

9151I BnnLSTxx LOADED, SVC(svcnum/svclvl/epaddr) SSID(ssid) SYSNAME(sysname) SYSPLEX(sysplex) SYSTEM(z/OSn.nn) ASIDX(asidx)

9151I BSA INITIALIZATION bsalevel LEVEL: level number/highest PTF number/SFF PTF number

9151I CPU INFORMATION - TYPE: tttt ID: nnnn LPAR: l TLCPU: tccc CLCPU: cccc SLCPU: sccc

Written to:

Operator console, SYSLOG, JESMSGLG.


The Beta nn subsystem has been started with the parmlib member BnnLSTxx. If a concatenation of LST members is used, this is indicated by BnnLST## in this message. A subsequent 9151I message provides details on which members were used.

The first message includes the following information:


Number of the Beta SVC, its PTF level, and its entry point address (svclvl is identical with BSA level if there is no SVC PTF.)


Subsystem ID


System name of the z/OS system


Name of the sysplex


Version of the operating system


Address space ID (in hexadecimal format) that was assigned to the STC/JOB during startup

The second message has the following information on BSA initialization: BSA level and level number, highest PTF number, and PTF number of the BSA control program.

The third message has the following CPU information: Machine type and machine ID, LPAR number, total LCPU count, configured CPU count, standby CPU count.

System Action:

Startup operation continues.

Operator Response:
