Step 2: Running the installation REXX


In step 2 you run the installation REXX to create the tailored JCL dataset that contains installation jobs and batch utilities.

You must run this REXX if you are a new customer, or if you are installing a new level of BSA or a Beta product, or if you are installing an additional system, for example, a test system.


Always refer to the accompanying Release Notes and Update Instructions or Technical Note when you install a new level or apply maintenance to BSA or a Beta product.

Installation REXX

Under ISPF option 6, enter the appropriate TSO EXEC command to start the installation REXX.

Choose the installation REXX from the appropriate library depending on which installation jobs are to be tailored.

  • If only BSA:

   EXEC 'hlqbsa.REXX(INSTALL)'

  • If Beta product with BSA:

   EXEC 'hlqprod.REXX(INSTALL)'

Follow the instructions displayed by the installation REXX. After you have provided all the requested information, the installation REXX will tailor a new BETAnn.CNTL and/or BSA.CNTL from which you will submit the installation jobs required for your level.

Note: Don't interrupt the REXX after the tailoring of the product jobs. Follow instructions until the end to ensure that BSA jobs are tailored as well.

Getting help

The procedure named INSTALL will ask you for the information needed to tailor BSA to your installation. Press the HELP PF key if you would like an explanation of what you are being asked to do. You can use an ISPF split screen to execute an ISPF/PDF function.

Going back to check

If you wish to return to the first panel in the installation procedure, either to see what you entered or to change the data you entered, then type the word BEGIN in the command line of the current panel. If you wish to return to a previous panel in the installation procedure, either to see what you entered or to change the data you entered, then type the word BACK in the command line of the current panel.

Discontinuing installation

If you want to interrupt and discontinue the installation process, press the END PF key or type the word END in the command line. In this case, however, you must restart from the beginning of installation step 2.

Separate BSA environments

BSA V7 and BSA V7-based products require:

  • A new SMP/E environment (CSI, SMP/E files, BSA target and distribution libraries)
  • A new profile
  • The BSA V7 SVC

We recommend that you use the same BSA V7 environment for all Beta Systems products that run under BSA V7.

BSA V7 is compatible with both BSA V7-based products and BSA V6-based products.

Installing Beta products

If you decide to install one or more Beta products during execution of the BSA installation procedure, the product installation procedure is called by the BSA procedure and the corresponding product batch jobs necessary for installation are generated. The product procedure then returns control to the BSA procedure.

Beta products available for selection

The only products you can select for installation are those that are on the same installation medium as the installation REXX. An installation REXX from a different installation medium must be executed completely one step after the other (starting with step 1). This is because the installation REXX contains a description of the contents of the installation medium. If you do not run the whole procedure, errors may occur.

Tailored batch jobs

The last part of the installation REXX tailors JCL for a series of batch jobs. These batch jobs are placed as members in the CNTL library.

You can use the same dataset for the tailored members of the Beta product and BSA (recommended). Alternatively, you can also use separate CNTL libraries.


  • If you use only one CNTL for all products and BSA, the tailored BSA will be overwritten by the last installation process.
  • Once a CNTL dataset is full, the installation procedure is suspended and a message appears. Use another terminal or ISPF split screen to compress the CNTL dataset. Afterwards, you can proceed with the installation procedure.
  • The procedure also sets up a profile library where all the information entered during procedure execution is stored. This can be recalled when the procedure is executed again at a later time. Both the CNTL dataset and the profile library are created without an expiration date. Normally one common PROFILE library is sufficient.
  • If you intend to install a separate BSA environment for a new Beta product, you must specify a separate profile library as well.