Lists contained in archive dataset

Lists contained in archive dataset


You can use the Archived Lists table to display which lists have been archived in a given archive dataset.


To display the lists archived in a given archive dataset:

  1. From the Primary Selection Menu, choose option A.2.
  2. Type selection criteria in the displayed panel and press ENTER.
  3. Enter line command L in front of the archive dataset.

Alternative navigation

  • Option A.3 (VOLUMES), then line command A in Archive Volume table, then line command L in Archive Datasets table
  • Option A.4 (DEVICES), then line command V in Archive Device Definitions table, then line command A in Archive Volume table, then line command L in Archive Datasets table

Archived Lists table

PE97IG95 --------------------------------------------- Row 1 of 3
 Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> PAGE

 Display Archived Lists

 Archive Dataset : BETA97.TAPE365.CASS.E04149.C001
 Archive Medium : TAPE Volume : H00735 Unit : IBMXT
 Archive Pool : TAPE365 Owner : CUST001
 Expiration Date : 05/28/2005

 Date Time Form Extension Report Expire
 05/27/2004 13:42:24 FINANCE ACCOUNTING 05/28/2005
 05/27/2004 13:46:17 FINANCE ACCOUNTING 05/28/2005
 05/27/2004 15:36:28 FINANCE ACCOUNTING 05/28/2005
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The fields displayed in this panel are self-explanatory.