Displaying function control blocks (FCB)

Displaying function control blocks (FCB)


Use option 2.1 to display information on function control blocks (FCB).


  1. In the "Service Manager Selection Menu" enter 2.1 to call the "Started Task Status Information" panel:

    PEB4GCB -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    Command ===> _________________________________________________________________

    Started Task Status Information Subsys-ID - B93P
    Sysname - BETA

    STC Name : BETA93BA JES Id : STC02146 ASID: 116
    Start Date : 20.02.2002 Start Time : 09:03:15:00
    Elapsed Time : 1957 MIN
    Status : ACTIVE
    OCF Conn. : NO ARM Conn. : NO
    System : BSAB93 Location : BERLIN
    Storage Region / Allocated
    Above Below
    1874M / 33864K 8168K / 2964K

    STC Transaction Information
    GCB Name ===> *________ (Name or Mask)
    FCB Name ===> _________ (Name or Mask)

    Press the ENTER key to display the selected information.

  2. In the lower part of the panel, specify a name of an FCB in the FCB Name field. Masks are allowed. To display all FCBs starting with SUB, for example, specify SUB*.

    Note: If you enter * in the FCB Name field, it will display the same information as this MODIFY command:

    F stcname,TL

  3. Remove the asterisk from the FCB Name field.


The "Display FCB Information" panel displays all FCBs prefixed by SUB*:

PEB4DI04 ------------------------------------------------------ Row 1 of 11
 Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> PAGE

 Display FCB Information Subsys-ID - S93P
 Sysname - BETA

 FCB Name Transact Module Associated SFF Elapsed CPU
 Name Group Storage Time (hhmmss)
 SUBSYS 09032641 Q92SRINT PRINTERS 320K 00.00.00
 SUBSYS 09032634 Q92SRINT 320K 00.00.00
 SUBSYS 09032618 Q92SRINT 320K 00.00.00
 SUBSYS 09032564 B23SSRD INPUT 265K 00.00.00
 SUBSYS 09032563 B23SSRD 265K 00.00.00
 SUBSYS 09032562 B23SSRD 265K 00.00.00
 SUBSYS 09032556 B23SSRD 265K 00.00.00
 SUBSYS 09032557 B23SSRD 265K 00.00.00
 SUBSYS 09032559 B23SSRD 265K 00.00.00
 SUBSYS 09032560 B23SSRD 265K 00.00.00
 SUBSYS 09032561 B23SSRD 265K 00.00.00
******************************** BOTTOM OF DATA ********************************

Displaying specific FCBs

To display information on specific FCBs, do either of the following:

  • In the "Started Task Status Information" input panel, restrict the display of the FCBs to a certain number by means of Select FCB and Used CPU Time. For example, specify BSA* in the Select FCB field and > 5 in the Used CPU Time field. All the FCBs matching these criteria are displayed in the "Display FCB Information" panel.
  • In the "Display GCB Information" table, enter S in front of a GCB and press enter. The FCBs for the selected GCB are displayed in the "Display FCB Information" panel.

Display FCB Information

PEB4DI04 ------------------------------------------------------ Row 1 of 1
 Command ===> ________________________________________________ Scroll ===> PAGE

 Display FCB Information Subsys-ID - B93P
 Sysname - BETA

 FCB Name Transact Module Associated SFF Elapsed CPU
 Name Group Storage Time (hhmmss)
******************************** BOTTOM OF DATA ********************************




FCB Name

Name of the FCB


Name of the associated transaction

Module Name

Name of the load module

Associated Group

Name of the group the displayed FCB belongs to

SFF Storage

Amount of storage used by the function. The storage is displayed in K (kilobytes) or in B (bytes).

Elapsed CPU Time

Used CPU time used by the function (in hours, minutes, seconds)