Important Information

This document covers the following topics:

Administrator Status

The person performing the installation must have Windows system administrator privileges (Windows platforms).

During the installation, the Sudo panel may appear. When you enter the sudo password in this panel, the installer will execute the scripts which require sudoers privileges. For you to use sudo in the installer, the user that you are using to install must be in the sudoers configuration. (Unix/Linux).

Installation Directory

During the installation, you are asked to specify an installation directory. Specify the installation directory in which to install your Software AG products. The user that you are using to install must have full read and write permissions to this directory.

The default installation directory under Windows is SoftwareAG and under Unix/Linux is /opt/softwareag, but any other directory is also possible. In the following description the placeholder <install-dir> is used to represent the installation directory.

You can only install Adabas Manager on a local hard drive on a Windows/Linux system. You cannot install Adabas Manager on a network-mounted drive or a SUBST drive (Windows only).

Side-by-Side Installations

You can install the same Adabas Manager version more than once on the same machine. And you can also install several different versions of Adabas Manager on the same machine. This may be necessary to test a new Adabas Manager version before it is taken over into a production environment. Each version, however, must be installed in a separate directory and on Windows you must specify a separate Start menu group name. That is, when Adabas Manager is already installed, for example, in the directory SoftwareAG or /opt/softwareag, you can install a second instance of Adabas Manager, for example, in a directory named SoftwareAG2 or /opt/softwareag2.

Since Software AG Empower only offers the latest version of Adabas Manager and other products, it is recommended that you create and keep an image of installed Adabas Manager versions for possible later use. Installing from an image rather than downloading it from Empower will usually be faster, too. For further information, see Using the Software AG Installer.

While Adabas Manager is being installed, it is not possible for another user to install Adabas Manager on the same machine. A message with the following information will then be shown: the name of the user who is currently installing Adabas Manager, when this installation has been started, and into which directory Adabas Manager is currently being installed.

Data Protection

Before you start Adabas Manager for the first time, you should be aware that Adabas Manager stores user-related data, such as user IDs, in configuration files and log files.

Configuration File

File Path





  • The file name contains the user ID

  • The file content may contain user IDs


User IDs in the entries can be managed (created, modified, deleted) by the owner of the configuration file from within the Adabas Manager.

If a user ID is deleted, there is no longer access to the respective Adabas REST administration server with this user ID.


Access to the configuration file and its directory can be secured, based on operating system file permissions.


Single entries in the file: see Administration above.

File: manually or automatically by operating system means or scripts.

for existing users of Adabas Manager 8.5, who are upgrading to Adabas Manager 8.6, Adabas Manager will automatically combine the 2 old files adaHost_<uid>.config and netHost_<uid>.config into the new file host_<uid>.config. The user can then manually remove the files adaHost_<uid>.config and netHost_<uid>.config after host_<uid>.config has been created. Users who only install Adabas Manager 8.6 (without having previously installed Adabas Manager 8.5), only have 1 file (host_<uid>.config) for each login UserID. (where <uid> stands for <User-ID>)

Log File

File Path






Contains user IDs.


Not possible via Adabas Manager.


Access to the configuration file and its directory can be secured, based on operating system file permissions.


Single entries in the file: manually or automatically by operating system means or scripts.

File: manually or automatically by operating system means or scripts.

Opening Ports for Remote Connections

From Adabas Manager version 900 onwards, the software is using Adabas Manager Runtime service as a proxy server to send to and to receive data from Adabas REST administration server, Adabas Manager Communicator (AMC) and Adabas Auditing on z/OS (ALA). For Adabas Manager to communicate remotely with Adabas REST administration server, AMC and ALA using either HTTP or HTTPS, it is required to open the Adabas Manager runtime port (default: 4990) of the firewall.

To set the SSL Certificate for Adabas Manager version 9.0.0

The following applies to systems running in production:

Generate Own sSelf Signed SSL Key and Cert

  1. Stop the Adabas Manager runtime service/deamon

    On Windows: Go to Windows Services, locate "Software AG Adabas Manager Runtime", and Stop the service.
    On Linux: Execute " stop" from <Adabas Manager installation directory>/AdabasManager/bin

  2. On Windows: execute <Install Path>\AdabasManager\bin\ssl.bat generate
    On Linux: execute <Install Path>/AdabasManager/bin/ generate

    Ensure that the user executing this command has the rights to overwrite the files sslcert.pem and sslkey.pem, located in <Install Path>/AdabasManager/config.

  3. Start the Adabas Manager runtime service/daemon

    On Windows: Go to Windows Services, locate "Software AG Adabas Manager Runtime", and start the service.
    On Linux: Execute " start" from <Adabas Manager installed directory>/AdabasManager/bin

Use Existing CA Certified SSL Key and Certificate

For users who prefer to use their own CA certified SSL Key and Cert, follow the steps below:

  1. Stop the Adabas Manager runtime service/deamon

  2. Place the CA certified SSL Key and Cert at the following location:

    SSL Cert: <Install Path>/AdabasManager/config/sslcert.pem
    SSL Key: <Install Path>/AdabasManager/config/sslkey.pem

  3. Start the Adabas Manager runtime service/daemon

AMNPAM Service for Linux Operating System User ID Login

After installation, a sag<n>amnpam service (where <n> is the number of the installed instance) and various shell scripts for use with the amnpam service are available in the $SAG/AdabasManager/bin/ directory.

The purpose of the Adabas Manager PAM server is to communicate with the Pluggable Authentication Module (PAM) in Unix, which in turn allows users to login to Adabas Manager using the Linux Operating System ID (i.e. those IDs created into the \etc\passwd file).

The Adabas Manager PAM server will be started after the user has executed the script.

In the event that the sag<n>amnpam service is not running properly, please execute the script stop, followed by an execution of the script start with sudo, to restart the amnpam service.