Entire Net-Work Administration

This document descibes how to use Adabas Manager to perform the system adminstration tasks necessary for Entire Net-Work operations.

This document assumes that you are familiar with the features, functions and parameters of Entire-Network and Adabas Directory Server. Please refer to the most-recent versions of the following documentation for detailed information: Entire Net-Work Client Installation and Administration, Entire Net-Work Server Installation and Administration, Entire Net-Work Administration, Adabas Directory Server Administration.

Accessing Entire Net-Work

Start of instruction setTo access Entire Net-Work

  • Click on the icon Administer Entire Net-Work on the Adabas Manager home page.

    The Entire Net-Work start screen is displayed.


Managing Net-Work

This section describes how to manage Entire Net-Work using Adabas Manager.

The following icons are used on the Manage Net-Work page:

Icon Meaning/Element
graphics/client.png Client
graphics/client_config.png Client configuration
graphics/server.png Server
graphics/kernel.png Kernel

The status of each element is indicated by one of the following colours:

Colour Status
Green On/active
Red Off/inactive
Yellow Error
White Pending

Start of instruction setTo display the Manage Net-Work main page

  • Click on the link Manage Net-Work in the header of the Entire Net-Work start screen.

    The Manage Net-Work screen is displayed.

Entire Net-Work Client

Selecting and expanding Entire Net-Work Client in the navigation area shows the client servers that are attached to it, and displays a list of the client servers in the display area, together with the following information: status, client name, version, TCPIP protocol and status description. Selecting an individual client server in the navigation area displays information about it in the display area, where you can also display/modify the client configuration, parameters, trace options, and the log file.

Start of instruction setTo display the list of client servers

  • Click on Entire Net-Work Client in the navigation area.

    The list of client servers is displayed in the display area.

Client Servers

This section describes how to display, modify and save client server information for the following:

  • Client configuration

  • Parameters

  • Trace option

  • Log file

Start of instruction setTo display/modify the client server configuration

  1. Click on Entire Net-Work Client and then on the client server that you want to use in the navigation area.

    The client configuration is displayed in the display area.

  2. If you want to delete a client configuration, click on the waste bin icon graphics/waste_bin_84.png next to its name.

    The pop-up Delete Client Configuration dialog box is displayed.

    Click on the button Delete to delete the client configuration.

  3. I f you want to add a new client configuration, click on the button Add Client Configuration in the display area.

    The Add Client Configuration dialog box is displayed.

    Enter the client configuration name in the Configuration Name text box, and enter the path of the configuration in the Configuration File Path text box.

    Click on the button Add to add the client configuration.

  4. Click on the link Parameters in the display area to display the parameter settings for the client server.

    The parameters settings for the client server are displayed in the display area.

    Click on the button Edit if you want to modify any of the current parameter settings.

    Make the changes that you want by entering new values in the text boxes or selecting them from the drop-down lists.

    Select the check box Update all Client Configurations if the changes are to be applied to all current client configurations.

    Click on the button Save to save the new parameter settings.

  5. Click on the link Trace Option in the display area to display the trace options for the client server.

    The trace options for the client server are displayed in the display area.

    Click on the button Edit if you want to modify any of the current trace options.

    Software AG recommends that you perform this function only on the advice of your Software AG support representative.

    Modify the trace level parameters as requested by your Software AG support representative.

    Click on the button Save to save the new trace option settings.

  6. Click on the link Log File in the display area to display the contents of the console log file for the client server.

    The contents of the console log file for the client server are displayed in the display area.

    Click on the button New Log if you want to close the current log file and start a new one.

    The pop-up Start New Log File dialog box is displayed.

    Click on the button Start New Log to start a new log file.

Client Configuration

This section describes how to display, modify and save client information for the following:

  • Access

  • Parameters

  • Trace option

Start of instruction setTo display/modify the client configuration

  1. Click on Entire Net-Work Client, then on the client server, and then on the client that you want to use in the navigation area.

    The client configuration is displayed in the display area.

  2. If you want to add a new client access configuration, click on the button Add Client Access in the display area.

    The Add Client Configuration Access dialog box is displayed.

    Define the new client access by entering values in the text boxes or selecting them from the drop-down lists.

    Click on the button Add to add the new client access configuration.

  3. If you want to edit a client configuration, click on the edit icon graphics/edit_84.png next to its name.

    Make the changes that you want by entering new values in the text boxes or selecting them from the drop-down lists.

    Click on the button Save to save the modified client access configuration settings.

  4. If you want to delete a client access configuration, click on the waste bin icon graphics/waste_bin_84.png next to its name.

    The pop-up Delete Client Configuration Access dialog box is displayed.

    Click on the button Delete to delete the client access configuration.

  5. Click on the link Parameters in the display area to display the parameter settings for the client.

    The parameters settings for the client are displayed in the display area; the parameters are grouped according to their function (client configuration parameters, directory server parameters, ADASAF parameters, and LNK user exit parameters).

    Click on the edit icon graphics/edit_84.png in the header above a group display if you want to modify any of the current parameter settings of that group.

    Make the changes that you want by entering new values in the text boxes or selecting them from the drop-down lists.

    Click on the save icon graphics/save_84.pngin the header above a group display to save the new parameter settings.

  6. Click on the link Trace Option in the display area to display the trace options for the client.

    The trace options for the client are displayed in the display area.

    Click on the button Edit if you want to modify any of the current trace options.

    Software AG recommends that you perform this function only on the advice of your Software AG support representative.

    Modify the trace level parameters as requested by your Software AG support representative.

    Click on the button Save to save the new trace option settings.

Entire Net-Work Server

Selecting and expanding Entire Net-Work Server in the navigation area shows the servers that are attached to it, and displays a list of the servers in the display area, together with the following information: status, server name, version, TCPIP protocol and status description. Selecting an individual server in the navigation area displays information about it in the display area, where you can also display/modify the kernel list, parameters, trace options, and the log file.

Start of instruction setTo display the list of servers

  • Click on Entire Net-Work Server in the navigation area.

    The list of servers is displayed in the display area.


This section describes how to display, modify and save server information for the following:

  • Kernels

  • Parameters

  • Trace option

  • Log file

Start of instruction setTo display/modify the server configuration

  1. Click on Entire Net-Work Server and then on the server that you want to use in the navigation area.

    The server configuration/kernel list is displayed in the display area.

  2. Click on the button Add Kernel in the display area if you want to add a new kernel to the server. The pop-up Add kernel dialog box is displayed. Define the new kernel by entering values in the text boxes or selecting them from the drop-down lists. Click on the button Add to add the new kernel.

  3. If you want to stop a running kernel, click on the stop icon graphics/dbstop_84.png in the column Start/Stop next to its name.

    The pop-up Stop Net-Work kernel dialog box is displayed.

    Click on the button Stop to stop the kernel.

  4. If you want to start a Net-Work kernel that is offline, click on the start icon graphics/dbstart_84.png in the column Start/Stop next to its name

    The pop-up Start Net-Work kernel dialog box is displayed.

    Click on the button Start to start the kernel.

  5. If you want to delete a kernel from the server configuration, click on the waste bin icon graphics/waste_bin_84.png next to its name.

    The pop-up Delete Net-Work kernel dialog box is displayed.

    Click on the button Delete to delete the kernel from the server configuration.

    You can only delete kernels that are offline.

  6. Click on the link Parameters in the display area to display the parameter settings for the server.

    The parameters settings for the server are displayed in the display area.

    Click on the button Edit if you want to modify any of the current parameter settings.

    Make the changes that you want by entering new values in the text boxes or selecting them from the drop-down lists.

    Select the check box Update all kernels if the changes are to be applied to all kernels.

    Click on the button Save to save the new parameter settings.

  7. Click on the link Trace Option in the display area to display the trace options for the server.

    The trace options for the server are displayed in the display area.

    Click on the button Edit if you want to modify any of the current trace options.

    Software AG recommends that you perform this function only on the advice of your Software AG support representative.

    Modify the trace level parameters as requested by your Software AG support representative.

    Click on the button Save to save the new trace option settings.

  8. Click on the link Log File in the display area to display the contents of the console log file for the server.

    The contents of the console log file for the server are displayed in the display area.

    Click on the button New Log if you want to close the current log file and start a new one.

    The pop-up Start New Log File dialog box is displayed.

    Click on the button Start New Log to start a new log file.


This section describes how to display, modify and save kernel information for the following:

  • Kernel access

  • Parameters

  • Statistics

  • Databases

  • Connections

  • Clients

  • Access status

  • Trace option

  • Log file

Start of instruction setTo display/modify kernel configurations

  1. Click on Entire Net-Work Server, then on the server, and then on the kernel that you want to use in the navigation area. Alternatively, you can click on the kernel in the display area.

    The kernel access configuration (server access, client access, and configuration) is displayed in the display area.

  2. Click on the edit icon graphics/edit_84.png in the column Action if you want to modify any of the current access settings of the server. The pop-up Edit Server Access dialog box is displayed. Make the changes that you want by entering new values in the text boxes or selecting them from the drop-down lists. Click on the save icon graphics/save_84.png to save the new access settings.

    If you want to delete a server access configuration, click on the waste bin icon graphics/waste_bin_84.png next to its name. The pop-up Delete Server Access dialog box is displayed. Click on the button Delete to delete the server access.

  3. Click on the edit icon graphics/edit_84.png in the column Action if you want to modify any of the current access settings of the client. The pop-up Edit Client Access dialog box is displayed. Make the changes that you want by entering new values in the text boxes or selecting them from the drop-down lists. Click on the save icon graphics/save_84.png to save the new access settings.

    If you want to delete a client access configuration, click on the waste bin icon graphics/waste_bin_84.png next to its name. The pop-up Delete Client Access dialog box is displayed. Click on the button Delete to delete the client access.

  4. Click on the edit icon graphics/edit_84.png in the column Action if you want to modify any of the current access settings of a connection. The pop-up Edit Connection Access dialog box is displayed. Make the changes that you want by entering new values in the text boxes or selecting them from the drop-down lists. Click on the save icon graphics/save_84.png to save the new access settings.

    If you want to delete a connection access configuration, click on the waste bin icon graphics/waste_bin_84.png next to its name. The pop-up Delete Connection Access dialog box is displayed. Click on the button Delete to delete the connection.

  5. Click on the link Parameters in the display area to display the parameter settings for the kernel.

    The parameters settings for the server are displayed in the display area.

    Click on the edit icon graphics/edit_84.png in the header above a group display if you want to modify any of the current parameter settings of that group.

    You can only edit parameter settings for kernels that are offline.

    Click on the edit icon graphics/edit_84.png next to the name of the parameter that you want to modify.

    Make the change that you want by entering a new value in the text box or selecting it from the drop-down list.

    Click on the button Save to save the new parameter settings.

  6. Click on the link Statistics in the display area to display the statistics for the kernel session.

    You can only display statistics for kernels that are online.

    Select the check box Set detailed statistics if you want to collect and save more detailed statistics for the kernel. The pop-up Change Kernel Stats Level Online dialog box is displayed. Click on the button Enable to kernel detailed statistics.

  7. Click on the link Databases in the display area to display information about the databases attached to the kernel.

    You can only display database information for kernels that are online.

  8. Click on the link Connections in the display area to display information about the outgoing and incoming connections of the kernel.

    Click on the button Add in the display area if you want to add a new connection to the kernel. The pop-up Add Connection Online dialog box is displayed. Define the new connection by entering values in the text boxes or selecting them from the drop-down lists. Click on the button Add to add the new connection.

  9. Click on the link Clients in the display area to display information about the clients associated with the kernel.

  10. Click on the link Access Statistics in the display area to display information about the kernel's access statistics.

  11. Click on the link Trace Option in the display area to display the trace options for the kernel.

    The trace options for the kernel are displayed in the display area.

    Click on the button Edit if you want to modify any of the current trace options.

    Software AG recommends that you perform this function only on the advice of your Software AG support representative.

    Modify the trace level parameters as requested by your Software AG support representative.

    Click on the button Save to save the new trace option settings.

  12. Click on the link Log File in the display area to display the contents of the console log file for the kernel.

    The contents of the console log file for the kernel are displayed in the display area.

    Click on the button New Log if you want to close the current log file and start a new one.

    The pop-up Start New Log File dialog box is displayed.

    Click on the button Start New Log to start a new log file.

    Click on the button Dump if you want to dump the kernel configuration to the log file. The pop-up Dump Configuration of Kernel dialog box is displayed. Click on the button Dump Configuration to dump the kernel configuration to the log file.

Online Kernels

This section describes how to display, modify and save online kernel information for the following:

  • Kernel access

  • Parameters

  • Statistics

  • Databases

  • Connections

  • Clients

  • Access status

  • Trace option

  • Log file

Start of instruction setTo display/modify kernel configurations

  1. Click on the online kernel that you want to use in the navigation area.

    The kernel access configuration (server access, client access, and configuration) is displayed in the display area.

  2. Click on the edit icon graphics/edit_84.png in the column Action if you want to modify any of the current access settings of the server. The pop-up Edit Server Access dialog box is displayed. Make the changes that you want by entering new values in the text boxes or selecting them from the drop-down lists. Click on the save icon graphics/save_84.png to save the new access settings.

    If you want to delete a server access configuration, click on the waste bin icon graphics/waste_bin_84.png next to its name. The pop-up Delete Server Access dialog box is displayed. Click on the button Delete to delete the server access.

  3. Click on the edit icon graphics/edit_84.png in the column Action if you want to modify any of the current access settings of the client. The pop-up Edit Client Access dialog box is displayed. Make the changes that you want by entering new values in the text boxes or selecting them from the drop-down lists. Click on the save icon graphics/save_84.png to save the new access settings.

    If you want to delete a client access configuration, click on the waste bin icon graphics/waste_bin_84.png next to its name. The pop-up Delete Client Access dialog box is displayed. Click on the button Delete to delete the client access.

  4. Click on the edit icon graphics/edit_84.png in the column Action if you want to modify any of the current access settings of a connection. The pop-up Edit Connection Access dialog box is displayed. Make the changes that you want by entering new values in the text boxes or selecting them from the drop-down lists. Click on the save icon graphics/save_84.png to save the new access settings.

    If you want to delete a connection access configuration, click on the waste bin icon graphics/waste_bin_84.png next to its name. The pop-up Delete Connection Access dialog box is displayed. Click on the button Delete to delete the connection.

  5. Click on the link Parameters in the display area to display the parameter settings for the kernel.

    The parameters settings for the server are displayed in the display area.

    Click on the edit icon graphics/edit_84.png in the header above a group display if you want to modify any of the current parameter settings of that group.

    You can only edit parameter settings for kernels that are offline.

    Click on the edit icon graphics/edit_84.png next to the name of the parameter that you want to modify.

    Make the change that you want by entering a new value in the text box or selecting it from the drop-down list.

    Click on the button Save to save the new parameter settings.

  6. Click on the link Statistics in the display area to display the statistics for the kernel session.

    You can only display statistics for kernels that are online.

    Select the check box Set detailed statistics if you want to collect and save more detailed statistics for the kernel. The pop-up Change Kernel Stats Level Online dialog box is displayed. Click on the button Enable to kernel detailed statistics.

  7. Click on the link Databases in the display area to display information about the databases attached to the kernel.

    You can only display database information for kernels that are online.

  8. Click on the link Connections in the display area to display information about the outgoing and incoming connections of the kernel.

    Click on the button Add in the display area if you want to add a new connection to the kernel. The pop-up Add Connection Online dialog box is displayed. Define the new connection by entering values in the text boxes or selecting them from the drop-down lists. Click on the button Add to add the new connection.

  9. Click on the link Clients in the display area to display information about the clients associated with the kernel.

  10. Click on the link Access Statistics in the display area to display information about the kernel's access statistics.

  11. Click on the link Trace Option in the display area to display the trace options for the kernel.

    The trace options for the kernel are displayed in the display area.

    Click on the button Edit if you want to modify any of the current trace options.

    Software AG recommends that you perform this function only on the advice of your Software AG support representative.

    Modify the trace level parameters as requested by your Software AG support representative.

    Click on the button Save to save the new trace option settings.

  12. Click on the link Log File in the display area to display the contents of the console log file for the kernel.

    The contents of the console log file for the kernel are displayed in the display area.

    Click on the button New Log if you want to close the current log file and start a new one.

    The pop-up Start New Log File dialog box is displayed.

    Click on the button Start New Log to start a new log file.

    Click on the button Dump if you want to dump the kernel configuration to the log file. The pop-up Dump Configuration of Kernel dialog box is displayed. Click on the button Dump Configuration to dump the kernel configuration to the log file.

Managing ADI (Directory Server)

This section describes how to manage ADI (Adabas Directory Server) using Adabas Manager.

The following icons are used on the Manage ADI page:

Icon Meaning/Element
graphics/partition.png Partition
graphics/target.png Target

Start of instruction setTo display the ADI main page

  • Click on the link Manage ADI in the header of the Entire Net-Work main page.

    The ADI screen is displayed. From this screen you can display and modify information about partitions and targets.

Managing Partitions

Start of instruction setTo display/modify partition configurations

  1. Click on the partition that you want to use in the navigation area.

    The targets for that partition are displayed in the display area.

  2. Click on the button Add Target in the display area if you want to add a new target to the partition. The pop-up Add Target dialog box is displayed. Define the new target by entering values in the text boxes or selecting them from the drop-down lists. Click on the button Add to add the new target.

Managing Targets

Start of instruction setTo display/modify target configurations

  1. Click on the target that you want to use in the navigation area.

    The target configuration is displayed in the display area.

  2. Click on the button Add Qualifier in the display area if you want to add a new qualifier to the target. The pop-up Add Qualifier dialog box is displayed. Define the new qualifier by entering values in the text boxes or selecting them from the drop-down lists. Click on the button Add to add the newqualifier.

  3. Click on the button Delete Target in the display area if you want to delete a target definition from the partition. The pop-up Confirm Delete dialog box is displayed. Click on the button Delete to delete the target definition.

  4. Click on the edit icon graphics/edit_84.png in the column Action if you want to modify any of the current settings of a target. The pop-up Edit Qualifier dialog box is displayed. Make the changes that you want by entering new values in the text boxes or selecting them from the drop-down lists. Click on the Save button to save the new qualifier settings.

    If you want to delete a qualifier from a target, click on the waste bin icon graphics/waste_bin_84.png next to its name. The pop-up Confirm Delete dialog box is displayed. Click on the button Delete to delete the qualifier.