What is Adabas Manager?

Adabas Manager allows users to interactively monitor and change aspects of Adabas databases and Entire Net-Work suite of products running on one or multiple Linux, and Windows hosts.

With Adabas Manager, users can easily view resource status, display and modify space allocation, and change file and database parameters.

In addition to that, Adabas Manager allows users to administer Adabas Logging and Auditing (Adabas Auditing on z/OS, short, ALA) and to monitor some aspects of Adabas on mainframe.

Some of the resource-related tasks that can be performed using Adabas Manager include:

  • View and update nucleus parameters;

  • Create new databases;

  • List available databases, start and stop databases;

  • List files in a database and display/administer containers;

  • List the file distribution of the database;

  • Display high-water marks and buffer pool statistics;

  • Display and stop users.

  • Execute Adabas utilities to backup, restore, export, import, load, unload and etc.

  • Add new Entire Net-Work kernels

  • Start and stop Net-Work kernels

  • Add and remove targets in SoftwareAG Directory Server

  • Add and remove Entire Net-Work client configuration and Adabas Access

  • Add and remove Adabas Logging and Auditing resources such as Destinations, Format Buffers, Filters and Subscriptions.