Controlling Event Replicator for Adabas Destination Definitions

Event Replicator Target Adapter provides two commands (batch utilities) you can use to activate, deactivate, open, or close a destination definition in the Event Replicator for Adabas.

These commands are located in the bin directory, wherever the Event Replicator Target Adapter source code and program files are installed.

  • Use the etbdest command to control your webMethods EntireX destination definitions.

  • Use the mqsdest command to control your WebSphere MQ destination definitions.

From the Target Adapter Command Prompt, enter the appropriate command, using one of the following syntaxes:

etbdest -bbrokerID -sclass/server/service -ooperation -ddestination-name -ttracelevel (-mscm -uuserid -kusertoken -ppassword)


mqsdest  -hhost -pport -mqueuemgr -cchannel -qqueuename -ooperation -ddestinationname -ttracelevel

The parameters in this syntax can be specified in any order because each parameter is identified by a parameter identifier. Note that there are no spaces between the parameter identifier and the value of the parameter, although a single space separates each parameter. Each parameter identifier is described in the following table:

Parameter Identifier Specify
-b The webMethods EntireX Broker ID.
-c The case-sensitive WebSphere MQ channel.
-d The name of the Event Replicator for Adabas destination you want to control.
-h The WebSphere MQ host name.
-k User Token if required for Single Conversation Mode communication with Broker.
-m (etbdest) Mode. Follow with ‘scm’ (no quotes) if the input queue is configured for Single Conversation Mode.
-m (mqsdest) The case-sensitive WebSphere MQ queue manager name.
-o The controlling operation you want to issue for the destination. Valid operation are OPND (open the destination) and CLSD (close the destination).
-p (etbdest) Password if Broker is running with security.
-p The WebSphere MQ port number.
-q The case-sensitive WebSphere MQ queue name.
-s The case-sensitive class, server, and service name (separated by slashes) of the webMethods EntireX Broker.
-t The trace level that should be used for the attempt. Valid values range from "0" (no trace) through "5". The default is "0".
-u Broker userid if required for Single Conversation Mode.

If errors occur when you run etbdest or mqsdest, rerun them using a trace level setting of "3". Then submit the trace log to your webMethods EntireX or WebSphere MQ administrators to identify the problem. For more information about Event Replicator Target Adapter log files, read Managing Event Replicator Target Adapter Log Files and Console Messages.