BSA CI ports


BSA Communication Integrator (BSA CI) supports global ports and application ports.

A global port can be used by different add-ons of the same product.

An application port can only be used by one add-on of a product.

You can use both global ports and application ports in the same configuration.

EDF applications

As a rule, EDF can only communicate with the BSA TCP/IP server.

BSA CI does not support EDF applications, unless this is specifically described in the product (for example Beta 92).

Application ports

Different applications (add-ons) may need to be controlled differently, therefore nearly all keywords can be given a suffix app. This enables a particular value to be used to control the add‑on, as opposed to the default value specified by the keyword without the suffix app. The suffix app must have a length of 3 characters, and must be identical to the add‑on shortname (e.g. EIF, AUD, EUI, …), and the 3-digit article name in the license file.

Global port

Keywords without a suffix always reference the global port, i.e. the global port is identified by the port statement without a suffix.

Client identification

When it connects, a client application (add-on) must identify itself. Otherwise the request that follows will be denied.

Encryption and compression

Encryption can be controlled via the LST parameters Bnn_TCPIP_ ENCRYPT and Bnn_TCPIP_ ENCRYPT_app. Compression can be controlled via the LST parameters Bnn_TCPIP_ COMPRESS and Bnn_TCPIP_ COMPRESS_app.

Use Bnn_TCPIP_ ENCRYPT and Bnn_TCPIP_ COMPRESS if you want to set values for all applications of one product. Use Bnn_TCPIP_ ENCRYPT_app and Bnn_TCPIP_ COMPRESS_app if you want to set values for an individual application of one product.