Pre-installation checklists


A pre-installation checklist shows which information is requested by the installation REXX.

The installation process will go smoother if this information is ready-at-hand.

BSA checklist

You can make the installation process shorter and easier by obtaining the following information beforehand.

  1. For transfer of installation files to z/OS:
    • High-level qualifiers to be used by the extract job when setting up the libraries that will be used later in the installation process
  2. If you do not use System Managed Storage (SMS), the following information is needed:
    • The type of DASD units you want to use for installation libraries.
    • The volume names on which the distribution libraries, target libraries, and SMP/E datasets are to be allocated. Different volumes can be used for the distribution libraries, target libraries and SMP/E datasets.

      - Target libraries:

      - Distribution libraries:

      - SMP/E datasets:

    • The volume name on which the Beta parameter library is to be allocated.
  3. The dataset name first level qualifier for SMP/E and SMP/E service-dependent datasets.
  4. The dataset name first level qualifier for the BSA distribution and target libraries.
  5. The dataset name for the Beta parameter library (BETA.PARMLIB). This dataset cannot be the library SYS1.PARMLIB.
  6. A user type 3 or 4 SVC number between 200 and 255 for the Beta SVC.

    For the Beta SVC to be loaded at IPL, the SVC has to be linked into the SYS1.LPALIB and specified in the active IEASVCxx member of the SYS1.PARMLIB.

    You must designate one SVC number per BSA environment (version) you will be installing.

  7. The dataset name of a system procedure library into which the Beta SMP/E installation procedure will be placed.
  8. The space requirements as specified in the Release Notes and Update Instructions.
  9. The Beta installation procedure lets you install two different load libraries: the default names are BETA.APFLOAD for all modules that need APF authorization, and BSA.LOAD for all the remaining BSA modules. Every product installation procedure installs its own library (BETAnn.LOAD) in addition.

Adabas Audit Data Retrieval checklist

The installation REXX will request the following information:

  1. The following information on Adabas Audit Data Retrieval distribution and target libraries:


    SMS or Volume/Unit

    High-level qualifier

    Distribution library



    Target library



    Note: Specify the type of DASD units (9345, 3390, 3380 or 3350) and the volume names if you do not use SMS. You can use the same or different volumes for distribution and target libraries.

    When referring to Adabas Audit Data Retrieval installation libraries and databases, the Adabas Audit Data Retrieval documentation uses generic hlq or BETA97 as high-level qualifier. Choose your own leading qualifiers in accordance with the naming conventions of your data center.

  2. The following information on the Adabas Audit Data Retrieval databases (default size in brackets):


    SMS or Volume/Unit

    Size in cylinders

    High-level qualifier for cluster





















































































    If databases cannot be placed on fail-safe storage (physical mirroring or Raid 5), you can use software mirroring. Make sure that original and mirror database are placed on different volumes.

  3. VTAM network ID

  4. A subsystem ID for the Adabas Audit Data Retrieval started task

  5. The name of the PS dataset or PO dataset member that contains your license file

  6. The name of the Adabas Audit Data Retrieval started task procedure

  7. The dataset name of a system procedure library into which the two Adabas Audit Data Retrieval started task procedures will be placed

  8. An unused port number where to listen for incoming requests from Adabas Audit Data View (AAV) and the name of the TCP/IP started task (TCP/IP stack) to be used

  9. An unused SMF user record number between 128 and 255 (128..1151 if version 1) for the writing of SMF records (The SMF record number should be used exclusively for Adabas Audit Data Retrieval SMF records.)