Refreshing the BQL user RACF table (Option 2.5)

Option 2.5

BQL contains an internal BQL user RACF table used for the relevant product started task. The RACF table holds the user RACF profiles. These are necessary for database access. The use of this table is product-specific, not all Beta Systems products use it.

  • When a product uses this particular RACF table, you can display the specified users under option 2.5.
  • You can also use option 2.5 to refresh the BQL RACF table after profiles have been changed in RACF. When the next request is sent to the database, the new profiles will come into effect.

    Option 2.5 has the same effect as the following MODIFY command:

    F stcname,REFRESH RCF,U=userid

For more information see the BSA Installation and System Guide.


To refresh the BQL user RACF table, do the following:

  1. In the "Service Manager Selection Menu", select option 2.5. The "Display BQL User RACF Table"panel is called:

    PEB4RCF5 ------------------------------------------------------ Row 1 of 1
    Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> PAGE

    Display BQL User RACF Table Subsys-ID - S93P
    Sysname - BETA
    R - Refresh User Max. User : 1024

    S SR User Id RACF Grp Creation Attrib. User Name
    Date Time Sp Op Au
    N PMUST BETA88 02/28/2013 11:27 N N N PETER MUSTERMANN
    ******************************** BOTTOM OF DATA ********************************

  2. Enter R in front of a user profile, press ENTER and confirm the refresh.




Max. User

The maximum number of users that can be entered in the internal BQL RACF user table. This number is equivalent to the value entered in the LST parameter BQL_USER.


Input field for a line command


When Y is displayed, the user has already been refreshed.

User Id

ID of the user


RACF group the user belong to


Date the user was inserted into the RACF table


Time the user was inserted into the RACF table

Attr. Sp

User has the attribute SPECIAL.

Attr. Op

User has the attribute OPERATOR.

Attr. Au

User has the attribute AUDITOR.

User Name

User name of the user

Line commands


Refresh the selected user

Primary commands

Alternatively, you can use primary command REF.