Definition of terms used in a license file


The following table lists and describes all the terms used for and in the license file.




Installation ID. This is the unique identifier of the system (database) that has been installed. Unless unspecified is defined, the Installation ID is created by the product the first time it is started.

instID is used as the unique search criterion for an installation in a license file.


This refers to the actual Beta product. It describes the installation defined by the Installation ID, and is the name of the schema that specifies which entries can be made for this product in the license file. Add-ons and enhancement facilities are declared as articles within the product.


The starting date of a license period in format yyyy-mm-dd. Before this date, the license is invalid.


The end date of a license period in format yyyy-mm-dd. After this date, the license is invalid and will terminate after x days, depending on the license term and the license policy.


This field shows the license termination type, either permanent or temporary.

permanent: The product has been purchased.

temporary: The product has been acquired for a specific period of time. This can be a one-off fee for a defined period of time, or the rental for the product.


The license type indicates the conditions of contract and which units of measurement are to be applied. There are three license types:





The license policy defines how a product will behave under certain circumstances:

enforced: This parameter specifies that when a product reaches a specific threshold value without being renewed, it will not allow any further functions, or that the system stops or cannot be started when a mainframe used with a MIPS license is upgraded.

tolerant: Threshold values can be exceeded, but the deviations are logged. A mainframe with a MIPS license can be upgraded, but a warning will be issued stating the goodwill period.


The installation type specifies how the product can be used and includes the boundary conditions for this use:

Trial: This type of installation enables a product or product component to be tested. It can be used when installing the product for the first time.

Test: This is a fully-fledged product installation that is not being used for production, but for tests or integration tests instead, with a variety of other software. Its purpose would be to map the infrastructure of the productive system.

Production: A fully-fledged production system.

Standby: These are systems that are kept on standby for emergencies, or are only used for production in transitional situations.


This value defines the processor type (tttt – the last four digits of the serial number) and the number of configured processors (cc).


The DNS name is used to check dedicated servers.

article name

Name of an add-on ("Base" indicates the base product).


The period of validity of an add-on (does not apply to Base).

value: The starting point of the period of validity.

value2: The end of the period of validity.


The number of days the product can still be used if certain parameters in the license file are invalid, e.g. invalid cpuType or serverName. Once the goodwill period has elapsed, the product will stop, regardless of the license period.


When a license is due to expire, a warning message will be issued from this point in time onward.

Example of a license file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<lic:definition xmlns:lic="">
<lic:body hash="12345678" hashID="B-CODE-01" >
<lic:creation date="2005-11-07" time="13-14-30"/>
<lic:customer name="BETA SYSTEMS" id="12345678" >
<lic:address street="Alt Moabit 90d" city="D-10559 Berlin" country="German"
city2="" name="BETA SYSTEMS" name2="" name3="" number="90d" region="" zip="10559"/>
<lic:installation Product="B92 - MIPS" goodwill="30" instID="B92-ABCD-EFGH-IJKL"
installationType="Trial" licensePolicy="Enforced" licenseTerm="Permanent"
start="2005-11-07" termination="2008-11-07" warning="30">
<lic:article name="Base">
<lic:param name="licenseType" value="MIPS"/>
<lic:param name="cpuType" value="2084-0002"/>
<lic:article name="OSY - Enterprise Agent">
<lic:param name="license" value="YES"/>
<lic:param name="period" value="2005-11-07" value2="2008-11-07"/>
<lic:article name="VAF - VTAM Access">
<lic:param name="license" value="YES"/>
<lic:param name="period" value="2005-11-07" value2="2008-11-07"/>
<lic:article name="XCF - XCF Support">
<lic:param name="license" value="YES"/>
<lic:param name="period" value="2005-11-07" value2="2008-11-07"/>


Any manipulation of the license file will invalidate it.