Parmlib member syntax


This section describes the syntax for specifying LST parameters in members of the BETA.PARMLIB.

General syntax rules

LST parameters are name/value pairs. Use an equal sign ( = ) to separate the name (keyword) and the value.


Any number of blanks can be added to the left and to the right of the equal sign.

keyword = value

You can code the name/value pair at any position between column 1 and 71 on the line. Column 72 is reserved for continuation.

Code each LST parameter on a separate line. The keyword and the value must be coded on the same line. Blank lines are ignored.


Code an asterisk ( * ) at column 1 to make the entire line a comment.

Comments can also be coded after the value on the same line. Separate the comment from the value by at least one blank. If a keyword does not require a value, no comment can be coded on this line.

In the following example, only the LST parameter of the first line is processed.

keyword = value optional comment
*keyword = value optional comment

Values with blanks or other special characters

A value must be enclosed in quotation marks or parentheses if it includes blanks. All of the following are valid:

keyword = 'value with blanks' optional comment
keyword = "value with blanks" optional comment
keyword = (value with blanks) optional comment

Enclosing the value protects it against being partly interpreted as comment.

Also use quotation marks or parentheses for values containing other special characters. For example, if the value includes single quotation marks, enclose it in double quotation marks. If the value includes double quotation marks, include it in single quotation marks.


Some values consist of several comma-separated subparameters. These values are often enclosed in parentheses or quotation marks for better readability, even if the value does not include blanks. Add a comma for required positional subparameters. All of the following are valid:

keyword = sub1,sub2,,sub4 optional comment
keyword = 'sub1,sub2,,sub4' optional comment
keyword = "sub1,sub2,,sub4" optional comment
keyword = (sub1,sub2,,sub4) optional comment


Long values can be coded on multiple lines. Use the following syntax:

  • Code any non-blank character at column 72 to indicate that the value is continued on the following line.
  • Continue coding the value at column 16 of the following line.


Bnn_TCPIP_ENCRYPT = BFS,0102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F1011121314151617*