Using the Software AG Designer

You can use the Software AG Designer to view and edit the objects generated with the Adabas Replication Wizard. The following topics are covered:

Generated Objects

This picture shows object that were created by the Adabas Replication Wizard:


The Flow Services are the place where users should insert their logic.

Adabas Metadata Wizard

The Adabas Metadata Wizard is invoked using the New command.

Start of instruction setTo invoke the Adabas Metadata Wizard via the New command:

  1. In the top menu of the Software AG Designer click on File > New > Other...

    In the toolbar click on graphics/ars-designer-new.png and then select Other... from the menu.

    Use the shortcut CTRL+N.

    The New wizard is opened.

  2. Navigate to Software AG > Service Development and click on Adabas Metadata.


The Designer Wizard is able to create Document types and Metadata.

You can either create them using a system file or read the metadata from a SYSRPTR unload file:




The parameters that can be set edited are the same as described in the table of the section Create Document Type from Adabas File.