3.6 Enhancements

This document describes the Event Replicator for Adabas 3.6 enhancements.

Category Enhancements
General Enhancements Handling of PE and MU Count Fields
New and Changed Event Replicator Server Initialization Parameters
New and Changed Event Replicator for Adabas Utility Functions
New and Changed Operator Commands
Event Replicator for Adabas 3.6 SP1 Enhancements Mapping Tool Optimized Global Format Buffers for Normal Data
Replicating Source and/or Target Files Protected by Adabas Security
Enhanced SLOG Monitoring
Publishing Interval Statistics
New and Changed OPTIONS Settings for DESTINATION DCLASSPARM Replication Initialization Parameter
New Parameter SX=subscription_user_exit_name for RPLREFRESH Operator Command
New Optional Parameters for the ADARIS Utility
Additional Event Replicator Server Events Logged to Destinations Defined with DEVENTLOG=YES

Handling of PE and MU Count Fields

As of Event Replicator for Adabas Version 3.5.4, PE and MU count fields and their values can now be included in the XML output if they were specified in the GFB/GFFT data. The Event Replicator Target Adapter Data Mapping Tool Version 3.2 SP0 Fix2 or higher will generate a value of READONLY "Y" (YES) for the count fields. This means that by default they will not be included in the XML output.

If you require count fields to be included in the XML output, use the online SYSRPTR utility. In the Global Format Buffer Definitions function, bring up the GFB you wish to change. In the R (Readonly) column remove the "Y", i.e. change it to a space for the count fields you wish to include in the XML output. Then either issue operator command RPLREFRESH,ALL or cycle the Event Replicator server.


  1. If you do not wish to have existing GFB's/GFFT's that contain PE or MU count fields included with the XML output produced when the DESTINATION sub-parameter DCLASS=SAGTARG is set, then you should apply zap AZ354016 if you are running Event Replicator for Adabas Version 3.5.4 or AZ361002 if you are running Event Replicator for Adabas Version 3.6.1. When the zap is applied, you can include the count fields in the XML output by entering the character "N" for NO in the READONLY field. This can be done by unloading the GFB/GFFTS via RPULD and setting the PE or MU count field parameter FTRONL=' ' to a value of "N" and then executing RPLOD to reload the GFB/GFFT to the Adabas Event Replication system file.
  2. Existing GFBs that contain count fields will need to have the count fields set to "Y", if you do not wish to have the count field sent to the Event Replicator Target Adapter. This can be done via the SYSRPTR Global Format Buffers Information function. Display the GFB you wish to edit and place a "Y" in the R (Readonly) column of each count field. The GFBs must then be refreshed. This can be done by cycling the Replication server or issuing the RPLREFRESH,ALL operator command.

New and Changed Event Replicator Server Initialization Parameters

The following table summarizes any new or changed Event Replicator Server initialization parameters or subparameters in Event Replicator for Adabas 3.6:

Parameter New or Changed? Description
DCLASSPARM OPTIONS New OPTIONS=128 will suppress sending the before image of a field that was updated, if before images were requested for the file.
DCLASSPARM OPTIONS Changed OPTIONS=32 has been enhanced to include sending the full after image on inserts in addition to the sending the full before(if available) and after image on updates.
DHBINTERVAL New When using Replication Monitoring, specify the interval (in seconds) at which the heartbeat should be published to a destination.
DSTATLOG New When using Replication Monitoring, specify whether or not the associated destination should receive interval statistics published by the Event Replicator Server.
SLOGCHECKINTERVAL New Specify the interval (in minutes) between checks of the Associator and Data file space usage.
ASSOTHRESHOLD New Specify the percentage of the Event Replicator database Associator space that can be used before threshold warning messages are issued. Only applicable, if SLOGCHECKINTERVAL is set.
DATATHRESHOLD New Specify the percentage of the Event Replicator database Data space that can be used before threshold warning messages are issued. Only applicable, if SLOGCHECKINTERVAL is set.
SLOGACTHRESHOLD New Specify the percentage of the SLOG address converter space that can be used before threshold warning messages are issued. Only applicable, if SLOGCHECKINTERVAL is set.
SLOGDSTHRESHOLD New Specify the percentage of the SLOG Data Storage space that can be used before threshold warning messages are issued. Only applicable, if SLOGCHECKINTERVAL is set.
SLOGNITHRESHOLD New Specify the percentage of the SLOG normal index space that can be used before threshold warning messages are issued. Only applicable, if SLOGCHECKINTERVAL is set.
SLOGUITHRESHOLD New Specify the percentage of the SLOG upper index space that can be used before threshold warning messages are issued. Only applicable, if SLOGCHECKINTERVAL is set.
STATINTERVAL New When using Replication Monitoring, specify the interval (in seconds) at which Event Replicator statistics should be published by the Event Replicator Server.

Information on all Event Replicator Server initialization parameters is provided in Event Replicator Initialization Parameters

New and Changed Event Replicator for Adabas Utility Functions

This section describes the changes made to utilities for Event Replicator for Adabas 3.6. For complete information about all utilities for Event Replicator for Adabas 3.6, read Utilities Used with Replication.

Utility Function New or Changed? Enhancement Description

This optional parameter is used in conjunction with STARTTIME to provide information for the Event Replicator Target Adapter about the time the destination used for sending update transactions for a DBID/FNR was closed and the transactions written to SLOG.


This optional parameter is used in conjunction with STARTDATE to provide information for the Event Replicator Target Adapter about the time the destination used for sending update transactions for a DBID/FNR was closed and the transactions written to SLOG.

New and Changed Operator Commands

Operator Command New or Changed? Enhancement Description



When RPLREFRESH,ALL is issued, the settings for the SLOGCHECKINTERVAL, ASSOTHRESHOLD, DATATHRESHOLD, SLOGACTHRESHOLD, SLOGDSTHRESHOLD, SLOGNITHRESHOLD and SLOGUITHRESHOLD parameters are reexamined and applied to your Event Replicator Server environment.


New parameter SX=sxname available. See New Parameter SX=subscription_user_exit_name for RPLREFRESH Operator Command below for details.

Mapping Tool Optimized Global Format Buffers for Normal Data

Version 3.3 of the Event Replicator Target Adapter Data Mapping Tool removes the restriction that optimize global format buffers can only be used for initial state processing in the Event Replicator Server nucleus. They can now be used for normal data, i.e. update transactions. This change does not affect the ADARIS utility, as it is only used for Initial-state data.

Replicating Source and/or Target Files Protected by Adabas Security

Replication of password and cipher secured files is supported in conjunction with Adabas SAF Security version 8.2.2 (and above) and RACF.

Refer to the section Replicating Source and/or Target Files Protected by Adabas Security for further details.

Enhanced SLOG Monitoring

Event Replicator for Adabas 3.6 SP1 now allows you to monitor space usage for both the Event Replicator database and the SLOG system file. This support produces warning messages on the console that warn you when space usage thresholds are reached.

Using new initialization parameters, you can now specify the thresholds your site prefers for Associator and Data file space usage. The new SLOGCHECKINTERVAL initialization parameter is provided for you to specify how often checks of the Associator and Data space usage occur; if the SLOGCHECKINTERVAL parameter is set to zero (0) in the Event Replicator Server startup job, no threshold monitoring occurs. Six other initialization parameters (ASSOTHRESHOLD,DATATHRESHOLD, SLOGACTHRESHOLD, SLOGDSTHRESHOLD, SLOGNITHRESHOLD and SLOGUITHRESHOLD) allow you to set the thresholds for the Event Replicator Server database and the SLOG system file Associator and Data space usage.

For complete information about these initialization parameters, refer to the section SLOGCHECKINTERVAL Parameter.

When the actual Associator or Data space usage meets or exceeds the threshold settings, warning messages are issued to the console and DDPRINT. Depending on the thresholds that are reached, one or more messages in the range from ADAFSA through ADAFSF appear on the console. In addition, when any threshold is reached, both the ADAFSG message (space usage information of the Event Replicator database) and the ADAFSH message (space usage of the SLOG system file) display. Finally, if no thresholds are reached when space usage monitoring is activated and the first threshold check occurs, message ADAFSI is written. This message is written only once.

For detailed information about the messages that are produced, refer to the section ADAF* - Event Replicator for Adabas.

Publishing Interval Statistics

Event Replicator for Adabas 3.6 SP1 allows you to publish Event Replicator Server statistics at user-specified intervals. These interval statistics can then be collected and reported on by Event Replicator Target Adapter Administration Version 3.3.

Two new Event Replicator initialization parameters are provided to support this new functionality:

  • The new STATINTERVAL parameter allows you to set the interval at which Event Replicator statistics should be published.

  • The new DSTATLOG parameter is a subparameter of the DESTINATION initialization parameter that can be set for all destination types supported by Event Replicator for Adabas except Adabas and File destinations. It can be used to indicate whether interval statistics should be published to a destination.

Further information is provided in the new section Replication Monitoring and in the Event Replicator Target Adapter Release Notes.


Event Replicator for Adabas Version 3.6 allows you to publish a heartbeat event at user-specified intervals. These heartbeat events can then be collected and reported on by Event Replicator Target Adapter Administration Version 3.3 and above.

The functional benefit, for utilizing Heartbeats, is to track the status of the replication data flow and determine if there are any potential bottlenecks or delays in the replicating of the data. In short, it determines if the "pipeline" is clear between the Event Replicator Server and the Event Replicator Target Adapter.

Heartbeat events can be requested on the destination level. Regular heartbeat events are sent to destinations for which they have been requested. Information for a heartbeat event is collected if at least one interval has passed since a heartbeat event was last sent to the destination. This heartbeat information is inserted into the replication data stream at the exit from the Event Replicator Server (destination processing).

A new Event Replicator initialization parameter is provided to support this new functionality:

  • The new DHBINTERVAL parameter is a subparameter of the DESTINATION initialization parameter. It may be set for the EntireX Broker, IBM MQ Series, or Null destination types supported by Event Replicator. It is only allowed for destinations defined with DCLASS=SAGTARG. The DHBINTERVAL subparameter is used to indicate the interval at which heartbeat events are sent to a particular destination.

The DHBINTERVAL parameter may be specified for a destination in the DDKARTE statements of the Event Replicator Server startup job or in the Adabas Event Replicator Subsystem (SYSRPTR). Specification in Event Replicator Target Adapter Administration is not supported.

For Broker destinations, in order to obtain full heartbeat functionality, use Broker version 10.1 or later, or version 9.12 with Fix 17 or later, or version 9.10 with Fix 20 or later.

New and Changed OPTIONS Settings for DESTINATION DCLASSPARM Replication Initialization Parameter

For the Event Replicator Server initalization parameter DESTINATION a new sub-parameter DCLASSPARM OPTIONS setting is available for SAGTARG. OPTIONS=128 will suppress sending the before image of a field that was updated, if before images were requested for the file.

Also for the Event Replicator Server initialization parameter DESTINATION the sub-parameter DCLASSPARM OPTIONS setting OPTIONS=32 has been enhanced to include sending the full after image on inserts in addition to the sending the full before (if available) and after image on updates.

New Parameter SX=subscription_user_exit_name for RPLREFRESH Operator Command

Using the new operator command RPLREFRESH parameter – SX=sxname any subscription user exit can be refreshed while the Event Replicator Server is active. This new functionality is supported only for z/OS operating system, Adabas Version 8.4 or higher and running APF-authorized.

Refer to the section RPLREFRESH operator command for further details.

New Optional Parameters for the ADARIS Utility

The ADARIS utility can now use the new optional parameters STARTDATE and STARTTIME. They are used to provide information for the Event Replicator Target Adapter about the date and time the destination used for sending update transactions for a DBID/FNR was closed and the transactions written to SLOG.

These parameters can only be specified in conjunction. If you specify STARTDATE, then STARTTIME must also be specified and vice versa. For further details refer to ADARIS Utility: Run Initial-State Process.

Additional Event Replicator Server Events Logged to Destinations Defined with DEVENTLOG=YES

With Event Replicator for Adabas Version 3.6, the following events will be logged to destinations defined with DEVENTLOG=YES:

  • initial-state processing commenced

  • initial-state processing completed

  • replication user data from C5 command

  • ADALOD LOAD started

  • ADALOD LOAD ended

  • ADASAV RESTORE started




  • ADALOD UPDATE started


  • Adabas utility service replication

  • Adabas security replication.

Refer to the section DEVENTLOG Parameter for further details on the DEVENTLOG destination parameter.