Using the dictionary (Option D.2)


Select option D.2 from the "Service Manager Selection Menu" to display the "Dictionary Selection Menu":

PEB5DI00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Option ===> __________________________________________________________________

 Dictionary Selection Menu System - TEST
 Location - BERLIN
 Subsys-ID - F09A
 User ID - PMUST
 1 TABLES - Display Table Definitions

 2 KEYS - Display Key Definitions

 3 FIELDS - Display Field Definitions

 4 DATABASE - Display System Database
 ( Summary Information )

 Select one of the above options. Press END to return to the previous menu.

Primary commands

The following primary commands are available in all tables that are displayed under this option:

SORT col1[,A|D col2,A|D

Sorts the displayed table in ascending (A) or descending (D) order in accordance with the specified column(s) (col1, col2, col3)

A list of the column names is displayed in the help panel.


Displays a help panel for the SORT command for the displayed table.


Prints the displayed table. You can specify where you want to print in panel "TPRINT Parameter", displayed when you enter the command in the command line.