

9972I COMMAND operator-command INITIATED BY operator - REASON: reason [(FCB=trans-id)]

Written to:



This message indicates the start of automatic message output by VDF. In their form and contents, these messages are like the console commands described in the VDF Installation and System Guide. Messages are generated after the occurrence of a defined event, for example, an abend (about 1 minute later) or a termination problem detected by VDF cleanup.

Field operator-command shows the console command that forms the basis for analysis of the current session and session requests in the VDF started task. The following values are possible for operator-command:


This is followed by message VDF9963I (no logon waits), or message VDF9962I for each VTAM logon request that has not yet been executed. Both messages reflect the originals generated when operator command STATUS is entered at the console. Messages VDF9973I and VDF9957I indicate the end of the automatically generated STATUS messages, in the event that there are sessions with the condition described in the message.


Details and summaries per group are sorted into user groups and written under message number VDF9974I. These messages have a trace character and can be used for error analysis. Only SFF groups that start with the name USER are analyzed in a transaction-oriented way. Output partially resembles the messages generated by operator command TL.


Output resembles the output of console command LISTUSER=ALL. The details are packed into message VDF9957I in the same way. If system stop occurs, LISTUSER output is suppressed.

Field operator VDF shows that the messages are generated automatically.

Field reason shows the reasons for automatic message generation:


Forced output due to an operator abend


Automatic output generated for some other reason

CLEANUP problem

Forced output due to a session cleanup problem

If more than one problem is detected during cleanup, problem indicates the most serious of the problems that have triggered the message generator.

Field trans-id refers to an internal transaction number which indicates the originator of the output. trans-id is identical to the transaction ID of the last logon message of the user session. If the originating session has been terminated before the message is generated, the session will not be listed under SESSIONS and LISTUSER.

System Action:

As a rule, the process continues in the usual way.

Operator Response:

Please save all the SYSLOG messages associated with VDF9972I and contact support. Include the saved messages in your problem report.