Refreshing the RACF security user table


RACF user information is contained in the RACF security user table of the Beta product. Beta Query Language (BQL) keeps the RACF security user table in storage. This storage region is used to hold data temporarily. If a RACF user profile is added to the RACF security user table while the system is running, the table will need to be refreshed. There are three ways of doing this:

  • Logging off and restarting the STC
  • Using the Refresh command at the console
  • Using option 2.3 of the BSA Service Manager

Refresh command at the operator console

To refresh the RACF security user table, execute a MODIFY command for the started task (STC). The syntax of the operator console command is as follows:

F stcname,REFRESH RCF[,U=userid]


F stcname,REFR RCF[,U=userid]

Masks cannot be used in this command.


  • When a user ID is specified, the Refresh will be executed for that user. If not, the Refresh will be executed on the entire table.
  • When the command is issued, you will receive a message that the Refresh command is active. The next time a BQL command is executed, the RACF security user table will also be refreshed. The user does not have to relogon.

Changing the number of users

The default for the RACF security user table keyword is:

BQL_USER = 500

Change this value to increase or decrease the number of users allowed in the RACF security user table, and then execute the Refresh command.

Switching off the RACF security user table

If you do not need the RACF user information in storage, specify the following keyword to switch off the RACF security user table: