Data Mapping Tool Overview

The Data Mapping Tool is a graphical user interface that allows you to generate a global format buffer (GFB) and field table (GFFT). Using the interface you can drag and drop a Natural data definition module (DDM) or Predict XML definition (XML) onto a target RDBMS, adjust the resulting GFB schema, and generate the GFB and GFFT. In addition, you can drag and drop individual fields from a DDM/XML onto existing RDBMS columns to create or modify a GFB schema that maps data to existing RDBMS tables.

If Event Replicator Target Adapter version 3.4 is being used to replicate Adabas data to a Terracotta cache, there is no need to connect to the cache to create a GFB/GFFT for replication, nor does that functionality currently exist in Data Mapping Tool. Rather the GFB/GFFT can be created in the same way you would create one for a target RDBMS. In this case, configuring a "dummy" RDBMS target is all that is required. Once the DDM/XML is dropped to the dummy target and the GFB/GFFT is created and edited for replication, it can be uploaded to the Adabas Event Replicator for replication to Terracotta. For more information on replication to a Terracotta target, please see the product documentation for Event Replicator Target Adapter.

Natural DDMs provide a logical definition of a physical database and can be generated using Natural's SYSDDM utility or from Predict. DDMs allow convenient and transparent access of the Adabas data to different database management systems. For each physical file in a database, one or more DDMs can be defined. For complete information on generating a Natural DDM, refer to your Natural or Predict documentation.

Predict XML definitions provide the same information as the DDM, but also contain additional information like number of occurrences of multiple fields and periodic groups or redefine structures.