is used to store pointers to the internal format buffers and other information, could not be acquired. The response code (rc) and subcode (sc) are given in the message. |
Action |
Investigate the response code and subcode to identify and correct the problem. |
ADAF9H | Format buffer validation failed Response code rc, subcode sc, field name 'fldname' Subscription sname, Database dbid, File num, XXX Global Format Buffer gfb-name |
Explanation |
An attempt to validate a format buffer failed. This validation attempt occurred because the FBVALIDATION parameter was turned on. The response code (rc), subcode (sc), subscription name (sname), database ID (dbid), file number (num), and global format buffer definition name (gfb-name) are given in the message. |
Action |
Correct the named format buffer and try again. |
ADAF9I | FCB/FDT retrieval error, response code rc, subcode sc Format buffer validation will not be done for: Subscription files referencing Database dbid, File num |
Explanation |
Format buffer validation, initiated because the FBVALIDATION parameter was turned on, was not performed for subscriptions that reference the database (dbid) and file number (num) listed in the message. The response code (rc) and subcode (sc) are also given in the message. This failure occurred because a request for the FCB/FDT of a file has failed. These control blocks are used by the format buffer validation process. Although the message indicates format buffer validation will not be done as a result of the error, it does not mean that format buffer validation will be performed if the parameter is set to NONE. It is considered a warning message when format buffer validation was not requested to highlight a risk and the need to check that all is well based on the new and/or changed resource parameters implemented by the RPLREFRESH. For example, if a Subscription was changed and later an error detected as a result of this change, the Subscription may be deactivated and that could be a major issue. |
Action |
Investigate the response code and subcode to identify and correct the problem. |
ADAF9J | Replay jobstream generated
Replay jobstream generation failed ADARAG function return code rc DDJCLIN failed to open DDJCLOUT failed to open DDJCLIN missing %KARTE or %SEQUENTIAL DDJCLIN has multiple %KARTE or %SEQUENTIAL |
Explanation |
These are informational messages about ADARPL utility processing. For further details about how to use this facility, read ADARPL Utility: PLOG Replication Replay. The ADARAG internal routine is used to:
Action |
If the ADARAG routine fails, report the return code to your Software AG technical support representative. |
ADAF9K | CBuf resendbuffer-name function F/RC f/rc Dep Ret/Rsn ret/rsn |
Explanation |
An error was reported by the circular resend buffer manager for the named resend buffer. The function listed in the message will be one of the following:.
Create DSP The internal service numeric function and return codes are shown in f and rc settings in the message and the platform-dependent return and reason codes are also shown. Under z/OS, circular resend buffers are implemented as dataspaces. The z/OS DSPSERV function creates and deletes dataspaces, and the ALESERV function administers ALETs. |
Action |
If the reason for the error code is not clear, contact your DBA, system support personnel, or Software AG technical support representative. |
ADAF9L | Unexpected return code rc received acquiring Reptor information from a peer nucleus |
Explanation |
An unexpected error occurred when a second or subsequent cluster nucleus starts. |
Action |
Analyze the return code given the message and react accordingly. Contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance. |
ADAF9M | Insufficient WORK pool space available. Increase LWP. |
Explanation |
There was insufficient work pool space available to the Event Replicator Server. |
Action |
Increase the setting of the ADARUN LWP parameter for the Event Replicator Server. The stop and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAF9N | Peer nucleus nucid is starting a connection to Reptor dbid |
Explanation |
A cluster nucleus is connecting to the Event Replicator Server. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAF9O | Peer nucleus nucid encountered response rrrrr communicating with Reptor dbid |
Explanation |
When the cluster nucleus attempted to communicate with the Event Replicator Server listed in the message, the response code (rrrrr) listed in the message was received. |
Action |
Investigate the response code and subcode to identify and correct the problem. |
ADAF9P | Connection to Reptor dbid terminated due to insufficient free space in a peer nucleus replication pool |
Explanation |
An Adabas cluster database was not able to connect to an Event Replicator Server due to insufficient replication pool free space in one of the cluster nuclei. |
Action |
Consider increasing the value of the LRPL parameter for the cluster nuclei. |
ADAF9Q | Cluster database dbid aborted its connection attempt |
Explanation |
The Event Replicator Server has detected an unsuccessful connection from a cluster database. |
Action |
Examine all error messages in the cluster nuclei job logs to determine the reason for the failed connection attempt. |
ADAF9R | Abort connection call to Reptor dbid failed with response rrrrr/sssss |
Explanation |
When the cluster database attempted to disconnect from the Event Replicator Server listed in the message, the response code and subcode (rrrrr/sssss) listed in the message were received. |
Action |
Investigate the response code and subcode to identify and correct the problem. |
ADAF9S | Auto-restart connect call to Reptor dbid failed with response rrrrr/ sssss |
Explanation |
A cluster nucleus that has completed auto-restart processing was not able to connect to the Event Replicator Server listed in the message. The response code and subcode (rrrrr/sssss) listed in the message were received. |
Action |
Investigate the response code and subcode to identify and correct the problem. |
ADAF9T | Initial connect to Reptor dbid failed with response rrrrr/ sssss |
Explanation |
When the cluster database attempted to connect to the Event Replicator Server listed in the message, the response code and subcode (rrrrr/sssss) listed in the message were received. |
Action |
Investigate the response code and subcode to identify and correct the problem. |
ADAF9U | Completion of connection to Reptor dbid failed with response rrrrr/ sssss |
Explanation |
The cluster database was unable to connect to the Event Replicator Server listed in the message. The response code and subcode (rrrrr/sssss) listed in the message were received. |
Action |
Investigate the response code and subcode to identify and correct the problem. |
ADAF9V | Starting a cluster connection to Reptor dbid |
Explanation |
An Adabas cluster database is attempting to connect to an Event Replicator Server. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAF9W | Cluster connected to Reptor dbid |
Explanation |
An Adabas cluster database successfully connected to an Event Replicator Server. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAF9X | Cluster database dbid is connecting |
Explanation |
The Event Replicator Server is processing a connection request from a cluster nucleus. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAF9Y | Cluster auto-restart handshake call processed for database dbid / nucid |
Explanation |
The Event Replicator Server has reconnected to a cluster nucleus that has completed auto-restart processing. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAF9Z | Cluster database dbid has connected |
Explanation |
The Event Replicator Server has successfully connected to a cluster nucleus. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAFA0 | Refresh requested for resource name |
Explanation |
An RPLREFRESH command has been entered to refresh the resource named in the message. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAFA1 | Refresh failed: parameter processing error |
Explanation |
An RPLREFRESH command has been entered, but cannot be processed due to an error return from the input parameter processing routines. |
Action |
Examine the DDPRINT output for messages relating to specific parameter errors, correct these errors, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAFA2 | Modifying an existing resendbuffer is not allowed |
Explanation |
You cannot use the RPLREFRESH command to dynamically refresh a resend buffer definition; you can only add or delete a resend buffer definition using RPLREFRESH. To modify a resend buffer definition for a running Event Replicator Server, complete he steps described in Resend Buffer Modification and Refresh Requirements. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAFA3 | Request invalid when RPLPARMS not set to FILE Request invalid when reptor system file does not exist |
Explanation |
An RPLREFRESH command has been entered, but can only be processed when the ADARUN RPLPARMS parameter is set to "FILE" and a Replicator system file is defined in the Event Replicator Server. |
Action |
Ensure that ADARUN RPLPARMS parameter is set to "FILE" and that a Replicator system file is defined in the Event Replicator Server as described in the Event Replicator for Adabas installations instructions. Then restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAFA4 | Refresh Aborted |
Explanation |
An |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAFA5 | Refresh exceeded time limit waiting for quiesce of resources |
Explanation |
An RPLREFRESH command could not be processed as the relevant resources had not entered a quiescent state within five minutes. |
Action |
Ensure that the resources being refreshed are not actively in use by the Event Replicator Server before attempting to reenter the RPLREFRESH command. |
ADAFA6 | {Add|Modify|Delete} requested for subscription sub |
Explanation |
An RPLREFRESH command has requested to add, modify or delete subscription sub. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAFA7 | {Add|Modify|Delete} requested for subscription sub successful |
Explanation |
An RPLREFRESH command request to add, modify, or delete subscription sub has been processed successfully. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAFA8 | Subscription sub does not contain files required for Adabas destination dest |
Explanation |
Adabas destination dest is defined with a DBID/File combination for which there is no match in subscription definition sub. |
Action |
Ensure that the all of the Adabas destination’s input DBID/File combinations are matched in the subscription. |
ADAFA9 | Adabas destination dest also used by subscription sub |
Explanation |
An Adabas destination may only be assigned for use by one subscription at a time. |
Action |
Remove destination dest from the SDESTINATION parameter or from the destination name list for subscription sub and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAFAA | Resendbuffer buf does not exist |
Explanation |
The resend buffer named in the message has not been defined. |
Action |
Specify a correctly defined resend buffer definition before attempting to refresh the subscription. |
ADAFAC | One or more format buffers failed format buffer validation |
Explanation |
Format buffer validation has been set to "ABORT" or "DEAC" and one or more of the format buffer definitions has been found to be invalid. |
Action |
Inspect the format buffer definitions and correct any errors before restarting the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAFAD | Subscription sub release for FBs failed rsp rc |
Explanation |
As part of a refresh of subscription sub, an internal Event Replicator Server cleanup failed with the response given in the message. The refresh will proceed despite this message. |
Action |
Report this message and the response code to your Software AG support representative. |
ADAFAE | Subscription sub not found |
Explanation |
An RPLREFRESH command was entered to delete a subscription, but the named subscription cannot be found. |
Action |
If the intention was to ensure that subscription sub be removed from the Event Replicator Server definitions, then no further action is required. Otherwise correct the RPLREFRESH command to delete a subscription that currently exists. |
ADAFAF | Subscription sub in use by initial state request istate |
Explanation |
An RPLREFRESH command was entered to delete subscription sub, but it has been found to be still in use by initial state definition istate. |
Action |
Remove the subscription from the initial-state subscription list before restarting the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAFAG | Destination dest has remaining SLOG data |
Explanation |
An RPLREFRESH command was entered to refresh a subscription using destination dest, for which there is still data in the SLOG. The subscription is therefore not in a quiescent state and so the refresh cannot yet be implemented. An ADAFAI message will follow stating that the refresh is scheduled. |
Action |
Wait for the subscription to return to a quiescent state and then the refresh can be implemented. If the subscription returns to a quiescent state in the next five minutes, this will happen automatically; otherwise, you will have to request the refresh again. |
ADAFAH | {Add|Modify|Delete} requested for destination dest |
Explanation |
An RPLREFRESH command has requested to add, modify, or delete destination dest. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAFAI | {Add|Modify|Delete} requested for destination dest {successful|scheduled|failed} |
Explanation |
The RPLREFRESH request to add, modify, or delete the destination definition listed in the message was processed successfully, has been scheduled for processing once the destination is in a quiescent state, or has failed. . |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. If the request has failed, previous messages will give details of the failure. |
ADAFAJ | DLOG=NO cannot be set for destination dest while data still exists on subscription log file |
Explanation |
An RPLREFRESH command to modify destination dest by setting DLOG=NO has been entered, but data for the destination still exists in the SLOG. An ADAFAI message will follow this message stating that the refresh has failed. |
Action |
Wait until the SLOG data for the destination has been delogged before attempting to modify the DLOG value using RPLREFRESH. |
ADAFAK | Destination dest must be closed for requested modification |
Explanation |
An RPLREFRESH request to modify destination dest by altering one of the messaging layer parameters has been made, but the destination has not been closed. An ADAFAI message will follow this message stating that the refresh has failed. |
Action |
Close the destination before attempting to modify one of its messaging layer parameters. |
ADAFAL | Allocation failed for storage required to implement add |
Explanation |
An RPLREFRESH request to add a new resource has been entered but insufficient storage is available to manage the new structures required. An ADAFAI message will follow this message stating that the refresh has failed. |
Action |
Make more storage available to the Event Replicator Server and restart. |
ADAFAM | Destination dest not found |
Explanation |
An RPLREFRESH request was made to delete destination dest, or to modify a subscription to refer to it, but the destination definition cannot be found. An ADAFAI message will follow this message stating that the refresh has failed. |
Action |
If you intended to ensure that the destination be removed from the Event Replicator Server definitions, then no further action is required. Otherwise, correct the RPLREFRESH command to delete a destination that currently exists, or correct the subscription definition to refer to a valid destination. |
ADAFAN | Destination dest in use by initial state request istate |
Explanation |
An RPLREFRESH request was made to delete destination dest, but the destination is still in use by initial state definition istate. |
Action |
Remove the destination from the initial-state destination list for the initial-state definition before restarting the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAFAO | Destination dest in use by subscription sub |
Explanation |
An RPLREFRESH request was made to delete destination dest, but the destination is still in use by subscription sub. |
Action |
Remove the destination from the subscription definition before restarting the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAFAP | Destination dest cannot be deleted while output is still in progress on destination |
Explanation |
An RPLREFRESH request was made to delete destination dest, but there are still transactions being sent to the destination or being logged to the SLOG for it. An ADAFAI message will follow this message stating that the refresh has failed. |
Action |
Wait until the destination is no longer in active use by the Event Replicator Server before attempting to delete it. |
ADAFAQ | Destination dest cannot be deleted while data still exists on subscription log for destination |
Explanation |
An RPLREFRESH request was made to delete destination dest, but there is still data on the SLOG for it. An ADAFAI message will follow this message stating that the refresh has failed. |
Action |
Wait until all the data for the destination to be deleted is removed from the SLOG before attempting to delete it. |
ADAFAR | Destination dest must be closed before it can be deleted |
Explanation |
An RPLREFRESH request was made to delete destination dest, but it is not closed. An ADAFAI message will follow this message stating that the refresh has failed. |
Action |
Close the destination before attempting to delete it. |
ADAFAS | {Add|Modify|Delete} request for destination dest aborted by exit uexit |
Explanation |
AN RPLREFRESH request to add, modify or delete destination dest has been aborted by user exit uexit. |
Action |
Inspect your user exit to determine why the refresh has been aborted. |
ADAFAT | Output still in progress for destination dest |
Explanation |
An RPLREFRESH request was made to refresh a subscription using destination dest, for which there is still data on the output queue. The subscription is therefore not in a quiescent state and, consequently, the refresh cannot yet be implemented. An ADAFAI message follows this message stating that the refresh is now scheduled. |
Action |
Wait for the subscription to return to a quiescent state and then the refresh can be implemented. If the subscription returns to a quiescent state in the next five minutes, this will happen automatically; otherwise, you will have to request the refresh again. |
ADAFAU | Incoming transactions available for subscription processing |
Explanation |
An RPLREFRESH request was made to refresh a subscription for which there are still transactions on the subscription queue. The subscription is therefore not in a quiescent state and, consequently, the refresh cannot yet be implemented. An ADAFAI message follows this message stating that the refresh is now scheduled. |
Action |
Wait for the subscription to return to a quiescent state and then the refresh can be implemented. If the subscription returns to a quiescent state in the next five minutes, this will happen automatically; otherwise, you will have to request the refresh again. |
Explanation |
An invalid value was specified for the RECORDPLOGINFO parameter. |
Action |
Correct the parameter value and try again. |
ADAFAW | function requested for resendbuffer rbname |
Explanation |
Add, delete, or modify processing has been requested for the resend buffer definition listed in the message. The kind of processing requested is given in the message (function). |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAFAX | Resendbuffer rbname in use by subscription sname |
Explanation |
An RPLREFRESH request was made to delete resend buffer rbname, but the resend buffer definition is still in use by subscription definition sname. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. If you want to modify the resend buffer dynamically, you should follow the instructions provided in Resend Buffer Modification and Refresh Requirements |
ADAFAY | function for resendbuffer rbname successful |
Explanation |
Add, delete, or modify processing was successfully performed for the resend buffer definition listed in the message. The kind of processing requested is given in the message (function). |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAFAZ | Input Queue qname not found |
Explanation |
An RPLREFRESH request was made to delete an input queue definition (qname), but the named input queue definition does not exist. |
Action |
Verify that the correct input queue definition was referenced in the RPLREFRESH request. If not, correct it and try again. |
ADAFB1 | Error processing Replicator system file,
internal command Error function -- action Adabas command command -- action RSP rspcode Subcode subcode |
Explanation |
PLOG sequential data set information resulting from a successful ADARES PLCOPY run is maintained in the Replicator system file. This error can be caused by an Adabas command used to access the Replicator system file or by an internal system function. The response code and subcode from processing are given in the message. In addition, the following functions (function) can appear:
Finally, the following actions (action) may occur in the message:
Action |
If the error is from an Adabas command, investigate the response code and subcode to identify and correct the problem. If you cannot resolve it, or if you receive an internal function error, contact your Software AG technical support representative. |
ADAFB2 | Selecting PLOGs for automatic Replay job generation DBID dbid errortext |
Explanation |
A request to select PLOG sequential data sets was unsuccessful for the database listed in the message spanning a starting and ending date and time. One or more additional lines of error text (errortext) provide additional detail about the error:
Action |
Modify the ADARPL REPLAY options or the Event Replicator for Adabas parameters based on the error in the message and rerun the job. |
ADAFB3 | Data found on SLOG for Replay instance started at date time |
Explanation |
SLOG initialization processing encountered data on the SLOG system file for a replay process from a previous session, which is identified by its start time. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAFB4 | Above replay instance is not defined in this session |
Explanation |
The current instance of the Event Replicator Server has no information about the replay instance referred to in the preceding ADAFB3 message. It will delete all SLOG data related to this replay instance. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAFB6 | Input Queue qname must be closed for requested operation |
Explanation |
A refresh request was received for an input queue definition, but the input queue definition is not closed. |
Action |
Close the input queue definition and try again. |
ADAFB7 | operation for Input Queue qname successful |
Explanation |
A refresh operation was processed successfully for the input queue definition listed in the message. The type of operation (add, modify, or delete) is given in the message. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAFB8 | function requested for input queue qname |
Explanation |
Add, delete, or modify processing has been requested for the input queue definition listed in the message. The kind of processing requested is also given in the message (function). |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAFB9 | initialstate isname is still active |
Explanation |
An attempt was made to use the RPLREFRESH command to refresh the initial-state definition listed in the message, but the initial-state definition was still active, so the attempt failed. |
Action |
Deactivate the initial-state definition prior to running RPLREFRESH. |
ADAFBA | initialstate isname not found |
Explanation |
An RPLREFRESH request was made to delete or modify initial-state definition isname, but the initial-state definition cannot be found. An ADAFAI message will follow this message stating that the refresh has failed. |
Action |
If you intended to ensure that the initial-state definition be removed from the Event Replicator Server definitions, then no further action is required. Otherwise, correct the RPLREFRESH command to modify an initial-state definition that currently exists. |
ADAFBB | function for initialstate isname successful |
Explanation |
Add, delete, or modify processing was successful for the initial-state definition listed in the message. The kind of processing requested is also given in the message (function). |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAFBC | Modify requested for Global Settings |
Explanation |
A refresh request for global settings has been received. |
Action |
No action is necessary for this informational message. |
ADAFBD | Modify for Global successful |
Explanation |
A refresh request for global settings was processed successfully. |
Action |
No action is necessary for this informational message. |
ADAFBE | operation requested for initialstate isname |
Explanation |
A refresh request for the initial-state definition listed in the message has been received. The operation requested is given in the message. |
Action |
No action is necessary for this informational message. |
ADAFBF | resource name was not refreshed reason |
Explanation |
A refresh request for the resource named in the message failed because it was discovered that the resource definition had changed. The following possible reasons can appear in this message:
Action |
Change the resource definition and reissue the request. |
ADAFBG | Refresh for resource name not implemented due to refresh failure of a dependent resource |
Explanation |
While executing a refresh ALL request, the refresh of the resource named in the message could not be processed because of a failure to refresh a dependent resource. |
Action |
Determine why the dependent resource could not be refreshed, resolve the problem, and repeat the request. |
ADAFBH | Resendbuffer rsbuf-def will not be modified |
Explanation |
A resend buffer definition was changed and subsequently a RPLREFRESH command was issued. The resend buffer definition will not be modified. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAFBI | Automated reopen has been terminated for destination dest-def |
Explanation |
An attempt to close a destination definition occurred for which pending open retries are still outstanding. The pending open retries are dropped. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAFBJ | Messaging system error detected. The automatic open of the following input queues|destinations will be skipped: def-names |
Explanation |
The automatic open of the input queue or destination definitions listed in the message (def-names) are skipped due to messaging system errors. Subsequent open attempts for the same messaging system manager and for the listed destinations or input queues will be skipped until their retry interval expires again. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. Review other messages preceding this one that describe the open or connect failure and react accordingly. |
ADAFBK | Automated reopen has been terminated for input queue iq-def |
Explanation |
An attempt to close an input queue definition occurred for which pending open retries are still outstanding. The pending open retries are dropped. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAFBL | A subscription user exit may not be refreshed in this environment |
Explanation |
A refresh of subscription user exit operation cannot be processed in this environment: either Reptor is not running on z/OS operating system, or EXITLIB DD is not specified in JCL, or Reptor is not running APF-authorized. |
Action |
Determine why the subscription user exit could not be refreshed, resolve the problem, and repeat the request. |
ADAFBM | The user exit exit_name is not defined |
Explanation |
The subscription user exit exit_name was not specified for any subscription. |
Action |
Specify the correct name of the subscription user exit and repeat the request. |
ADAFBN | The user exit exit_name is not a subscription user exit |
Explanation |
An attempt was made to use the RPLREFRESH,SX= command to refresh the user exit exit_name, but this user exit is not a subscription user exit. |
Action |
Only subscription user exit can be refreshed. |
ADAFBO | Subscription user exit exit_name was successfully refreshed |
Explanation |
A refresh request for subscription user exit was processed successfully. |
Action |
No action is necessary for this informational message. |
ADAFBP | Refreshing a subscription user exit requires Adabas V8.4 or above |
Explanation |
Refreshing a subscription user exit requires Adabas V8.4 or above. |
Action |
Upgrade ADABAS to V84 or above. |
ADAFBQ | Subscription user exits cannot be loaded from the EXITLIB not running APF-authorized |
Explanation |
Refreshing a subscription user exit requires APF-authorization. |
Action |
Ensure that the Reptor runs APF-autorized. |
ADAFBR | Subscription user exits will be loaded from the EXITLIB |
Explanation |
Refreshing a subscription user exit is possible. |
Action |
No action is necessary for this informational message. |
ADAFBZ | message-text | ||||||
Explanation |
Two possible message texts may be given for this message ID:
The name of the affected subscription (subs-name), database ID (dbid), and file number (fn) are given in the message. In addition, a response code (rc) and reason code (rsn) for the error are provided. |
Action |
Analyze the return codes given in the message texts to identify the cause of the problem. |
ADAFC2 | message-text | ||||||
Explanation |
The following message texts may appear for this message ID:
This error message occurs during file reactivation for automated replay initialization. It is printed after the ADAF2K message. |
Action |
Execution continues, as with the ADAF2K message. This is often the result of a shortage in the replication pool. Increasing the value of the LRPL parameter may alleviate the shortage. |
ADAFC3 | Unexpected Response code rc from DBID dbid for cc-command |
Explanation |
An unexpected response code (rc) was received from the database identified in the message (dbid) while it was processing the database command shown in the message (cc) |
Action |
Analyze the response code to determine why the error occurred. Contact your Software AG technical support representative if you need additional assistance. |
ADAFC4 | Replay token ttttt initialization timeout |
Explanation |
An initialization counter timed out during replay processing. The ADARPL replay token is given in the message (ttttt). |
Action |
Increase the timeout value or check the previous messages (for example ADAF2K or ADAFC9) concerning the replay token ttttt to determine where the wait occurs. Correct the problem and try again. |
ADAFC5 | Nucleus DBID dbid Runs without DUAL/OCTO-PLOG |
Explanation |
The database identified in the message (dbid) runs with a dual or octo-PLOG. This message may occur when an attempt to execute an automated replay with an Adabas nucleus that executes with dual (OCTO) PLOGs. An automated replay may only be executed with an Adabas nucleus that executes with dual (OCTO) PLOGs. |
Action |
Make sure you run automated replay only on an Adabas nucleus that executes with dual (OCTO) PLOGs. |
ADAFC6 | No free PLOGs available on Nucleus DBID dbid |
Explanation |
There are no free PLOGs available on the database identified in the message (dbid). This message occurs when a request for an automated replay was made and all PLOGs are full on the related database. When this occurs, the automated replay is rejected and this message is printed. |
Action |
Ensure one or more PLOG data sets are free for the related database ID (run ADARES PLCOPY). |
ADAFC7 | FEOFPL could not be processed |
Explanation |
This is an informational message printed after either the ADAFC5 message or the ADAFC6 message. |
Action |
Resolve the problem that caused the ADAFC5 or ADAFC6 message. No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAFC8 | Replay token ttttt initialization canceled |
Explanation |
The initialization of the replay token given in the message (ttttt) has been canceled. This is an informational message printed after either the ADAFC5 message or the ADAFC6 message. |
Action |
Resolve the problem that caused the ADAFC5 or ADAFC6 message. No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAFC9 | Waiting for PLOG Switch on Nucleus DBID dbid for Replay token ttttt |
Explanation |
Replay processing is waiting to switch protection logs (PLOGs) on the database identified in the message (dbid). The replay token is also given in the message (ttttt). |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAFCA | Waiting for PLOG information from DBID dbid for Replay token ttttt |
Explanation |
This informational message may be written in the Event Replicator Server job log during the execution of a synchronized replay (the ADARPL utility). The database ID (dbid) and the replay token (tttt) are given in the message. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAFCB | ADARPL Jobstream generation failed for Replay token ttttt |
Explanation |
The ADARPL job failed for the replay token named in the message (tttt). |
Action |
Analyze other messages preceding this message and react accordingly. Contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance. |
ADAFCC | No resources modified by rplrefresh all as no resource definitions have changed |
Explanation |
A refresh all command was issued but the resource definitions in the active Event Replicator Server and the parameters provided are the same. |
Action |
Change the resource definition parameters and reissue the command. |
ADAFCD | Rplrefresh,all failed due to replication pool overflow |
Explanation |
A request to get storage from the replication pool failed. |
Action |
Determine why the replication pool is full. If possible, resolve the problem. If you need assistance, contact your Software AG technical support representative. |
ADAFCE | Open of File destination name failed as CLOG is not active |
Explanation |
A command was issued to open a file destination (for example, DTYPE=TLOG), but a command log was not defined in the Event Replicator Server. |
Action |
Ensure the Event Replicator Server is running with a CLOG defined if you wish to use destinations of type TLOG. |
ADAFCF | Utility replication error - error-text DBID dbid FNR fn RSP rc Subcode sc |
Explanation |
These messages are written when an error is encountered attempting to replicate a utility operation (for example, a file deletion) for a target Adabas DBID/file. A description of the error is provided in the message (error-text), in addition to the database ID, file number, and any response or subcode. Possible error texts that might appear in the message are:
Action |
Review the error text provided in the message and resolve the problem based on that text. If the error persists, contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance. |
ADAFCG | Destination dest-def - DBID/File dbid/fn DATMETHOD must be ISN or KEY |
Explanation |
Parameter DATMETHOD has been set to an invalid value in the destination definition named in the message (dest-def). The database and file combination for which DATMETHOD has been set are also listed in the message. |
Action |
Correct the DATMETHOD setting. |
ADAFCH | Destination dest-def - DBID/File dbid/fn parm-name cannot be specified with DATMETHOD=ISN |
Explanation |
An invalid combination of parameter definitions has been specified in the destination definition named in the message (dest-def). When the DATMETHOD parameter is set to "ISN", other parameters may not be specified. The parameter in error is listed in the message (parm-name). The database and file combination for which the invalid parameter combinations have been specified are also listed in the message (dbid and fn). The following parameters cannot be specified when DATMETHOD is set to "ISN": DATKEYSB, DATKEYAIO, DATKEYAIL, DATKEYBIO, DATKEYBIL, DATKEYKYO, and DATKEYKYL. |
Action |
Either alter the DATMETHOD parameter setting or remove the incompatible parameter setting from the destination definition. |
ADAFCI | Destination dest-def - DBID/File dbid/fn for DATMETHOD=KEY, DATKEYSB must be specified |
Explanation |
The DATKEYSB parameter must be specified when the DATMETHOD parameter is set to "KEY". The destination definition containing the invalid parameters is named in the message (dest-def), as well as the database and file combination for which the invalid parameters were specified (dbid and fn). |
Action |
Either alter the DATMETHOD parameter setting or add a setting for DATKEYSB. |
ADAFCJ | Destination dest-def - DBID/File dbid/fn parm-name must be numeric and <= 32,767 |
Explanation |
An invalid setting was specified for the parameter (parm-name) named in the message. The destination definition containing the invalid parameter is named in the message (dest-def), as well as the database and file combination for which the invalid parameter was specified (dbid and fn). The parameter names that might appear in this message are: DATKEYAIL, DATKEYBIL, DATKEYKYO, and DATKEYKYL. |
Action |
Correct the parameter setting. |
ADAFCK | Destination dest-def - DBID/File dbid/fn if DATKEYxxO is specified, DATKEYxxL must also be specified with a value > 0 |
Explanation |
An invalid combination of DATKEY* parameter settings was specified for the destination definition named in the message (dest-def). The names of the invalid parameters are listed in the message (DATKEYxxO and DATKEYxxL). Possible substitutions for the xx in the message are AI, BI, or KY. For example, if the DATKEYAIO parameter is specified, a positive, nonzero integer must also be specified for the DATKEYAIL. The database and file combination for which the invalid parameter settings have been specified are also listed in the message (dbid and fn). |
Action |
Correct the settings for the parameter combinations in the destination definition. |
ADAFCL | message-text | ||||||
Explanation |
One of the following message texts is provided in this message.
The destination definition containing the parameters is named in the message (dest-def), as well as the database and file combination for which the parameters were specified (dbid and fn). |
Action |
Correct the settings for the parameters in the destination definition. |
ADAFCM | Destination dest-def - DBID/File dbid/fn for DATMETHOD=KEY, DATKEYAIL must be specified and greater than 0 |
Explanation |
The DATKEYAIL parameter must be specified when the DATMETHOD parameter is set to "KEY". The destination definition containing the invalid parameters is named in the message (dest-def), as well as the database and file combination for which the invalid parameters were specified (dbid and fn). |
Action |
Either alter the DATMETHOD parameter setting or add a setting for DATKEYAIL. |
ADAFCN | Destination dest-def - DMAXOUTPUTSIZE must be greater than 4,096, less than 2,147,483,648 or 0 |
Explanation |
An invalid value for the DMAXOUTPUTSIZE parameter was specified in the destination definition named in the message (dest-def). Valid values must be zero (0) or range between 4096 bytes and 2,147,483,648 bytes. |
Action |
Specify a valid value for the DMAXOUTPUTSIZE parameter |
ADAFCO | Destination dest-def DAERROR-must be BACKOUT, CLOSE or ALTACTION |
Explanation |
An invalid value for the DAERROR parameter was specified in the destination definition named in the message (dest-def). Valid values are "BACKOUT", "CLOSE" or "ALTACTION". |
Action |
Specify a valid value for the DAERROR parameter. |
ADAFCP | Key value is not unique More than one record was found with this key value |
Explanation |
Replication failed because a key value was not unique across records. This message is accompanied by other messages that provide more information about the problem. |
Action |
Determine why the key values are not unique and review the other messages for a better understanding of the problem. Contact your Software AG technical support representative if you need assistance. |
ADAFCQ | Destination destid is being closed |
Explanation |
Event Replicator for Adabas is closing the destination identified in the message (destid) because of replication errors that occurred for it. This message is accompanied by other messages that provide more information about the problem. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAFCR | The transaction will be backed out and skipped |
Explanation |
Event Replicator for Adabas is backing out and skipping a transaction because of replication errors that occurred for it. This message is accompanied by other messages that provide more information about the problem. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAFCS | Response 145 (the record is held by another user) has been encountered while processing an initial-state transaction. The records already processed will be committed. Processing will continue with the rest of the initial-state transaction |
Explanation |
A replication error occurred while processing an initial-state transaction. Response 145 is issued. This message is accompanied by other messages that provide more information about the problem. |
Action |
Review the other messages to further understand the problem. Contact your Software AG technical support representative if you need assistance. |
ADAFCT | Response 145 (the record is held by another user) has been encountered. The current transaction will be backed out and restarted once the ISN is available. |
Explanation |
A replication error occurred because a record is held by another user. Response 145 is issued. This message is accompanied by other messages that provide more information about the problem. |
Action |
Review the other messages to further understand the problem. Contact your Software AG technical support representative if you need assistance. |
ADAFCU | The record to be deleted|updated does not exist on the target DBID/file |
Explanation |
A replication error occurred when the record to be deleted or updated (as specified in the message) does not exist in the target database file. This message is accompanied by other messages that provide more information about the problem. |
Action |
Review the other messages to further understand the problem with the record. Contact your Software AG technical support representative if you need assistance. |
ADAFCV | The record to be inserted already exists on the target DBID/file |
Explanation |
A replication error occurred when the record to be inserted already exists in the target database file. This message is accompanied by other messages that provide more information about the problem. |
Action |
Review the other messages to further understand the problem. Contact your Software AG technical support representative if you need assistance. |
ADAFCW | The delete|update|insert is part of a transaction with the resend flag set |
Explanation |
A replication error occurred when an insert, update or delete (as specified in the message) request fails because the transaction has its resend flag set. This message is accompanied by other messages that provide more information about the problem. |
Action |
Review the other messages to further understand the problem. Contact your Software AG technical support representative if you need assistance. |
ADAFCX | The record will be inserted |
Explanation |
Event Replicator for Adabas will insert the replicated record, even though replication problems have occurred. This message is accompanied by other messages that provide more information about the problem. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAFCY | The record will updated |
Explanation |
Event Replicator for Adabas will update the replicated record, even though replication problems have occurred. This message is accompanied by other messages that provide more information about the problem. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAFCZ | The above error will be ignored |
Explanation |
Event Replicator for Adabas will ignore the error described by the previous error message, even though replication problems have occurred. This message is accompanied by other messages that provide more information about the problem. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAFNA | Connect to Reptor id failed, target is not a Reptor |
Explanation |
An attempt was made by an Adabas nucleus to connect to an Event Replicator Server when the target of the message is actually another Adabas nucleus, not an Event Replicator Server. The Event Replicator Server ID is given in the message. |
Action |
Ensure that you are trying to connect to another Adabas nucleus, not an Event Replicator Server, and try again. |
ADAFNB | Connect to Reptor reptid failed, the level of the Reptor is incompatible with this Adabas nucleus |
Explanation |
The Event Replicator for Adabas version running in the Adabas nucleus is incompatible with the Event Replicator for Adabas version running in the Event Replicator Server nucleus. The software (i.e., Adabas or Event Replicator for Adabas) level in the source nucleus must be less than or equal to the software level in the Event Replicator Server. |
Action |
Analyze the use of the Adabas and Event Replicator Server nucleuses to determine which version should be used on each. Then update the software accordingly. Contact your Software AG technical support representative if you need assistance. |
ADAFNC | Connect to Reptor reptid failed with response code rc/sc |
Explanation |
A connection to the Event Replicator Server named in the message (reptid) failed. The response code and subcode (rc and sc) are given in the message. |
Action |
Analyze the response code and subcode to determine why this problem is occurring. |
ADAFND | Cluster connection to Reptor id was not successful |
Explanation |
This message is written in each cluster nucleus when a cluster connection is not successful. Earlier messages for one or more of the cluster nuclei give the reason why the connection was not successful. Normally, the connection will not be successful when the Event Replicator Server is not active. The database ID of the Event Replicator Server is given in the message. |
Action |
Analyze the messages for each of the cluster nuclei to determine the cause and resolution of this problem. |
ADAFNE | A connection will be attempted with Reptor id |
Explanation |
This message is printed as a result of the RPLCONNECT operator command (issued to an Adabas nucleus). The message is printed for each Event Replicator Server ID for which the nucleus attempts a connection. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAFNF | No connection attempts will be made as a result of the RPLCONNECT request |
Explanation |
This message is printed as a result of the RPLCONNECT operator command (issued to an Adabas nucleus). The message is printed when no connection attempts will be made as a result of the RPLCONNECT operator command. |
Action |
Analyze the RPLCONNECT operator command you issued for invalid Event Replicator Server IDs that might have been specified. |
ADAFNG | Cluster connection command V2/xxxx/yyy ended with response code rc |
Explanation |
In a cluster, one Adabas nucleus is the driver of the cluster connection with the Event Replicator Server. This message is written in the Adabas nucleus that is the driver of the cluster connection with the Event Replicator Server when an unexpected error occurs on the V2 command. The V2 command type xxxx, subtype yy and response code rc, are given in the message. |
Action |
Analyze the response code and subcode to determine why this problem is occurring. |
ADAFNH | Replication turned on for file file |
Explanation |
Replication has been turned on by the Adabas nucleus for the identified file. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAFNI | Replication turned off for file file |
Explanation |
Replication has been turned off by the Adabas nucleus for the identified file. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAFOA | Destination xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx RC=X''xx''/X'xxxxxxxx' |
Explanation |
Destination xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx (access method macro) failed with return code/reason code. |
Action |
Verify that the |
ADAFOB | Destination xxxxxxxx file attributes are invalid |
Explanation |
Destination xxxxxxxxx is using invalid attributes for the file. |
Action |
Verify that the correct attributes are specified for the sequential file, e.g. record format, blocksize, and record length. |
ADAFP0 | DQFULLDELAY is only valid for an ETBROKER or MQSeries destination |
Explanation |
An attempt was made to specify a destination full delay interval for an Adabas, file, or null destination. The DQFULLDELAY parameter is only valid for webMethods EntireX or WebSphere MQ destination definitions. |
Action |
Remove the DQFULLDELAY parameter for the Adabas, file, or null destiniation and try again. |
ADAFP1 | GQFULLDELAY must be in range 5 – 300 |
Explanation |
An invalid specification was made for the GQFULLDELAY parameter. The GQFULLDELAY parameter setting must be an integer between "5" and "300". |
Action |
Correct the GQFULLDELAY specification and try again. |
ADAFP2 | dbid STATINTERVAL must be 0 or in the range 60 - 86,400 |
Explanation |
An invalid value was specified for the STATINTERVAL initialization parameter. The STATINTERVAL parameter specifies the interval (in seconds) at which interval statistics are published by the Event Replicator Server. Valid values are 0 or an integer in the range 60 through 86,400. |
Action |
Correct the invalid parameter specification and try again. |
ADAFP3 | dbid DSTATLOG must be YES or NO |
Explanation |
An invalid value was specified for the DSTATLOG initialization parameter. The DSTATLOG parameter indicates whether a destination should receive interval statistics from the Event Replicator Server. Valid values are YES or NO. |
Action |
Correct the invalid parameter specification and try again. |
Explanation |
An invalid specification was made for the IQETBSCONV parameter. The
Action |
Correct the IQETBSCONV specification and try again. |
ADAFP5 | DETBSCONV must be YES or NO |
Explanation |
An invalid specification was made for the
Action |
Correct the DETBSCONV specification and try again. |
Explanation |
An invalid specification was made for the DETBTOKEN | DETBUSERID parameter. The
not allowed when |
Action |
Correct the DETBTOKEN | DETBUSERID specification and try again. |
Explanation |
An invalid specification was made for the IQETBTOKEN | IQETBUSERID parameter. The IQETBTOKEN | IQETBUSERID parameter is not allowed when IQETBSCONV=NO. |
Action |
Correct the IQETBTOKEN | IQETBUSERID specification and try again. |
ADAFP8 | Subscription xxxxxxxx database nnnnn file nnnnn after/before/key image uses global format buffer xxxxxxx This global format buffer is optimized for processing initial state data only The subscription destination xxxxxxxx cannot be used because: - It allows normal data to be sent and/or does not allow for initial state data - Or it is not an ETB, MQ Series, or Null destination - Or the destination parameter DCLASS is not set to SAGTARG |
Explanation |
During session startup or an operator
Action |
Make the necessary corrections to ensure the optimize global format buffer meets all of the list requirements and restrictions. |
ADAFPA | DARC is only valid for an ETBROKER, MQSERIES, or NULL destination |
Explanation |
The DARC parameter can only be specified in a webMethods EntireX, WebSphere MQ, or Null destination definition. It is not valid for any others. |
Action |
Remove the DARC parameter from this destination definition. |
ADAFPB | MAXRECORDSIZE must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 50% of LRPL and less than or equal to 32767' |
Explanation |
An invalid value for the MAXRECORDSIZE parameter has been specified. Valid values must be greater than zero (0), with a maximum of 32,767 bytes or 50% of the ADARUN LRPL parameter setting, whichever is larger. |
Action |
Correct the setting of the MAXRECORDSIZE parameter. |
ADAFPC | MAXVARRECORDSIZE must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 50% of LRPL and less than or equal to 32767 |
Explanation |
An invalid value for the MAXVARRECORDSIZE parameter has been specified. Valid values must be greater than zero (0), with a maximum of 32,767 bytes or 50% of the ADARUN LRPL parameter setting, whichever is larger. |
Action |
Correct the setting of the MAXVARRECORDSIZE parameter. |
ADAFPD | MAXVARRECORDSIZE must be less than or equal to MAXRECORDSIZE |
Explanation |
The setting of the MAXVARRECORDSIZE or the MAXRECORDSIZE parameter is not accurate. The setting for MAXVARRECORDSIZE must be less than or equal to the setting for MAXRECORDSIZE. |
Action |
Correct the setting of either the MAXVARRECORDSIZE or the MAXRECORDSIZE parameter, as appropriate for your site. |
Explanation |
An invalid value (x) was specified for the DEVENTLOG initialization parameter. Valid values are YES (Y) or NO (N). |
Action |
Correct the DEVENTLOG specification and try again. |
ADAFPF | LOGINPUTTRANSACTION must be ALL or NO or in the range 1 <=n<=99 |
Explanation |
An invalid value was specified for the LOGINPUTTRANSACTION initialization parameter. Valid values are ALL, NO, or an integer from 1-99. |
Action |
Correct the LOGINPUTTRANSACTION specification and try again. |
ADAFPG | Same type service is defined for both destination destname and input queue queuename |
Explanation |
The same webMethods EntireX (Broker) service or WebSphere MQ (MQSeries) queue is defined for both a destination and input queue definition. The type of service (Broker or MQSeries), the destination definition name (destname) and the input queue definition name (queuename) are given in the message. |
Action |
Correct either the destination or input queue definition so they do not used the same webMethods EntireX service or WebSphere MQ queue. |
ADAFPH | For subscription subsname, DBID dbid, FNR fnr The Subscription SFILE keyword parameter SFSEXIT must be specified when SFREPLICATEDELETE=UPDATE |
Explanation |
The SFREPLICATEDELETE parameter was set to "UPDATE", but no value was specified for the SFSEXIT parameter. If you specify SFREPLICATE=UPDATE, you must also specify a value for the SFSEXIT parameter. The subscription definition name (subsname) as well as the database ID (dbid) and file number (fnr) are given in the message. |
Action |
Either change the value of SFREPLICATEDELETE so it is no longer set to "UPDATE" or supply a value for the SFSEXIT parameter. Then try again. |
ADAFPI | For subscription subsname, DBID dbid, FNR fnr Only YES, NO, or UPDATE are valid for: 'parameter keyword' |
Explanation |
A value other than YES, NO, or UPDATE was specified for the parameter (parameter) and keyword (keyword) named in the message. The subscription definition name (subsname) as well as the database ID (dbid) and file number (fnr) are given in the message. |
Action |
Correct the parameter or keyword setting and try again. |
ADAFPJ | For subscription subsname, DBID dbid, FNR fnr The before and after image format buffers must be equal when SFREPLICATEDELETE=UPDATE |
Explanation |
An attempt was made to pass both before and after images to the subscription user exit because the SFILE SFREPLICATEDELETE parameter was set to "UPDATE". However, the format buffer before and after images for the physical delete transaction currently being processed were not identical. Subscription definitions with SFREPLICATEDELETE=UPDATE should not have a primary key defined to the file. The subscription definition name (subsname) as well as the database ID (dbid) and file number (fnr) are given in the message. |
Action |
Contact your Software AG technical support representative for assistance. |
Explanation |
The value of the DOPEN subparameter must be either "YES", "NO", or "GLOBAL". DOPEN is a subparameter of the DESTINATION initialization parameter. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, supply a valid value, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAFPL | GOPEN must be YES or NO |
Explanation |
The value of the GOPEN parameter must be either "YES" or "NO". |
Action |
Check the parameter input, supply a valid value, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAFPM | FSBEGIN|FTBEGIN must be in range 1 - 32767 |
Explanation |
An invalid specification was made for the FSBEGIN or FTBEGIN parameters. The FSBEGIN and FTBEGIN parameter settings must be between "1" and "32,767". |
Action |
Correct the FSBEGIN or FTBEGIN specification and try again. |
ADAFPN | FSLENGTH|FTLENGTH must be in range 1 – 32767 |
Explanation |
An invalid specification was made for the FSLENGTH or FTLENGTH parameters. The FSLENGTH and FTLENGTH parameter settings must be between "1" and "32,767". |
Action |
Correct the FSLENGTH or FTLENGTH specification and try again. |
Explanation |
An invalid combination of specifications has been made for the FSBEGIN and FSLENGTH or for the FTBEGIN and FTLENGTH parameters. The sum of the FSBEGIN and FSLENGTH parameter specifications cannot exceed 32,768. Likewise, the sum of the FTBEGIN and FTLENGTH parameter specifications cannot exceed 32,768. |
Action |
Correct the FSBEGIN, FTBEGIN, FSLENGTH, or FTLENGTH specifications and try again. |
ADAFPP | When SFSECURITYFILE=YES is specified: No format buffer may be specified No value may be specified for SFDEFAULTACODE The default value of YES must be in effect for: ADAFPP SFREPLICATEDELETE, SFREPLICATEINSERT, SFREPLICATENOTCHANGED, and SFREPLICATEUPDATE No value may be specified for SFSEXIT No value may be specified for SFFILTER |
Explanation |
One or more invalid parameters have been specified at the subscription/file level with SFSECURITYFILE=YES. This message lists the rules regarding specification of the SFSECURITYFILE parameter and others in your subscription file (SFILE) definition. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, supply a valid value, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAFPQ | Subscription subname1 DBID dbid File fnum
has SFSECURITYFILE=YES Subscription subname2 DBID dbid File fnum has SFSECURITYFILE={no | yes} |
Explanation |
This message is issued when one of two errors has occurred:
Action |
Check the parameter input, supply a valid value, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAFPR | Subscription sub-name DBID dbid File fnum has SFSECURITYFILE=YES Adabas destination dest-name Input DBID indbid File infile Target DBID targdbid File targfile Must specify identical input and target files |
Explanation |
When SFSECURITYFILE=YES is specified in a subscription (indicating Adabas security definitions should be replicated for a database file) and the data from the file flows to an Adabas destination, the input file and target file must be identical in every Adabas destination that replicates data from the source database to the target database. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, supply a valid value, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAFPS | Invalid field order number for GFB gfb field fld |
Explanation |
An error occurred when reading the Replicator system file for the global format definition named in the message (gfb). The global format buffer has not been correctly generated. The two-byte Adabas field name (fld) contains an invalid field order number. Field order numbers are used with composite fields and indicate the order the fields are to be concatenated. The field order number was specified for a non-primary key field or an invalid value was specified. Possible values are from "01" through "99". |
Action |
Correct the invalid field number and regenerate the global format buffer / GFFT using the Data Mapping Tool or Predict and reload it into the Replicator System file using the Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem. If the problem persists, contact your Software AG customer support representative with the information contained in the message. A copy of the Replicator system file may be needed for diagnosis. |
ADAFPT | Subscription subsname DBID dbid File fn
has SFSECURITYFILE=YES Initial-state definition isname references the same DBID/file |
Explanation |
A subscription file (SFILE) definition used by the subscription (subsname) indicates that the database file listed in the message (dbid and fn) is a security file. The same database file is also referenced in an initial-state definition (isname). However, the Event Replicator for Adabas does not support the use of security files in initial-state definitions. Any security file you identify in an SFILE definition cannot also be used in an initial-state definition. |
Action |
Revise your initial-state or subscription SFILE definitions, as appropriate, so that the security file is not used in the initial-state definition. Then try again. For information on populating a target database with an initial snapshot of the security definitions, read Initial-State Processing of Security Definitions, in the Event Replicator for Adabas Administration and Operations Guide. |
Explanation |
An invalid value was specified for the IQOPEN parameter. Valid values for the IQOPEN parameter are "YES", "NO", or "GLOBAL". IQOPEN is a parameter of the IQUEUE initialization parameter. |
Action |
Correct the parameter input and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAFPV | SLOGCHECKINTERVAL must be 0 or in the range 5 – 2880 |
Explanation |
An invalid value was specified for the SLOGCHECKINTERVAL parameter. Valid values are zero (0) or an integer in the range from 5 through 2880. |
Action |
Correct the parameter and try again. |
ADAFPW | {asso|data|slogac|slogds|slogni|slogui}THRESHOLD must be in the range 0 - 100 |
Explanation |
An invalid value was specified for the ASSOTHRESHOLD, DATATHRESHOLD, SLOGACTHRESHOLD, SLOGDSTHRESHOLD, SLOGNITHRESHOLD, or SLOGUITHRESHOLD parameter (as shown in the message). Valid values for any of these parameters are integers in the range from 0 through 100. |
Action |
Correct the parameter and try again. |
ADAFPX | dbid A nonzero value must be specified for at least one of the
Explanation |
The ASSOTHRESHOLD, DATATHRESHOLD, SLOGACTHRESHOLD, SLOGDSTHRESHOLD, SLOGNITHRESHOLD, and SLOGUITHRESHOLD parameter values are all set to zero, effectively preventing threshold monitoring from occurring in any of the areas in which it can be performed. |
Action |
ADAFPY | NPADACALLS must be in range 1 – 50 |
Explanation |
An invalid specification was made for the NPADACALLS parameter. The NPADACALLS parameter setting must be between "1" and "50". |
Action |
Correct the NPADACALLS specification and try again. |
ADAFPZ | DQFULLDELAY must be in range 5– 300 or GLOBAL |
Explanation |
An invalid specification was made for the DQFULLDELAY parameter. The DQFULLDELAY parameter setting must an integer be between "5" and "300" or the word "GLOBAL". |
Action |
Correct the DQFULLDELAY specification and try again. |
ADAFQA | DHBOPTION is only valid for destination type ETBROKER, MQSeries, or Null |
Explanation |
The destination DHBOPTION parameter is only valid for destination types ETBROKER, MQSERIES, or NULL. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAFQB | DHBOPTION is invalid, the only value allowed is 1 |
Explanation |
The only valid value for the destination DHBOPTION parameter is 1. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAFQC | DHBINTERVAL is only valid for destination type ETBROKER, MQSeries, or Null |
Explanation |
The destination DHBINTERVAL parameter is only valid for destination types ETBROKER, MQSERIES, or NULL. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAFQD | DHBINTERVAL must be zero or in the range from 60 through 86400 |
Explanation |
The only valid values for the destination DHBINTERVAL parameter are 0 or a value from 60 through 86400. 0 is the default. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAFQE | Destination xxxxxxxx parameter DCLASS must be set to SAGTARG
when parameter DHBINTERVAL contains a value in the range 60 - 86400 |
Explanation |
The destination DCLASS parameter must be set to SAGTARG when the destination DHBINTERVAL parameter contains a value in the range 60 through 86400. |
Action |
Check the parameter input, correct the error, and restart the Event Replicator Server. |
ADAFQF | Destination dddddddd is defined with DSTATLOG=YES; it cannot be used with the subscription ssssssss. |
Explanation |
The destination dddddddd has been defined
with |
Action |
Either remove the link to the subscription or specifiy
ADAFR0 | Database dbid is running without replication enabled |
Explanation |
The Event Replicator Server attempted to communicate with a database defined via a subscription but found the database is running with a REPLICATION=NO setting. This message appears with message ADAFR1. |
Action |
Execution continues. No replication will occur for the database. |
ADAFR1 | Suspending communication with database dbid |
Explanation |
Communication with the database identified in the message (dbid) was suspended because the database is running with a REPLICATION=NO setting. This message appears with message ADAFR0. |
Action |
Execution continues. No replication will occur for the database. |
ADAFR2 | Reptor could not notify destination dest1 that utilname for DBID dbid ended, token tkn, subscription subs1 |
Explanation |
An attempt failed to log a termination event for the utility named in the message (utilname) with the given token (tkn) to a destination (dest1) associated with the given subscription (subs1). |
Action |
Execution continues. Increasing the value of the ADARUN LRPL parameter may alleviate the shortage. |
ADAFR3 | Starting replication cross-check for database dbid |
Explanation |
Replication cross-check processing has started for the database listed in the message (dbid). |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAFR4 | Replication cross-check completed for database dbid |
Explanation |
Replication cross-check processing completed for the database listed in the message (dbid). |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAFR5 | Format buffer validation started for database dbid |
Explanation |
Format buffer validation processing has started for the database listed in the message (dbid). |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAFR6 | Format buffer validation completed for database dbid |
Explanation |
Format buffer validation processing completed for the database listed in the message (dbid). |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAFR7 | No errors were found during replication cross-check for database dbid |
Explanation |
No errors were found during replication cross-check processing for the database listed in the message (dbid). |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAFR8 | Replication cross-check was not processed There are no databases connect to the Reptor |
Explanation |
Replication cross-check processing did not occur because there are no databases connected to the Event Replicator Server (Reptor). |
Action |
Connect databases to the Event Replicator Server and try again. |
ADAFR9 | Replication is not turned on for file nnnnn |
Explanation |
This message displays when an initial-state request is made for a file that does not have replication turned on. The file number (nnnnn) is given in the message. |
Action |
Turn replication on for the file in the source Adabas database. |
ADAFRA | Rejecting connection attempt from Adabas DBID dbid The Adabas nucleus is running with ADAvrs/ARFvrs |
Explanation |
The Adabas or Event Replicator for Adabas version running in the Adabas nucleus is incompatible with the Adabas or Event Replicator for Adabas version running in the Event Replicator Server nucleus. The software level in the Event Replicator Server must be greater than or equal to the software level in the source nucleus. |
Action |
Analyze the use of the Adabas and Event Replicator Server nucleuses to determine which versions should be used on each. Then update the software as appropriate. Contact your Software AG technical support representative if you need assistance. |
ADAFRB | Replay process with token yyyyy is being changed from
synchronized mode to replay-only mode |
Explanation |
This message is printed when an error occurs in the Event Replicator Server, related to the SLOG file (for example, when the SLOG file is full) and the replay process. The token ID of the replay process is given in the message (yyyyy). When the error occurs, this message is printed, the replay process is changed from synchronized mode to replay-only mode, and transactions on the SLOG file for this replay process are scheduled for deletion from the SLOG file. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAFRE | A connection will be attempted with database id |
Explanation |
This message is printed as a result of the RPLCONNECT operator command (issued to an Event Replicator Server). The message is printed for each Adabas database for which the Event Replicator Server attempts a connection. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAFRF | connection attempts will be made as a of the RPLCONNECT request |
Explanation |
This message is printed as a result of the RPLCONNECT operator command (issued to an Event Replicator Server). The message is printed when no connection attempts will be made as a result of the RPLCONNECT operator command. |
Action |
Analyze the RPLCONNECT operator command you issued for invalid Adabas database IDs that might have been specified. |
ADAFRG | Unable to send event logging information to destination destination due to replication pool shortage |
Explanation |
The Event Replicator Server was unable to acquire sufficient resources to notify the affected destination. |
Action |
Execution continues. Increasing the value of the LRPL parameter may alleviate the shortage. |
ADAFRH | message-text | ||||||
Explanation |
The message text for this message varies, as described in the following table:
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAFRI | LOGINPUTTRANSACTION is set to ALL or 1-99 and the SLOG system file is not loaded |
Explanation |
You have specified LOGINPUTTRANSACTION as ALL or an integer from 1 to 99, but an SLOG file has not been defined for the Event Replicator Server. |
Action |
If you really want the LOGINPUTTRANSACTION parameter set to one of these values, define an SLOG file to the Event Replicator Server. For more information, read Setting Up Subscription Logging, in the Event Replicator for Adabas Administration and Operations Guide. |
ADAFRJ | Use of SLOG for database-related input transactions turned on |
Explanation |
Use of the SLOG system file for storing and processing database-related input transactions from the Adabas nucleus has been turned on. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAFRK | Use of SLOG for database-related input transactions turned off |
Explanation |
Use of the SLOG system file for storing and processing database-related input transactions from the Adabas nucleus has been turned off. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAFRL | Use of SLOG for database-related input transactions suspended |
Explanation |
Use of the SLOG system file for storing and processing database-related input transactions from the Adabas nucleus has been suspended. Messages printed prior to this message indicate why SLOG processing was suspended. |
Action |
Review earlier messages to determine the cause of the problem. |
ADAFRM | Use of SLOG for database-related input transactions no longer suspended |
Explanation |
Use of the SLOG system file for storing and processing database-related input transactions from the Adabas nucleus is no longer suspended. This processing is no longer suspended when all database-related input transactions have been deleted from the SLOG system file. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAFRN | Use of SLOG for database-related input transactions disabled |
Explanation |
Use of the SLOG system file for storing and processing database-related input transactions from the Adabas nucleus has been disabled. This may occur when SLOG processing of the database-related input transactions is suspended and a subsequent error occurred while attempting to delete the transactions from the SLOG system file. |
Action |
Review earlier messages to determine the cause of the problem. |
ADAFRO | One or more database-related input transactions found for database dbid file nnnn before the related FCB/FDT |
Explanation |
During Event Replicator Server initialization, one or more database-related input transactions were found on the SLOG system file for the database and file listed in the message, but the related FCB and FDT information is not on the SLOG system file (it should be the first transaction for the database and file combination). Additional messages will appear indicating that replication for the database and file combination has been deactivated. |
Action |
Contact your Software AG support representative for assistance. |
ADAFRP | Input request type:error URBIRTOK: token URBIRNAM: destination1 URBIDNAM: destination2 |
Explanation |
An error occurred while processing a destination open/close client request. The type of request (type) is given in the message. It is either "Open Destination" or "Close Destination". The kind of error that occurred (error) is also given in the message along with the eight-byte target application token (token), the reply destination name (destination1), and the name of the destination that was to be opened or closed (destination2). Possible errors that could be listed include:
Action |
If the error indicates an RPL storage pool shortage, consider increasing the value of the ADARUN LRPL parameter. If the error indicates an Invalid unused URBI field(s), read about Event Replicator Client Requests in the Event Replicator for Adabas Application Programmer's Reference Guide and read about the URBI fields required for destination open and close requests. Any fields not listed in the description must be initialized to spaces (if they are defined as character format fields) or must be initialized to binary zeroes. If problems persist, contact your Software AG support representative for assistance. |
ADAFRQ | Both the {insert and update | update and insert} attempts failed No further attempts will be made to {insert | update} this record |
Explanation |
This message appears when DAERROR=ALTACTION or the resend flag is set and one of the following occurs:
This error may be caused when the ISN is larger than the MAXISN parameter setting in effect for the destination Adabas file. |
Action |
Consider adjusting the MAXISN setting for the destination Adabas file. If the problem persists, contact your Software AG support representative for assistance. |
ADAFRR | Destination dest-name will not be opened |
Explanation |
The destination identified in the message (dest-name) will not be opened. The destination was either defined with parameter DOPEN=NO or defined with parameter DOPEN=GLOBAL and the global parameter GOPEN was set to "NO". |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAFRT | The following files in database dbid have replication turned on for this Reptor but are currently inactive: File fn |
Explanation |
This message displays a list of files contained in an Adabas nucleus that are defined to the Event Replicator but are currently inactive (replication has been turned off for these files). |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. The files listed will not be replicated until they are reactivated. For information on activating database files for replication, read Activating the Event Replicator Databases and Files in the Event Replicator for Adabas Administration and Operations Guide. |
ADAFRU | Input queue qname will not be opened |
Explanation |
The input queue identified in the message (qname) will not be opened. The input queue was either defined with the initialization parameter IQOPEN set to "NO" or it was defined with the initialization parameter IQOPEN set to "GLOBAL" and the global parameter GOPEN set to "NO". |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAFRV | Initial State is-name started DBID = dbid, FNR = fnr, Initial-stateID = X'hex-is-id' |
Explanation |
This message is displayed by the Event Replicator for Adabas when processing starts for an initial-state request. It includes the database ID (dbid) and file number (fnr) the initial state requested. It also lists a unique ID (hex-is-id) that can be used to match the completion messages with the initial-state start messages. This is most beneficial when there are multiple initial-state processes running concurrently |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAFRW | Initial State is-name completed DBID = dbid, FNR = fnr, Initial-stateID = X'hex-is-id' Response = rc, Subcode = sc |
Explanation |
This message is displayed by the Event Replicator for Adabas when an initial-state request completes. It includes the database ID (dbid) and file number (fnr) the initial state requested. It also lists a unique ID (hex-is-id) that can be used to match the completion messages with the initial-state start messages. This is most beneficial when there are multiple initial-state processes running concurrently |
Action |
If the response code and subcode are non-zero, then they should be reviewed for the cause and corrected. The initial-state process should then be restarted. If they are zero, no action is required for this message. |
ADAFRX | SLOG turned on for destination dest-name |
Explanation |
SLOG processing has been turned on for the destination listed in the message (dest-name). |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAFRY | SLOG turned off for destination dest-name |
Explanation |
SLOG processing has been turned off for the destination listed in the message (dest-name). |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAFS0 | ETBBROKER destination | input queue <name> connected
with single conversation mode set
Explanation |
These messages are displayed whenever an ETBBROKER destination has
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAFS1 | Destination/Input Queue: xxxxxxxx has multi conversation mode data waiting to be consumed, switch to single conversation mode not allowed |
Explanation |
This error can occur whenever an ETBBROKER destination has
Action |
Bring up the Event Replicator Server nucleus with the input queue that is to receive these messages in multi conversation mode and consume the remaining messages. ADAMTR can also be used to consume them. |
ADAFSA | dbid DB ASSO threshold reached |
Explanation |
The Adabas Associator threshold set by the ASSOTHRESHOLD parameter has been reached. This message warns you so you can address the space issues before they become a serious problem for your Event Replicator Server. |
Action |
No action is required for this warning message. However, you might want to evaluate the Adabas Associator space usage and either increase the amount of space available for the Associator files or adjust your Adabas processing so less space is required. Alternatively, or in addition to the above adjustments, you might want to alter the setting of the ASSOTHRESHOLD parameter. |
ADAFSB | dbid DB DATA threshold reached |
Explanation |
The Adabas Data threshold set by the DATATHRESHOLD parameter has been reached. This message warns you so you can address the space issues before they become a serious problem for your Event Replicator Server. |
Action |
No action is required for this warning message. However, you might want to evaluate the Adabas Data space usage and either increase the amount of space available for the Data files or adjust your Adabas processing so less space is required. Alternatively, or in addition to the above adjustments, you might want to alter the setting of the DATATHRESHOLD parameter. |
ADAFSC | dbid DB SLOG AC threshold reached |
Explanation |
The SLOG address converter (AC) threshold set by the SLOGACTHRESHOLD parameter has been reached. This message warns you so you can address the space issues before they become a serious problem for your Event Replicator Server. |
Action |
No action is required for this warning message. However, you might want to evaluate the SLOG address converter space usage and either increase the amount of space available for the address converter or adjust your Event Replicator for Adabas processing so less space is required. Alternatively, or in addition to the above adjustments, you might want to alter the setting of the SLOGACTHRESHOLD parameter. |
ADAFSD | dbid DB SLOG NI threshold reached |
Explanation |
The SLOG normal index (NI) threshold set by the SLOGNITHRESHOLD parameter has been reached. This message warns you so you can address the space issues before they become a serious problem for your Event Replicator Server. |
Action |
No action is required for this warning message. However, you might want to evaluate the SLOG NI space usage and either increase the amount of space available for the normal index or adjust your Event Replicator for Adabas processing so less space is required. Alternatively, or in addition to the above adjustments, you might want to alter the setting of the SLOGNITHRESHOLD parameter. |
ADAFSE | dbid DB SLOG UI threshold reached |
Explanation |
The SLOG upper index (UI) threshold set by the SLOGUITHRESHOLD parameter has been reached. This message warns you so you can address the space issues before they become a serious problem for your Event Replicator Server. |
Action |
No action is required for this warning message. However, you might want to evaluate the SLOG UI space usage and either increase the amount of space available for the upper index or adjust your Event Replicator for Adabas processing so less space is required. Alternatively, or in addition to the above adjustments, you might want to alter the setting of the SLOGUITHRESHOLD parameter. |
ADAFSF | dbid DB SLOG DS threshold reached |
Explanation |
The SLOG Data Storage (DS) threshold set by the SLOGDSTHRESHOLD parameter has been reached. This message warns you so you can address the space issues before they become a serious problem for your Event Replicator Server. |
Action |
No action is required for this warning message. However, you might want to evaluate the SLOG DS space usage and either increase the amount of space available for Data Storage or adjust your Event Replicator for Adabas processing so less space is required. Alternatively, or in addition to the above adjustments, you might want to alter the setting of the SLOGDSTHRESHOLD parameter. |
ADAFSG | dbid DB ASSO used nnn%
dbid DB ASSO allocated cylindersnnn,nnn,nnn,nnn dbid DB ASSO unused cylinders nnn,nnn,nnn,nnn dbid DB DATA used nnn% dbid DB DATA allocated cylinders nnn,nnn,nnn,nnn dbid DB DATA unused cylinders nnn,nnn,nnn,nnn |
Explanation |
The Adabas Associator and Data Storage file space usage statistics are listed in the message. |
Action |
No action is required for this warning message. However, since this message is issued when one or more space thresholds have been reached, we recommend that you evaluate the Adabas Associator and Data Storage space usage and either increase the amount of space available for the files or adjust your Adabas processing so less space is required. |
ADAFSH | dbid SLOG AC used nnn%
dbid SLOG AC MAXISN n,nnn,nnn,nnn dbid SLOG AC TOPISN n,nnn,nnn,nnn dbid SLOG AC MINISN n...,nnn dbid SLOG AC extents nnn dbid SLOG NI used nnn% dbid SLOG NI allocated cylinders nnn,nnn,nnn,nnn dbid SLOG NI unused cylinders nnn,nnn,nnn,nnn dbid SLOG NI extents nnn dbid SLOG UI used nnn% dbid SLOG UI allocated cylinders nnn,nnn,nnn,nnn dbid SLOG UI unused cylinders nnn,nnn,nnn,nnn dbid SLOG UI extents nnn dbid SLOG DS used nnn% dbid SLOG DS allocated cylinders nnn,nnn,nnn,nnn dbid SLOG DS unused cylinders nnn,nnn,nnn,nnn dbid SLOG DS available cylinders nnn,nnn,nnn,nnn dbid SLOG DS extents nnn |
Explanation |
The SLOG Associator and Data Storage file space usage statistics are listed in the message. Note that the MINISN value is only written when MINISN is greater than one. |
Action |
No action is required for this warning message. However, since this message is issued when one or more space thresholds have been reached, we recommend that you evaluate the SLOG Associator and Data Storage space usage and either increase the amount of space available for the files or adjust your Event Replicator Server processing so less space is required. |
ADAFSI | dbid SLOG check executed, no thresholds reached. |
Explanation |
The Adabas and SLOG Associator and Data Storage file space usage have been checked, but none of the usage thresholds have been reached. This message only appears once after the first threshold interval has passed and if no thresholds have been reached. |
Action |
No action is required for this informational message. |
ADAFSJ | ADASAF must be enabled to replicate a ciphered file |
Explanation |
In order to process ciphered files the Event Replicator for Adabas must be running with ADASAF and the external security system RACF. |
Action |
The related source dbid/file will be deactivated. |
ADAFSK | No cipher or password defined in security system |
Explanation |
The security data could not be obtained from the external security system for replication of security protected Adabas records (cipher key). |
Action |
The related source dbid/file will be deactivated. |
ADAFSL | DB/file not defined in security system |
Explanation |
The related resource for the source dbid/file was not defined in the external security system (cipher key). |
Action |
The related source dbid/file will be deactivated. |
ADAFSM | External security system is not RACF |
Explanation |
Only the external security system RACF can deliver security data for replication of security protected data. |
Action |
The related source dbid/file will be deactivated. |
ADAFSN | External security system error ttffrrss |
Explanation |
The external security system returned an error for a security data request with the hexadecimal error information: tt = R15 return value, cc = RACROUTE code, rr = return code, ss = reason code. |
Action |
The related source dbid/file will be deactivated. |
ADAFSO | UTIONLY=YES not allowed |
Explanation |
Action |
Supply correct parameters and rerun the job. |
ADAFSP | DBID dbid FNR file-number may not be replicated The file is defined with cipher code |
Explanation |
Additional message printed before detailed error messages ADAFSK through ADAFSN are given. |
ADAFSR | DBID dbid FNR file-number Adabas target |
Explanation |
Additional message printed before detailed error message ADAFSN when trying to obtain security data from the external security system for the specified Adabas target file. |