Calculating Space Requirements

Option S (Space calculation) on the Main Menu displays the Space Calculation menu:

15:59:09          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2014-05-02
                            -  Space Calculation  -                 PSP0002   
                             Code    Service                                  
                             ----    ------------------                       
                              A      ASSO                                     
                              C      Cluster-Cache/Lock                       
                              D      DATA                                     
                              F      DDFILEA                                  
                              S      SORT                                     
                              T      TEMP                                     
                              W      WORK                                     
                              ?      Help                                     
                              .      Exit                                     
                             ----    ------------------                       
              Code .......... _                                               
              Database ID ... 1955   (WIS1955)                                
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                           Menu        

The space calculation function is a planning tool for adding new components or recalculating existing space requirements. Each calculation provides a block or cylinder estimate according to information you provide. In general, you must provide the:

  • maximum estimated record count;

  • average number of MU or PE occurrences, when used as descriptors;

  • average descriptor, compressed record, or normal record length;

  • estimated padding factor;

  • device type where the Adabas component being estimated resides.

In many cases, the results are "best guess" estimates; other than a device type, no defaults are assumed. Because no values are actually changed by the Space Calculation function, unrealistic estimates cause no harm.

Calculations are provided in both cylinders and blocks. In some cases, the block values are required by other Adabas Online System/Basic Services functions such as Define New File or Modify File Parameters. All values are lost when you exit from the estimating function, regardless of the cause of the exit. You may want to write down any values you wish to use later.

By changing individual estimated values one at a time, you can see the effect on the calculated result. For example, you can change the device type without re-entering the other values; the revised estimate for that device appears when you press Enter.

There are equivalent direct commands for each space calculation function.

Space calculations are selectable by code and include:

Code Function
A Estimating Associator Space
C Estimating Sizes for Directory and Data Structures in a Cluster Environment
D Estimating Data Storage Space
F Estimating Space for the DD/FILEA Sequential Data Set
S Estimating Sort Data Set Space
T Estimating Temp Data Set Space
W Estimating Work Data Set Space

Estimating Associator Space

Option A (ASSO) on the Space Calculation menu calculates one of two Associator component values: the address converter (AC) space, or the normal (NI) and upper (UI) index space.

The equivalent direct command is


The ASSO Space Calculation menu appears.

15:59:35          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2014-05-02
                         -  ASSO Space Calculation  -               PSPA002   
                          Code    Service                                     
                          ----    -------------------                         
                           A      Address Converter                           
                           I      Normal/Upper Index                          
                           ?      Help                                        
                           .      Exit                                        
                          ----    -------------------                         
            Code ..........                                                   
            Database ID ... 1955   (WIS1955)                                  
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                           Menu        

AC space is based on the device type and the estimated number of records in the related Data Storage file.

15:59:53          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2014-05-02
DBID 1955                   -  Address Converter  -                 PSPAA02   
 Maximum number of records ... 0                                              
 ASSO Device-Type ............ 3390                                           
 Block Size .................. 2544                                           
 Required number of blocks ... 0                                              
 Required number of cyls. .... 0                                              
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                           Menu        

NI/UI calculates index values for a single descriptor, requiring you to estimate such things as the average descriptor length, the number of multiple descriptors you expect to have, the total number of unique descriptor values for that field, an Associator padding factor, and a device type if other than the default.

16:00:14          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2014-05-02
DBID 1955                  -  Normal/Upper Index  -                 PSPAI02   
Computation for one Descriptor  -                                             
    Maximum number of records for the file ........ 0                         
    Average number of DE-values per record ........ 1.0                       
    Average length of DE-value in bytes ........... 0                         
    Number of different DE-values in the file ..... 0                         
    Padding factor for ASSO ....................... 10 %                      
    ASSO Device Type .............................. 3390                      
    ASSO Block Size ............................... 2544                      
                                I Normal Index I Upper Index I                
    I Required number of blocks I            0 I           0 I                
    I Required number of cyls.  I            0 I           0 I                
                                                                Use ? for Help
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                           Menu        
Û                                                                 07,055      

Estimating Sizes for Directory and Data Structures in a Cluster Environment

Option C (Cluster-Cache/Lock) on the Space Calculation menu calculates the estimated sizes for directory and data structures in a cluster environment. The cache structure should be made large enough to provide sufficient space:

  • for tracking all blocks kept in the buffer pools of all connected cluster nuclei (directory elements) and

  • for keeping all changed blocks until they are written to the database (data elements).

The assignment of total cache space into directory and data elements is done via the DIRRATIO and ELEMENTRATIO ADARUN parameters.

16:00:40          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2014-05-02
DBID 1955             -  Cache Structure Calculator  -              PSPC002   
Smallest block size in DB ....... 2544                                        
Largest block size in DB ........ 5724                                        
Buffer pool size (LBP) .......... 80896_______                                
Size proper for caching blocks .. 100000______                                
Max nuclei in cluster ........... 3                                           
Directory element size .......... 400                                         
Cache structure size (in KB) .... _________                                   
For minimum calculation, leave cache structure size field empty.              
Modify values, press Enter to provide estimates below.                        
Cache CFRM SIZE/INITSIZE ........ 2650        ( 2.5        MB)                
ADARUN DIRRATIO ................. 67                                          
ADARUN ELEMENTRATIO ............. 48                                          
Cache directory elements ........ 135                                         
Cache data elements ............. 97                                          
Cache data element size ......... 1024                                        
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit      Lock                                 Menu        

Input fields:

Field Description
Smallest block size Value between 1024 and 32768. Default taken from current AOS DBid.
Largest block size Value between 1024 and 32768. Default taken from current AOS DBid. If Smallest block size exceeds this value, then Smallest block size is swapped in.
Buffer pool size Value between 80,000 and 999,999,999,999. Default taken from LBP parameter of current AOS Dbid.
Size proper for caching blocks Value between 100000 - 999,999,999,999. Default taken from LBP parameter of current AOS Dbid, rounded down to nearest 100000. "Size proper" means that this does not include the overhead in the cache structure required for administering these blocks. Thus this value specifies how much space should be available in the cache structure for keeping changed blocks between buffer flushes and for buffering blocks so that the cluster nuclei do not have to read them from the database.
Max Nuclei in cluster Value between 2 and 32. Defaults to 3.
Directory element size Value between 100 and 999. Specifies how much space (including the overhead for the access paths) each directory element will take in the cache structure. Defaults to 400.
Cache Structure size Blank for minimum calculation, or a value between 100 and 999,999,999 (KB). Although this value is given as an output field, you may want to propose a cache structure size, to see how to allocate the cache space (dir & data elements).

Output fields:

Field Description
Cache CFRM SIZE/INITSIZE The recommended cache structure SIZE or INITSIZE specification in the coupling facility resource management policy.
ADARUN DIRRATIO/ELEMENTRATIO The recommended ADARUN parameter settings for the cluster nuclei.
Cache directory/data elements The estimated directory and data element counts resulting from the SIZE/INITSIZE, DIRRATIO, and ELEMENTRATIO settings.
Cache data element size This (accurate) value depends only on the largest Asso/Data/Work block size in the database.

By pressing PF4, you can use the Lock Structure Calculator.

Lock Structure Calculator

The Lock Structure Calculator screen calculates an estimated size for the Cache CFRM SIZE or INITSIZE specification in the coupling facility resource management policy.

The lock structure must be made large enough to provide sufficient space

  • for keeping the lock record elements for all locks held at the same time, and

  • for avoiding too much false contention on lock structure size as an input field.

The Number of lock table entries and record elements are shown for comparison with the related cluster nucleus message (ADAX70) and to aid users' own calculations.

16:28:17          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2021-05-26
DBID 1958              -  Lock Structure Calculator  -              PSPL002   
Cluster/Parallel Services (C/P) ....... C                                     
Max files in database (MAXFILES) ...... 100                                   
Max number of parallel users (NU) ..... 200_____                              
Number of hold queue elements (NH) .... 1600                                  
Number of threads (NT) ................ 5                                     
Unique descriptor pool size (LDEUQP) .. 50000                                 
Lock record element size .............. 400                                   
Lock structure size (in KB) ...........                                       
For minimum calculation, leave lock structure size field empty.               
Modify values, press Enter to provide estimates below.                        
Lock CFRM SIZE/INITSIZE ............... 3413      ( 3.3       MB)             
Number of lock table entries .......... 32768                                 
Number of lock record elements ........ 6831       Required min .. 6238       
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit      Cache                                Menu         

Input fields:

Field Description
Cluster/Parallel Services Value is C or P, default taken from current DBID for SYSAOS.
Max files in database Value between 3 and 5000. The same as MAXFILES parameter of ADADEF and ADAORD. Taken from the current AOS DBID.
Max number of parallel users Value between 20 and 16,777,215. Default taken from NU parameter of current AOS DBID.
Number of hold queue elements Value between 20 and 16,777.215. Default taken from NH parameter of current AOS DBID.
Number of threads (NT) Value between 4 and 250. Default taken from NT parameter of current AOS DBID.
Unique descriptor pool size Value between 1 and 999,999,999. Default taken from LDEUQP parameter of current AOS DBID.
Lock record element size Value between 100 and 999. Specifies how much space (including the overhead for the access paths) each lock record element will take in the lock structure. Defaults to 400.
Lock structure size Blank for minimum calculation, or a value between 100 and 9,999,999 (KB). Although this value is given as an output field, you may want to propose a lock structure size, to see the estimated number of lock table entries and lock table elements.

Output fields:

Field Description
Lock CFRM SIZE/INITSIZE The recommended lock structure SIZE or INITSIZE specification in the coupling facility resource management policy.
Number of lock table entries The calculated count of lock table entries resulting from the SIZE/INITSIZE setting.
Number of lock record elements The estimated count of lock record elements resulting from the SIZE/INITSIZE setting. One has to actually start a cluster nucleus with the specified parameters to see how many lock record elements it gets from the lock structure. The number on the right side is the minimum number of lock record elements that the starting cluster nuclei require to be available.

Estimating Data Storage Space

Option D (DATA) on the Space Calculation menu calculates Data Storage based on values you provide for estimated maximum record count, the average length of a compressed record, a Data Storage padding factor, and device type. Results are specified in both blocks and cylinders.

The equivalent direct command is


The Data Storage screen appears.

16:04:06          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2014-05-02
DBID 1955                     -  Data Storage  -                    PSPD002   
 Maximum number of records for the file .. 0_________                         
 Average compressed record length ........ 0                                  
 Padding factor for DATA ................. 10 %                               
 DATA device-type / blk. size ............ 3390 /  5064                       
 Required number of blocks ............... 0                                  
 Required number of cyls. ................ 0                                  
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                           Menu        

Estimating Space for the DD/FILEA Sequential Data Set

Option F (DDFILEA) on the Space Calculation menu calculates the space required for the DD/FILEA sequential data set when it is used with the ADAORD utility. (The data set is also used with the ADALOD utility.)

The equivalent direct command is


The DDFILEA Storage screen appears.

16:04:25          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2014-05-02
                            -  DDFILEA Storage  -                   PSPF012   
                  Code  Reorder                  Maximum Space Required       
                  ----  -------------            ----------------------       
DB -Function   :   A    Asso                                                  
                   B    Data                     Bytes .....                  
                   C    DB                       Blocks ....                  
                   D    Restruct DB              Cylinder ..                  
FILE -Function :   E    FAsso                    Blocksize ..                 
                   F    FData                                                 
                   G    File                                                  
                   H    Restruct File                                         
                   .    Exit                                                  
                  ---- --------------                                         
        Code ..... _                                                          
        File .....                                                            
        Device ... 3390                                                       
        DB-ID .... 1955   (WIS1955)                                           
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                           Menu        

Estimating Sort Data Set Space

Option S (SORT) on the Space Calculation menu displays the SORT Storage menu:

16:04:43          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2014-05-02
                             -  SORT Storage  -                     PSPS002   
                          Code    Service                                     
                          ----    -------------                               
                           I      ADAINV                                      
                           L      ADALOD load                                 
                           U      ADALOD update                               
                           ?      Help                                        
                           .      Exit                                        
                          ----    -------------                               
            Code ......... _                                                  
            File Number ..                                                    
            Database ID .. 1955   (WIS1955)                                   
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                           Menu        

The functions on this menu are used to estimate the storage needed on the sort data set for the utility function chosen.

This section covers the following topics:

ADAINV Sort Size

Option I (ADAINV) on the SORT Storage menu displays the Sort Storage - ADAINV screen. The storage needed on SORT for the ADAINV utility function is estimated using this screen.

16:05:04          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2014-05-02
                     -  SORT Storage     - ADAINV -     -           PSPSS22   
 File Number .................................. 29                            
 Number of records ( Default:  TOPISN ) .......             (reduce number    
 Name of the field to be processed ...........               if field is NU)  
 Average compressed descr. length (in Bytes)                                  
 of the biggest descriptor ....................                               
 Occurrences of periodic groups ............... 1                             
 Occurrences of multiple fields ............... 1                             
 SORT device-type ............................. 3390                          
 LWP-parameter ................................ 1000000                       
 Database-ID .................................. 1955                          
 Password (if required) .......................                               
 Required number of blocks (minimum) ..........                               
 Required number of cyls.  (minimum) ..........                               
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit      Dis Field                            Menu        

PF4 (Dis Field) invokes a field selection window:

   Please mark with 'X':            
   Selection   Name      Length     
   ---------   ----      ------     
      _         AA         4__      
      _         BB         4__      
      _         BC         4__      
      _         AE         4__      
      _         AF         4__      
      _         SF         8__      
      _         SH         16_      
      _         SS         16_      
      _         SG         3__      
      _         SQ         8__      
      _         XX         ___      
      _         RA         12_      
            Back      <       >     


Option L (ADALOD load) on the SORT Storage menu displays the Sort Storage - ADALOD LOAD screen. .

For the ADALOD LOAD calculation, the default number of records is MAXISN rather than TOPISN as it is for the ADAINV function.

16:05:46          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2014-05-02
                     -  SORT Storage  - ADALOD LOAD -   -           PSPSS22   
 File Number .................................. 29                            
 Number of records ( Default:  MAXISN ) ....... 847         (reduce number    
                                                             if field is NU)  
 Average compressed descr. length (in Bytes)                                  
 of the biggest descriptor ....................                               
 Occurrences of periodic groups ............... 1                             
 Occurrences of multiple fields ............... 1                             
 SORT device-type ............................. 3390                          
 LWP-parameter ................................ 1000000                       
 Database-ID .................................. 1955                          
 Password (if required) .......................                               
 Required number of blocks (minimum) ..........                               
 Required number of cyls.  (minimum) ..........                               
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                           Menu        


Option U (ADALOD update) on the SORT Storage menu displays the Sort Storage - ADALOD UPDATE screen. .

For the ADALOD UPDATE calculation, the default number of records is 0:

16:06:12          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2014-05-02
                     -  SORT Storage - ADALOD UPDATE -  -           PSPSS22   
 File Number .................................. 29                            
 Number of records ( Default:  0      ) .......             (reduce number    
                                                             if field is NU)  
 Average compressed descr. length (in Bytes)                                  
 of the biggest descriptor ....................                               
 Occurrences of periodic groups ............... 1                             
 Occurrences of multiple fields ............... 1                             
 SORT device-type ............................. 3390                          
 LWP-parameter ................................ 1000000                       
 Database-ID .................................. 1955                          
 Password (if required) .......................                               
 Required number of blocks (minimum) ..........                               
 Required number of cyls.  (minimum) ..........                               
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                           Menu        

Estimating TEMP Data Set Space

Option T (TEMP) on the Space Calculation menu displays the TEMP Storage menu:

16:06:46          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2014-05-02
                             -  TEMP Storage  -                     PSPT002   
                          Code    Service                                     
                          ----    ------------------                          
                           I      ADAINV                                      
                           L      ADALOD load/update                          
                           U      ADALOD delete                               
                           ?      Help                                        
                           .      Exit                                        
                          ----    ------------------                          
            Code ......... _                                                  
            File No. ....: 29                                                 
            Database ID .. 1955   (WIS1955)                                   
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                           Menu        

The functions on this menu are used to estimate the storage needed on TEMP for the utility function chosen.

This section covers the following topics:


Option I (ADAINV) on the TEMP Storage menu displays the TEMP Storage - ADAINV screen:

16:06:59          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2014-05-02
                    -  TEMP Storage - ADAINV -           -          PSPTI22   
File Number ................ 29                                               
Field-Name to be inverted ..                                                  
Average descriptor-length ..             ( Default = Field-Length )           
Max. Number of records .....             ( Default = TOPISN       )           
Occurrences/periodic groups. 1                                                
Occurrences/multiple fields. 1                                                
Device Type ................ 3390                                             
No. of records to delete ...             ( ADALOD Delete only     )           
DBID ....................... 1955         (WIS1955)                           
Password (if required) .....                                                  
Required TEMP-Blocks ......                                                   
              Cylinder ....                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit      Dis Field                            Menu        

PF4 (Dis Field) invokes a field selection window.

   Please mark with 'X':            
   Selection   Name      Length     
   ---------   ----      ------     
      _         AA         4__      
      _         BB         4__      
      _         BC         4__      
      _         AE         4__      
      _         AF         4__      
      _         SF         8__      
      _         SH         16_      
      _         SS         16_      
      _         SG         3__      
      _         SQ         8__      
      _         XX         ___      
      _         RA         12_      
            Back      <       >     


Option L (ADALOD load/update) on the TEMP Storage menu displays the TEMP Storage - ADALOD LOAD screen.

The TEMP Storage - ADALOAD LOAD screen differs from the TEMP Storage - ADAINV screen in that a message is added reminding the user to multiply TOPISN by all occurrences of periodic groups and multiple value fields:

16:07:46          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2014-05-02
                    -  TEMP Storage - ADALOD LOAD -      -          PSPTI22   
File Number ................ 29                                               
Field-Name to be inverted ..                                                  
Average descriptor-length ..             ( Default = Field-Length )           
Max. Number of records .....             ( Default = TOPISN       )           
Occurrences/periodic groups. 1                                                
Occurrences/multiple fields. 1                                                
Device Type ................ 3390                                             
No. of records to delete ...             ( ADALOD Delete only     )           
DBID ....................... 1955         (WIS1955)                           
Password (if required) .....                                                  
Required TEMP-Blocks ......                                                   
              Cylinder ....                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                           Menu        


Option U (ADALOD delete) on the TEMP Storage menu displays the TEMP Storage - ADALOD DELETE screen.

16:08:13          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2014-05-02
                    -  TEMP Storage - ADALOD DELETE -    -          PSPTI22   
File Number ................ 29                                               
Field-Name to be inverted ..                                                  
Average descriptor-length ..             ( Default = Field-Length )           
Max. Number of records .....             ( Default = TOPISN       )           
Occurrences/periodic groups. 1                                                
Occurrences/multiple fields. 1                                                
Device Type ................ 3390                                             
No. of records to delete ...             ( ADALOD Delete only     )           
DBID ....................... 1955         (WIS1955)                           
Password (if required) .....                                                  
Required TEMP-Blocks ......                                                   
              Cylinder ....                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                           Menu        

The TEMP Storage - ADALOD DELETE screen is identical to the TEMP Storage - ADAINV.

Estimating Work Data Set Space

Option W (WORK) on the Space Calculation menu displays the Work Storage screen.

The Work data set requires the most estimating. Although many initial values may be arbitrary, keep a record of them to ensure that subsequent tuning of the Work parameters has a realistic basis. Results comprise block estimates for the three parts of the Work area. A total of these values in blocks and cylinders is also provided.

16:08:36          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2014-05-02
DBID 1955                     -  Work Storage  -                    PSPW002   
 Average compr. record length of an updated record ... 0                      
 Average number of descr. updated per update cmd. .... 0                      
 Average length of an updated descriptor value ....... 0                      
 Average number of update cmds. per second ........... 0                      
 Average duration of a transactions in seconds ....... 0                      
 TOPISN of the biggest file in the database .......... 0                      
 WORK device type / WORK blk. size ................... 3390 /  5724           
 Required space (blocks) :   Protection Area (LP) ....        0               
 -------------------------   Intermediate ISN lists           0               
                             Resulting ISN lists ....>        0               
                                                    ? ---------               
                          Total (Blocks / Cyls.)....          0 /  0          
                                                     + LTPET + LREPL          
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                           Menu