Activating BSA XCF Global Connect


The BSA XCF Global Connect component is a separate address space (started task or batch job) that must remain constantly active to enable communication. This address space sets up an IXCJOIN to XCF and then administers the XCF token it receives. The XCF token is used for communication.


The name of the sample XCF Global Connect started task is BETAGXCF. The address space can only be activated once, any subsequent attempts will be rejected. There are two ways of activating BSA XCF Global Connect:

  • By means of an operator start command
  • During the initialization of a subsystem via BST01ARI

Method 1: Operator start command

BSA XCF Global Connect can be activated by an operator start command for the started task (for example, BETAGXCF), either when the operating system is already active, or at the time of IPL by means of member COMMNDxx in the SYS1.PARMLIB. The necessary procedure must be available.

Method 2: BST01ARI

BSA XCF Global Connect can be activated during the initialization of a subsystem via the program BST01ARI, either when the operating system is already active, or at the time of IPL:

  1. Enter the subsystem ID of the subsystem to be initialized in member IEFSSNxx.
  2. Specify the XCF_GBAS parameter in the BnnSSIxx member of the subsystem that is to be initialized.

The BSA XCF Global Connect address space is started if it is not already active. Activation of the address space is complete when the XCF token has been generated and saved. If the address space is already active, the parameter has no negative effect. The address space is not restarted.

The XCF token is determined on the basis of the name/token pair generated when the address space is started. If this is not possible, the token is taken from the first subsystem found that has already been initialized for the BSA XCF Global Connect component.

Initialization parameter

Code the XCF_GBAS parameter in the BnnSSIxx LST member if BST01ARI is to activate the BSA XCF Global Connect component during subsystem initialization.






Name of a started task. There are two possibilities:

  • You can specify the name (max. 8 characters) of the started task procedure that provides the address space. The procedure must be available in the appropriate procedure library. You can find a sample procedure in the BSA.SAMPLIB in member BETAGXCF.
  • You can specify IEESYSAS as the started task procedure that provides the address space. It must be specified as follows:

    where name is a name given to the address space to enable commands to be executed on it. In this case no separate procedure is required.

Address space control

The following operator commands are available:



STOP stcname

Stops the address space. A message requests confirmation of the command.


Stops the address space. A message requests confirmation of the command.


Deletes and then rebuilds all the relevant information concerning the address space (new XCF token, re-initialization of the subsystem with the new token). A message requests confirmation of the command.


Displays the XCF token used and the XCF member.


Displays all the subsystems that have been initialized with the XCF token.