Audit Server Administration

To use Adabas Auditing Administration to perform inquiries against an Adabas Audit Server, select option A from the Adabas Auditing Administration Main Menu. The Audit Server Administration screen appears as follows:

20:22:59         ***** A D A B A S  AUDIT Administration *****       2021-01-12
Auditing Server           Audit Server Administration                M-AU0010  
                  Code    Function                                             
                  ----    -----------------------                              
                    P     Audit Server Parameters                              
                    S     Audit Server Statistics                              
                    ?     Help                                                 
                    .     Exit                                                 
                  ----    -----------------------                              
           Code ... _                                                          
       Database ... 1956_   WIS1956                                            
Command ==>                                                                    
      Help        Exit                                                  Menu   

The following table describes the options on this menu. To select an option, enter its associated code in the Code field on the screen.

Code Allows you to:
P Perform inquiries against the selected Audit Server pertaining to parameter status and structure.
S Perform inquiries against the selected Audit Server pertaining to statistical information.

From this screen you can choose a different Audit Server by specifying its database ID in the Database field. If you specify a database ID that is not an Audit Server, you will be returned to the main menu.

This document covers the following topics:

Audit Server Parameters

To perform inquiries against an Adabas Audit Server pertaining to parameter status and structure, select option P from the Audit Server Administration screen. The Audit Server Parameters screen appears showing all available inquiry options.

17:21:10         ***** A D A B A S  AUDIT Administration *****       2021-08-04
Auditing Server             Audit Server Parameters                  M-AU1000  
                  Code    Function                                             
                  ----    ----------------------------                         
                    A     Global                                                
                    D     Destinations                                          
                    F     Filters                                               
                    G     Format buffers                                        
                    S     Subscriptions                                        
                    T     Act/Deact/Open/Close/Connect                         
                    V     Database information                                  
                    X     Display Adabas Parameters                            
                    Y     Modify Adabas Parameters                             
                    ?     Help                                                 
                    .     Exit                                                 
                  ----    ----------------------------                         
           Code ... _                                                          
       Database ... 56      ADA56                                            
Command ==>                                                                    
      Help        Exit                                                  Menu    

The following table describes the options on this menu. To select an option, enter its associated code in the Code field on the screen.

Code Allows you to:
A Display the Global definitions by which the specified Audit Server is currently executing.
D Display the Destination definitions by which the specified Audit Server is currently executing.
F Display the Filter definitions by which the specified Audit Server is currently executing.
G Display the Format Buffer definitions by which the specified Audit Server is currently executing.
S Display the Subscription definitions by which the specified Audit Server is currently executing.
T Activate/Deactivate Destinations and Subscriptions, and Open/Close Destinations.
V Display Audit Server database information.
X Display Audit Server Adabas parameters.
Y Modify Audit Server Adabas parameters.

This document covers the following topics:

Display Global Definitions

In order to display Global definitions currently in use by the selected Audit Server, enter A on the Audit Server Parameters screen. The Audit Global Definitions screen appears:

17:33:02         ***** A D A B A S  AUDIT Administration *****       2021-09-14   
DBID 1956                   Audit Global Definitions                 M-AU1100     
Auditing Server                                                                   
Global definitions -------------------------  --------------------------------    
Number of subtasks ...........             3  Open at start .... YES              
Subtask activation wait time .            10  Open retry count .            10    
Maximum output msg size ......       100,000  Open retry intrvl.             0    
Destination full delay .......            60  Audit admin cmds . NO               
Warning increment ............            10  Log input ........ NO               
Warning message interval .....            60                                      
Warning message limit ........             5                                      
Warning percent ..............             0                                      
Connect count ................             0                                      
Connect interval .............             0                                      
      Help        Exit                                                  Menu      

The following table describes the fields on this screen.

Refer to the chapter Adabas Audit Configuration > section Maintaining Global Definitions for more information about these fields.

Field Description
Number of subtasks The number of subtasks in the Audit Server.
Subtask activation wait time The number of seconds that can be used to override the default waiting time for a subtask to initialize and to activate.
Maximum output msg size The maximum output message size for Adabas Auditing.
Destination full delay The number of seconds between retry attempts when resending auditing data to a defined destination.
Warning increment The increment (in percent of auditing pool usage) at which auditing pool warning messages should be written.
Warning message interval The interval (in seconds) during which auditing pool usage warning messages are suppressed on the console.
Warning message limit The number of auditing pool usage messages that may be written before these messages are suppressed.
Warning percent The percent of auditing pool usage at which auditing pool warning messages should be written.
Connect count The number of connection attempts of an Adabas nucleus to the Audit Server, should the first attempt fail.
Connect interval The interval (in seconds) between connection attempts, should the first attempt to connect to an Audit Server by an Adabas nucleus fail.
Open at start Indicates whether or not destinations with Open at Start set to ‘G’ in their definitions should be opened at Audit Server start-up.
Open retry count Global open retry count.
Open retry intrvl Global open retry interval.

Display Destination Definitions

To display Destination definitions currently in use by the selected Audit Server, enter D on the Audit Server Parameters screen. The Audit Destination Definitions screen appears listing all in use Destination definitions.

20:33:38         ***** A D A B A S  AUDIT Administration *****       2021-01-12
DBID 1956                Audit Destination Definitions               M-AU1200  
Auditing Server                                                                
Mark  ID        Type    Op/Cls  Act/Inact Logging Allow Logging                
  -   --------  ------  ------  --------  ------  ---                          
  _   AUDIT1    Audit   Open    Active    Inactv  Yes                          
  _   AUDIT2    Audit   Open    Active    Inactv  Yes                          
  _   DESTXYZ   Audit   Open    Active    Inactv  Yes                          
  _   INPL1     Null    Open    Active    Inactv  Yes                          
  _   INPL2     Audit   Open    Active    Inactv  Yes                          
  _   NULL1     Null    Open    Active    Inactv  Yes                          
  _   NULL2     Null    Open    Active    Inactv  Yes                          
  _   TESTDAY1  Audit   Open    Active    Inactv  Yes                          
  _   TESTNUL2  Null    Open    Active    Inactv  Yes                          
 Enter (S)elect (A)ctivate (O)pen (I)nactivate (C)lose              Totals     
                                                                    9 of 9     
      Help        Exit  Renew              -     +                      Menu   

Use PF7 and PF8 to page forwards and backwards through the list of Destination definitions.

The following table describes the fields on this screen.

Refer to the chapter Adabas Audit Configuration > Maintaining Destination Definitions for more information about these fields.

Field Description
Destination ID Displays the Destination definition ID.
Destination Type Displays the Destination type.
Open/Closed Displays whether the Destination is open or closed.
Active/Inactive Displays whether the Destination is active or inactive.
Logging Displays whether logging is active or inactive.
Allow Logging Displays whether logging is allowed for this Destination.

The following table describes the options on this menu. Enter the option alongside the required Destination.

Code Allows you to:
S Select the Destination to display additional information.
A Activate the Destination.
O Open the Destination.
I Inactivate the Destination.
C Close the Destination.
PF Key Allows you to:
PF4 Refresh the information on the screen.

Specifying S against a Destination will display the Selected Destination Definition screen:

20:43:48         ***** A D A B A S  AUDIT Administration *****       2021-01-12
DBID 1956               Selected Destination Definition              M-AU1210  
Auditing Server                                                                
Destination name / type .... AUDIT1    /   Audit                               
 Active/Inactive ........... Active                                            
 Open/Closed ............... Open                                              
 Allow logging ............. Yes                                               
 Logging ................... Inactv                                            
 SLOG status ...............                                                   
 Commit threshold ..........             0                                     
 Maximum message size ......             0                                     
 Press 'Enter' to exit                                                         

The following table describes the fields on this screen.

Field Description
Destination ID Displays the Destination definition ID.
Destination Type Displays the Destination type.
Active/Inactive Displays whether the Destination is active or inactive.
Open/Closed Displays whether the Destination is open or closed.
Allow Logging Displays whether logging is allowed for this Destination.
Logging Displays whether logging is active or inactive.
SLOG Status Displays the status of Subscription Logging for this Destination.
Commit Threshold Displays the Commit threshold for this Destination.
Maximum Message Size Displays the maximum message size for this Destination.

Display Filter Definitions

To use Adabas Auditing Administration to display Filter definitions currently in use by the selected Audit Server, enter F on the Audit Server Parameters screen. The Audit Filter Definitions screen appears listing all in use Filter definitions.

21:50:53         ***** A D A B A S  AUDIT Administration *****       2021-01-12
DBID 1956                   Audit Filter Definitions                 M-AU1500  
Auditing Server                                                                
Mark  ID                                                                     
  -   --------                                                                 
  _   FILTER1                                                                  
  _   FILTFLD                                                                  
 Enter (S)elect                                                     Totals     
                                                                    2 of 2     
      Help        Exit                     -     +                      Menu    

Use PF7 and PF8 to page forwards and backwards through the list of Filter definitions.

Select a filter ID with S to display the Audit Filter Displayed screen.

22:00:21         ***** A D A B A S  AUDIT Administration *****       2021-01-12
DBID 1956                    Audit Filter Displayed                  M-AU1510  
Auditing Server                                                                
Filter ID .... FILTER1    Include records         Press 'Enter' to continue  
   -  ID - ------ Source -------      ---------------- Target ---------------- 
Mk Grp Cnd Field  PE    MU Image Cond Field  PE    MU Image Value              
 - --- --- -------------------   ---- ---------------------------------------- 
 _ 1   1    AA              AI    EQ                        ABC                
      Help        Exit                     -     +                      Menu   

Use PF7 and PF8 to page forwards and backwards through the list of Filter conditions.

Refer to Adabas Audit Configuration (SYSALA) > Maintaining Filter Definitions for more information about these fields.

Field Description
ID Grp Group number.
ID Cnd The number of conditions in the Group.
Source Field The two-byte Adabas field code for the field to be compared.
Source PE The index number (occurrence) of the periodic group (PE) to which the condition relates if the Source Field is a PE field.
Source MU The index number of the multiple-value field (MU) to which the condition relates if the Source Field is an MU field.
Source Image The state of the record's Source Field:

after image (AI)
before image (BI)
default image

Cond The condition operator code for the filter.
Target Field The two-byte Adabas field code for the field with which the Source Field will be compared.
Target PE The index number of the periodic group (PE) to which the condition relates if the Target Field is a PE field.
Target MU The index number (occurrence) of the multiple-value field (MU) to which the condition relates if the Target Field is an MU field.
Target Image The state of the record's Target Field:

after image (AI)
before image (BI)
default image

Target Value A value against which the Source Field will be compared.

Display Format Buffer Definitions

To use Adabas Auditing Administration to display Format Buffer definitions currently in use by the selected Audit Server, enter G on the Audit Server Parameters screen. The Audit Format Buffer Definitions screen appears listing all in use Format Buffer definitions.

22:02:46         ***** A D A B A S  AUDIT Administration *****       2021-01-12
DBID 1956               Audit Format Buffer Definitions              M-AU1300  
Auditing Server                                                                
Mark  ID        Dbid    File                                                   
  -   --------  -----   -----                                                  
  _   FBACX                                                                    
  _   FBCLINT                                                                  
  _   FB1                                                                      
  _   FB2                                                                      
  _   TESTXYZ                                                                  
                                                                 Format Buffer 
 Enter (S)elect                                                     Totals     
                                                                    5 of 5     
      Help        Exit  Renew              -     +                      Menu   

Use PF7 and PF8 to page forwards and backwards through the list of Format Buffer definitions.

Select a Format Buffer ID with S to display detailed information.

Display Subscription Definitions

To use Adabas Auditing Administration to display Subscription definitions currently in use by the selected Audit Server, enter S on the Audit Server Parameters screen. The Audit Subscription Definitions screen appears listing all in use Subscription definitions.

22:01:34         ***** A D A B A S  AUDIT Administration *****       2021-01-12
DBID 1956               Audit Subscription Definitions               M-AU1400  
Auditing Server                                                                
Mark  ID        Status    Destinations         DBid/File    DBID/File          
  -   --------  --------  --------  --------  ----- -----  ----- -----         
  _   ALLINPL1  Active    NULL2                1955     1                      
  _   TESTDAY1  Active    TESTDAY1             1957     1                      
  _   TEST1     Active    AUDIT1               1955     1                      
 Enter (S)elect (A)ctivate (I)nactivate                             Totals     
                                                                    3 of 3     
      Help        Exit  Renew              -     +                      Menu   

Use PF7 and PF8 to page forwards and backwards through the list of Subscription definitions.

The following table describes the fields on this screen.

Refer to Adabas Audit Configuration > Maintaining Subscription Definitions for more information about these fields.

Field Description
ID Displays the Subscription definition ID.
Status Displays the Subscription status.
Destinations Displays up to 2 of the defined Destinations for this subscription. This assists in selecting the correct subscription for the inquiry of statistics.
DBid/File Displays up to 2 of the defined DBID/FNR entries for this subscription. This assists in selecting the correct subscription for the inquiry of statistics.

The following table describes the options on this menu. Enter the option alongside the required Destination.

Code Allows you to:
S Select the Subscription to display additional information.
A Activate the Subscription.
I Inactivate the Subscription.
PF Key Allows you to:
PF4 Refresh the information on the screen.

Specifying S against a Subscription will display the Selected Subscription Definition screen.

22:06:16         ***** A D A B A S  AUDIT Administration *****       2021-01-12
DBID 1956              Selected Subscription Definition              M-AU1410  
Auditing Server                                                                
Subscription ID ..... .... ALLINPL1      Status .... Active                  
Last audit item event time . N/A                                               
Local time of last commit .. N/A                                               
Destination(s)--- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- --------        
                                                                  File entries 
---------------------------------------------------------------     1 of     1 
DBid  File     Data buffer Request  Client   FB                                
1955  1        S D I U BI  S D I U  S D I U  S I U                             
               Y Y Y Y N   Y Y Y Y  Y Y Y Y  Y Y N                             
Data Format Buffer ID ...... FB1           Client filter ....                  
Data Filter ID ............. FILTER1       Client FB ID  ....                  
Data Filter FB ID   ........               Request filter ...                  
                                           Request FB ID ....                  
Press 'Enter' to continue                                                      
      Help        Exit                                                  Menu   

The following table describes the fields on this screen.

Field Description
Subscription ID Displays the Subscription definition ID.
Status Displays the Subscription status.
Last audit item event time Displays the time of the last audit event for this subscription. If none, N/A is shown.
Local time of last commit Displays the time of the last commit for this subscription. If none, N/A is shown.
Destination(s) Displays all Destinations defined to the Subscription.
DBid / File Displays the first File definition for the Subscription.

Press Enter to scroll through all File definition for the Subscription.

Data buffer Indicates the setting (Y/N) of the option for the delivery of this item when an audit event occurs for the subscription. S(elect), D(elete), I(nsert), U(pdate), BI(before image)
Request Indicates the setting (Y/N) of the following options for the delivery of this item when an audit event occurs for the subscription. S(elect), D(elete), I(nsert), U(pdate)
Client Indicates the setting (Y/N) of the following options for the delivery of this item when an audit event occurs for the subscription. S(elect), D(elete), I(nsert), U(pdate)
FB Indicates the setting (Y/N) of the following options for the delivery of this item when an audit event occurs for the subscription. S(elect), I(nsert), U(pdate)
Data Format Buffer ID If specified, indicates the Format Buffer which will be applied to an audit event for the subscription.
Data Filter ID If specified, indicates the Filter which will be applied when an audit event occurs for the subscription.
Data Filter FB ID If specified, indicates the Filter for the Format Buffer which will be applied when an audit event occurs for the subscription.
Client Filter If specified, indicates the Filter for the Client information which will be applied when an audit event occurs for the subscription.
Client FB ID If specified, indicates the Format Buffer the Client information which will be applied when an audit event occurs for the subscription.
Request Filter If specified, indicates the Filter for the Request information which will be applied when an audit event occurs for the subscription.
Request FB ID If specified, indicates the Format Buffer for the Request information which will be applied when an audit event occurs for the subscription.

Activate/Deactivate/Open/Close Functions

To use Adabas Auditing Administration to perform Activate/Deactivate/Open/Close functions against appropriate Audit definitions, select option T from the Audit Server Parameters screen. The Audit Server Act/Deact/Open/Close screen appears showing all available functions.

17:32:30         ***** A D A B A S  AUDIT Administration *****       2021-08-04
Auditing Server    Audit Server Act/Deact/Open/Close/Connect         M-AU1010  
                  Code    Service                                               
                  ----    -----------------------                               
                    B     Activate Subscription                                
                    D     Activate Destination                                 
                    F     Open Destination                                     
                    R     Deactivate Subscription                              
                    S     Deactivate Destination                               
                    Y     Close Destination                                     
                    U     Force Connection                                      
                    ?     Help                                                  
                    .     Exit                                                  
                  ----    -----------------------                              
    Code .......... _                                                           
    Subscription .. ________                                                                                                    
    Database ...... 56      ADA56                                            
    Connect To .... _____                                                      
Command ==>                                                                    
      Help        Exit                                                  Menu    

The following table describes the functions available on this menu. To select an option, enter its associated code in the Code and press Enter to perform the function against the Audit Server.

Code Allows you to:
B Activate a Subscription. Specify the Subscription to be activated in the Subscription field.
D Activate a Destination. Specify the Destination to be activated in the Destination field.
F Open a Destination. Specify the Destination to be activated in the Destination field.
R Deactivate a Subscription. Specify the Subscription to be deactivated in the Subscription field.
S Deactivate a Destination. Specify the Destination to be deactivated in the Destination field.
Y Close a Destination. Specify the Destination to be activated in the Destination field.
U Connect the Auditing Server to an Adabas w/ AUDITING=YES. Specify the DBID to be connected in the Connect To field.

Display Database Information

To use Adabas Auditing Administration to display information relating to those databases which are currently in use by the selected Audit Server, enter V on the Audit Server Parameters screen. The Audit DB Display screen appears.

22:53:02         ***** A D A B A S  AUDIT Administration *****       2021-01-12
DBID 1956                      Audit DB Display                      M-AU1900  
Auditing Server                                                                
Audit Server has  ------------------------------------------------------------ 
 DBid attached ..  1955                                                        
  Status ........ Active                                                       
  File numbers .. 1                                                            
                                                                    1 of 2     
      Help        Exit                     -     +                      Menu   

Use PF7 and PF8 to page forwards and backwards through the list of DBIDs (and their associated file lists) attached to the Audit Server.

The following table describes the fields on this screen.

Field Description
DBID attached Shows if the specified Database ID:
  • is running with ADARUN AUDITING=YES.

  • is specified in a Subscription definition.

  • is currently connected to the Audit Server.

Status Specifies whether auditing is currently Active or Inactive for this database.
File numbers Shows the list of database files, known to the Audit Server.

Display Adabas Parameters

To use Adabas Auditing Administration to display Adabas parameters in use by the selected Audit Server, enter X on the Audit Server Parameters screen.

The Display Adabas parameters screen is identical to that displayed in the Adabas Online System (AOS) when displaying parameters used by an Adabas database.

Refer to the Adabas Online System documentation for an explanation of the content of this screen.

Modify Adabas Parameters

To use Adabas Auditing Administration to modify Adabas parameters in use by the selected Audit Server, select option Y from the Audit Server Parameters screen.

The Modify Adabas parameters screen is identical to that displayed in the Adabas Online System (AOS) when modifying parameters used by an Adabas database.

Refer to the Adabas Online System documentation for an explanation of the content of this screen.

Audit Server Statistics

To use Adabas Auditing Administration to perform inquiries against an Adabas Audit Server pertaining to statistics, enter S on the Audit Server Administration screen. The Audit Server Statistics screen appears showing all available inquiry options.

17:09:54         ***** A D A B A S  AUDIT Administration *****       2021-01-13
Auditing Server             Audit Server Statistics                  M-AU2000  
                  Code    Function                                             
                  ----    -------------------------                            
                    A     Global                                               
                    D     Destination                                          
                    S     Subscription                                         
                    T     Subtasks                                             
                    U     Interval High Water Marks                            
                    W     Session High Water Marks                             
                    ?     Help                                                 
                    .     Exit                                                 
                  ----    -------------------------                            
           Code ... _                                                          
       Database ... 1956    WIS1956                                            
Command ==>                                                                    
      Help        Exit                                                  Menu   

The following table describes the options on this menu. To select an option, enter its associated code in the Code field on the screen.

Code Allows you to:
A Display the Global statistics for the selected Audit Server.
D Display the Destination statistics for the selected Audit Server.
S Display the Subscription statistics for the selected Audit Server.
T Display the Subtask statistics for the selected Audit Server.
U Display the interval high water marks for the selected Audit Server.
W Display the session high water marks for the selected Audit Server.

Display Global Statistics

To use Adabas Auditing Administration to display Global statistics for the selected Audit Server, enter A on the Audit Server Statistics screen. The Audit Global Statistics screen appears.

17:56:38         ***** A D A B A S  AUDIT Administration *****       2021-08-04
DBID 1956                   Audit Global Statistics                  M-AU2100  
Auditing Server                                                                
Global statistics -------------------------------------                        
Total input items ..........                          0                        
Pending input items ........                          0                        
Total output items .........                          5                        
Pending output items .......                          0                        
Total messages sent ........                          5                        
Total message bytes sent ...                        640                        
Items de-logged ............                          0                        
Items logged ...............                          0                        
Items on SLOG ..............                          0                        
Input items de-logged ......                          0                        
Input items logged .........                          0                        
Input items on SLOG ........                          0                        
FCB/FDT items on SLOG ......                          0                        
Items rejected for errors ..                          0                        
      Help        Exit                                                  Menu   

Display Destination Statistics

To use Adabas Auditing Administration to display Destination statistics for the selected Audit Server, enter D on the Audit Server Statistics screen. The Audit Destination Statistics screen appears.

17:28:57         ***** A D A B A S  AUDIT Administration *****       2021-01-13
DBID 1956                Audit Destination Statistics                M-AU2200  
Auditing Server                                                                
Destination statistics --------------------------------                        
Destination ID   ........... AUDIT1                                            
Total items ................                          1                        
Pending items ..............                          0                        
Time last item processed ... 2021/01/12 15:28:05                               
Number of commits ..........                          1                        
Time last committed ........ 2021/01/12 15:28:05                               
Total messages sent ........                          0                        
Output message byte count ..                          0                        
Pending messages ...........                          0                        
Pending message byte count .                          0                        
Items de-logged ............                          0           Destination  
Items logged ...............                          0             Totals     
Items on SLOG ..............                          0             1 of 9     
      Help        Exit                     -     +                      Menu   

Use PF7 and PF8 to page forwards and backwards through the list of Destinations and their corresponding statistics.

Display Subscription Statistics

To use Adabas Auditing Administration to display Subscription statistics for the selected Audit Server, enter S on the Audit Server Statistics screen. The Audit Subscription Statistics screen appears.

18:02:34         ***** A D A B A S  AUDIT Administration *****       2021-08-04
DBID 1956                Audit Subscription Statistics               M-AU2300  
Auditing Server                                                                
Subscription statistics --------------------------------        Subscription   
Subscription ID ............ SUBSYS1                               Totals      
Output items ...............                          0             1 of 5    
Input items ................                          0                        
Time last item processed ... N/A                                               
Event time of last item .... N/A                                               
Items rejected for error ...                          0                        
DBID / File ................  1958 / 1                           DBID / File   
 Request items .............                          0             Totals     
 Client Info ...............                          0             1 of 1    
 Insert ....................                          0                        
 Delete ....................                          0                        
 Update ....................                          0                        
 Select ....................                          0                        
 Format buffer .............                          0                        
 Search buffer .............                          0                        
 Value buffer ..............                          0               

      Help        Exit                     -     +                      Menu   

Use PF7 and PF8 to page forwards and backwards through the list of Subscriptions and their corresponding statistics.

Display Subtask Statistics

To use Adabas Auditing Administration to display Subtask statistics for the selected Audit Server, enter T on the Audit Server Statistics screen. The Audit Subtask Statistics screen appears.

17:33:56         ***** A D A B A S  AUDIT Administration *****       2021-01-13
DBID 1956                  Audit Subtask Statistics                  M-AU2400  
Auditing Server                                                                
Subtask statistics ------------------------------------                        
Subtask number .............                       MAIN                        
Total items ................                          5                        
Total messages .............                          0                        
                                                                    1 of 4     
      Help        Exit                     -     +                      Menu   

Use PF7 and PF8 to page forwards and backwards through the list of Subscriptions and their corresponding statistics.

Display Interval High Water Marks

To use Adabas Auditing Administration to display the interval high water marks for the selected Audit Server, enter U on the Audit Server Statistics screen.

The Display Interval High Water Marks screen is identical to that displayed in the Adabas Online System (AOS) when displaying interval high water marks for an Adabas database.

Refer to the Adabas Online System documentation for an explanation of the content of this screen.

Display Session High Water Marks

To use Adabas Auditing Administration to display the session high water marks for the selected Audit Server, enter W on the Audit Server Statistics screen.

The Display Session High Water Marks screen is identical to that displayed in the Adabas Online System (AOS) when displaying session interval high water marks for an Adabas database.

Refer to the Adabas Online System documentation for an explanation of the content of this screen.