
This manual

This manual describes how to install Beta Systems Architecture (BSA) and the BSA components. The installation of the Beta product functions is described in the appropriate product manual. However, always keep in mind that BSA has to be installed first.

What is BSA?

BSA is the underlying architecture of all Beta products. It provides the basic system functions used by these products and product enhancement facilities, such as management of the product databases.

Because the BSA functions are identical for all Beta products, we recommend that you use one set of BSA libraries for all the Beta products you install.

Installation medium

Beta Systems distributes its software via download from the Beta Systems website. BSA is included in the product download.

You will need to register when visiting this page for the first time:


You will also need an appropriate license file to run licensed products.

Installation procedure

The installation procedure performs three basic functions:

  • It sets up the SMP/E environment for all products.
  • It installs all BSA functions.
  • It calls the Beta product installation procedure(s) and passes the information necessary for product installation (for example, the names of the SMP/E datasets). This step is optional.

You can install the BSA components only, without extensions like _beta vaf, _beta caf or _beta iaf. The first Beta product can also be installed later. This is possible because all the information entered when you install BSA is stored and retrieved whenever the installation procedure is called again.

Important: The installation REXX of a product includes only the BSA components that are used by this product. Use the setup program of the product that includes all shared components that you need in your environment. See "Pre-installation checklist" for more details.

Installing BSA and Beta products

The BSA components have to be installed before you can operate a Beta product. The BSA functions can either be installed separately, or at the same time as a Beta product is installed. Whenever you install a new product, you should first determine whether another Beta product has been installed previously. If this is the case, we recommend that you use the same SMP/E and BSA environment.

A consolidated installation process facilitates the installation of BSA components and Beta products. All installation processes are started by means of the Beta installation REXX that is included in the installation datasets.

SMP/E environment

When you install BSA, an SMP/E environment is set up for BSA and Beta products. The installation descriptions in this manual and in the Beta product manuals assume that you use only one common SMP/E environment for all Beta products and the BSA functions. This SMP/E environment should be used exclusively by Beta products.

Advantages of using the same environment

The installation descriptions in the BSA and product Installation and System Guide assume that you use one common SMP/E environment for the BSA functions and all Beta products. They also assume that you use only one set of BSA libraries for all Beta products.

Using just one environment makes the maintenance of BSA components much easier to handle. Because the BSA functions are essential for correct Beta product operation, it is strongly recommended that these functions are always kept at the highest available maintenance level. If you have only one environment, you can be sure that all the Beta products installed in it are operating on an equally high level of quality.