Adabas Audit Data Retrieval (AAR) import workflow


The reader program B97RDR00 imports the generated audit log (ALOG) datasets into Adabas Audit Data Retrieval for archiving and retrieval.


The Adabas Audit Data Retrieval reader program B97RDR00 is called in a batch job. The ALOG dataset to be processed is specified as input dataset in the JCL.

The JCL of the reader program B97RDR00 is described in "Adabas Audit Data Retrieval reader program (B97RDR00)" in Adabas Audit Data Retrieval Installation and System Guide.

AAR import workflow

The following figure illustrates the AAR import workflow:

  1. The audit log (ALOG) dataset is a sequential file containing mixed data types.
  2. The reader program B97RDR00 splits ALOG data into time-sequenced files (lists) by audit ID while reading in.

    Each new generation of a list is identified by a unique timestamp.

  3. Each new list gets a two-part (audit/subscription) or three-part name (audit/subscription/userview).

    Audit, subscription, and userview name are mapped to the AAR equivalents form, extension, and report name.

    Adabas Audit Data Retrieval automatically creates indexes according to the metadata (field description) contained in the ALOG dataset.

    Other aspects of the processing of each list generation are determined by definitions at different levels (folder, list, index, etc.) in Adabas Audit Data Retrieval.

  4. During import, Adabas Audit Data Retrieval also assigns each list to one or more folders, which are used for grouping lists (by business means). Folders can be grouped into folder groups.

    Processing instructions for global indexes are defined at the folder level. Folders also determine the layout(s) used for search queries.

  5. Layouts determine which indexes are available to the user for research. Layouts can be grouped into layout groups.

Name mapping

During import, B97RDR00 maps the names contained in the metadata of the ALOG dataset to the AAR equivalents as follows:

ALOG metadata

AAR equivalents

Maximum length

Audit name

Form name

8 bytes

Subscription name

Extension name

8/16 bytes

Userview name

Report name

16 bytes

Note on subscription/extension: The maximum length of the subscription name is 8 bytes. The maximum length of the extension name is 16 bytes. The IRMIN parameter SUBSCRIPT_EXT enables you to add a max. 8‑byte string as prefix or suffix to the subscription name during import to make use of the maximum length in Adabas Audit Data Retrieval. For more information, see "Adabas Audit Data Retrieval reader program (B97RDR00)" in Adabas Audit Data Retrieval Installation and System Guide.

List definition matching

All imported list generations are processed according to the rules of a list definition. These rules control the generation of indexes, online/archive retention, etc.

B97RDR00 finds the best-matching definition for each list via the three-part name. The first match encountered in this sequence is used:

  1. form(alog) / extension(alog) / report(alog)
  2. form(alog) / extension(alog)
  3. defaultform / defaultextension / defaultreport

form(alog), extension(alog), and report(alog) refer to the audit, subscription and userview names extracted from the metadata of the ALOG dataset.

defaultform, defaultextension, and defaultreport are the default values defined via the corresponding IRMIN parameters for the reader job ( see "Adabas Audit Data Retrieval reader program (B97RDR00)" in Adabas Audit Data Retrieval Installation and System Guide).

Default list

If the reader job cannot find a matching definition for audit/subscription[/userview] (form/extension[/report]), the data is read in under the default name specified in the job parameters.

A matching list definition for defaultform / defaultextension / defaultreport must exist. The reader job ends with an error if there is no list definition that matches the default name.

The DEFAULTFORM parameter is required. The parameters DEFAULTEXTENSION and DEFAULTREPORT are optional. Blank will be used as default names for extension and report if the corresponding parameters are not specified.

All records of the ALOG dataset that are not part of a transaction identified by audit/subscription/userview are also read into Adabas Audit Data Retrieval under the name of the default list.