Releasing a trace medium

Medium used for an STC

To dynamically free a medium used for a started task (STC), use online option 2.7 of the BSA Service Manager for the Dynamic Trace Facility, or use the following MODIFY command:

F stcname,TR FREE

Replace stcname with the name of the STC concerned. It is not necessary to define medium name itself.

Once the medium has been successfully released, you will receive message 9165I.


Provided that the BSA traces have not been deactivated, trace output will be stored in the system log (SYSLOG) and in the JESMSGLG of the started task (STC) or batch job as before.

Medium used for a batch job

It is not necessary to free a medium used for a batch job. Simply stop the job concerned and delete the DD statement BSATRACE before restarting it.