3.5 Enhancements

This document describes the Event Replicator for Adabas 3.5 enhancements.

Category Enhancements
Event Replicator for Adabas 3.5 SP3 Enhancements New Parameter SPRE for ADARIS Utility
Support for new Mapping Tool Optimized Global Format Buffers
New Parameter READOPTION for ADARIS Utility
Event Replicator for Adabas 3.5 SP2 Enhancements ADARIS Utility
Event Replicator for Adabas 3.5 SP1 Enhancements ETBBROKER Single Conversation Mode Option
BROKER Changes
Destination Class OPTIONS Keyword Changes

New Parameter SPRE for ADARIS Utility

A new parameter SPRE is available in the ADARIS Utility. Specify the SPRE keyword in the DCLASSPARM parameter if you do want the subscription name to prefix the names of the tables produced by the Event Replicator Target Adapter.

The notation is SPRE=xxxxxxxx where xxxxxxxx can be a subscription prefix to be used instead of the subscription name used in the job execution. The prefix can be 1 to 8 characters in size.

The SPRE keyword is available for use with both SAGTARG and SAGTRGB DCLASS exits

Support for new Mapping Tool Optimized Global Format Buffers

This release of the Event Replicator Target Adapter Data Mapping Tool introduces a new option that allows the user to optimize a buffer containing MU's, PE's, and MU's within PE's. The optimized buffer can ONLY be used for initial state processing in the Event Replicator Server nucleus or via the ADARIS utility.

Restrictions apply:

  • Use of Optimized Global format buffer(s) require a new Subscription for Initial-state only processing.

  • The destinations assigned to the Initial-state only subscription using optimized Global Format buffer(s) must therefore be SIDESTINATION ONLY. It cannot be used for normal replication data (SDESTINATION is not allowed).

  • The Destination DCLASS parameter must specify SAGTARG.

  • The destination must be an ETB, MQ Series, or Null destination. In the case of the ADARIS utility the sequential DDOUT file is also allowed.

New Parameter READOPTION for ADARIS Utility

A new parameter READOPTION is available in the ADARIS Utility that may give improved performance, especially when running ADARIS for a file with many deleted records or gaps in the ISN sequence. This capability was introduced by solution distribution ARF353L002.

The notation is READOPTION={BLANK | I}. Specifying "I" may reduce the number of read commands sent to the nucleus by reading in ISN sequence rather than issuing a read command for each specific ISN. This will have the largest effect if there are many deleted records or gaps in the ISN sequence.

ADARIS Utility

The ADARIS batch-only utility, also known as the Initial-State utility, can be used to run an initial-state process and transfer the resulting initial-state data to a sequential file. The specifics of what is processed is determined by the specified Event Replicator subscription, and the override parameters supplied in the utility. The utility will read a range of records, by ISN from a single Adabas file, and create a sequential output file. The sequential output file can then be processed by the Event Replicator Target Adapter.

For more information about the ADARIS utility, read ADARIS Utility: Run Initial-State Process.

ETBBROKER Single Conversation Mode Option

The Event Replicator Server has been enhanced to support a new Single Conversation mode for Node to Node support using ETBBROKER Destinations and Input Queues. Node to Node can be an Event Replication nucleus to either another Event Replication nucleus or an Event Replicator Target Adapter process (Version 3.1 or higher) that supports Single Conversation mode. This mode puts all messages related to each other (UoW) into one single conversation and dramatically reduces the required EntireX Broker resources. Using the new Single Conversation mode is definitely recommended when there are very high message volumes between sender (destination) and receiver (Input queue). For those who have been successfully using the Multi Conversation Mode, you may continue to use this option.

Therefore, new optional Event Replication Initialization parameters have been introduced for type ETBBROKER DESTINATION and INPUT QUEUE parameters to turn on the single conversation mode and to specify user ID and token as user credentials. When the new Single Conversation mode parameter is set to yes, the destination or input queue will establish the Single Conversation mode connection to the EntireX Broker.

Please make sure that these user ID and token settings specify unique names within your environment.

  • A destination running in Single Conversation mode can only send messages to an Input queue that is running in this same mode.

  • Multiple Destination and Input Queue pairs can be run in Single Conversation mode as long as the one Destination to one Input Queue connection is maintained.

The Event Replicator for Adabas testing utilities ADAMTR and ADAMTS also provide new parameters to make use of this new option. The combination of user ID and token uniquely identifies a user. New parameters have been introduced that allow the user to set the value of the token and user ID or take the default value. These options allow ADAMTS to connect to an existing Event Replicator Server single conversation mode destination that is still active but no longer in use by the destination because it was closed or the Event Replicator Server was shut down or crashed. This could also be used in a similar fashion by ADAMTR in the case of a Event Replicator Server input queue for the same reason.

EntireX Version 9.7 SP23 or above (EXB970L023 and EXX970L023) is required.

Required Zaps

A zap needs to be applied to the Adabas module ADAMG6 when running the Event Replicator for Adabas ADAMTS utility in single conversation mode. The zap contains new messages associated with the new single conversation mode parameters.

The zap to be applied depends on the release of Adabas being included in the ADAMTS steplib. Zaps are available for Adabas Version 8.2.5, Adabas Version 8.2.6, Adabas Version 8.3.1, Adabas Version 8.3.2 and Adabas Version 8.3.3. The zaps are AU825091, AU826062, AU831079, AU832016, and AU833001.

BROKER Changes

BKIMBTSO is no longer available since EntireX Broker Version 9.6. You will need to specify BROKER instead of BKIMBTSO. The default for the global parameter ETBBROKERNAME is now BROKER. Please see your EntireX Broker documentation for further information.

Destination Class OPTIONS Keyword Changes

In this version of Event Replicator for Adabas, the OPTIONS keyword of the DCLASSPARM parameter introduces a new setting of the OPTIONS keyword: 64. If OPTIONS=64 is specified, the XML transaction Committed time value is set to local time instead of GMT/UTC.

For more information about the OPTIONS keyword of the DCLASSPARM parameter, read DCLASSPARM Parameter.