Prerequisites and requirements for BSA XCF communication


Please ensure that the prerequisites for BSA XCF are met under all circumstances. Failure to do so may produce unexpected results for online users, or cause requests in batch jobs to hang for no apparent reason.

BSA level and SVC level

BSA V4 or higher must be installed.

Operating system

All the LPARs (systems) involved must be logically connected via IBM XCF, i.e. they must be defined in a sysplex or parallel sysplex.

See the IBM manual Setting Up a Sysplex for the installation/activation of these connections.

Length of SSID

Subsystem IDs must always have a length of exactly four characters. SSIDs of any other length cannot be used in a BSA XCF sysplex.

Unique SSID?

There are different requirements for subsystem IDs, depending on the type of configuration. Please remember that the requirements for different Beta products may also vary.


Same SSID names

Unique SSID names

Shared DB




Not allowed


Several masters

Not allowed


* The last subsystem to be started after an IPL is always selected when shared databases with the same SSID names are used. This means that all requests go through this subsystem.

XCF optimization

To achieve optimum signaling performance, XCF group BETAGRP must be assigned to an XCF transport class and the maximum length of the data in the class must be defined. The maximum length of BSA messages is 35288 bytes. The keyword parameters can be set at the time of IPL when the CLASSDEF, MAXMSG, PATHIN, PATHOUT, LOCALMSG statements in the COUPLExx parmlib members are defined, or by dynamic allocation in the operator command SETXCF. A detailed description of the required parameters and the dynamic operator command can be found in the IBM manuals Setting up a Sysplex and Operator Commands respectively.

Note: When defining CLASSLEN, please remember that XCF adds other information to the actual BSA message, depending on your configuration. You will find detailed information on tuning the message buffer size and class length in the IBM manual Setting up a Sysplex.