Archive Subpool Definition panel (tape)

Archive Subpool Definition panel (tape)

Archive Subpool Definition panel (tape)

PE97AS11 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
 Command ===> _________________________________________________________________

 Insert Archive Subpool Definition

 Archive Pool Name : QI#D004 Archive Product : B97
 Archive Media Name : TAPE Archive Pool Owner : CUST001

 Subpool is active ===> YES (Y)es,(N)o
 Order for Reload ===> 1. (1-99)
 Archive Retention Period ===> 3660. (1-36500) Days
 Compress Index ===> YES (Y)es,(N)o
 Prefix for Dataset Name ===> BETA97.ARCHT4...................

 Unit ===> CASS....

 New tape each archive run ===> NO_ (Y)es,(N)o

 Compression ===> IGNORE (Y)es,(N)o,(I)gnore

 Press the ENTER key to insert the definition.
 Press the END key to return to the previous panel.

Fields (tape)



Subpool is active

Controls whether this archive subpool is used during the archive run (Yes) or not (No)

Order for Reload

Numeric value determining the order in which the archive subpools assigned to this archive pool will be accessed when data is reloaded from the archive

Legal values are 1 (highest) through 99 (lowest).

The default reload order defined in the subpool definitions can be overridden in the archive pool definition. For more information, see "Example: Overriding default order for reload".

Archive Retention Period

Archive retention period in days (max. 36500)

Compress Index

Yes to archive indexes in compressed format (reduces archive space and number of IOs, but increases CPU consumption)

Prefix for DSname

Prefix for archive datasets (max. 32 characters)

Important: In order to make archive dataset names unique, the prefix has been defined as a key in the Adabas Audit Data Retrieval database. If you try to enter a prefix that is already in use in another subpool definition (same or different archive pool), this value will be rejected.

For more information on archive dataset names, see "Archive dataset names".


Tape unit (esoteric, generic, or device name)

New tape each archive run


to request a new tape for each archive run


to continue using a tape during subsequent archive runs until it is full



to use IDRC compression


to write without compression


to use the default settings of the tape unit