Frequently Asked Questions

This document covers the following topics:

Adabas Manager and REST Server Configuration

Who can log in to the Adabas Manager?

Any user that has valid operating system (e.g. Windows) or LDAP login credentials.

How do I configure Adabas Manager to use Adabas Manager login credentials for host connection?

  1. Click on the host configuration icon graphics/host_config.pngon the top right corner of the Adabas Manager screen.

  2. Click on the button Add Host above Adabas Host Connections list.

  3. graphics/add_host.png

    Enter the Connection Name, Host Name/IP and Port for the new connection. Then select the Use Adabas Manager login credentials radio button.

  4. Click on the Add Host button to add the new host connection.

How do I configure the REST server to use Adabas Manager login credentials?

  1. Go to the installation directory of the REST server - for example, if your installation directory is C:\SoftwareAG_ADA then go to: C:\SoftwareAG_ADA\AdabasRestAdministration\configuration.

  2. Open the file config.xml and search for the XML tag <LoginService...>.

  3. Edit the value of module to module=windows (for Windows) or module=unix (for Unix).

  4. Save the edited version of config.xml.

How do I configure Adabas Manager to use different login credentials for the REST server connection?

  1. Click on the host configuration icon graphics/host_config.pngon the top right corner of the Adabas Manager screen.

  2. Click on the button Add Host above Adabas Host Connections list.

  3. graphics/add_host_different.png

    Select the Use different login credentials, please specify user name radio button.

  4. Click on the Add Host button to save the changes.

How do I configure the REST server to use different login credentials?

  1. Go to the installation directory of the REST server (for example C:\SoftwareAG_ADA\AdabasRestAdministration\configuration) and rename the file to an arbitrary name.


  2. Stop the rest server if it is running.


  3. Run the command service.bat init from the Adabas command prompt (for example C:\SoftwareAG_ADAa\AdabasRestAdministration\bin\service.bat init). You will be prompted to Enter Administration user: enter the user name and password for that user.

  4. The user name and password have now been set. Go back to the REST server installation directory and check for a new file. Your user has been successfully added (see below). Run the command service.bat run to restart the REST server.

What is the default authentication mode of the REST server after installation?

By default it is <LoginService class="" type="jaas" module="Adabas" /> (see the file config.xml in REST server installation directory).


It can be changed to <LoginService class="" type="jaas" module="Windows" /> in order to use Adabas Manager login credentials.


How can I change the authentication mode of the REST server?

It can be changed by editing the file config.xml. Use <LoginService class="" type="jaas" module="Windows" /> in order to use Adabas Manager login credentials. By default it is <LoginService class="" type="jaas" module="Adabas" />.

How can I use a secured connection via https to the REST server?

  1. Click on the host configuration icon graphics/host_config.pngon the top right corner of the Adabas Manager screen.

  2. Click on the button Add Host above Adabas Host Connections list, or click on the edit icon graphics/edit_84.png in the Edit column next to the connection that you want to secure.

  3. graphics/edit_host_secured.png

    Select the Secured Connection (via HTTPS) check box.

  4. Click on the Add Host button (or the Save button) to save the changes.

Adabas Environment

How do I configure Adabas Manager and the REST server to allow the administration of different Adabas versions on different nodes?

  1. Set the environment from an Adabas command prompt by executing the command service.bat add_env.

  2. You will be prompted with the directory location (for example C:\ProgramData\Software_AG\Adabas). Enter Y or N, depending on your choice of environment.


    You can enable administration of different versions of Adabas by simply pointing to another directory location.

How do I install the REST server for Adabas environments < Version 6.7?

Use the REST server installed for Adabas Version 6.7, pointing to the directory of the eralier Adabas version.

File and Directory Browsing

How do I use browsing in the Adabas Manager?

Browsing directories can be included in the config.xml file (for example C:\SoftwareAG_ADAa\AdabasRestAdministration\configuration\config.xml). By default, the browsing directory is set to {ADADATADIR} .


How do I use local drives and mapped network drives?

You can add local drives and mapped network drives to the config.xml file.



How do I configure the REST server to allow browsing of network drives?

You can add the network drive directory to the config.xml file.



What is the default configuration of the REST server after installation?

The default configuration of the REST server can be found in config.default.xml file.
