

9267I SERVER(port/app): RETRY TO RECONNECT TO taskname HAS BEEN STARTED (TIME: time sec / CNT: count)

Written to:

Operator console, PMSLOG.


While starting the TCP/IP server using the respective keywords in the LST member of the subsystem or via an operator MODIFY command, an error has occurred, for example, the defined TCP/IP task used for the TCP/IP stack has not been active. Refer to the BSA Installation and System Guide for more information. The system tries to re-establish the connection to the TCP/IP task taskname according to the entries in the keyword Bnn_TCPIP_RETRY_INTERVAL.


Port number


Application name (addon) of the port or BSA when the global port is used


Time interval


Number of tries

System Action:

The system activates the RETRY mechanism according to the entries defined. The subsystem is in operation. When the defined RETRY interval ends, the TCP/IP server will end with message 9268I.

Operator Response:

Determine the reason for the error, eliminate it and restart the TCP/IP server. If the error persists, contact support.