Installation REXX


This section guides you through the installation REXX when installing Adabas Audit Data Retrieval with BSA.

The installation REXX requests information that is required for the tailoring of the SMP/E installation jobs. Follow the instructions displayed by the panels of the installation REXX and provide the requested information in the designated fields.

Pre-installation checklists

A pre-installation checklist shows which information is requested by the installation REXX.

The installation process will go smoother if this information is ready-at-hand (see "Pre-installation checklists").

Starting the REXX

To install Adabas Audit Data Retrieval with BSA, start the installation REXX from the hlqprod.REXX library. For example, if you have specified BETAINST.BSA and BETAINST.B97 when unpacking the super files, enter the following command under ISPF option 6:


Alternatively, use ISPF option 3.4 to display the contents of BETAINST.B97.REXX and enter the line command EX in front of the INSTALL member.

Note: Running BETAINST.BSA.REXX(INSTALL) goes only through the BSA parts of the Installation REXX, without the product part.

Panel navigation

Panel PEBSA0A0 explains how to navigate through the panels of the installation REXX.

The installation REXX goes through the following parts:

BSA part 1

PEXXX000 through PEBSA51A

Requests the information described in the BSA checklist and ends with the selection of the product

Product part

PEXXX0A0 through PEXXX9B0

Requests the information described in the product checklist and ends with the tailoring of the product installation jobs

BSA part 2

PEBSA51A through PEBSA9B0

Resumes offering you several BSA facilities (which you don't want) and ends with the tailoring of the BSA installation jobs

The panels are shown with the panel ID in the top-left corner of the panel. (You can turn this display on or off using the primary command PANELID.)

Expect certain minor variations in the displayed panels depending on whether you are running the installation REXX for the first time or whether you are using SMS.

You can press PF1 (HELP) in any panel of the installation REXX for additional information.

Unit/Volume and Special Way

You will be asked in panel PEBSA13A whether you want to use SMS. If you enter YES, you will be asked in panel PEBSA13C for the names of the SMS classes that are to be used.

The datasets created by the installation REXX and the installation jobs will be allocated according to the SMS rules of your data center. The SMS defaults will be used if you leave the fields in panel PEBSA13C blank. Otherwise the specified SMS classes will be used.

If you specify one or more SMS classes in panel PEBSA13C, some dataset-related panels will include a field labeled Special Way. Type NO in this field if you want to use the values from panel PEBSA13C. Type YES if you want to use different SMS classes. You will be prompted for the names in the next panel.

It is also possible to bypass SMS altogether for certain datasets by specifying appropriate unit/volume information in the corresponding panel.

For example, when prompted for the high-level qualifier of the SMP/E datasets in panel PEBSA21A, you can do one of the following:

  • Use the SMS classes from panel PEBSA13C (Unit = SMS, Volume = SMS, Special Way = No)
  • Use different SMS classes (Unit = SMS, Volume = SMS, Special Way = Yes)
  • Bypass SMS (Unit = unit, Volume = volume, Special Way = No)

If inconsistencies are detected

The installation REXX requests the input of several dataset names for tailoring of job JCL and other data.

Some datasets are expected to exist and the installation REXX verifies this. If the dataset does not exist, the installation REXX will notify you about this inconsistency detected by the dataset check. You can modify the specified dataset name in the notification panel, for example, if you want to correct a typo. You can also confirm the name of the non-existing dataset, for example, because you will allocate the dataset later.

Some datasets are expected not to exist because they are meant to be allocated by the installation jobs. The installation REXX will verify this if you enable the duplicate dataset check in panel PEBSA0C0.


PEXXX000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press the HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Introduction

 Welcome to the Beta Systems Installation Procedure

 In the following panels you will be asked to enter values and to
 make decisions relevant to the installation of one or more products,
 facilities and the common Beta Systems Architecture (BSA) components.
 These panels are organized into the following topics:

 (1) Defining your operating system and job environment.
 (2) Defining your SMP/E and the common BSA environment.
 (3) Selecting and installing facilities.
 (4) Selecting and installing products.
 (5) Tailoring the product batch jobs.
 (6) Tailoring the BSA and facility batch jobs.

 It takes a while until the procedure initialization is ready.
 Press the ENTER key to continue.

Action: Read and press ENTER.


PEBSA002 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press the HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Introduction

 The installation procedure currently in progress is at level
 This level is associated with BSA version 7.1.0.
 Only the highest modification level of BSA version 7 is to be used in
 the same environment.
 If you have already installed a BSA level of version 7 lower than shown
 above, it will be overwritten when you install into the same CSI.
 If you are installing BSA version 7 for the first time, you must create
 a new SMP/E environment with a new CSI.
 --------- -------
 This installation procedure is associated with the Beta Systems product
 beta docz plus, Adabas Audit Data Retrieval
 To ensure that you are using the correct procedure for the Beta Systems
 product you want install, you must have loaded this REXX procedure from
 the installation setup of that product into your V7 REXX library.
 Please see the Release Notes to verify the use of the right procedure.

 Press the ENTER key to continue.

Action: Read and press ENTER.


PEBSA0A0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press the HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Introduction

 The output of this procedure consists of a profile library containing
 the installation values which you enter here, and of a JCL library
 containing the tailored batch jobs which you must submit later on.

 All through this installation procedure you can enter the following
 special commands to help you navigate through the procedure:

 Enter BACK to go back to the previous panel.
 You can review and/or change then the information displayed.

 Enter BEGIN to go back to the beginning of the installation procedure.
 You can review and/or change all of the information previously entered.

 Press the END key to terminate the installation procedure.
 In this case some or all of the values entered will not be saved.

 Press the ENTER key to continue.

Action: Read and press ENTER.


PEBSA0C0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press the HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Defining operating system and job environment

 The installation procedure will ask you to enter the names of the
 SMP/E, BSA and product data sets.
 If the data sets do not exist yet they will be created by the batch
 jobs which are generated by this installation procedure.
 After you have run this installation procedure you will be asked to
 submit the generated batch jobs.

 Enter YES below if you want a check to be made for duplicate data
 set names (this will take a little more time, but is safer).

 Enter NO to skip duplicate data set name checking.

 DSN Check ===> YES (Y)es or (N)o

 Enter BACK for the previous panel.
 Press the ENTER key to continue.

Action: Specify YES and press ENTER.

Reason: It's always a good idea to let the installation REXX verify the dataset names that you specify to prevent the accidental overwriting of existing datasets.


PEBSA1A0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press the HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Defining operating system and job environment

 Here you specify what kind of SMP/E and Beta environments are to be used.
 Enter NEW if you intend to create a new environment.In this case you will
 be prompted to enter new values for SMP/E, BSA and product setup.
 Enter OLD if you have an existing SMP/E environment and an existing Beta
 profile library which already contain the common BSA version 7 components.

 You must enter NEW if you are installing BSA version 7 for the first time.
 The consolidated software inventory (CSI) file (and its SMP/E environment)
 for BSA V7 must be different from the CSI for BSA of lower versions.

 Environment ===> NEW (N)ew or (O)ld

 Note: If you enter BEGIN in the command line in any panel of the BSA
 procedure you will return to this environment selection panel.

 Enter BACK for the previous panel.
 Press the ENTER key to continue.

Action: Specify NEW and press ENTER. (Next panel: PEBSA13A)

Recommendation: We recommend that you install Adabas Audit Data Retrieval together with BSA and Beta 23 in a separate CSI.

Note: The installation REXX does not support Environment = OLD for Adabas Audit Data Retrieval.


This panel is the next in sequence when you enter Environment = NEW in panel PEBSA1A0:

PEBSA13A ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press the HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Setup Operating System and Job Environment

 Enter the DASD unit type on which all Beta data sets are to be

 (or press ENTER for the default unit type)

 ===> 3390

 Enter BACK for the previous panel or BEGIN for the panel where you selected
 the old or new SMP/E and BSA environment. Press the ENTER key to continue.

Action: Press ENTER to accept 3390, which is the standard type.


PEBSA13B ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press the HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Setup Operating System and Job Environment

 Here you decide whether SMS management is to be used when allocating
 the data sets during this installation.

 Enter YES below if you require SMS data set management.
 Enter NO below if you do not have or do not require SMS management.

 ===> NO (Y)es or (N)o

 If you choose SMS management, SMS will be the default name for
 volume and unit device in each of the displays where SMS is allowed.

 You can overwrite unit and volume whenever you would like a specified
 data set to be allocated on a specific unit and volume.

 Enter BACK for the previous panel or BEGIN for the panel where you selected
 the old or new SMP/E and BSA environment. Press the ENTER key to continue.

Action: Do one of the following:

  • Specify NO and press ENTER to bypass SMS (or if you do not have SMS).

    In this case, specify unit and volume information when prompted for the names of new datasets in subsequent panels.

  • Specify YES and press ENTER to use SMS.

    In this case, you will be prompted to specify SMS classes in the next panel PEBSA13C.

    See PEBSA13C for more information.


This panel is the next in sequence when you enter YES in panel PEBSA13B, i.e. you want to use SMS.

PEBSA13C ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press the HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Setup Operating System and Job Environment

 Here you decide whether the allocation of any data set is to be
 controlled directly by defining storage class, management class
 and / or data class in your JCL.

 Enter the storage class , management class and data class that are
 required to allocate, manage and describe the Beta data sets
 during installation.

 Leave the class name(s) empty below if you don't want to allocate,
 manage and / or describe the data sets in this way.

 Storage Class ===>
 Management Class ===>
 Data Class ===>

 Enter BACK for the previous panel or BEGIN for the panel where you selected
 the old or new SMP/E and BSA environment. Press the ENTER key to continue.

Action: Do one of the following:

  • Specify values and press ENTER.
  • Leave the fields blank to use the defaults and press ENTER.

It depends on the conventions of your data center whether you can work with the SMS defaults or are expected to specify the names of classes. Contact your storage manager or a system programmer if in doubt.


PEBSA14A prompts you for the particulars of a new profile library.

The panel looks like this if you are using SMS (if panel includes Special Way, see PEBSA13C):

PEBSA14B ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press the HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Setup Operating System and Job Environment

 This panel requires/shows the name of the common profile library
 which will contain all the values entered during installation.

 This data set (default name BETA.PROFILE ) is allocated for your
 convenience. It collects all the values which you enter in this
 installation procedure and will allow you to re-use those values
 when installing a new or higher product or facility level.

 The common profile library will be allocated SMS managed.

 Data Set Name ===> BETA.PROFILE

 Enter BACK for the previous panel or BEGIN for the panel where you selected
 the old or new SMP/E and BSA environment. Press the ENTER key to continue.

The panel looks like this if you are not using SMS:

PEBSA14A ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press the HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Setup Operating System and Job Environment

 This panel requires the name of the common profile library which will
 contain all the values entered during installation.

 This common profile library (default name BETA.PROFILE ) is allocated
 for your convenience. It collects the values which you enter in this
 installation procedure and will allow you to re-use those values when
 installing a new or higher product or facility level.

 Pay attention to the DSN to avoid mistakenly overwritten members:
 Data Set Name ===> BETA.PROFILE
 Volume Serial ===> BETA00
 Generic Unit ===> 3390
 Space Units ===> CYLS (B)lks, (T)rks or (C)yls
 Block Size ===> 6160 for LRECL = 80

 Enter BACK for the previous panel or BEGIN for the panel where you selected
 the old or new SMP/E and BSA environment. Press the ENTER key to continue.

Action: Specify a new dataset name (and the allocation parameters, if prompted) and press ENTER.

Note: You will have to provide this type of allocation parameters for all new datasets when prompted by the installation REXX. This document assumes that you are working with SMS for all subsequent panels.


PEBSA15B prompts you for the particulars of a PO dataset for the tailored BSA JCL.

The Data Set Name field is prepopulated with the name hlq.BETA97.CNTL, where hlq is the high-level qualifier of your installation datasets. The field Product JCL here is prepopulated with YES, which means that the tailored product JCL will be placed in the same PO dataset.

PEBSA15B ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press the HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Setup Operating System and Job Environment

 Please enter or overtype below the name of the JCL library (DSN) which
 is to contain the tailored JCL output of this installation procedure.

 In addition, for a complete product installation, you can decide if the
 JCL output is to be placed in a common ( Product JCL here = YES ) or
 in separate JCL data set(s) ( Product JCL here = NO ).
 We recommend designating the data set as a common Beta JCL library .

 The library space requirements will be calculated by this procedure.
 The JCL library will be allocated SMS managed.
 Version 7 must have a different data set to any existing lower version.

 Data Set Name ===> TEST1.INSTALL.BSA.CNTL
 Product JCL here ===> NO (Y)ES OR (N)O

 Enter BACK for the previous panel or BEGIN for the panel where you selected
 the old or new SMP/E and BSA environment. Press the ENTER key to continue.

Action: Accept or modify the prepopulated values and press ENTER.

Note: The documentation assumes two separate libraries. The standard names used in the manuals are BSA.CNTL and BETA97.CNTL. If you specify Product JCL here = NO, you will be asked for the product JCL dataset before the tailoring of the product JCL (see PEIRI91B).


PEBSA02A ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press the HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Setup Operating System and Job Environment

 All the jobs created during installation will be provided with jobcards.
 Enter or verify the sample jobcards below.

 Note: We recommend writing 'JOB' at the position indicated.
 (to guarantee correct file tailoring)

 //jobname JOB parameter
 ===> //*
 ===> //*
 ===> //*

 Enter BACK for the previous panel or BEGIN for the panel where you selected
 the old or new SMP/E and BSA environment. Press the ENTER key to continue.

Action: Confirm or modify the job card to be used for tailored JCL and press ENTER.


The installation REXX supports the use of system symbols in the named areas, for example, in dataset names like this:


PEBSA1B0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press the HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Setup Operating System and Job Environment

 Here you can specify whether you want to use system symbol support for
 - values in the started task procedure
 - some startup parameters on the BSA side (base and beta vdf)
 - database file names defined under BQLIN in installation job BxxDBFOR
 Enter YES to use system symbol support. Then you can enter values with
 system symbols in them. These values are temporarily substituted for
 syntax checking. A warning message appears if the system environment
 with the running procedure on it does not offer this support.
 Enter NO below to reject the system symbols support.

 System Symbol Support ===> NO (Y)es or (N)o

 There is no System Symbol Support for any parameters defined for beta
 caf and beta iaf, nor for values in the JCL of batch jobs.

 Enter BACK for the previous panel or BEGIN for the panel where you selected
 the old or new SMP/E and BSA environment. Press the ENTER key to continue.

Action: Do one of the following:

  • Specify YES and press ENTER if you intend to use system symbols when providing values for the installation REXX. The installation REXX resolves system symbols when verifying datasets.
  • Specify NO and press ENTER if you don't intend to use system symbols.


SMP/E uses a database made up of several types of datasets. PEBSA21A prompts you for the particulars of the SMP/E datasets to be used for your installation.

You can review and if necessary modify the dataset names in the following panel PEBSA21D. See the description of the BSA installation job I#BSAJ01 for summary information on these datasets.

PEBSA21A ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press the HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Defining the common SMP/E environment

 If you want the SMP/E files to be placed on a unit other than 3390
 fill in the unit type below. Also enter the high level qualifier for
 the SMP/E data sets or confirm its default, and write the volume name.
 The SMP/E qualifier must differ from any that exists for lower versions.

 The SMP/E qualifier below must not be the same as the qualifier of the
 input data sets which are extracted from the installation download/DVD.
 Input Qualifier : TEST1.INSTALL.BSA

 SMP/E Qualifier ===> TEST1.INSTALL.SMPE
 SMP/E Volume Name ===> SMS
 SMP/E Unit Type ===> SMS
 Special Way ===> NO

 Enter BACK for the previous panel or BEGIN for the panel where you selected
 the old or new SMP/E and BSA environment. Press the ENTER key to continue.

Action: Enter the high-level qualifier of the SMP/E datasets for your new environment.

The panel may include a Special Way field, which enables you to specify SMS classes for these datasets (see PEBSA13C). Specify SMS for volume and unit type if you are using SMS.


This panel displays the datasets that will be allocated for your new environment when you run the installation jobs:

PEBSA21D ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press the HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Defining the common SMP/E environment

 The following data sets are used for SMP/E. Here you can change the unit
 and volume serial name (volser) as well as the name of the SMP data sets
 to select a different one. However,do not change the last level qualifier.
 Refer to the bsa Installation and System Guide for a complete description.

 Data Set Name Unit Volser

 Enter BACK for the previous panel or BEGIN for the panel where you selected
 the old or new SMP/E and BSA environment. Press the ENTER key to continue.

Action: Normally there is no reason to modify any of the displayed values. Press ENTER to continue.


Here you can specify the name for the CSI.

PEBSA22B ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press the HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Defining the common SMP/E environment

 This panel asks you for information needed to allocate the consolidated
 software inventory (CSI) file.

 Please confirm or overtype the name for the CSI file below. If you want
 it to be stored separately from the other SMP files and data sets, simp-
 ly overtype the volume name given below.
 The CSI must be different from any existing Beta CSI of lower BSA version.

 ( The last level qualifier must be CSI )

 CSI Status : NEW

 Volume Name ===> SMS

 Enter BACK for the previous panel or BEGIN for the panel where you selected
 the old or new SMP/E and BSA environment. Press the ENTER key to continue.

Action: Press ENTER.


The values you specify here are used as input for the installation job I#BSAJ05, which copies the SMP/E procedure to your procedure library.

PEBSA23A ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press the HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Defining the common SMP/E environment

 In order to install version 7 with SMP/E you need an SMP/E procedure.
 One of the installation batch jobs will place this procedure in a
 system procedure library.
 Enter the name of this system procedure library and the member name
 to be used for the SMP/E procedure.

 Name of PROCLIB :

 Member Name :

 The SMP/E procedure name must be different (unique) from any existing
 procedure name of lower versions.

 Enter BACK for the previous panel or BEGIN for the panel where you selected
 the old or new SMP/E and BSA environment. Press the ENTER key to continue.

Action: Provide the required values and press ENTER.


PEBSA23C prompts you for the name of the BSA installation datasets.

PEBSA23C ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press the HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Defining the common SMP/E environment

 The current procedure assumes that BSA will be installed from DASD.
 Please enter or verify the High Level Qualifier (HLQ) of the SMP/E
 input libraries on DASD from which the BSA function will be received:


 You can choose another assembler program if you don't have ASMA90.
 This program will be defined in the OPTIONS and UTILITY entry of the
 GLOBAL zone in your CSI.

 SMP/E ASM Utility ===> ASMA90 ( ASMA90 , IEV90 )

 Ensure that you have selected BSA on DVD and that unpack job CDUNPK00
 completed successfully before you (re)submit the receive job I#BSAJ08.

 Enter BACK for the previous panel or BEGIN for the panel where you selected
 the old or new SMP/E and BSA environment. Press the ENTER key to continue.

Action: Do the following:

  • Enter the high-level qualifiers that you specified when you unpacked the BSA super file hlqbsa.CDFILE using hlqbsa.JOBLIB(CDUNPK00).
  • Enter the assembler program of your choice.


It's a good idea to work with the standard zone names (GLOBAL, BETATGT, BETADLB), which you will find in almost all your tailored SMP/E installation jobs.

PEBSA31A ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press the HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Defining the common bsa environment

 Enter the name of the target and distribution zones that are to be
 used for the installation of Beta components and facilities.
 A job will be generated that establishes both zones in a new CSI file.
 This job must be submitted together with the other installation jobs
 if you selected a new SMP/E environment.
 If you already have an SMP/E environment based on BSA version 7 and
 you would like to install new components into the same CSI then you
 must be sure that you use the same zone names as you did when you
 you first installed a product based on BSA version 7.
 If you install incorrectly 'on top', an error may occur in the CSI
 and prevent you from continuing the installation execution.

 Target zone name ===> BETATGT SMP/E environment : NEW
 Distribution zone name ===> BETADLB

 Enter BACK for the previous panel or BEGIN for the panel where you selected
 the old or new SMP/E and BSA environment. Press the ENTER key to continue.

Action: Press ENTER.


PEBSA31B prompts you for the particulars of the target library and distribution library to be used for your installation.

You can review and if necessary modify the dataset names and particulars in the following panel PEBSA31D.

The documentation uses the same high-level qualifier for target library and distribution library. For a list of the datasets, see the description of the BSA installation job I#BSAJ02.

PEBSA31B ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press the HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Defining the common bsa environment

 Enter the high level qualifier(s) for the BSA target and distribution
 libraries and pre-define unit types, volume serial names and blocksizes.

 Target Library
 High Level Qualifier ===> TEST1.INSTALL.BSA
 Unit ===> SMS
 Volume ===> SMS
 BLKSIZE ===> 6160 ( for LRECL=80 )

 Distribution Library
 High Level Qualifier ===> TEST1.INSTALL.BSA
 Unit ===> SMS
 Volume ===> SMS
 BLKSIZE ===> 6160 ( for LRECL=80 )

 Enter BACK for the previous panel or BEGIN for the panel where you selected
 the old or new SMP/E and BSA environment. Press the ENTER key to continue.

Action: Enter the high-level qualifier of the libraries.


This panel displays the datasets that will be allocated for your new environment when you run the installation jobs:

PEBSA31D ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press the HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Defining the common bsa environment
 Here you can change data set, unit type, volume serial name and blocksize
 for the data sets below used as target and distribution libraries.
 Data Set Name Unit Volser Blksize
 Enter BACK for the previous panel or BEGIN for the panel where you selected
 the old or new SMP/E and BSA environment. Press the ENTER key to continue.

Action: Normally there is no reason to modify any of the displayed values. Press ENTER to continue.


PEBSA32B prompts you for the particulars of a separate PO dataset, which will be used for the BSA and product load modules that require APF authorization.

Important: You will have to APF-authorize this library later and add it to your linklist concatenation.

PEBSA32B ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press the HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Defining the common bsa environment

 Some programs of BSA (Beta Systems Architecture) and of the products
 require APF authorization. All these programs will be stored in a
 (commonly used) separate library (APFLOAD).
 This library will be created together with the BSA libraries.
 It must be APF authorized and concatenated into the MVS linklist.

 Please enter the data set name of this APFLOAD as well as the unit
 type, volume serial name and blocksize.


 Unit ===> SMS
 Volume Name ===> SMS
 Blksize ===> 6144

 Enter BACK for the previous panel or BEGIN for the panel where you selected
 the old or new SMP/E and BSA environment. Press the ENTER key to continue.

Action: Accept or modify the prepopulated values and press ENTER.

Note: The standard name used in the manuals is BETA.APFLOAD.


The purpose of PEBSA32D is similar to the panels that are displayed when you specify Special Way = YES.

PEBSA32D ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press the HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Defining the common bsa environment

 Here you have the opportunity to enter a storage class , management
 class and / or data class if it is required to allocate the APFLOAD.

 Leave the class names empty if you want to allocate it without any
 special specification. In this case default classes will be accessed
 depending on the SMS selection criteria in your system.

 Some programs of the BSA and of the products must run APF authorized
 and will be stored in the BETA.APFLOAD below.

 Storage Class ===>
 Management Class ===>
 Data Class ===>

 Enter BACK for the previous panel or BEGIN for the panel where you selected
 the old or new SMP/E and BSA environment. Press the ENTER key to continue.

Action: Accept or modify the displayed values and press ENTER.


PEBSA32A prompts you for the particulars a PO dataset to be used as the Beta parameter library.

The members in this library are the so called LST members. The parameters stored in these members are the so-called LST parameters.

The name pattern of LST members is BnnLSTxx, where nn identifies the product. xx can be any numeric or alphabetic character combination, and you will be prompted for this by the installation REXX.

The installation REXX will tailor the LST member B01LSTxx (see PEBSA41B) and B97LSTxx (see PEXXXLST) with the LST parameters required for startup.

PEBSA32A ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press the HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Defining the common bsa environment

 All parameters required by the products and facilities during startup
 execution will be stored in the Beta parmlib (default name BETA.PARMLIB).
 You can modify these startup parameters after installation by using the
 normal TSO EDIT functions. Note, that some of the parmlib members may be
 modified by batch jobs generated by this installation procedure.

 We recommend to specify a data set name different from any parmlib of
 lower versions to avoid unintentionally overwriting its members.


 Unit ===> SMS
 Volume Name ===> SMS
 (BLKSIZE will be the same as for your BSA libraries)

 Enter BACK for the previous panel or BEGIN for the panel where you selected
 the old or new SMP/E and BSA environment. Press the ENTER key to continue.

Action: Specify the dataset name and press ENTER.


The purpose of PEBSA32C is similar to the panels that are displayed when you specify Special Way = YES.

PEBSA32C ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press the HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Defining the common bsa environment

 This panel gives you the chance to enter the storage class , management
 class and/or data class if it is required to allocate the BETA.PARMLIB.

 Leave the class names empty if you want to allocate it without any spe-
 cial specification. In this case default classes will be accessed which
 are defined for the standard SMS selection criteria in your system.

 The parmlib below is used to collect all the startup parameters for the
 products and for the facilities. You can modify the parameters in it
 by using TSO EDIT after the completion of the installation process.

 Storage Class ===>
 Management Class ===>
 Data Class ===>

 Enter BACK for the previous panel or BEGIN for the panel where you selected
 the old or new SMP/E and BSA environment. Press the ENTER key to continue.

Action: Accept or modify the displayed values and press ENTER.


The names of these IBM Language Environment target libraries must be made known to the installation REXX.

PEBSA32E ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press the HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Defining the common bsa environment

 Now specify the C language environment libraries for which DDDEF
 entries will be created in your SMP/E target zone.

 The routines, which are included from the C languages libraries, are a
 prerequisite for using the BSA Communication Server and other special
 BSA functions.

 The data set name of the libraries could be CEE.SCEELKED, CEE.SCEELKEX
 and CEE.SCEECPP. Please contact your system administrator if you are
 unsure where the libraries have been installed at your location.


 Enter BACK for the previous panel or BEGIN for the panel where you selected
 the old or new SMP/E and BSA environment. Press the ENTER key to continue.

Action: Accept or modify the displayed names and press ENTER.


The specified numeric or alphabetic character combination will be used as identifier xx of the global LST member B01LSTxx (see PEBSA32A).

PEBSA41B ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press the HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Defining SMP/E and common BSA environment

 All global values relevant to the product or facility execution are
 stored in the BETA.PARMLIB under member name B01LSTxx, where 'xx' is a
 two-digit identifier you specify below. This two-digit identifier can
 be a number, two letters, or a mix of both.
 The following panels will ask you to enter the BSA global values which
 will be tailored into the parmlib member by the installation procedure.

 If you already have a version 7 production environment and would like
 to install a test environment, this option can be used to specify an
 alternate B01LSTxx member for testing new BSA global values.

 Please enter the identifier for B01LSTxx below :

 LST number for B01LSTxx ===> 00 ( 00 to 99 or AA to ZZ )

 Enter BACK for the previous panel or BEGIN for the panel where you selected
 the old or new SMP/E and BSA environment. Press the ENTER key to continue.

Action: Specify a two-digit identifier (it doesn't have to be numeric) and press ENTER.


PEBSA41A prompts you for the number of the BETA SVC and the dataset name of your LPALIB.

PEBSA41A ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press the HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Defining SMP/E and common BSA environment

 All Beta Systems products and facilities require the Beta user SVC
 for certain common functions. This SVC (type 3 or 4) is installed
 with the base components of BSA and is placed into the LPA library
 (LPALIB) by a special installation job generated here.
 Please enter the SVC number to assign to this SVC and the name of
 the LPALIB into which this SVC will be linked.

 Choose a SVC number between 200 and 255 and enter it below :

 ===> 254

 Enter the data set name of your LPALIB here :


 Enter BACK for the previous panel or BEGIN for the panel where you selected
 the old or new SMP/E and BSA environment. Press the ENTER key to continue.

Action: Enter the chosen number and the name of your LPALIB.


The BSA part of the installation REXX is generic and therefore provides more than one product.

Your installation medium includes only one product. Choose it.

PEBSA51A ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> Scroll ===> PAGE

 Installation Procedure - Select beta docz plus (AAR) for installing it

 Please select ( S ) the requested product(s) and press the ENTER key.

 Select Product Version Title/Result
 Beta32 Product not included in installation setup
 Beta77 Product not included in installation setup
 Beta88 Product not included in installation setup
 Beta89 Product not included in installation setup
 Beta91 Product not included in installation setup
 Beta92 Product not included in installation setup
 Beta92 EJM Product not included in installation setup
 Beta93 Product not included in installation setup
 Beta93 VPF Product not included in installation setup
 Beta93 FR V7R2M0 beta docz plus - Symphony
 S Beta97 AAR V7R2M0 Adabas Audit Data Retrieval
 Beta93 DT Product not included in installation setup
 ******************************* Bottom of data ********************************

Action: Enter the line command S in front of the highlighted product entry.


PEXXX0A0 welcomes you to the product part of the installation REXX.

PEXXX0A0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press the HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Installing AAR

 Welcome to the installation procedure for
 Adabas Audit Data Retrieval
 The following panels will ask you to describe how the selected product
 is to be customized for your installation. Please enter the information
 requested in each panel and press ENTER. The following special commands
 can be entered at any time to help you navigate through this procedure:

 Enter BACK to review and / or change the values in the previous panel.

 Enter BEGIN to go back to the first panel of this product procedure.
 You can then review / change all of the information previously entered.

 Press END to go back to the product selection menu in the BSA proce-
 dure. You can then cancel all the product information already entered.

 Enter BACK for the previous panel. Press the ENTER key to continue.

Action: Read and press ENTER.


Like PEBSA31B for BSA, just for product.

PEXXX11A ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press the HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Defining AAR Product Libraries

 Enter the high level qualifier(s) to be used for the product target
 and distribution libraries, unit types, volume names, and blksizes.

 Target Library
 High Level Qualifier ===> TEST1.INSTALL.BETA97
 Unit ===> SMS
 Volume ===> SMS
 Blksize ===> 6160

 Distribution Library
 High Level Qualifier ===> TEST1.INSTALL.BETA97
 Unit ===> SMS
 Volume ===> SMS
 Blksize ===> 6160

 Enter BACK for the previous panel or BEGIN for the first panel.
 Press the ENTER key to continue.

Action: Enter the high-level qualifier of the libraries.


PEIRI12A ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Defining AAR Product Libraries

 The following data sets will be used as target libraries.
 Here you may change the data set, unit, serial names, and block size to
 meet your special installation needs.

 Data Set Name Unit Volser Blksize

 Enter BACK for the previous panel or BEGIN for the first panel.
 Press the ENTER key to continue.

Action: Normally there is no reason to modify any of the displayed values. Press ENTER to continue.


Like BSA panel PEBSA31D, but for product.

PEIRI12B ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Defining AAR Product Libraries

 The following data sets will be used as distribution libraries.
 Here you may change the data set, unit, serial names, and block size to
 meet your special installation needs.

 Data Set Name Unit Volser Blksize

 Enter BACK for the previous panel or BEGIN for the first panel.
 Press the ENTER key to continue.

Action: Normally there is no reason to modify any of the displayed values. Press ENTER to continue.


PEXXX21A and the following panels are about the Adabas Audit Data Retrieval database.

PEXXX21A ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press the HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Set Up AAR Database

 Please enter or verify the high level qualifier(s) and VSAM owner
 for the databases (VSAM ESDS) of AAR.


 VSAM Owner ===> B97

 Please enter the volume serial of the disk on which the database
 files are to be allocated.

 Database Volume ===> SMS

 Enter BACK for the previous panel or BEGIN for the first panel.
 Press the ENTER key to continue.

Action: Provide the requested information and press ENTER.


The database definition file (DEFI file) contains the definitions for all the databases which are used by Adabas Audit Data Retrieval.

The standard name used in the manuals is BETA97.DB.DEF.

PEXXX21C ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press the HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Set Up AAR Database

 The database will be controlled by the following definition file.

 Enter the cluster name and volume for this file below :

 Cluster Name Volume


 Enter BACK for the previous panel or BEGIN for the first panel.
 Press the ENTER key to continue.

Action: Normally there is no reason to modify any of the displayed values. Press ENTER to continue.


PEIRI21D prompts you to specify particulars for the various spool files, which are all components of the Adabas Audit Data Retrieval database.

PEIRI21D ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Set Up AAR Database

 The following VSAM dataset for database synchronization and the first
 spool, cache, index, global index, and spool reload file are required.

 You may change the cluster names, volume, and space in this panel. We
 recommend to use a 'fast / quiet' volume for the sync file. The space
 units for the files are in cylinder(s).

 Cluster Name Volume Space
 INDEX File ===> TEST1.INSTALL.BETA97.DB.INDEX1 ===> SMS ===> 100
 GLOBL File ===> TEST1.INSTALL.BETA97.DB.GLOBL1 ===> SMS ===> 100
 CACHE File ===> TEST1.INSTALL.BETA97.DB.CACHE1 ===> SMS ===> 100
 SPOOL File ===> TEST1.INSTALL.BETA97.DB.SPOOL1 ===> SMS ===> 20
 RELOD File ===> TEST1.INSTALL.BETA97.DB.RELOD1 ===> SMS ===> 20

 Enter BACK for the previous panel or BEGIN for the first panel.
 Press the ENTER key to continue.

Action: Provide the requested information and press ENTER.

Note: Space values are in cylinders. The minimum size (20 cylinders) is okay for the RELOD File, but the SPOOL File should not be smaller than INDEX, GLOBL, and CACHE. See the description of the spool files in Adabas Audit Data Retrieval Administrator Guide and decide accordingly.


It is possible to use software mirroring for the displayed components of the database.

Software mirroring should only be used as a fallback, in the unlikely event that hardware mirroring is not available for the volumes where the databases are stored.

PEIRI21E ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Set Up AAR Database

 Please specify which DB files you want to perform mirroring on.

 Mirror Main Database ===> NO (Y)es or (N)o
 Mirror List Database ===> NO (Y)es or (N)o
 Mirror Arc Database ===> NO (Y)es or (N)o
 Mirror Sfr Database ===> NO (Y)es or (N)o
 Mirror Lgf Database ===> NO (Y)es or (N)o

 Please enter the volume serial for the mirror DB files. It is
 strongly recommended that you use a different volume for the
 mirror databases.

 Mirror Database Volume ===> SMS

 Enter BACK for the previous panel or BEGIN for the first panel.
 Press the ENTER key to continue.

Action: Check with your system programmers. Then replace each YES in this panel with NO and press ENTER.


PEXXX22A prompts you to specify particulars for various VSAM clusters, which are all components of the Adabas Audit Data Retrieval database.

Each VSAM cluster comprises a key component and a data component. The ratio between the two should not be changed.

PEXXX22A ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press the HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Set Up AAR Database

 The following VSAM cluster(s) are allocated. You can change volume and
 space and in special cases the names. The space units are in cylinders.
 Pay special attention to space limits (28 GB max. size for VSAM files).

 Cluster Name Volume Space

 for MAIN Database :
 Key ===> TEST1.INSTALL.BETA97.DB.MAIN.KEY ===> SMS ===> 10
 Secondary Space ===> 0
 Data ===> TEST1.INSTALL.BETA97.DB.MAIN ===> SMS ===> 20
 Secondary Space ===> 0

 Enter BACK for the previous panel or BEGIN for the first panel.
 Press the ENTER key to continue.

Action: Provide the requested information for each VSAM cluster and press ENTER.

Note: Specifying secondary space enables the automatic enlargement of the corresponding component as needed. The specified value refers to the maximum number of extents.


Like PEBSA41B for BSA, just for product.

The specified numeric or alphabetic character combination will be used as identifier xx of the product LST member B97LSTxx (see PEBSA32A).

PEXXXLST ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press the HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Installing AAR

 The Adabas Audit Data Retrieval
 requires certain initial execution values during the initialization of
 the product started task and batch jobs. These values are stored in the
 BETA.PARMLIB in member name B97LSTxx where 'xx' consists of a two-digit
 number, two characters or a mix of both. The next panels will ask you to
 enter the values which are tailored into this parmlib member.

 If you already have a production environment and would like to install a
 test environment, this option can be used to specify an alternate member
 B97LSTxx for testing new values of AAR.

 Please enter the identifier of the B97LSTxx below :

 LST number for B97LSTxx ===> 00 ( 00 to 99 or AA to ZZ )

 Enter BACK for the previous panel or BEGIN for the first panel.
 Press the ENTER key to continue.

Action: Specify a two-digit identifier (it doesn't have to be numeric) and press ENTER.


The subsystem ID is a max. 4-digit identifier, which must be unique in your sysplex.

The entry in member IEFSSNxx is used when you IPL the system. For information on defining a subsystem dynamically, see BSA Installation and System Guide.

PEXXSSID ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press the HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Installing AAR

 This panel asks you for the Subsystem ID that is to be given to the
 started task of AAR.
 This ID must be present in member IEFSSNxx of SYS1.PARMLIB when you
 IPL your MVS system before starting the started task.

 Enter a subsystem below compliant with the naming conventions for
 this method, i.e. no more than 4 alphanumeric characters beginning
 with an alphanumeric character, or beginning with #, § or $.

 Subsystem ID :

 SSID ===> B97A

 Keep in mind that Subsystem names must be unique in your environment.

 Enter BACK for the previous panel or BEGIN for the first panel.
 Press the ENTER key to continue.

Action: Provide the requested value and press ENTER.


PEXXX31B requests additional values, which describe the subsystem you are about to install.

The VTAM network ID can be displayed in the system (SYS) panel of SDSF (NetID column).

PEXXX31B ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press the HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Installing AAR

 In addition to the subsystem ID which you entered previously,
 the following information is required to provide descriptive
 information about the product system you are installing.

 Please enter your system VTAM net ID, name, location, and title
 below. You can choose any values which best describe your system.


 System Name ===> PROD

 System Location ===> BERLIN

 System Title ===> Adabas Audit Data Retrieval

 Enter BACK for the previous panel or BEGIN for the first panel.
 Press the ENTER key to continue.

Action: Provide the requested values and press ENTER.


Installation job I#B97J07 copies the started task procedure to your procedure library. Panel PEXXXSTC prompts you for the required information.

PEXXXSTC ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press the HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Set up AAR startup parameter

 The subsystem runs as a started task in its own address space. Here
 you must enter the started task procedure name for the above product.
 One of the installation jobs will place a member with this name into
 the required system procedure library (PROCLIB).

 Enter the name of the procedure library for the started task below :


 Enter the name to be used for the started task procedure :

 Started Task Proc. ===> BETA97

 Remember that all started task procedures which are required for
 the products will be placed into the above procedure library.

 Enter BACK for the previous panel or BEGIN for the first panel.
 Press the ENTER key to continue.

Action: Provide the requested values and press ENTER.


PEIRI32A prompts you specify standard values for the subsystem you are about to install.

These values will end up in the subsystem options record of your system (Option S.2).

PEIRI32A ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Installing AAR

 In the following you are asked for information which is required for the
 product to work.
 The values below are collected in the System Option Record (S#97ISYS).

 System Language ===> E (E)nglish, (G)erman ..YYYY-MM-DD)
 Lines per Page ===> 55

 In addition please enter below the default media type which should be
 used to archive data :

 Archive Media ===> TAPE (T)ape, (D)isk, or (O)disk

 Enter BACK for the previous panel or BEGIN for the first panel.
 Press the ENTER key to continue.

Action: Provide the requested value and press ENTER.


PEIRI32E prompts you to specify standard values for the subsystem you are about to install.

These values will be used for the parameters B97_MAXIMUM_ HITS_ ALLOWED and B97_RC_ TIMEOUT in the tailored LST member B97LSTxx.

PEIRI32E ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Installing AAR

 To limit the resource usage some options are possible which are stored
 into the B97LST parmlib member (B97LSTxx).

 Enter below how many hits are allowed in maximum per index query re-
 quest ( maximum hits allowed ) and the time in minutes after which the
 resources (storage), hold for a list, are freed and the list is closed
 in the case of inactivity ( resource control timeout ).

 Maximum Hits Allowed ===> 5000 ( 0 ... nnnnnn )

 Resource Control Timeout ===> 45 ( 1 ... nnn minutes )

 Enter BACK for the previous panel or BEGIN for the first panel.
 Press the ENTER key to continue.

Action: Provide the requested values and press ENTER. Using the defaults is okay.


PEIRI32X prompts you to specify standard values for the subsystem you are about to install.

This value will be used for the parameter and B97_TC_ TIMEOUT in the tailored LST member B97LSTxx.

PEIRI32X ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Installing AAR

 Some additional information is required which is collected in the B97LST
 parmlib member (B97LSTxx).

 Please enter the timeout value ( user522 ) after an inactive user gets
 an error message at the next access because the resources hold by him
 in beta docz plus are freed meanwhile. A value of zero means no time-

 User Timeout (522) ===> 60 ( 0 ... nnn minutes )

 Enter BACK for the previous panel or BEGIN for the first panel.
 Press the ENTER key to continue.


PEIRI32Y prompts you to specify standard values for the subsystem you are about to install.

These values will be used for the parameter B97_TCPIP_ PORT_AAV in the tailored LST member B97LSTxx.

The B97_TCPIP_ PORT_AAV parameter is evaluated by the BSA TCP/IP server, which is the component on the z/OS side that enables TCP/IP communication between Adabas Audit Data View (AAV) and Adabas Audit Data Retrieval (AAR). At STC start, the BSA TCP/IP server binds to the specified address/port and starts listening for incoming requests from Adabas Audit Data View (AAV).

PEIRI32Y ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Installing beta docz plus (AAR)

 Some information are required to establish the communication between
 Adabas Audit Data Retrieval (AAR) and Adabas Audit Data View (AAV)
 via TCP/IP . These parameters must be stored into member B97LSTnn of
 the Beta parmlib library.

 Enter below the name of the TCP/IP started task in your z/OS system
 and the IP address of the TCP/IP stack:
 TCP/IP Started Task ===> TCPIP
 TCP/IP Address ===> (in point notation)

 Enter here the port number which identifies the Adabas Audit Data View
 (AAV) communication to TCP/IP. This port number must be unique in your
 TCP/IP Port Number ===> 11111

 Enter BACK for the previous panel or BEGIN for the first panel.
 Press the ENTER key to continue.

Specify the following in the corresponding fields:

TCP/IP Started Task

Name of the TCP/IP started task (TCP/IP stack) on the z/OS system (max. 8 characters)

TCP/IP Address

Bind address of the BSA TCP/IP server, for example, a specific numeric address or for all available IPv4 addresses.

TCP/IP Port Number

Listening port


PEIRI32G prompts you to specify standard values for the subsystem you are about to install.

These values will end up in the LST member B97LSTxx.

PEIRI32G ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Installing AAR

 Some additional information is required which is collected in the B97LST
 parmlib member (B97LSTxx).

 Procedure Name for
 Automatic Reload ===> B97RLDA

 Dependent on your z/OS version (*) you may write the product SMF records
 with the extended IBM SMF header format (V1) or not (V0).

 IBM SMF Header Version ===> 0 (0,1)

 SMF Record Number ===> 197 (V0: 128-255, V1: 128-1151)

 (*) av. with z/OS 2.3

 Enter BACK for the previous panel or BEGIN for the first panel.
 Press the ENTER key to continue.

Action: Provide the requested value and press ENTER.


PEXXXPWD prompts you for the name of your license file. The specified value will be used for the parameter B97_LICX_DSNAME.

Important: Users of Adabas Audit Data Retrieval obtain their license file from Software AG (see "Licensing information"). Please do not contact the e‑mail address displayed in the panel if you need a valid license file for Adabas Audit Data Retrieval.

PEXXXPWD ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press the HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Installing AAR

 A license file is required for the proper operation of
 Adabas Audit Data Retrieval
 The licensing information is supplied as license file which must be
 defined in your Parmlib member under the keyword B97_LICX_DSNAME.

 Please enter the data set name (DSN) of this license file which can
 be obtained from the Beta Order Desk at .
 This data set name will be tailored into the Parmlib member B97LSTxx.

 Enter the data set name of the license file for the products below :
 Data Set Name ===> TEST1.INSTALL.BSA.LICX

 Failure to do so correctly will result in product disablement.
 Refer to the bsa Installation & System Guide for further information.

 Enter BACK for the previous panel or BEGIN for the first panel.
 Press the ENTER key to continue.

Action: Specify the name (PO dataset with member name or PS dataset) and press ENTER.


PEXXX6A0 informs you how much disk space is required by the installed system based on the values that you have specified.

PEXXX6A0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press the HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Estimate AAR Storage Amount

 Most of the information related to the space requirements for the product
 are available now. At least 834 cylinders are needed to allocate the
 environment and database if you are creating a new system for AAR.
 Refer to the appropriate 'Installation and System Guide' to determine the
 space required for BSA and the other Beta Systems products.

 Product Data Sets ===> 222 ( CYLs )
 Product Database ===> 612 ( CYLs )

 If you want to change the amount of space, you will need to go back to
 the appropriate sections in Setting up the beta docz plus database.

 Go BACK to the appropriate section to change space in detail.

 Enter BACK for the previous panel or BEGIN for the first panel.
 Press the ENTER key to continue.

Action: Read and press ENTER.


PEIRI91B asks you for the name of the PO dataset to be used for the tailored product installation jobs and other members.

This panel is displayed only if you have specified Product JCL here = NO in panel PEBSA15B.

PEIRI91B ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Tailoring AAR Batch Jobs

 This panel concerns the data set which is to contain the tailored JCL
 output of the installation procedure.

 Please enter or overtype the dataset name below.
 If this dataset does not yet exist it will be allocated SMS managed
 as desired at the starting point of the installation procedure.

 The space requirements will be computed by this procedure.

 Data Set Name ===> TEST1.INSTALL.BETA97.CNTL

 Enter BACK for the previous panel or BEGIN for the first panel.
 Press the ENTER key to continue.

Action: Accept or modify the displayed name and press ENTER.


PEXXX9A0 informs that the product installation jobs and other members are now about to be tailored according to your specifications.

PEXXX9A0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press the HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Tailoring AAR Batch Jobs

 All the information required for tailoring the installation batch jobs
 has been entered for AAR.

 These installation batch jobs will now be created and placed into the

 Press the ENTER key to start file tailoring.
 A message will appear when this tailoring process is complete.

 Please be patient while the batch jobs are being created.

 Enter BACK for the previous panel or BEGIN for the first panel.
 Press the ENTER key to continue.

Action: Read and press ENTER. The next panel will show the progress of the tailoring of the members.


Panel PEXXX92A shows the progress of the file tailoring.

PEXXX92A ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press the HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Tailoring AAR Batch Jobs

 File tailoring in progress:

 Member xxxxxxx is being created.

 nn job(s) completed and mm job(s) remain.

 Please be patient while the file tailoring is in progress.

Action: Be patient.


Note and read carefully: File tailoring is now complete for the product members and the installation REXX is about to save product-related values in the profile dataset.

But don't end the installation REXX prematurely. File tailoring for BSA members hasn't even started yet.

PEXXX93A ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press the HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Tailoring AAR Batch Jobs

 File tailoring is now complete for the product AAR.
 The installation procedure will now store all values specified in the
 current product installation procedure into the profile library:


 You can use this library the next time you run this installation
 procedure to restore these product values as default.

 Please be patient while the values are being stored. This usually
 takes some time to complete.

 After that you have still to complete the BSA installation procedure.

 Press the ENTER key to continue.

Action: Read and press ENTER.


PEXXX9B0 informs you that the tailoring of the product JCL has finished and that you will be returned to the BSA part of the installation REXX.

PEXXX9B0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press the HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Tailoring AAR Batch Jobs

 The product batch jobs are now complete for:
 Adabas Audit Data Retrieval

 Further information on these product batch jobs can be found in
 the AAR Installation and System Guide.

 After completing the installation procedure of BSA components
 please refer to the appropriate Installation and System Guide
 to complete the installation of AAR.

 You must press ENTER here to resume BSA installation.
 After you have entered all the values required to install BSA,
 the BSA jobs will be tailored and the BSA values will be saved
 into your profile library.

 Press the ENTER key to continue with the BSA installation procedure.

Action: Read and press ENTER.


We have seen PEBSA51A before, but now it says Procedure completed.

By not selecting anything here, we inform the installation REXX that we want to resume the BSA part.

PEBSA51A ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> Scroll ===> PAGE

 Installation Procedure - Select beta docz plus for installing it

 Please select ( S ) the requested product(s) and press the ENTER key.

 Press the ENTER key to continue.

 Select Product Version Title/Result
 Beta32 Product not included in installation setup
 Beta77 Product not included in installation setup
 Beta88 Product not included in installation setup
 Beta89 Product not included in installation setup
 Beta91 Product not included in installation setup
 Beta92 Product not included in installation setup
 Beta92 EJM Product not included in installation setup
 Beta93 Product not included in installation setup
 Beta93 VPF Product not included in installation setup
 Beta93 FR V7R2M0 beta docz plus - Symphony
 Beta97 AAR V7R2M0 Procedure completed
 Beta93 DT Product not included in installation setup
 ******************************* Bottom of data ********************************

Action: Press ENTER.


PEXXX9A0 informs that the BSA installation jobs and other members are now about to be tailored according to your specifications.

PEBSA9A0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press the HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Tailoring BSA and facility batch jobs

 All the information required for file tailoring has been entered.

 The installation batch jobs will now be created and placed in the

 Press the ENTER key to start file tailoring. A message will appear
 when the installation process is complete.

 Please be patient while the batch jobs are being created.

 Enter BACK for the previous panel or BEGIN for the panel where you selected
 the old or new SMP/E and BSA environment. Press the ENTER key to continue.

Action: Read and press ENTER. The next panel will show the progress of the tailoring of the members.


Panel PEBSA91A shows the progress of the file tailoring.

PEBSA91A ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press the HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Tailoring BSA and Beta Facility Jobs

 File tailoring in progress:

 Member xxxxxxx is being created.

 nn job(s) completed and mm job(s) remain.

 Please be patient while the file tailoring is in progress.

Action: Be patient.


File tailoring is now complete for the BSA members and the installation REXX is about to save BSA-related values in the profile dataset.

PEBSA92A ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press the HELP key)

 Installation Procedure - Tailoring BSA and facility batch jobs

 The File tailoring of the BSA and SMP/E JCL members is now complete.
 The installation procedure will now store all values specified in
 the bsa installation procedure into the Beta profile library :


 You can use this library the next time you run this installation
 procedure to restore these values.

 Please be patient while the values are being stored. This usually
 takes some time to complete.

 Press the ENTER key to continue.

Action: Read and press ENTER.


PEBSA9B0 is the last panel to be displayed by the installation REXX.

The panel informs you that the next step is the submission of the tailored batch installation jobs and where you can find descriptions of them.

PEBSA9B0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> (or press the HELP key)

 Installation Procedure


 Step 2 of the installation procedure is finished.

 Now read the section entitled STEP 3 - Batch Jobs in the
 bsa Installation and System Guide and the section STEP 2 in
 the Installation and System Guide of the required products.

 Press the ENTER key.

Action: Press ENTER.