Maintaining Checkpoints

Selecting Checkpoint Maintenance (option C) from the Adabas Online SystemMain Menu invokes the Checkpoint Maintenance menu:

12:31:41          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2014-05-02
                         -  Checkpoint Maintenance  -               PCP0002   
                        Code    Service                                       
                        ----    -----------------------                       
                         C      List checkpoints                              
                         D      Delete checkpoints                            
                         ?      Help                                          
                         .      Exit                                          
                        ----    -----------------------                       
      Code ............. _                                                    
      Date(YYYY-MM-DD) . 0000-00-00                                           
      Ext. CP-list ..... N                                                    
      Checkpoint Name .. ALL                                                  
      Database ID ...... 1955   (WIS1955)                                     
Command ==>                                                                   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                           Menu        

Using the AOS checkpoint maintenance environment, you can perform the following functions, accessible by menu option:

Option Function
C Listing Checkpoints lists checkpoints currently in the checkpoint file.
D Deleting Checkpoints allows you to remove all checkpoint file entries up to a specified date.

Listing Checkpoints

Selecting List checkpoints (option C) on the Checkpoint Maintenance menu lists checkpoints currently in the checkpoint file.

The result can be either a basic or an extended list, depending on the setting of the External CP-list field, which can be used to override the CPEXLIST operating control parameter.

You can start the list of checkpoints on a particular day by entering the date in the Date field in exactly the format shown.

You can specify the database for which the checkpoint list is to be written.

You can restrict the list to a particular checkpoint name by changing the ALL designation in the Checkpoint Name field to one of the following:

Type Description
SYNC nucleus initialization
SYNF user open EXF
SYNP utility, without nucleus
SYNV volume ID change
SYNX utility
SYN4 ADASAV file begin
SYN5 ADASAV file end

For more information about checkpoint names, refer to your Adabas Utilities documentation.

The following screen displays a normal checkpoint list:

12:33:25          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****       2014-05-02   
DBID 1955                     - List Checkpoints -                  PCPC012   
  CP   CP     Date      Time      PLOG     Block      Vol/Ser   User Job Name 
 Name Type                       Number    Number      Number   Type          
 ---- ---- ---------- --------   ------  ----------   --------  ---- -------- 
 SYNC  01  2010-12-14 11:29:34                                       USAWISCR 
 SYNS  5B  2010-12-14 11:29:34                                  EXU  ADAEND   
 SYNP  07  2010-12-14 11:30:19        2           1   DUAL           USAWISRE 
 SYNC  01  2010-12-14 11:30:45        2           2   DUAL           USAWISRP 
 SYNS  61  2010-12-14 11:32:40        2         417   DUAL           ADABAS   
 SYNS  5B  2010-12-14 11:42:43        2       29341   DUAL      EXU  ADAEND   
 SYNC  01  2010-12-14 11:43:26        3           1   DUAL           USAWISRP 
 SYNS  60  2010-12-14 16:05:31        3        1524   DUAL           ADABAS   
 SYNS  60  2010-12-15 10:08:02        3        1525   DUAL           ADABAS   
 SYNS  60  2010-12-15 11:53:37        3        1526   DUAL           ADABAS   
 SYNS  60  2010-12-15 12:56:37        3        1527   DUAL           ADABAS   
 SYNS  60  2010-12-15 13:59:37        3        1528   DUAL           ADABAS   
 SYNS  60  2010-12-15 15:02:37        3        1529   DUAL           ADABAS   
 SYNS  60  2010-12-15 16:05:37        3        1530   DUAL           ADABAS   
 SYNS  60  2010-12-15 17:08:42        3        1531   DUAL           ADABAS   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7 ----- PF8----- PF12-----  
Help               Exit                Top      -        +        Menu        

You can get an extended checkpoint list by setting the Ext. CP-list field to "Y" on the Checkpoint Maintenance menu. The following screen illustrates an extended checkpoint list providing additional information about each checkpoint:

12:34:40          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****       2014-05-02   
DBID 1955                     - List Checkpoints -                  PCPC012   
  CP   CP     Date      Time      PLOG     Block      Vol/Ser   User Job Name 
 Name Type                       Number    Number      Number   Type          
 ---- ---- ---------- --------   ------  ----------   --------  ---- -------- 
 SYNC  01  2010-12-14 11:29:34                                       USAWISCR 
      SESSION OPEN        IGNDIB = N , FORCE = N                              
 SYNS  5B  2010-12-14 11:29:34                                  EXU  ADAEND   
      REFRESH STATS                                                           
 SYNP  07  2010-12-14 11:30:19        2           1   DUAL           USAWISRE 
      RESTORE FILE(S)     1, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 20, 21, 22,          
 SYNC  01  2010-12-14 11:30:45        2           2   DUAL           USAWISRP 
      SESSION OPEN        IGNDIB = N , FORCE = N , SESSION = 2                
 SYNS  61  2010-12-14 11:32:40        2         417   DUAL           ADABAS   
      FILE SPACE ALLOC    FNR=11,NI,FROM=16220,TO=16528                       
 SYNS  5B  2010-12-14 11:42:43        2       29341   DUAL      EXU  ADAEND   
      REFRESH STATS                                                           
 SYNC  01  2010-12-14 11:43:26        3           1   DUAL           USAWISRP 
      SESSION OPEN        IGNDIB = N , FORCE = N , SESSION = 3                
 SYNS  60  2010-12-14 16:05:31        3        1524   DUAL           ADABAS   
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7 ----- PF8----- PF12-----  
Help               Exit                Top      -        +        Menu        

Deleting Checkpoints

You can remove all checkpoint file entries up to the date you specify in the Date field by selecting Delete checkpoints (option D) on the Checkpoint Maintenance menu. The following screen appears:

12:36:09          ***** A D A B A S  BASIC  SERVICES *****          2014-05-02
DBID 1955                  -  Delete Checkpoints  -                 PCPD002   
               All checkpoint entries up to .. 2014-05-02 (YYYY-MM-DD)        
               will be deleted.                                               
               Confirm by pressing the 'ENTER' key or                         
               modify the date and then press 'ENTER'.                        
PF1----- PF2------ PF3------ PF4------ PF6----- PF7----- PF8----- PF12-----   
Help               Exit                                           Menu